DomainSherpa Review – Down The Rabbit Hole – January 26, 2023: The Relaunch: AI & Tea Parties

As we say on DomainSherpa – all roads lead to domains. And in the reverse, domains has us venturing “down the rabbit hole” into different topics all the time. This is a tech-adjacent, digital asset, pop-culture, tangent-positive monthly podcast – with some domains stuff thrown into the mix for good measure.

In this special episode, the team is re-launching the series with JT & Jen Sale as co-hosts, and they are joined by Drew and Shane as they dive down the rabbit hole and discuss (i) Artificial Intelligence, ChatGPT, MidJourney, and some other popular AI tools such as – which we are now beginning to integrate into DomainSherpa, (ii) the legal concerns, ramifications, and effect on society in general, (iii) the US filing an anti-trust lawsuit against Google, and (iv) a whole lot more!

So, tune in and jump down the rabbit hole with the Rabbit Hole Gang!

Review (82:27): Watch | Listen/Download Audio |

DomainSherpa Review

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This Show’s Sherpas

Jonathan Tenenbaum
Jonathan Tenenbaum (JT) is an accomplished Internet industry veteran and digital asset expert. An attorney by trade, he spent over 14 years with in various legal and business roles, including nearly 5 years managing NameJet, the leading domain name aftermarket platform.

Now Chief Operating Officer & General Counsel of MediaOptions, the top domain brokerage agency, Jonathan is also the Host & Executive Producer of DomainSherpa - where they cover all types of digital assets, including crypto and NFTs, and where "all roads lead to domains"!

More shows with Jonathan Tenenbaum »

Jen Sale
Jen Sale
Jen is the CEO at, a boutique domain name agency and ICANN-accredited registrar. She leverages more than 20-years of industry experience, confidentially acquiring, selling, appraising, developing and managing high-value domain names, portfolios and digital assets for start-ups, major brands, agencies, investors and public figures, worldwide.

More shows with Jen Sale »

Andrew Rosener
Andrew Rosener
Andrew Rosener is the CEO of the industry-leading domain name broker Media Options.

Andrew is widely considered a thought leader and expert on domain name value & methodology as well as domain name sales & acquisitions. With 20 years experience with domain names, Andrew has leveraged his knowledge and expertise to make MediaOptions the go-to domain name firm for startup & company domain acquisitions as well as high value domain name sales.

More shows with Andrew Rosener »

Shane Cultra
Shane Cultra
Shane Cultra is a domain name investor and owner of the popular domain name blog,

Cultra is also a fifth generation owner of Country Arbors Nursery based in Urbana, Illinois, and has been a member of the PBS television show Mid American Gardener for more than 10 years, in addition to being a part of various gardening segments on CBS and ABC.

Shane also recently launched two new businesses, and, leveraging his online expertise with his love of nature and business acumen to create two exciting new ventures that are sure to be successful.

More shows with Shane Cultra »

DomainSherpa Review – Down The Rabbit Hole – January 26, 2023: The Relaunch: AI & Tea Parties

As we say on DomainSherpa – all roads lead to domains. And in the reverse, domains has us venturing “down the rabbit hole” into different topics all the time. This is a tech-adjacent, digital asset, pop-culture, tangent-positive monthly podcast – with some domains stuff thrown into the mix for good measure.

In this special episode, the team is re-launching the series with JT & Jen Sale as co-hosts, and they are joined by Drew and Shane as they dive down the rabbit hole and discuss:

(i) Artificial Intelligence, ChatGPT, MidJourney, and some other popular AI tools such as – which we are now beginning to integrate into DomainSherpa,
(ii) the legal concerns, ramifications, and effect on society in general,
(iii) the US filing an anti-trust lawsuit against Google, and
(iv) a whole lot more!

So, tune in and jump down the rabbit hole with the Rabbit Hole Gang!

Episode Transcript

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10 Responses to “DomainSherpa Review – Down The Rabbit Hole – January 26, 2023: The Relaunch: AI & Tea Parties”

  1. Nick says:

    Great show! Episode Request: Have some attorneys on and discuss how GoDaddy is breaking antitrust / price fixing laws.

    1. Jen says:

      Thanks Nick!! Appreciate your feedback.

      Great idea. We’ll get some legal eagles on soon.


  2. Lucas says:

    WTF the set! how crazy… funny! hehe
    Anyway, thank you guys for the show!!
    IMHO a suggestion would be: Compress all the animations that happen between 01:24 and 01:43 into 4 seconds max. Viewers of DomainSherpa are not the broad public but a business/professional audience (as you know). As I see it: we’re not here for flashy animations nor great graphics, but to learn your very interesting and valuable views. Thanks.

    1. Al (alf) says:

      Hey Sherpa’s great show. I am a massive fan and appreciate all you do.

      I tend to agree. I don’t even think the theme background is all that necessary. I live the Brady bunch style ordinary zoom windows 2×2 . It’s the content we love. Plus Drew’s rants and jt hosting with great guests.

      We enjoy y’all for who you guys gals are and no need for all themes etc in my opinion

      Then again I could just be full
      Of it and it’s only my opinion

      Keep up great work

      1. Jen says:

        Thanks Al! We are listening and will have a chat over here.

        Appreciate your feedback!!

        Have a great day/night :)


        1. Al (Alf) says:

          Thanks Jen. Also great to see a fellow Aussie on the show. You are a great addition to the domain review show as well.

          1. Jen says:

            Aussie Aussie Aussie…


            Thanks so much! Made my day 🤗

    2. Jen says:

      Thanks for your feedback, Lucas!


  3. fizz says:

    Fantastic show everyone, awesome topic and great background theme..

    Lots of takeaways and one of the many that fits with my thinking is Shane’s comment about not being scared at all about AI but super excited to “build sh#t with it”.

    Been thinking lately exactly that: Why sell a great generic domain just to see someone else use the currently available AI tools – and exponentially more in the coming years – to craft an amazing website?

    1. Jen says:

      Thanks for your comment, fizz.

      I can’t keep up with Midjourney’s updates right now, let alone all the other new AI tools popping up every day!!

      If you come across anything cool, please share it with us as I predict we’ll have to do a follow-up show on AI later in the year.


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