Every Friday, DomainSherpa.com provides you with a hand-selected, editorially-based review of the weekly news. In this summary, you will find the latest articles and videos produced by DomainSherpa staff and contributors. You will also find links to the best news articles in the domain name industry – so you don’t have to spend your time searching for news or reading something that was not worth your time.
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This Week’s News in Review
Lawsuits Against ICANN and New TLDs Start to Roll In – 18-Oct-12
As plans for a 2013 rollout of new top level domains marches forward, two companies have sued ICANN to stop it from issuing certain top level domain names.
DOMAINfest Rebrands as Webfest Global – 18-Oct-12
It was only a matter of time. Oversee.net’s DOMAINfest has new name beginning with next year’s show: Webfest Global.
Bindersfullofwomen.com Snapped Up in 90 Seconds – 17-Oct-12
To cash in on a pithy election sound bite, you have to move fast. The domain name bindersfullofwomen.com was snapped up less than two minutes after the instantly viral phrase left Mitt Romney’s mouth on Tuesday night.
WalMart Loses Website Battle Against United Food & Commercial Workers International Union – 17-Oct-12
Wal-Mart has failed to take down a United Food & Commercial Workers International Union (UFCW) web site critical of Walmart.
MyIcann.org Launches in Beta – 16-Oct-12
A good-looking site with everything ICANN. Explore the latest news from across the ICANN community. Create a free account and receive email updates directly to your Inbox.
Circa Domain Hack Could Cause Problems – 16-Oct-12
Startup Circa made a big splash today with the release of its news app for the iPhone. The hoopla has a lot to do with the company’s notable co-founders including Cheezburger Network CEO Ben Huh. While Circa has a lot going for it, what it doesn’t have is the domain name Circa.com. It settled for the Canadian domain hack Cir.ca.
Domain Registration Risk Service Now Available – 15-Oct-12
The Domain Registration Risk Calculator is a tool for domain registrars to analyse the likelihood that new domains will be used for fraudulent activities. The service identifies domains which are deceptively similar to legitimate websites run by banks and other institutions commonly targeted by phishing attacks.
The Brooklyn Nets Are Not Found At Nets.com, But They Should Be! – 15-Oct-12
The 2012-13 National Basketball Association (NBA) season will tip-off on October 30, 2012, and a main topic of discussion leading up to the beginning of play has been the arrival of a team in Brooklyn – the Brooklyn Nets. …But while the team has a gorgeous new home and fanfare galore, it does not own the website Nets.com, which is shocking in today’s day-and-age.
Tourism Ireland Buys Ireland.com Domain Name for €490,000 – 15-Oct-12
Tourism Ireland announced today that it has bought the domain name ‘Ireland.com’ from The Irish Times for €490,000. The all-island tourism marketing body said the new domain name will deliver greater stand-out for the destination around the world and bring significant long-term benefits for tourism in Ireland.
Say What?? It’s Not Reverse Domain Hijacking if You Admit it Upfront? – 12-Oct-12
Some UDRP cases should be clear cut cases of reverse domain name hijacking. Consider the decision just handed down over GoodUniverse.com. The complainant was just formed. It recently applied for a trademark on “Good Universe” on an intent-to-use basis, meaning it hasn’t even used its mark in commerce yet.
ICANN to Replace Digital Archery Program with gTLD Domain Raffle – 12-Oct-12
The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers has proposed holding an old-fashioned raffle to determine which applications for new top-level domains should be handled first. To make the lottery legal, the organization hopes to use a loophole in Californian law.
OilChange.com Hits the Auction Block at Flippa – 12-Oct-12
With an estimated value of $240,000 (according to Estibot) and a registration date of 1996, it will be interesting to see what this two-word premium domain name will fetch. Curretnly,the reserve price has not been met, but there are still 5 days to bid. Five bidders have moved the price to $3,050.
Move, Inc. Acquires Relocation.com for $11.5 Million – 11-Oct-12
Realtor.com operator Move Inc. has purchased Relocation.com, a consumer-facing website that links homebuyers and renters with movers and storage facilities, for $11.5 million in cash, and will merge the company into its existing lead generation business for moving professionals, Moving.com.
Go Daddy to Auction 42 Single & Two-Character .ORG Domain Names – 11-Oct-12
For the first time in the Internet’s history, the domain name A.ORG and other single-character .ORG names are available to the public. Go Daddy and Public Interest Registry (PIR) are teaming up to auction 42 valuable single- and two-character domain names like I.ORG, S.ORG and TS.ORG on GoDaddy.com. Short and memorable, these domain names are expected to demand high interest in the aftermarket.
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