NO VIDEO OR AUDIO TODAY, just quick info as you get ready for the NamesCon Online Auction, starting in under an hour!
A quick easy run down:
- See below for highlights on SEO Domains in the auction, brought to you by Sean Markey
- Check out the DomainSherpa YouTube channel for a couple behind-the-auction interviews with Joe Styler & Wayne Wheat!
- And get your paddles ready for the NamesCon Conference Auction, all via GoDaddy:,,….
SEO Highlighted Domains at Auction

Note: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser. Or, listen on iTunes or in your favorite podcast app (here are the feeds). – DR 38, 1.08k RD, ranking for 21 keywords.
“art schools” – 5,900 searches/mo – DR 17, 73 RD, ranking for 5 keywords
“pax” – 123,000 searches/mo (all for the Pax vaporizer, which owns the .com) – DR 15, 82 RD, ranking for 4 keywords
“tablets” – 98,000 searches/ – DR 14, 1.56k RD, ranking for 0 keywords
“talk of the town” 13,000 searches/mo – DR 13, 31 RD, ranking for 0 keywords
“joint” – 13,000 searches/mo – DR 12, 117 RD, ranking for 0 keywords – DR 12, 77RD, ranking for 0 keywords – DR 10, 17 RD, ranking for 0 keywords
DR = Domain Rating, a logarithmic measurement of a domain’s authority (which is itself a measurement of the authority of the sites linking to it).
RD = Referring Domains: the number of unique domain names linking to a given website.
Metrics from
This Show’s Sherpas

Sean Markey
Sean is a Senior SEO Strategist who has collaborated with an array of clients from small businesses and to enterprise-sized and venture-backed companies. Sean grows organic traffic by creating content and outreach strategies, addressing technical SEO issues, and earning high-quality, relevant links.
He stands out for his curiosity and research of the competition, which pays off in his reverse engineering. He has openly shared case studies and provided extensive consultation on SEO strategy and content marketing strategy via &
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