Geek Out: A Casual Chat with Steve Webb & Shane Cultra

Today, we’re delighted to introduce a new Domain Sherpa, Steve Webb, the baby-faced Computer Science PhD with tech experience that could fit into several lifetimes! Joining us for a casual, geeky conversation is Shane Cultra, the local business owner and domain name expert. We chat about SEO myths, and particularly about how to make money with, the new EPP based registrar built to serve handshake TLDs.

Any domain investor curious about the future, particularly with gTLDs, will benefit from today’s show!

Review (53:15): Watch | Listen/Download Audio | Transcript

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This Show’s Sherpas

Steve Webb
Steve Webb
Steve holds his PhD in Computer Science from Georgia Tech, developed software for Google, and built up several companies and/or their softwares through acquisition. He is currently investing his time in the domain name space via

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Shane Cultra
Shane Cultra
Shane Cultra is a domain name investor and owner of the popular domain name blog,

Cultra is also a fifth generation owner of Country Arbors Nursery based in Urbana, Illinois, and has been a member of the PBS television show Mid American Gardener for more than 10 years, in addition to being a part of various gardening segments on CBS and ABC.

Shane also recently launched two new businesses, and, leveraging his online expertise with his love of nature and business acumen to create two exciting new ventures that are sure to be successful.

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Interview Raw (Non-Edited) Transcript

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4 Responses to “Geek Out: A Casual Chat with Steve Webb & Shane Cultra”

  1. Jack says:

    I wanted to buy a few handshake tld’s on Namebase but it’s only possible for US persons, unless you can go through the horror of applying for a crypto account elsewhere to transfer this or that cryptocurrency for HNS…

    1. Steve Webb says:

      Hi Jack,

      I’m currently in the US so I’m not 100% sure what steps are necessary outside of the US, but I believe you can purchase HNS with BTC using Namebase Exchange.

      You can find more information here:


  2. I was told you cannot pay or buy HNS with $us or any other currency .

    1. Steve Webb says:

      Hi Frank,

      At the moment, you need to use BTC to purchase HNS; however, they’re working to add support for USD.

      You can find more information here:


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