PX.com: From Parallel Brand to Rebranding – With Frans van Hulle

Frans van Hulle, CEO of a top global lead gen company, bought a two letter .COM, ran it as a parallel brand, and was so impressed with the results that ReviMedia just announced they’re rebranding to PX.com. What does this highly successful, number-driven serial entrepreneur understand about premium domain value that most CEO’s don’t? In this interview, we discuss:

  • Why they decided to create a parallel brand for their lead gen platform
  • Why they fell in love with PX.com
  • What were the challenges and advantages of building a brand on a 2 letter .COM which wasn’t the initials for their current business
  • What value they can put on the advantage a 2 letter .COM brings
  • The enterprise value of a 2 letter .COM to an organization like theirs

Interview (76:02): Watch | Listen/Download Audio | Transcript Coming Soon

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About Frans Van Hulle

Frans Van Hulle, ReviMedia.comFrans Van Hulle is the CEO of ReviMedia, a lead generation platform and company he co-founded with Bas Offers that specializes in developing and executing direct response marketing campaigns serving the insurance, home security and new-car buying industries.

Van Hulle is a serial entrepreneur, having founded multiple companies in the past. He is an accomplished affiliate marketing professional and currently lives in Panama.

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Frans Van Hulle Interview Raw (Non-Edited) Transcript

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6 Responses to “PX.com: From Parallel Brand to Rebranding – With Frans van Hulle”

  1. Great show Frans, Drew and Tess!

    I really enjoyed how Frans described how he purchased PX.com knowing it had a base value that was increasing, tried it as a separate business, and then went all in. It’s smart business planning, limiting his downside while taking full advantage of the upside.

    I enjoyed doing the first interview with you, Frans, and it was great to hear the follow-up. Continued success to you and your team!

  2. Mike says:

    Thanks, Frans, Drew, and Tess, for a great and enjoyable show. Lots of nuggets of information. Always appreciate everyone taking the time to do these shows and help the domain community!

  3. Platey says:

    Great interview

    As much as the domain is worth easily what was paid for it and it will soar in value in the years to come but the point the owner was trying to make was as good as the domain is etc the value is in the vision the owner has for the brand and where they can take the brand and what they can make of it

    Amazon was used as an example etc but most people if they had amazon dot com would never be able to make it what Jeff bezos has made it

    It was Jeff bezos vision for his company that made amazon what it is today and it’s his vision that will make Amazon even bigger than it is now and that would have happened without amazon dot com but having amazon dot com has helped but not the main reason why the company Jeff bezos built became what it is

    1. @Platey I agree with what you say and that should be obvious. But when evaluating a domain name for a particular business, you have to start with a baseline in order to compare apples to apples. Meaning, the vision and the execution are a “given” or a necessary “assumption”. If a business plan is crap, then it doesn’t matter which domain they choose. Maybe a great domain will keep them alive a bit longer than a crappy one but the business is still crap. So you have to assume that the vision is sound and the team will execute and you are assessing which domain name will put the most wind in that businesses sails.

      Domain names are the foundation of any brands digital identity. Period.

      When we evaluate a domain we are not evaluating the downside as much as the upside. Meaning, does a particular domain put a CEILING on how big your business can grow? A domain like Amazon.com or PX.com have NO CEILING. You can be a $10 Million company or a $100 Billion company (or in the case of Amazon a $1 TRILLION company!).

      Size is the ultimate variable, everything else gets treated as a constant.

      Does that make sense?

  4. Hello Frans
    Hardstikker leuk om een ”slimme” Hollandse jongen of DomainSherpa te zien .
    Heb nooit its over je gehoord,maar ik zal eens kijken wat zaken je doet .
    Heb wat .NL domains te koop ,weet niet of je er iets mee kan doen .
    Groeten uit Bali ,Indoneisia


  5. brand says:

    I really enjoyed this show, some very good points made. Thanks everyone.
    I hope Frans doesn’t take this the wrong way, i mean it with all respect.
    Frans kind of looks like Rick Schwartz and his voice sounds like Sean Connery..lol

    Thanks again for the great show and everyone’s time….

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