All domain name investors say their parking revenue has decreased over the past few years. Stop complaining and do something about it.
The last two weeks of the year are the perfect time to think strategically about building a business that creates cash flow in 2014.
The DomainSherpa editorial staff has selected seven interviews — our must-watch recommendations for entrepreneurs and wantrapreneurs.
The topics covered all relate to building a business, and include picking a business you’re passionate about, starting out with a sub-prime domain to prove your business model, looking at market trends, building a powerhouse business on an EMD, and the legal aspects to think about if you’re going to form a partnership.
Watch the interviews below, load-up your phone with the MP3 downloads, set your podcast app to our iTunes stream, download the transcripts, or bookmark this page. Remember, there are four ways to learn with every interview.
1. Build a Business on Your Passion
Sol Orwell is passionate about nutrition, so he built a website and gathered information for years. Now his data is paying-off in the $10+ billion dietary supplements industry. [Interview page with audio, transcript]
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2. Start Your Niche With a Sub-Prime Domain; Upgrade When Profitable
Luke Webster was aware that Procter & Gamble bought Gillette in 2005 for $57 billion. He saw opportunity in the straight razor niche, so he launched Today he owns and, has his own designs, patents, manufacturing and fulfillment. [Interview page with audio, transcript]
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3. Look for Trends to Build a Lead Generation Site
Chris Rodde and his two partners understood that the average age of the population in the United States was increasing. So they built a senior care and living lead generation service that serves hundreds of thousands of potential customers a month. [Interview page with audio, transcript]
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4. EMD Development in Competitive Lead Generation Car Loan Niche
Shaun McGowan had a $60 million (total turnover) per year lead generation business. Then he bought an exact match domain and went to $100 million in 5 months – with no other changes to his business. As an unexpected bonus, advertising costs decreased and conversions increased. [Interview page with audio, transcript]
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5. EMD Development in a Sports Marketplace Niche
Jesse Stein purchased for $12,500 in 2006. In 2012, the business made $19.5 million in revenue. In this $1.5 billion market, he believes the company can easily grow to $100 million in total revenue. This is their story. [Interview page with audio, transcript]
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6. EMD Development for the “Travelocity of Airport Parking”
Oversee had a great, frequented and profitable website at So why did they build the EMD, and why it will differentiate and help them dominate the airport parking marketplace. [Interview page with audio, transcript]
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7. How to Form a Development Partnership
Attorney Zak Muskovitz runs us through the major issues in a terms sheet, what should be discussed, and how a partnership should be formed intelligently. [Interview page with audio, transcript]
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