DomainSherpa SportsPodcast is a new show on the DomainSherpa network branched off of our Down The Rabbit Hole series, where we dive into a variety of different topics – in this case, sports and the intersection of sports and digital assets.
In this special episode, JT is joined by Villanova legend Kris Jenkins as they discuss his iconic shot to win the 2016 NCAA Men’s Basketball Championship! JT and Kris talk about “the shot”, Kris’ future plans, Villanova basketball, NFT’s, digital sports collectables, and a whole lot more – so be sure to tune in!!
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DomainSherpa SportsPodcast
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DomainSherpa SportsPodcast, Audio Only
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This Show’s Sherpas
Jonathan Tenenbaum
Jonathan Tenenbaum (JT) is an accomplished Internet industry veteran and digital asset expert. An attorney by trade, he spent over 14 years with in various legal and business roles, including nearly 5 years managing NameJet, the leading domain name aftermarket platform.
Now Chief Operating Officer & General Counsel of MediaOptions, the top domain brokerage agency, Jonathan is also the Host & Executive Producer of DomainSherpa - where they cover all types of digital assets, including crypto and NFTs, and where "all roads lead to domains"!
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DomainSherpa SportsPodcast – July 7, 2021: Kris Jenkins – Shoot Your Shot
DomainSherpa SportsPodcast is a new show on the DomainSherpa network branched off of our Down The Rabbit Hole series, where we dive into a variety of different topics – in this case, sports and the intersection of sports and digital assets.
In this special episode, JT is joined by Villanova legend Kris Jenkins as they discuss his iconic shot to win the 2016 NCAA Men’s Basketball Championship! JT and Kris talk about “the shot”, Kris’ future plans, Villanova basketball, NFT’s, digital sports collectables, and a whole lot more – so be sure to tune in!!
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