DomainSherpa Review – Feb 20:,,…

DomainSherpa Review with Michael Cyger, Andrew Rosener, Michael Krell and Shane CultraThis is the show where we get into the minds of successful domain name investors – people we call Sherpas – and talk about the value of specific domain names. By listening to the Sherpas, we expand our thought process so we can become more successful investors ourselves.

In this DomainSherpa Review:

  • We learn what the Sherpas bought or sold recently:,,
  • An investor’s portfolio is appraised:,,…
  • Get your bids in soon for,,…
  • Plus, much more!

We’re joined by three Domain Sherpas: Andrew Rosener, Michael Krell and Shane Cultra.

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This Show’s Sherpas

Andrew Rosener
Andrew Rosener
Andrew Rosener is the CEO of the industry-leading domain name broker Media Options.

Andrew is widely considered a thought leader and expert on domain name value & methodology as well as domain name sales & acquisitions. With 20 years experience with domain names, Andrew has leveraged his knowledge and expertise to make MediaOptions the go-to domain name firm for startup & company domain acquisitions as well as high value domain name sales.

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Michael Krell
Michael Krell
Michael Krell is the owner of the web and app design and development firm

Krell is also an avid domain name investor specializing in brandable domain names. His portfolio can be viewed at, as well as, where he is currently managing director.

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Shane Cultra
Shane Cultra
Shane Cultra is a domain name investor and owner of the popular domain name blog,

Cultra is also a fifth generation owner of Country Arbors Nursery based in Urbana, Illinois, and has been a member of the PBS television show Mid American Gardener for more than 10 years, in addition to being a part of various gardening segments on CBS and ABC.

Shane also recently launched two new businesses, and, leveraging his online expertise with his love of nature and business acumen to create two exciting new ventures that are sure to be successful.

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Michael Cyger: On today’s Review, Drew Rosener, Michael Krell and Shane Cultra talk about happiness, garden gifts and streaming. Stay tuned!

Michael Cyger: Hey Sherpa Network, thank you so much for joining me today. I’m Michael Cyger, publisher of, and this is the DomainSherpa Review. This is the show where we get into the minds of successful domain name investors using real examples so we can learn strategies and tactics to become better investors. We have three segments to the review. We’ll start off learning what the Sherpas recently bought and sold. Next we’ll discuss and value an investor submitted domain name portfolio. And finally, we’ll preview some domains going to auction soon at, and whether the Sherpas think they’re a good investment opportunity for you.

Joining us today on the DomainSherpa Review are three past Sherpas and industry thought leaders. In order from left to right, we have Andrew Rosener, CEO of the domain name brokerage firm, Michael Krell, managing director of the brandable domain name marketplace, And Shane Cultra, publisher of the blog, and owner of the Country Harbors Nursey in Illinois. Sherpas, welcome to today’s show.

Shane: Thanks, Michael.

Michael Krell: Hello, hello.

Michael Cyger: All right. I got a little bit of a feedback from one of you guys. Nope, it’s gone. All right, way to go, guys. All right, today’s show is sponsored by six awesome domain name industry sponsors I’m gonna tell you about later on in the show, but they include Esitbot,, David Weslow Legal Services, DomainIQ, DNAcademy. They help us do what we’re doing here today. So if you get a chance, click through on the link below.

Before I tell you about them, we’re gonna jump into the segment of the show called What’s New Sherpas, where the Sherpas share one purchase or sale that they’ve made over the past few weeks, and we get to learn what they paid or received for the domain, why they thought it was a good deal, and how that negotiation progress, how it started and how it finished. I’m gonna lead you through the questions, but the other Sherpas will get to comment during the process as well. This segment, we’re gonna in order, Drew, then Michael, then Shane. Drew, let’s start with you. What’s one domain name that you’ve personally bought or sold in the past couple of weeks? Tell us the domain name and not the price yet.

Andrew: Okay, I’m gonna switch it up and I’m gonna talk about a sale.

Michael Cyger: Great, yeah, because we’re tired of those $5,000 purchases that are worth $500,000.


Michael Cyger:, wow. Yeah, and today’s Valentine’s Day. Happy Valentine’s Day, boys.

Andrew: Yeah, thank you. [inaudible 00:02:28] Valentine’s Day, I do not celebrate. I…

Shane: We don’t either. We don’t celebrate…holidays.

Michael Krell: We don’t either.

Michael Cyger: You guys are downers, man. Don’t you remember going to like elementary school and everybody had one of those little cards for you, and you’d pass them out and get them?

Andrew: …elementary school. In elementary school, it was awesome. You know, it actually meant something. Wrote little notes to the girl that you had a crush on, you exchange candy…

Michael Cyger: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Andrew: …no like go out and buy a ring, and a necklace, and a chocolates…

Michael Cyger: A necklace, jeez Louise, dude. What are you doing in Panama?

Andrew: [inaudible 00:03:01] you know, $100. Like it’s just such a crock of —-. I just wholeheartedly protest.

Michael Cyger: All right, but it does make me happy, and the domain is Drew sold it. Michael, let’s go to you. What do you think Drew sold for?

Michael Krell: Well, pulling out the big guns here. I will say it’s six figures. Let’s go with $250,000.

Michael Cyger: Two-fifty, $250,000. Shane, let’s go to you. What do you think Drew sold for?

Shane: Well I know he’s pretty proud of the name because a couple shows ago he was really on it. So we gotta find out how proud he was about the domain…

Michael Cyger: Right, versus like you know, he needs some cash and…

Shane: Yeah, but the fact that he’s saying it on the show says a little bit too so there’s no NDA. So there’s a lot of stuff going on in there.

Michael Cyger: I know, you gotta think through it all.

Shane: Yeah, there’s a lot going on.

Andrew: I guess I’ve been doing my job if I’m leaving you guys guessing like that.

Shane: Yeah, no I mean that’s a big…I mean, you said it before, there’s nothing better than happiness. So now we gotta figure out, I think Michael’s probably in the right area. I’m gonna say, I’ll say $325,000.

Michael Cyger: Three twenty-five. So you guys are pretty close there, $250,000, $325,000. So Michael made an interesting comment, order of magnitude. It’s not a $50,000, $80,000 domain name. It’s in the six figures, you thought it was in the six figures. Why didn’t you guys think it was like a million dollar domain name?

Shane: I think happy is a million dollar name, so I think adding a little bit to it probably takes it down a little, because I mean we know the word, that happy is a million dollar name, happiness is a $500,000 name.

Michael Cyger: You agree with that, Michael?

Michael Krell: Yeah, yeah, that’s my same line of thought.

Michael Cyger: All right, Drew. Let’s go back to you. What did you sell for?

Andrew: Well, I broke the Golden Rule, and I traded happiness for money.

Michael Cyger: You can’t buy happiness, buddy. You can, you can buy love. Anyways.

Andrew: These guys are spot on. So we sold it for 250 grand.

Michael Cyger: Two hundred and fifty, nice job, gentlemen. Nailed the order of magnitude valuation, nailed the price.

Andrew: Actually, the whole thing was pretty spot on. I actually, in my head, it was a $500,000 name. I, you know, was really looking for around 350 minimum, but the guy came in at 250, that was it, you know? He moved up, he moved up, he moved up, and then he was stuck at 250 back and forth a couple times. The guy hung in there though, like he was really serious about it. But he really was, you know, he was adamant that 250 was really the end of the line. And I mean, we only bought it a few months ago so I said, all right, let’s close, you know?

Michael Cyger: I’m sorry, did you say he came in at 50?

Andrew: I think he came in, that’s not what I said, but I think that’s actually true, yes. I think he…

Michael Cyger: Okay, because I thought you said he came in at 250, but then you closed it at 250.

Andrew: Sorry, yeah, I worded it wrong. He came back at 250. He started I think at 50 or 40, or something like that. So you know, a serious offer.

Michael Cyger: Yeah, that’s a serious offer to start.

Andrew: Yeah.

Michael Cyger: Nice, and so over what period of time did you negotiate? Was it like a week, two weeks, two months?

Andrew: Three weeks.

Michael Cyger: Three weeks.

Andrew: Three to four weeks, yeah.

Michael Cyger: All right, so when you respond back, like yeah, that’s not gonna do it, do you have to wait like a few days for him to respond back? And are you…

Andrew: No, I mean, he was very responsive, but it was always, you know, a day or two in between and, you know, actually I think he was waiting on me more than I was waiting on him.

Michael Cyger: Gotcha, all right. Well it’s a great sale and a quick sale. Gotta love those quick ones.

Andrew: Yeah, yeah. I think we paid 35 or 30, so you know, it’s almost a 10 bagger in like three months, four months.

Michael Cyger: Yeah, that’s a good sale. Congratulations, Drew.

Andrew: Thank you.

Michael Cyger: And did you close that with or a different escrow service?


Michael Cyger: All right. Thanks Drew. Michael, let’s go to you. What’s one domain name you’ve bought or sold in the past few weeks? Tell us the domain name and not the price yet.

Michael Krell: All right, this will also be a sale. And it is

Michael Cyger: Ultracast? C-A-S-T?

Michael Krell: Yes.

Michael Cyger: Okay, Brandable. Let’s go to Shane first. Shane, Michael sold What do you think he sold it for? First of all, what do you think is?

Shane: I don’t know, I like Cultracast a lot better. It’s a much better name, so it’s a typo.

Michael Krell: I need to register that.

Shane: Yeah. You know, it’s a brandable, so that’s what brandables are all about. It doesn’t, you know, obviously it’s gonna be broadcasting online most likely, so I imagine it’s gonna be some kind of video network perhaps. But I know BrandBucket, and I know what they sell for, and I know what he will…I know the range, so it’s $2,800 to $78,000 99% of the time. So I can get it down to that. And being cast, I’ll say $5,800.

Michael Cyger: Fifty-eight hundred. All right. Drew, let’s go over to you. What do you think, do you agree with Shane that ultracast is some sort of broadcasting brandable domain name?

Andrew: Yeah, it’s gonna be some, you know, pop network, you know, one of these new —- live streaming, you know, whatever. Yeah…

Michael Cyger: All right, what do you think it sold for?

Andrew: I’m gonna go very close, I’m gonna say $3,800.

Michael Cyger: Thirty-eight hundred. All right, Michael, let’s go to you. Did this name sell on BrandBucket or was this through your own personal…

Michael Krell: It did sell on BrandBucket.

Michael Cyger: Okay, and what was the sale price?

Michael Krell: It was $14,995. Fifteen, $15,000.

Michael Cyger: Nice, $15,000.

Michael Krell: I gotta be able to trick you here.

Michael Cyger: Seriously, what was that priced at? Was it priced at $14,995?

Michael Krell: It sold for what it was listed for, yep. There wasn’t much, there wasn’t any negotiation.

Michael Cyger: So you know, $5,800 to $14,995. That’s almost 100%, or it’s more than 100%. It’s almost %200. Why…

Andrew: Almost 300.

Michael Cyger: Why was there difference in value? What did you say, Drew?

Andrew: Almost 300%.

Michael Cyger: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Why was there a difference in value between what Shane and Drew thought and what you sold it at, what you listed at and what you sold it at?

Michael Krell: Yeah, I mean, I don’t know if I can explain it very well. I think it’s just one of those kind of gut feeling, you know, with the name. Like you think of Chromecast and, you know, those type of uses, and streaming is still, anything with streaming is still selling at a pretty good rate. And yeah, it was just one of those names, I think, phonetically it just flows really well and it doesn’t get any better than ultra. And I was willing to, you had to sit on it a little bit. It was a couple years old. I’ve had it for a couple years.

Michael Cyger: What’d you register it for?

Michael Krell: I think I got…it cost me maybe like a thousand or something.

Michael Cyger: So it was a pretty good, yeah, that’s…

Michael Krell: It was like 900. No, I mean, especially like a couple years ago for myself that I don’t, yeah, so…

Michael Cyger: So had you received any inquiries on it until the time it was sold?

Michael Krell: Yeah, I think there had been, there may have been a couple, but you know, not a lot.

Michael Cyger: Yeah, wow. So that feel pretty good to get that kind of sale.

Michael Krell: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, no, I’m not complaining.

Michael Cyger: Awesome. And did they negotiate when they came into BrandBucket or did they just hit the buy it now price?

Michael Krell: They paid for it, then just sent the wire over, yep.

Michael Cyger: Wow, that’s awesome. Congratulations, Michael. Great sale. Shane, let’s go to you. Tell us one domain name that you’ve bought or sold in the past few weeks that…tell us the domain to start with and not the price yet.

Shane: I actually been buying quite a bit lately, but one I bought is really relative to my nursery. I bought

Michael Cyger: Gardengifts, plural, .com. All right, Drew, let’s go to you. What do you think Shane bought for?

Andrew: I’m gonna say $300.

Michael Cyger: Michael, what do you think Shane bought for?

Michael Krell: I’m gonna say $2,500.

Michael Cyger: All right, so you guys are off by an order of magnitude here. Drew’s saying $300, you’re saying about $3,000. There’s a big discrepancy there. Before I ask Shane, why is there such a discrepancy between the pricing there?

Andrew: You know, it’s one of these names. I mean, I guess if I looked at some stats to see if there actually was search volume, I may adjust my offer. I’m kind of going on the assumption that it’s just a sort of brandable keyword mix. I don’t, I’m assuming there isn’t gonna be like more than 1,000 exact match searches for gardengifts. I could be totally wrong though.

Michael Cyger: And based on that, you think it’s a few hundred dollars domain name.

Andrew: So based on that, I’m saying, you know, it’s probably a couple thousand dollar value, and Shane picked it up for, you know, a wholesale price of $300 or $400.

Michael Cyger: Totally, but Michael, this kind of domain name wouldn’t be one that you would take on to BrandBucket. It doesn’t fit your typical, you know, name design. But it’s priced like a BrandBucket domain name. Why did you think it was worth $2,500?

Michael Krell: The wholesale, I would say I don’t know. Maybe it’s because of all the garden and seed catalogs that have come into my mailbox in the last like three weeks. So yeah, yeah, so maybe I’m a little influenced by that.

Michael Cyger: Gotcha. All right, Shane, let’s go to you. What did you pay for

Shane: I paid $535 for it.

Michael Cyger: Five thirty-five. So right…

Shane: But I will say it’s being into gardening, it is huge. Garden gifts is a billion dollar industry. It is, that’s what people are looking for, like if you type it into Google, you’ll see there’s lots of ads for it. There’s, you know, people just don’t realize how big the gardening industry is. The seeds, and the plants, it’s just absolutely amazing.

Andrew: I’d say most people have a pretty good idea that gardening is a big deal. I mean…

Shane: Yeah, and I don’t think they realize how it range, I mean, it’s more than…Like they think everybody has their own thing, so vegetables is to one guy and flowers to another guy, and a tree is… And then these gardening gifts, these little trinkets, like during Mother’s Day, I could set out a shoe with a flower sitting in it, and they’ll buy my…I literally sell old boots with flowers in them. So…

Michael Cyger: Well, and it’s the kind of thing where if somebody in your family is into gardening, like that’s all you buy them, right? You buy them, you know, tools or you buy them, you know, a little kneeling pad or whatever. You’re just looking for a gift that they’re gonna enjoy and use.

Shane: It’s kind of like the day before Christmas. But the Estibot, I just looked it up after I bought it…

Michael Cyger: Dude, I just looked it up too. That’s crazy.

Shane: It’s like what, I don’t know, $23,000 or something?

Michael Cyger: Twenty-three thousand dollars is the Estibot value. So that’s…

Shane: Because we get so many searches for it. And I tried to buy it on Flippa. I miss it. It went for like 300 and something on Flippa, and fortunately someone put it in the names kind of auction, but nobody really paid attention to it. So I had to probably bid it up from $350 to $500. So the guy that bought it on Flippa didn’t make a ton of money on it, but I’ve already started working on it, you know? I sell a lot of garden gifts. I’m gonna fill in the holes of my Amazon Affiliate Program. So between what I have in Amazon, I’ll get my $500 back in a couple months easy.

Michael Cyger: Totally yeah. So yeah, this is like…Drew to your point, like well you gotta look at the search volume because if it’s got massive search volume, it’s gonna be worth more. The exact match search volume’s only 3,625.

Andrew: But that still makes it, you know…the factor, the value factor from the search volume adjusts when you get up over 10,000 a month.

Michael Cyger: Right.

Andrew: You get a much higher factor. But you know, that’s still makes it, you know, easily an 8 to 10 grand retail name, easy.

Michael Cyger: Yeah, so it’s interesting. There are a lot of advertisements on Google for garden gifts, but it shows the…Say it again, Drew.

Andrew: What’s the CPC?

Michael Cyger: It says it’s only a dollar on Estibot, which you know, I guess it’s better than the 15 cents where it doesn’t actually show any ads on Google. So yeah, sometimes you gotta look at that and actually verify that the data’s true.

Shane: But it’s a great name for me. The other thing that, you know, another part of our industry is to build it out, get some traffic, any kind of revenue, and flip the whole website too, so that’s in my wheelhouse. Everybody’s got a wheelhouse. That’s mine.

Michael Cyger: Yeah, and if you flipped it, would you put it back on Flippa and try and sell it?

Shane: Yeah that’s really, you know, I used to use SitePoint, and now SitePoint is Flippa, so that’s really where you’re at right now, yeah.

Michael Cyger: Yeah, so it sold for $330 on Flippa. Then it sold through the NameJet auction for $535. Let’s see what you do with it, Shane.

Shane: Yep, one more time [inaudible 00:17:03]

Michael Cyger: Awesome, well congratulations on that buy and those sales guys. Great sales, man. All right, I wanna tell you about three of our sponsors for today’s show.

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Michael Cyger: In the Domain Portfolio Review, we take users submitted domain name portfolios and provide honest and constructive feedback to the owners so they can either cut their losses, continue to hold them long term, or figure out a sales strategy going forward. Today’s portfolio was submitted by Hwee Wong. As part of Hwee’s submission, she made a generous donation, I believe it’s she. I apologize if it’s a he. I think it’s a she. She made a generous donation to the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center to help us all find a cure for cancer. Hwee’s list of 25 domain names starts with, and it ends with If you’re watching this show, this is the point where you should press pause on the video, review the domain names yourself, price the domain names, see what you think is valuable and what you think maybe should be dropped, and then come back and hit play, and listen to what the Sherpas say. And think about like what do you agree with and what do you think are the discrepancies. That’s the way you can, you know, improve your skills as a domain name investor.

This segment, we’re gonna go, we’ll start with Michael and then go Shane, and then Drew. Michael, let’s start with you. What do you think about Hwee’s list, which is a brandable domain name list. And given your experience running BrandBucket, you know, are they good brandable domain names?

Michael Krell: I would say overall they fall a little short. There are a couple, a few that I think are, you know, fairly strong. But overall, I think you can look at those and then improve the portfolio overall.

Michael Cyger: Okay, so let’s start with those. What do you think are the strong ones?

Michael Krell: Sure, the first one is focra, That easily pronounceable, you know, five letter. It reminds me of focal. It’s the same sort of, you know, phonetics. I think that, you know, focal has very good positive connotations. You know, something like that, you know, we’d list for, you know, five to seven K or so on BrandBucket. The other one is right below it, geniss, G-E-N-I-S-S. It’s be a lot better if there’s just one S on it. But even so, I say that’s like, you know, like you think of Genesis when you look at that, genus. I think that’s, you know, a couple thousand.

And then the last one is pedway, and I did some, I looked at that up, and when you look up pedway, it’s I guess Chicago calls their kind of pedestrian walking district or something like the Chicago Pedway. And you know, I was thinking, you know, it could also be like a bicycle app. Like you know, tracking how far you’re pedaling and the like. You know, since I’m sure other cities probably use pedway to describe, you know, like the kind of the walk district too. It’s just that, you know, I don’t know if the state of Illinois or the Chicago city budget has much in their…has like a line item for like, you know, valuable domain names to purchase right now. So…

Shane: We got no line item for anything.

Michael Krell: So you know, maybe you wait and hope for a big bite on that, but I would say it’s, you know, in that, like you know, maybe 5K range is you don’t wanna wait for one of those to come along.

Michael Cyger: Yeah, okay. And then, yeah, I’ll come back to you on what you think falls short and why, Michael. So we’ll just start with those three. Thank you for that. Shane, let’s go to you. What do you like on Hwee’s list and why?

Shane: Okay, I picked out probably similar, the focra, a big five letter vowels pronounceables. Those make good brands. They’re nice and short so I thought focra was good. Pedway as well because of the bicycle. I thought the other one that was, I thought sciencia was pretty good because I see the world science in there and I like those vowel endings and the IAs. And then I thought humiva, I know it’s a hard to pronounce humiva, but it sounded like a medicine that I see on TV all the time.

Michael Krell: Like Humira, yeah.

Shane: Yeah, humiva, you know, if you feel signs to chronic, don’t take it. And there were a lot of…and I thought chainlet was pretty good. I think block chain is a hot topic right now and chainlet maybe is in that…you know, the word chain and things right now is probably pretty good. But these names to me are names that I wanna buy for under $100. And I think you could on a lot of cases, you know, maybe $150, $200. But you don’t wanna pay a lot for these because you are waiting for that person to buy these. So those are the names that I would buy and hold and wait of all of those. And I won’t get too far, but like blemishless right off the top. You know, I get all these lists of just people making up stuff, and to me, there’s a lot of made up stuff after that. And they’re probably all made up, but…

Michael Cyger: Well they’re all made up right? But…

Shane: Yeah, they all make…those make sense to me, those ones we…

Michael Cyger: Yeah, awesome. Thanks Shane. Drew, let’s go to you. What did you like on Hwee’s list and why?

Andrew: Yeah, so the only one I really like on the list is pedway. I like that name a lot for all the same reasons that they said among others, you know?

Michael Cyger: Hey Drew, I know you like your short ones. Why didn’t you like

Andrew: P-I-Q, because it’s a .me. I mean, I like .me, but I like .me for things that match me. Like you know, like…

Michael Cyger: or…

Andrew: Or But yeah, not so much for I don’t know what that…it’d be a clever way of saying pick me, but it’s like if you’re gonna go with P-I-Q, then you know, I don’t know. P-I-Q or it should be or yeah, you know. Don’t get clever and put in an alternative extension.

Michael Cyger: Yeah, there’s too many things that are clever there.

Andrew: Yeah.

Michael Cyger: All right, so what don’t…what would you do with the rest of this list if you owned it, Drew? Would you drop them, would you hold them if they were like reg fee?

Andrew: Again, you know, every situation is subjective, you know? It depends on the financial situation, it depends on what the objectives are, it depends on how quickly they need a return. A lot of names on here, I would just let expire. But I think there are a few that I would probably hang on to just on the off chance that somebody wants to step up someday.

Michael Cyger: Like what?

Andrew: I mean, so I mean it’s not great, but we own, and it’s one of our most popular names.

Michael Cyger: Yeah, but flawless is a real word and blemishless…

Andrew: Well, one of these tighter kickers that think they’re clever and think that’s should be, you know, $2,000. Maybe they’ll spend their, you know, $1,000, $2,000 to buy because they sure as hell ain’t gonna get flawless.

Michael Cyger: All right, so you’d keep it.

Andrew: Yeah, I don’t like it but, you know, I’d probably if I owned it already and it cost me $9 to keep it, you know.

Michael Cyger: Okay.

Andrew: …to go is a, you know, that one is a short list. Dishtogo is okay, you know? Not great, but it’s okay. That could be used. You know, the folcra is okay. I don’t like the geniss because of the double S. Handlecarefully, you know, that’s fine, you know, that’s okay. Could be a, you know, local delicate package handling service or, you know, pack moving service. You know, I don’t know. Like there’s a bunch on there that are okay, but there’s also some that are just…like the Like sell that or just like let it go., let that go., bye-bye.

Michael Cyger: All right, so hold on a second. VV is Latin for eight, eight. Not 88, but 8, 8. A Chinese market brand can be pronounced VV. What do you think about that one now that I’ve read you the description?

Andrew: Let it expire.

Shane: If you had to tell us that, then it’s…

Michael Cyger: Well, let me, come on, like five ago, I would have had to explain like why eight eights are good to most people.

Shane: No, true, but yeah, I mean, if you said like it was registered in 84 maybe.

Andrew: [inaudible 00:26:32] exactly. There’s only one way to make that thing aware. That was like, it was registered prior to 1987.

Michael Cyger: I know you like your old ones, Drew. Michael, VV, VVIII, VIII? Does that have any place on BrandBucket?

Michael Krell: It does not.

Michael Cyger: Okay.

Michael Krell: I know that was a thing, like the yeah, the repeating like…I guess that’s eight characters, yeah. I don’t know, I don’t know, yeah. Yeah, yeah, then I don’t know. I thought it was, yeah, VII, VII, and I was gonna say no to that, so…

Michael Cyger: All right, all right. Drew, Do you not wanna make an offer on that right now? You know there’s a strain called Rainbow. I’m making that up now.

Andrew: I think you’re making that up, and weed is kind of like the red-headed stepchild of like cannabis terminology. It’s like, everybody kind of shies away from weed because it’s super slang. And everybody’s trying to be like, you know, mainstream now. So while certainly would be happy to own, rainbowweed is not doing it for me.

Michael Cyger: All right, so you would let that drop? You’d hold onto it if you owned it.

Andrew: I mean, I would hold onto it, but honestly, it’s a very low chance that that name’s gonna sell.

Michael Cyger: Yeah, all right. Michael, one other domain name you’d let drop if you owned this list.

Andrew: is something I would let go of.

Michael Cyger: So there’s an example of a domain name that I think a lot of newer investors might look at and say, “Hey, roulette’s all about numbers. You gotta pick the right numbers. There’s gotta some sort of system to roulette. Maybe roulettenumbers would be a good investment opportunity.” But you’re saying no, Michael.

Michael Krell: I mean, I guess I didn’t think of it as…

Michael Cyger: Brandable guy. This is like a keywords. Let me hop over to Shane. Shane,

Shane: Yeah, no, it just doesn’t…you know, you’re building a business or site, it’s not where you wanna be. Yeah, I understand the roulettenumbers, yeah. You have to look at the alternatives to discuss your roulette strategy, and you can find a lot of roulette…Roulette itself isn’t the great one to spell, add numbers to it. So yeah…

Michael Krell: You sell replacement numbers for roulette. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Shane: Very neat, yeah, no, I completely agree, you know? You look at this list and this is a scary list because this is the problem that a lot of new investors get into. This list is a perfect example of what’s scary. And you know, when we talked about…I get criticized for saying it’s a numbers game, and these kind of things are a numbers game. You buy 100 hoping to sell 4, hoping to sell the 4 to pay for all of them. But doing the numbers game successfully means getting rid of names like roulettenumbers and, you know, all three of us could go and pick out the ones we don’t wanna hold onto, and increase our odds substantially by holding on the other ones just by through intelligent and knowing numbers, and you know, cyber…oh, it’s not even cyber. It’s cybinsure. I mean, that’s not gonna work. But then again, then Michael comes in and says ultracast sells for $15,000 and we’re all back in.

Michael Cyger: Jeez Louise. Michael, cybinsure. Is that a keeper or a dropper?

Michael Krell: I would drop that as well. It’s too difficult to pronounce. And yeah, I mean, the only upside to this is hopefully that all these, you know, didn’t pay more than, you know, $50 for any one of these. And yeah, it makes letting them go a lot easier.

Michael Cyger: All right, Michael, one more.

Michael Krell: Yeah, Chainlet’s nice, yeah. I think that’s, yeah, that’s nice.

Michael Cyger: It could be a piece of jewelry maybe someday. It definitely could be part of the block chain if they decide to like, I don’t know, systematize it. All right, all right, Shane did you give me on to drop? You said you didn’t like.

Shane: Yeah, cybinsure.

Michael Cyger: Cybinsure, yeah, we don’t like that one. All right.

Shane: I don’t like it, yeah. You know, I’m strong and I don’t like the word cyber. I just never have. It’s close to Cyger. I like Cyger but cyber…

Michael Cyger: Cyber, I don’t know [inaudible 00:31:05]

Andrew: Cybersecurity is without question the highest segment right now…

Shane: Oh yeah, no, and he just laughed at it. When he bought cybersecurity, they just…I said, “Man, if people use cyber?” and he just said, “Are you crazy?” And then some…one time somebody called me because Adam wouldn’t take a $300,000 offer like Shane, tell Adam I wanna give him $300,000 for the name and Adam told me to oh, F that. And I’m thinking oh God. Maybe cyber’s a little better than I…

Andrew: Yeah.

Michael Cyger: Yeah, Mike Carson’s got on Flippa for sale right now. By the time this airs it may be sold because it’s such a hot domain. Tech with the .io and then just the keyword security for online. Like yeah, it is probably gonna sell by then.

Shane: Yep.

Michael Cyger: All right, Hwee. We hope this review has been helpful to you and your activities going forward. Before we jump into the domains going to auction soon, I wanna tell you about our three other sponsors.

Quick break from three sponsors of today’s show:

First, if you’re buying a domain name from a private party and want to know what else they own, is the tool you should be using. View their entire portfolio, filter by Estibot value and be a better investor. $49.95 for 250 queries per month. Visit to learn more.

Second, Efty was built by domain investors to increase your inquiries, sales and profit. Forget spreadsheets and archived emails — manage your entire investment portfolio in one place using a secure and completely confidential platform. Learn more at, that’s e – f – t – y,

Finally, if you’re struggling with how to buy, sell, and value domain names, you need to check-out Published by me, Michael Cyger of DomainSherpa, and trusted by Uniregistry to train their new employees, you too can learn using the DNAcademy accelerated learning system for domain name investing. Learn more at

Michael Cyger: All right, we’re gonna move onto the marketplace list, and this segment is sponsored by NameJet. We’ll be reviewing 12 no reserve domain names heading to auction soon. If you like one of the domains listed below, click through soon because once they go to auction, you lose your chance to put in a minimum bid and be a part of the auction, or even just watch the results. Of course, you can go over to DSAD because they tend to like track all of those results as well. The links below, go directly to NameJet. They’re not commissionable links. They just wanna see how much traffic we’re sending them.

The list starts with I’m not even sure how to pronounce it. Apt maybe? Aped? I don’t know. And it ends with Let’s see here. For transparency, I always ask the Sherpas if any of the domain on the list are owned by them, brokered by them, being sold by them. I don’t think that’s the case. You guys?

Andrew: Nope.

Michael Cyger: Nope, all right. Great. Again, if you’re watching this show, press pause on the video, go down, look at the domains, make your estimations about which ones you think are investable, and what you think the prices should be for that investment, both buying it wholesale value, and then selling it retail value, and then come back. If you’re listening on a commute, like you’re out of luck. Do not look at your phone and look at the domain names. All right, this segment, we’re gonna go…

Shane: Me.

Michael Cyger: Shane, yeah. Shane, then Drew, then Michael. Shane from an investment perspective, what do you like on the NameJet list and why?

Shane: I don’t think anything here is gonna make you a millionaire, but there are some names on that I wouldn’t mind owning. And you know, the order I list them doesn’t have anything to do with their actual value. But I do like whippee. I mean, it’s a name that if I asked you spell, you’re gonna spell it just like it is. It’s spelled properly. It’s a nice little brandable. My feeling is on like a name, get a name like that will go for probably $800 to $1,000. And you put it out there and that’s an easy $2,500. But you know, $5,000, $8,000 name because it’s relatively short and it’s a good brand. It’s kind of cute and fun, and people do like those names.

Techable is a good word. The tech names aren’t quite what they were in 2007, 2008. You could take a name like techable, throw up a website, and sell it to somebody very quickly 8, 9 years ago. But it’s still a nice name. Tech anything is fantastic. Coolisland, you know, again I think that’s a pretty nice name. You know, it’s not gonna make you rich, but it’s a name that they can spell. It’s fun. It’s a good travel name. It’s an island can be your website, you know? Then make your website the island. So coolisland’s pretty good. That’s really…

Michael Cyger: All right, those are your top three. So…

Shane: Yeah, those are my top three that I think I can get the best return on. Are they the most valuable on the list? No, but those are the ones I think I can turn around the quickest and make some money.

Michael Cyger: Yeah, so when I pull these domains just a couple days ago whippee was at $102, techable was at $126, and coolisland was at just $69. So it just had a few people probably bidding on that one. Techable, what do you think that one’s gonna sell at, and what would you ask for it?

Shane: You know, I think it’ll be under $1,000 on NameJet, and that’s one that I’d probably do a buy it now at $4,800 to $8,800, you know? I am doing more buy it nows now just…and it’s no different. I think about myself and I think sometimes I don’t feel like negotiating. You know, some of the higher names, yeah, you’re gonna negotiate, but sometimes you just wanna buy it. When I go to a car lot, I was thinking, just tell me what you want out of the thing. Give me your lowest price. I wanna buy the car and get out of here. I don’t wanna sit down with John, who’s gonna ask Max what his price is.

Michael Cyger: You’re not buying You’re buying like techable or coolisland. Just give me a price, yeah.

Shane: Exactly, just tell me what you need out of it, and I’ll decide then. So I’ve been doing a little bit more of that, you know, and that’s what part of a team, I watch Josh do it all day. So anyway, that’s a name that I would probably do that with.

Michael Cyger: Yeah, and what about coolisland? What do you think the retail price on that would be? Less or more than…

Shane: Yeah, coolisland’s not that great a name. I’d put a couple thousand dollars on it. I don’t think it’s that special a name. But I think it’s gonna be the lowest price of the three I listed. I don’t think it goes for more than $200 or $300.

Michael Cyger: Yeah, all right cool.

Shane: Even on the show, it’s not going to.

Michael Cyger: Thanks Shane. Drew, let’s go to you. What do you like the NameJet list any why?

Andrew: Okay, so again, not a ton of names that I like on here. But I think I agree’s a nice little name. And I think the only other one that I really like on here is AAPT. I mean, you know, best MBA, it’s a mediocre, it’s an okay, it’s a low grade, you know, education name. But it has a very CPC, little bit of search. At least MBA is probably, it’s probably a solid name. I’ll tell you why. It’s hard to judge what it’ll go for on NameJet, but it probably is the easiest name on here to flip because even if you pay $2,000 for it, $3,000, you’re probably gonna find a buyer in the EDU space that’ll five or more. I like AAPT. A lot of search volume, some traffic, you know, could be a apartment, I don’t know. I don’t know what it is, but it’s a nice little four letter.

Michael Cyger: Yeah, I don’t know what it is either, but the Estibot came back at $268,000, which just blew me away. Like what is this? What am I missing?

Shane: The American Association of…

Michael Cyger: Yeah, physical therapists. I don’t know. Yeah, I missed something on that. Like it found something that I didn’t see, and I just don’t get it.

Shane: Yeah, it’s not gonna go for 360 anymore.

Michael Cyger: You now, and, you know, when people ask me like, “Should I invest in domains like that?” I’m like, “those are really popular when you could, you know, build a website quickly and get it ranked in Google, and you know, build an affiliate website, build a lead gen website. It’s harder and harder to do nowadays.” Estibot lists retail value of $29,000. You’re saying it’s a quick flip at maybe 5K if you have the connections. Do you think it would ever sell for a $29,000, $30,000 retail price?

Andrew: No, but I do think it could go for easily 10, maybe even 15.

Michael Cyger: Okay, all right, you know that space better than me. Are you gonna buy it?

Andrew: I think you could get 10 for sure. You have to find the right guy though. It’s not easy, especially in EDU, tracking down the folk who actually would give a —-, not easy.

Michael Cyger: Yeah, I agree. All right, and Michael, let’s go over to you. What do you like on the list and why?

Michael Krell: I agree with the guys on whippee and techable. The one thing I would just say, it’s really all about the buy on that, you know? The upside, you know, these names aren’t gonna get you…I think 10K is the absolute max, like you’re gonna be getting for these names. And it’s probably gonna be a lot closer to five. And so you wanna make sure that, you know, that you’re not spending too much on them.

Michael Cyger: Yeah, what’s the highest you would spend? Like if you were looking at this and they didn’t come up, would you pay $1,000 hoping to get $5,000 back on BrandBucket?

Michael Krell: No, no. I would never spend $1,000 on either of these names. I mean I’m, yeah, I’m very cheap. Whippee is maybe I’d spend like $500 or something on that, but I’m not gonna spend a lot of money either one of those.

Michael Cyger: You’re frugal, Michael.

Michael Krell: Yeah, yeah, there you go.

Michael Cyger: Except when it comes to ultracast when you [inaudible 00:40:41]. What’d you say, Shane?

Shane: I said he’s got $15,000 to spend.

Michael Cyger: I know, right?

Michael Krell: The other one, yeah, well I guess that’s probably spent already I think. The only other one I would say is beerking. You know, if I was in the beer business, I would love to have the name beerking. The only like downside is like you look for the plural, like beerkings, I saw like that’s for sale. You think of like draftkings, you know, like so I might be worried that I’d wanna buy the plural because, you know, most people know what draftkings are and they’re gonna wanna put that S in kings. But I think beerking, obviously the end user base lower, but I think that’s a great name for any sort of like you know, home beer brewing company.

Shane: Like the king of beers, perhaps maybe?

Michael Krell: King of beers?

Shane: They might not like you buying that one.

Michael Krell: The king of beers?

Shane: Yeah, Budweiser.

Michael Krell: Budweiser. Do they still use that?

Shane: They’re still the king of beers.

Andrew: [inaudible 00:41:51]

Michael Cyger: They still have the crown on their beer can I think.

Michael Krell: Then never mind then, okay. Don’t listen to what I said about that. One thing I will say with kind of what Shane was talking about with, you know, the buy now price is, you know, I always think it’s like you’re gonna lose, you’re probably gonna lose like upside, you know, when you’re doing these buy now. But one thing, if like almost all of us have, you know, budget issues. And it’s all about cash flow, and you really have to look at the opportunity cost of, okay, like this name I may be able to get like $10,000 or $15,000 for it. But because I can sell this name for 5 now, I can buy you know, 50 more like it. And if it’s gonna take me two more years, you know, to sell this name for 15, those names are gonna, you know, probably triple in price, the wholesale value of those names. Or they’re just not gonna become available. So I think it’s really about, you know, you really have to look at your opportunity costs of not just maximizing the name, but like looking at your whole portfolio and, you know, what names you’re adding to your portfolio.

Michael Cyger: Yeah, definitely. Hey let me ask all three of you, marketplaces often say that buy it now prices drive sales, that the sales of domains that have a buy it now price are three, four, five times the number of sales when they don’t have a price set on it. I believe Afternic says that, GoDaddy, which owns Afternic, says that as well. At what point will you set a buy it now price? What’s the maximum value, you know, retail value that you think you’re gonna get for a domain name to set a buy it now price? You know, will you set it below $20,000? Will you set it below $5,000? Shane, let’s start with you. At what point will you set a buy it now price?

Shane: You know, I’ve actually…Afternic won’t even let you set it over $50,000. You know, they say there’s no point in doing it at that point. But yeah, I think the highest I have is like a $14,800, and then after that it’s pretty much negotiable. I think, you know, I did put like on Botany, I think I put $120,000, like if somebody wants to come through and put $120,000 and click on it, then I’ll save it, you know? Maybe I could have gotten more, but that’s not the point. But in general, after that it’s negotiation time.

Michael Cyger: All right, so it’s about $15,000 for you. And then at that point, yeah. What about you, Michael?

Michael Krell: I mean, it’s really, I don’t have many, like you know, in the mid-five figures. But I mean, I have some that are, you know, buy it nows for 40K to 60K.

Michael Cyger: You do? You’ll set a buy it now on a $40,000 domain name?

Michael Krell: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Michael Cyger: And do you ever see that on BrandBucket with some of the brands that are priced at higher values like that, $40,000, $50,000, $80,000?

Michael Krell: No yeah, I mean, we sell quite a few four letter, you know, CVCVs in that mid-five figure range. And yeah, I think for some of those too it’s good to set like a precedence for, you know, the buyer. Again, if you’re losing a little bit, but like you know where you’re starting the conversation, and people realize that this is a valuable name.

Michael Cyger: Yeah, thanks Michael. Drew, what do you think? Should you only set values on your level domain names, or do you set them into the five figures as well?

Andrew: Yeah, I mean, one of the things that we’re gonna do this year is start pricing the bottom…I think I’ve been talking about this before. But we’re actually gonna do it, and price out, you know, like the bottom 80% of the portfolio. But really, yeah, I think you know, $25,000 is kind of always been in my head of like, there’s just no point in putting a buy it now above that like…And even there, I think Shane’s probably more right. I think $15,000 is like, you know, $15,000, $18,000, $20,000. It’s like above that…I mean, there are exceptions, but I think most people you start talking about that kind of money and people wanna negotiate. They wanna make an offer. They’re not necessarily ready to be like, “Oh okay, price is $75,000. Let me just click buy it now and send a wire without speaking to somebody.”

Michael Cyger: Right.

Andrew: So yeah, I think you know, under 25 at best.

Michael Cyger: Yeah, cool. Drew, there’s a couple of domains on here that I think newer investors would look at and say, “Yeah, that seems like a no brainer. Like everybody needs escrow in the domain name industry. Why isn’t a good domain name?”

Andrew: Yeah, ask Amar Kubba…there’s a few dead bodies laying around of, you know…I don’t know. Escrow’s a good business but, you know, I don’t know that escrowteam is gonna get you very far. I think you got a lot more problems other than, you know, which domain you’re gonna use.

Michael Cyger: Right, what about drugland? It almost sounds like…

Andrew: No, the problem I think is that drugland, I actually like the brand. I think drugland’s a cool brand. It could be a good movie name. But you know, I think you’re gonna find that on a dark web, and they’re not using .com. They’re using dot [inaudible 00:47:11]

Michael Cyger: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Hey Shane, You and I are gonna go there and we’re just gonna operate heavy equipment all weekend long. It called the Country Harbors Nursery in Illinois.

Andrew: I actually like that name. I saw that one and, you know, but it was like one of my sleeper names. You know what I mean? I’d probably take that for a couple hundred bucks.

Michael Krell: I think that auction ended already.

Michael Cyger: Oh did?

Andrew: Yeah.

Michael Krell: Yeah.

Michael Cyger: Oh rats. I must have looked at the wrong dates or something.

Shane: Yeah, because I put exactly that. I said, I’m gonna put a mancamp where you just pay me to drive my equipment around the nursery.

Andrew: You know, that’s interesting. A friend of mine owns a big farm here in Panama and he’s pretty, you know, well off dude. Young guy, and he participates in these, —-, Shane you guys would both know. What are those extreme like [inaudible 00:48:07]

Shane: …where you canoe, and you run, and you hike, all of it?

Andrew: Yeah, it’s in the middle of, you know, like woods. They clear paths [inaudible 00:48:14]

Michael Cyger: Yeah, the Adventure Racing series, yeah.

Andrew: Yeah, but there’s another one. There’s like a specific one. And he was telling me like…he’s Spartan. And so he was telling me that like I guess the founder of Spartan Races is a friend of his, and he was telling me like, you know, this guy literally gets all these young guys, and gals I guess, they literally pay him $2,000 to come live on like his property to all work for him. They literally pay him $2,000 each to come and like cut wood, make trails, make like legitimate improvements to his property. And then he then uses those improvements to charge people even more money to come and participate in this race. And like he’s getting paid for all of it, and he literally does nothing. He drinks coffee and watches them.

I was like, you know, “Wow, that’s a great idea and goes right along with this mancamp. Like I wanna…” Because he was telling me, he’s like, “I got this big farm, some heavy equipment, I’m gonna have people pay me to come down here for a week, and I’m gonna, you know, put them through grueling labor in the tropics, and they’re gonna think it’s terrific, and they’re gonna pay me for it.”

Michael Cyger: Yeah, there you go, Shane. There’s an extra revenue stream for you.

Shane: You know, quick story. A guy next door, he was a stay at home dad, and he had a son. And I saw him at the auto parts store, and they’re like picking up all the parts and talking. I go, “What are you doing?” And he goes, “Oh, it’s man camp day.” And so he takes his son to all of the manliest places he could think of. And I thought that was great. That’s what made me think of mancamp. But yeah, he was like seriously trying to man up his son because, you know, he stayed at home with him all day.

Michael Cyger: That’s funny.

Shane: I said, “Are you doing it for yourself or for your son?” But yeah…

Michael Cyger: Yeah, every year, I take my older boy on men’s weekend, where we just go off, and rent a cabin, and do fishing, and swimming, and don’t have any women telling us what to do, you know, for the entire weekend. And this year, my younger one gets to come too because he’s gonna be seven by then.

Shane: Now you can have mancamp.

Michael Cyger: I should have bought mancamp and renamed it Man Camp instead of men’s weekend. That’d have been funny. All right, we’re at the end of today’s show…what’d you say, Drew?

Andrew: Never mind, I’m not even gonna go there.

Michael Cyger: That’s probably a good thing, right? All right, we’re at the end of today’s show. I’d like to give the Sherpas an opportunity to share anything they want to about names they’re brokering or selling, deals they’re offering, opportunities they’re looking for. Maybe they looking to buy domains, or anybody they wanna give a shout out to. Let’s go in order, starting with you, Drew.

Andrew: We got a few things going on. We’ve got an amazing, I think probably our best auction listing ever on NameJet right now. It is, as always go to, or just go to NameJet and click on our banner, and you’ll see the listing. It’s a rolling auction, so every single day there are new names being added. I think 5 or 10 new names every day, so check back often, bid frequently, and…

Michael Cyger: Am I gonna find names like happiness on the list?

Andrew: Yeah, yeah, you are. You’re gonna find, there’s some…no really, I’m not kidding. And essentially what we did is most of these names, let’s say maybe half of the names are no reserve. And the names that do have a reserve, most of them, the vast majority, are priced at 10% below what we paid. The reserve price is 10% below what we paid, at what we paid if I think that I bought it really well. You know, the reserve might be at what we paid or maximum of 10% above what we paid in most cases. There are a few exception, but for the most part, these names are priced to sell. And it’s an amazing listing of names. I mean, very little garbage.

Michael Cyger: Well I’m gonna go check it out because every once in a while, look through your auction on NameJet and I’m like, “Drew, you’re selling that no reserve?” And you’re like, “Oh man, that should have had a reserve. I’m just gonna let it go.” And you let it go.

Andrew: There’s some really, really good opportunities in here, names that we paid a lot of money for that we put in here at no reserve, names you know, that we put in at what we bought, which you know, I think most people would agree we’re pretty good at buying, right? So you know, this is a great opportunity. And it’s 600 names in total that will be sold over the course of 90 days. So I think the first auctions start, the first names will hit auction in about one week, a little bit less. And I think the 20th or the 21st the first auction will start. But yeah, there’s gonna be 5-10 new names every single day, you know, really phenomenal list. This is the best sale that we have ever done, I think, is a fair statement.

Second thing I will announce is, we are launching a cannabis domain name marketplace. This has been months in the making. We are finally ready. We are putting the final polishing on it, and probably, it will launch the same day that this show airs live. If not, it will be shortly thereafter. It will be pay to play. You have to pay a very small fee, kind of like BrandBucket, a small fee to list your names. But there is literally not a single place on earth better, and that is absolutely true statement, there is not a single place on earth better to sell a cannabis related domain name than We will have a dedicated cannabis domain name marketplace. It will be curated. It will be pay to play. Prices will be buy it now, and we have a dedicated audience of cannabis investors, cannabis entrepreneurs, cannabis employee, you know, company employees. Our audience is the people that need to buy these names, that want to buy these names, and have the ability to buy these names. And we’re going to be advertising…

Michael Cyger: But Drew, how big is your audience? Come on, are you really reaching a large audience?

Andrew: We’re reaching literally between our social media, our website direct traffic, our newsletter which goes out every single day, all of these channels will be pimping the domain marketplace, including our podcast which is one of the number one podcasts in cannabis. All of these channels we’ll be pimping out the domain marketplace and cumulatively reach close to 1 million people per month.

Michael Cyger: Yeah, that’s a large audience, man. So you got this. You built the audience. It is a publishing vehicle. All those people are looking to start businesses or grow businesses, and they probably need a better domain name. So can anybody submit domain names? If I have a Ganjapreneur, if I have a weed, if I have a cannaboid related domain name, I can submit it to you for inclusion?

Andrew: You absolutely can. There will be a form. The form may already be up on Ganjapreneur. I’m actually not sure. But there will be a form if there already isn’t one. And essentially you will pay to list your names. And the idea there is not that we want, you know, that’s not really where we’re looking to make the money, it’s to curate. So you know, if you’ve got some really crappy name, you know, you’re gonna think twice about paying to get it listed.

Michael Cyger: Totally.

Andrew: So we really wanna have a highly curated, high quality list. I mean, unequivocally, this will be the best list of domain names that exist in the world for cannabis. So…

Michael Cyger: And it’s not exclusive? Do I have to pull it down off of other sites if I list it on your site?

Andrew: Nope, it is not exclusive. It is not exclusive.

Michael Cyger: Awesome, and you take a commission or…

Andrew: We do. We take a commission if the sale is closed, you know, via Ganjapreneur. And we’ll be using for all of our closings.

Michael Cyger: Very cool. What’s the commission rate?

Andrew: …it’s all built in. I believe the commission rate’s 15%

Michael Cyger: Okay, all right.

Andrew: I’d have to check it [inaudible 00:56:56] you know…

Michael Cyger: All right to get over to, look for the domain marketplace, which will be advertised on there, and then check it out.

Andrew: Yes.

Michael Cyger: Awesome., and Thanks Drew. Michael, anything you wanna promote, give a shout out to, highlight?

Michael Krell: Yeah, no. It’s been about a month since we released our growth program for our BrandBucket sellers, and it essentially allows sellers to submit names that they don’t own, either that are in auctions that they’re looking to, you know, buy or names that haven’t been registered. And we can let them know if we’ll accept that name or not, and also, you know, give them a price. And that’s been going very well for any, you know, new BrandBucket user. If you sign up, you get 10 free credits that automatically go to your account to get started.

And then we’ve also been putting quite a bit of resources into End User Project. It’s Name My Company. So for, you know, startups for the people that come to, you know, that come to us looking for a name, they put in a description, you know, what they’re looking for, what their budget is, and then BrandBucket sellers are able to go in there and, you know, suggest names that they like. And then the person requesting them can, you know, say how much they like that or not, and easily organize it. So we put more resources into that, and we’re continuing that kind of outreach, which is cool to see.

Michael Cyger: That’s cool, and you’re getting a lot of submissions of companies looking for a name?

Michael Krell: Yeah, no. It’s definitely, you know, it’s definitely increased. It’s kind of been a back burner project for a little while, but we finally put what we needed to do with it, and now it’s just, you know, a matter of tweaking it. But yeah, we’re getting a good amount of traffic and submissions now.

Michael Cyger: I like that. It’s like when I go to 99designs, and I pay, you know, $299 to have people redesign my home page, or landing page, or whatever, and then I get a whole bunch of different designs that I can choose from.

Michael Krell: Yeah, yep, yep. No, that’s the goal.

Michael Cyger: Cool, awesome. So check that out, Shane, let’s go to you. Anything you wanna promote?

Shane: Well one is obviously just DSAD. I got a team of guys writing stuff each day, and the auctions, and looking at the domain auction market. And we copied Drew too. We have a nice auction coming up as well. And the last auction, we…absolutely inundated with submissions. It’s absolutely amazing. I don’t remember exact numbers, but like 1,500 or 1,700 names came through the submissions. And we took 40 of them.

Michael Cyger: That’s it? Just 40?

Shane: Yeah, I think it was down to 40. You know, the point of an auction is to sell. And the names either had too high a reserve, or weren’t even worth 69. And again, we’re gonna be wrong sometimes. We all miss names that can sell for a lot more. But I learned a lot just by going through the submissions on how people think, what they think about their domain, and understanding what NameJet represents. You know, it’s a way to liquidate your names and get cash. It’s not an end user, you know? You have to be realistic. And there just weren’t as many names as I thought. There was a lot of names, and a lot of made up stuff, or…and there was a lot of good names. I mean, there was some fantastic legit six figure names coming through. But they wanted a million dollar reserve, and that’s just not gonna sell. And we don’t make that much money. I mean, it’s somebody else’s name. The percentage we get isn’t even worth the time that we’re putting in it. But it’s good to have people, not everybody get into NameJet, and if you only have one or two names to sell, someone like Drew or someone like myself can offer them an opportunity to put it on NameJet, and NameJet doesn’t have to deal with it.

And so it’s a good opportunity for both sides, but man, going through all those submissions every day… Every time I talked about in a blog, I kind of wished I hadn’t because I’d talk about it and then boom. Another 200 names would show up, and it’s luckily, Travis coded everything so I can just click accept, don’t accept. I can just go through it, and he’s built this whole…everything’s automatic and, you know, it’s all got a nice script to it, so it’s much easier. I can’t even imagine what somebody that goes through emails and tries to figure out what names to accept. It just wouldn’t work. Anyway, so that’ll be going on.

Michael Cyger: Are they pulling any information from like Estibot as well to show like the search volume and, you know, parse the words and things like that?

Shane: We just wanna make sure they owned it, and that it didn’t expire before. So that’s really, we wanted to make sure that we could deliver the name. And then you know, and then just going through it and communication. We screw up on communication. The hardest part of our industry is just getting back to someone, yes or no. When somebody asks you a question or wants to do something with you, you gotta say yes or no. And I hate it when people did it to us, and I was really bad about it. And Travis took care of it and says, “Hey, when you accept the name, it sends them an email saying yes. And when you don’t accept, it says no.” And not enough companies do that. You need better communication. Even if it’s a no, if a girl doesn’t like you, you want her to tell you she doesn’t like you, not ignore you for the next two weeks and you wonder, so…

Anyway, so that’s something we’re doing and I hope it goes well. You’ll see it on our website. And we’ll just keep doing what we’re doing.

Michael Cyger: Nice, all right. And I’m gonna throw out a quick discount. I wasn’t planning on doing it, but, if you are a newer investor looking to accelerate your learning curve and become a successful investor, or you’re an intermediate investor, but you just have holes in your learning. You’re not really sure how to set retail pricing. You don’t understand the difference between NameJet being a wholesale marketplace, and then selling to end users like BrandBucket does, these are some of the concepts that we help fill in to make sure that everybody is an intermediate investor not wasting their money on domain names and becoming more successful. Sherpa100, if you enter in Sherpa100 as the discount code, I’ll give $100 off just for the next week from when this show comes out.

If you received benefit from today’s show, please post a comment, and thank today’s Sherpas, multiple Sherpas. Thanks to Hwee Wong for submitting their portfolio and making a generous donation to the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. Thanks to Name Jet for submitting their portfolio and sponsoring that segment of the DomainSherpa Review. And thanks again to our Sherpa panel, Andrew Rosener, Michael Krell, and Shane Cultra, for sharing their experience and insights. We’ll see you all next time.

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17 Responses to “DomainSherpa Review – Feb 20:,,…”

  1. H Wong says:

    We want to thank you for reviewing our names. This was a sampling of what we have and your comments helped us to make a decision of what we will use for ourselves, what we will toss, and what we will keep for sale.

    Your show is a great idea.

  2. Eric Jenkins says:

    Thanks for another fantastic show!!!

  3. Keith DeBoer says:

    Fantastic show, as always, gents!

    Gangapreneur is a monster site! Looking forward to the domains section build out. I’ve have had two MJ brandable sales recently for $4K each. The market is there for the right names.

  4. Umer says:

    Michael got lucky with the sale being of that much value :D For newbies such as me it ends up a bit misleading as we would tend to price our domains based on some of these deals, the sale price guess by Shane and Andrew were to the point. That said, nevertheless another great show. I sincerely hope you could do a show or perhaps a series of shows on what to buy, how to spot trends and what to avoid because in my opinion your process starts from the buy and if you are doing that wrong no matter what else you do you would not be able to pull it off.

  5. Mike Carson says:

    Another great show – thanks guys!

    What an awesome flip of – it doesn’t get much better than that. Congrats Andrew! BTW how do I list marijuana related domains on I couldn’t find a link

    (And thanks, Mike, for mentioning my Flippa auction for!)

  6. THCNames says:

    Looks like we’ll have some competition. :)

  7. tldboss says:

    Thank you guys for a really informative and entertaining review.

    Already looking forward to the next show :)

  8. Lee L says:

    Absolutely love the review episodes. Being a newer investor, it’s always great to learn from your experiences in valuations. I must admit I was shocked by the sale price of Impressive!

  9. pier0 says:

    If the owner of the portfolio that was reviewed wants to drop as advised, I’d be happy to take the domain off him/her for $50.

  10. Ian Ingram says: could also be used in the oil & gas industry. It’s a fairly common term used to describe oilfield housing. Built them 20+ years ago. We owned the plural version of the domain back in the day along with many oil and gas related domains which have long since sold.

  11. Adam says:


    I have a question for Shane, he talked about flipping websites on flippa after building them out. Are you able to share some more details into the process?

    For example do you build it on word press and how do you take care of the SEO as well as revenue generation?

    1. Shane Cultra says:


      I used to quite a bit more on a site called SitePoint. same owners as Flippa. All works the same and the process is the same. WordPress is the easiest to build out and buyers like it to be on WordPress. Essentially you are building the site with unique content and then trying to get REAL visitors to it. How that is done is different for a lot of people. I tend to do a lot myself and then hire college students since I live on a college campus. Some use overseas writers. I prefer US college students.

      It takes a lot of work and time. Most of the sites you see on Flippa are using fake traffic with bad articles. They were built to flip and the traffic and revenue will fall off. But there are some great businesses to buy. And that’s the correct term. A good website is a business and it should be treated as such.

      Again, its been 5 years since I’ve even tried to sell a site but the concept really doesn’t change.

      Not sure if that helps any

      1. adam says:

        Thanks for the response.

  12. Saro says:

    Hey guys,
    Great show!

    Michael, you touched on the “buy now” pricing strategy. I think a show based on that topic can be very interesting;
    BUY NOW vs Make offer,
    BUY NOW up to what price range is selling easily,
    BUY NOW for certain niche domains or industries which is selling a lot,
    Strategies of BUY NOW pricing and how much of a discount to offer if buyer is persistent as to not pay the full listed price; 10% – 20%, more / less…
    Just overall analysis by industry leaders or large marketplace / portfolio holders which can see patterns on a larger scale.

    There’s different theories regarding it and it’s a hot topic which I think could make for an interesting show.

    Plus the more names sold at optimal prices as a result sets more of a history to refer potential buyers as to the value of domain names, especially 2 keyword / quality brandable names which are just increasing more and more in demand.

  13. Michael Calabretta says:

    Thanks Mike, Mike, Drew & Shane for sharing your knowledge & time. And Drew, I’ll be listing some names on in your ganjapreneur auction.

  14. Tony says:

    Great stuff guys , looking forward to checking out ganjapreneur

  15. franka says:

    Hi Michael
    Where can I apply for a guest domain listing?
    Also messaged you via facebook inbox.

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