I’m excited for what the new year will bring, what new people I’ll meet, and what new topics we’ll learn about on DomainSherpa.
My favorite way to meet people is in person, and next week I’ll be in Las Vegas for the third annual NamesCon domain name conference, which promises to be a blockbuster event.
I’m making a list of what I need to do to prepare for next week, so I thought it was a good time to chat with the founders of NamesCon about what’s going to happen, what we need to be ready for, and how we can make the most of the event.
Get a notepad ready, prepare properly, and see you next week!
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Link to NamesCon
NamesCon Website
NamesCon Schedule
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Michael Cyger’s 3-Tip Summary for NamesCon Attendees
Submit a Domain for Valuation by Frank Schilling, Andrew Rosener and Shane Cultra
About the Interviewees
Jothan Frakes is the CEO of Moniker.com, a domain name registrar and hosting company.
Jothan Frakes is co-founder and content producer of the NamesCon conference.
Frakes has specialized in domain name technical operations and DNS since 1993, has worked on issues facing registries to registrars, maintains a personal domain name investing portfolio, and has one of the most comprehensive experience bases in the industry having worked with: Name Intelligence, Verisign, Oversee, Minds + Machines, Sedari and ICANN.
Richard Lau is a domain name investor and expert. His holding companies include Ocean.net he has been been involved in the operation of almost 100 ICANN registrars. He has received a host of honors including the 2004 inaugural Domainer of the Year award from the T.R.A.F.F.I.C. conference.
Lau serves on the Advisory Board to DomainTools.com and is also an investor in Epik.com and AboutUs.com.
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