DomainSherpa Review – Mar 27:,,,,…

DomainSherpa Review with Michael Cyger, Andrew Rosener, Adam Strong and Shane CultraThis is the show where we get into the minds of successful domain name investors – people we call Sherpas – and talk about the value of specific domain names. By listening to the Sherpas, we expand our thought process so we can become more successful investors ourselves.

In this DomainSherpa Review:

  • We learn what the Sherpas bought or sold recently:,, portfolio
  • An investor’s portfolio is appraised:,,,…
  • Get your bids in soon for these NameJet auctions:,,,…
  • Plus, much more!

We’re joined by three Domain Sherpas: Andrew Rosener, Giuseppe Graziano and Shane Cultra.

Review (74:21): Watch | Listen/Download Audio | Domain Lists | Transcript

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Investor Submitted Domain Names Pre-Auction Listings

This Show’s Sherpas

Andrew Rosener
Andrew Rosener
Andrew Rosener is the CEO of the industry-leading domain name broker Media Options.

Andrew is widely considered a thought leader and expert on domain name value & methodology as well as domain name sales & acquisitions. With 20 years experience with domain names, Andrew has leveraged his knowledge and expertise to make MediaOptions the go-to domain name firm for startup & company domain acquisitions as well as high value domain name sales.

More shows with Andrew Rosener »

Giuseppe Graziano
Giuseppe Graziano
Giuseppe Graziano is the founder and CEO of, a domain name brokerage firm specializing in liquid domain names.

Giuseppe has a Masters Degree from the Fudan University in Shanghai, China and was named "Master of Domains" by as one of the top 10 highest grossing brokers in 2016.

More shows with Giuseppe Graziano »

Shane Cultra
Shane Cultra
Shane Cultra is a domain name investor and owner of the popular domain name blog,

Cultra is also a fifth generation owner of Country Arbors Nursery based in Urbana, Illinois, and has been a member of the PBS television show Mid American Gardener for more than 10 years, in addition to being a part of various gardening segments on CBS and ABC.

Shane also recently launched two new businesses, and, leveraging his online expertise with his love of nature and business acumen to create two exciting new ventures that are sure to be successful.

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Michael Cyger: On today’s DomainSherpa Review, Drew tells us why animals and colors are always great investments, and Giusseppe gives us the low down on liquid domains. Here’s today’s show.

Michael: Hey, Sherpa Network. Thank you so much for joining me today. I’m Michael Cyger, publisher of, and this is the DomainSherpa Review. This is the show where we get into the minds of successful domain name investors using real examples so we can learn strategies and tactics to become better investors. We have three segments to the review. We’ll start off learning what the Sherpas recently bought and sold. Next, we’ll discuss and value an investor submitted domain name portfolio. And finally, we’ll preview some domains going to auction soon at, and whether the Sherpas think they’re good investment opportunities for you.

Joining us today on the DomainSherpa Review are three past Sherpas and industry thought leaders. In order from left to right we have Andrew Rosener, CEO of the domain name broker firm, and CEO of, the leading B2B magazine serving the cannabis industry, Giuseppe Graziano, CEO of, a brokerage firm specializing in liquid domain names, and Shane Cultra, publisher of the blog, and owner of the Country Arbors Nursery in Illinois. Sherpas, welcome to today’s show.

Shane: Thanks, Michael.

Giuseppe: Hey, Mike.

Michael: Hey, Shane. I gotta say, I’m a little upset. I just, you know, as we were prepping and warming up for the conversation, I checked my email real fast and you totally gave it away what’s going on in the show today. What is that? [inaudible 00:01:18] triple quadruple hyphenated domains and… Oh, man.

Shane: Cater to the Finnish market?

Michael: “Triple hyphens that cater to the Finnish dn investor.” Yeah, that’s a bummer. So now we’re gonna have to change the show. All right, today’s show is sponsored by six awesome domain name industry providers that help us do what we do here. I’ll tell you about them during the show, but they include EstiBot,, David Weslow Legal Services, domainIQ,, and DNAcademy.

But first, we’re gonna start off with a segment called, “What’s new Sherpas?” Where the Sherpas share one purchase or sale that they’ve made over the past few weeks. And we get to learn what they’ve paid or received for the domain name, why they thought it was a good deal, and how the negotiation progressed. I’m gonna lead you thought the questions, but the other Sherpas will get to comment during the process as well. This segment we’re gonna go Drew, then Shane, then Giuseppe. Drew, what’s one domain name that you’ve personally bought or sold in the past couple of weeks? And tell us the domain and not the price yet.

Drew: Okay, Oh, snap. No, sorry [inaudible 00:02:23].

Michael: Wah-bam! [SP] We’re going right there, right off the bat.

Drew: Right off the bat we’re gonna go there. Thank you, Michael Berkens. Okay, how about

Michael: Oh,

Giuseppe: Oh, wow.

Michael: Did you just buy it or sell it?

Drew: Bought it.

Giuseppe: Nice.

Michael: Yeah, interesting. Okay, so Giuseppe, let’s go to you. We got a great word, impala. For those that aren’t aware, Impala is a model of Chevy, but it’s also a gazelle type of deer thing that lives in the desert in Africa.

Drew: Actually it lives in forested woodland.

Michael: Forested woodlands. Okay, thanks for the clarification, impala.

Drew: Not desert.

Michael: Giuseppe, what do you think Drew bought for?

Giuseppe: I would say something between for 30 to 50.

Michael: Thirty to $50,000? Shane, what do you think Drew bought for?

Shane: Man, that’s a good name.

Michael: It’s a good name.

Shane: I mean, I will say the first thing I think of is the car. I don’t know if that’s worldwide or not, but that is the first thing…

Michael: I think Chevys are worldwide, aren’t they?

Shane: Yeah, no, I don’t know if they call it Impala in every country, though.

Michael: Oh, right. Yeah, good point. They do rename their models.

Shane: Yeah, their vehicles. So that’s, I mean, that’s the first thing I think of. After that I think it’d be a tough… Yeah, I’m trying to think. Okay, so let me think. I’d say Giuseppe’s right in there, but I’m gonna give Drew the benefit of the doubt because he squeezed somebody and screamed at them for three days until they sold it. So I’m gonna say 27,000. It’s worth more than that, but I know Drew. He’ll beat you down.

Michael: So before we go to Drew and get the story, Giuseppe and Shane, does it worry you that when you hear that name, and Giuseppe, I’d like to hear from you first. The first thing you think of is the Chevy Impala, which isn’t made anymore I don’t think. But it’s just one of those iconic cars in the United States. Is that the first thing that you thought of, Giuseppe?

Drew: It is still made by the way.

Giuseppe: Yeah, that’s the first thing that comes to my mind. And actually, and it just sounds like a great brand. That’s the thing. That’s what I love about the name.

Michael: Yeah. Shane, does it give you hesitation that…if the deal came to you first would you have snatched it up if it was a good price?

Shane: Well, if it’s a good price, yeah. But I will say that the word Chevy always is in front of Impala, so you hardly ever just use the word “impala”. So Impala by itself is its own brand. But I do find that when I’m building a brand myself or for a customer, you don’t wanna have to overcome before you start. And in this case, there is a little overcoming. But like I said, Chevy always go, so you can certainly build your own brand and come up with your own keyword and totally separate it out. But there will be a little hurdle when you first start out, undoubtedly. I’d be lying to say that.

Michael: Yeah, well prior to Amazon launching I’m sure everybody thought Amazon was the rainforest.

Shane: No, exactly. Absolutely.

Michael: Drew, what’d you pay for

Drew: We paid 30 grand.

Michael: Thirty grand. Look at you guys, right on the money. Lower end of Giuseppe and pretty close for Shane. Great purchase. Why do you like the domain so much?

Drew: So I’ve only…literally, I mean, of all the domains that we’ve ever owned, which is a lot, I would say the two hardest categories of domains to acquire are an animal in the singular, the singular version of an animal, or a color. Those are the two hardest categories of single word dot com domains to acquire. And they generally, the reason they’re so hard to acquire is because they generally are some of the best names for a brand. And so they make phenomenal brands. The last one that we had was, and we flipped that real quick, like in a few days. I didn’t even wanna sell it and it just freaking…just couldn’t keep it in my pocket.

So, you know, I feel very good about Very happy to have another animal dot com in our portfolio. And yeah, I mean, that’s pretty much all there is to it. You know, I also feel a little bit like Snoop, “Rolling on 22s in my ’71 Impala.” But that was just an added benefit.

Michael: Yeah. So impala, 30k. That’s more than your typical 5k that you pay for these phenomenal brands, and I say with tongue in cheek, because you come on here sometimes and just throw out phenomenal stuff. The monthly searches on EstiBot looks like 135,000. That’s massive. That’s probably a lot related to the car, right?

Drew: Probably. But if you do a search you’ll find there’s like an oil and gas company, there’s private equity hedge funds named, you know, Impala whatever, Equity Impala, Capital Impala, whatever. There are many other uses of impala out there. And, you know, in a perfect world…

Michael: How do you do that search? I just went to Trademark 24/7, Drew, and I’m looking at impala and I see computer software, I see knives, I see a nail enamel, I see metal license plates, I see a trademark for investment management. Is that where you typically look up to see if it’s a trademark that goes across every single industry? Or if it’s like iPhone, it’s owned by a single company?

Drew: Yeah, so I do trademark searches, I do Crunchbase, which I’ve mentioned before, LinkedIn, basically there’s a bunch of different tools that we’ll go to. But if I go to the first tool and right off the bat I’m like, “Oh, boom. There’s 100 end users that call themselves whatever.” I already know that I’m in the money.

Michael: What are you gonna price it at? What’s your retail asking price on impala?

Drew: It’ll probably be, like, 250.

Michael: Drew. So how did you find this deal?

Drew: Came to me. It came to me.

Michael: You don’t wanna tell me, do you?

Drew: No. But literally, it did come to me. It came to me via Skype.

Michael: Yeah, so somebody in the industry who is connected to you said, “Hey, do you wanna buy impala?” And you negotiated?

Drew: Yeah. And just a little shout out to all the folks out there. I mean, just come to me. You got a name you wanna sell, it’s gonna come to me anyways. You might as well be the one to sell it to me. You can make the extra money. But this came via three different people because somebody was not smart enough to just come knock on my door first. So they sold it for $23,000 to somebody who sold it for $28,000 to somebody who sold it to me for $30,000. And that guy that sold it for 23 to somebody else, he’s on Skype. We talk regularly. He was just not, you know, he didn’t have his coffee that day and decided not to knock on my door. So anyways, when it comes to these one-word dot coms…

Michael: So I just wanna point out, Drew, that that’s a lesson learned for anybody in the industry that has, like, a single dictionary word generic brand like impala to…there are certain people that will buy them. And Drew is one of those people. And so, yeah, connect with him on Skype.

Drew: I mean, you know, obviously there’s other people out there that are buyers. But, I mean, somehow these things always end up on my doorstep, and maybe they’ve changed hands once or twice. But I’m the ultimate guy that just ends up buying these things. So just come knock on my door first, man. I’m probably the number one single-word dot com wholesale buyer out there, at least right now. So come knock.

Michael: Cool. Well, congratulations on that buy, Drew.

Drew: Thank you.

Michael: Hey, Shane. Let’s go to you. What’s one domain name you’ve bought or sold in the past few weeks? Tell us the domain name and not the price.

Shane: All right, it’s a sale and it’s

Michael: Rolling machines?

Giuseppe: Rolling machines?

Michael: Plural, rolling machines?

Shane: Yes.

Michael: Before we jump to that, hey Drew, what’s the plural of impala?

Drew: Impalas? I don’t know. It might be impala. It might be, like…

Michael: A gaggle of impala. Yeah, all right. Hey, Drew, what do you think Shane sold for?

Drew: Well, I was actually the second highest bidder in that auction.

Michael: So you know?

Drew: But I actually don’t remember. What happened is I actually missed the end of the auction, otherwise I would have bought that name. I really, really wanted to buy that name. You know, you mentioned this…this was in the pre-call. But anyways, [inaudible 00:11:50] I’ve ever made was this little $26 rolling machine that I bought, and it changed my life. So I wanted that name. I missed the end of the auction. I wanna say it ended at, like, 1,500 bucks. It might have even been lower than that, but I’m gonna go 1,500 bucks.

Michael: You’re gonna go 1,500? Giuseppe, what do you think Shane sold for?

Giuseppe: I have to be completely honest. I don’t even know what a rolling machine is.

Michael: Hey Shane, before we get Giuseppe to tell us, what is a rolling machine?

Shane: Well, you know, it used to be for cigarettes. So people that didn’t wanna roll cigarettes, they’d put them in a machine that rolls out a cigarette. But now they use it for other things.

Drew: Here’s the rolling machine, man. This is it right here. This is it, this is like a clam shell. You put the stuff in here. You can put the filter in here where the white line is, close it up, give it a little spin, spin, spin, take it out, and you’ve got, you know… You’ve got something beautiful.

Michael: That’s so funny, because when you said that, I was thinking…

Drew: This is the Chong roller. Tommy Chong, baby, Chong roller, $26 on Amazon.

Michael: I was thinking one of those tubes that you roll on, and it, like, works out your side muscles on your legs and stuff.

Shane: No, it’s all for cigarettes and…

Michael: No, rolling machine like papers? All right.

Shane: Yeah, marijuana.

Michael: All right.

Drew: So there’s actually very expensive, very big, expensive machines called roll formers, which are also rolling machines. And those things cost, like, you know, between $100,000 and $1 million each.

Michael: Wow.

Drew: Yeah.

Michael: Jeez. All right, Giuseppe, now that you’ve been educated about what a rolling machine is and the industry that it serves, what do you think Shane sold for?

Giuseppe: If it was in an auction, then I would guess, yeah, like kind of same as Drew. Like probably 2k? Between, you know, 1.5 and 2k I would guess.

Michael: Yeah, all right. Shane, what did you sell for?

Shane: I could have sworn I sold it to Drew. I thought for sure he was the high bidder. He caught me off guard. I was gonna do it like I did Frank and say, “Hey Frank. You actually bought it.” It only went for $735.

Michael: Oh, wow.

Shane: Yeah, I thought it was a good buy by the person that got it auctioned. But I think I paid 100 bucks or $150 for it a while ago. So I still did fine on it.

Michael: You did fine, but why wouldn’t you hold that one long-term? If, you know, marijuana, cannabis industries are growing, they’re growing, some say exponentially. But you look at the number of states, it’s still, like, probably not exponential yet. Why not keep it for another five years?

Shane: Well, I’ve had it for five years and I haven’t had one bid on it. Not one single [inaudible 00:14:36].

Michael: Well, Giuseppe didn’t even know what it was. You need to wait for the industry to catch up.

Shane: So I figured, you know, I do that all the time. I mean, if you don’t get an offer, you don’t get anything, let somebody else who thinks they can do better, or are gonna build it out. I’ll take the cash and keep moving. Yeah, but I thought it would go for a little higher. I thought, for sure, Drew would pay more, but I gotta find out Drew’s schedules when he’s in and out of the [inaudible 00:14:59].

Drew: I would have paid more except I missed the end of the auction.

Michael: I don’t know why these auction places don’t ask for your cell phone and then text you 10 minutes before the auction ends, right? Like, how hard is that? You integrate in, what’s that service that does text messaging?

Shane: SMS. Travis and I are talking about for GoDaddy and NameJet, to set up a service that you get texted when you’re getting outbid, because they sure as hell aren’t doing it.

Michael: You know it’s gonna take them like a year to build it. So yeah, just go out and build it.

Shane: It’s so easy to build. And the SMS is like $1 for 1,000 texts now. It costs nothing to do. It’s just…yeah, I mean, it’s just [inaudible 00:15:42].

Michael: I’ve done the same thing, Drew, on NameJet and where I’ve just gotten too busy and forgot, and lost the auction that I really wanted. And, you know, now that I say that Mike Carson’s gonna go out and have it built in, like, a month. I put money on that. But you know that…

Shane: Yeah, I’ll be part of that. But imagine if you got a text that said, “New bidders at 1,500. Text 1,700 if you’d like to go to 1,700.” And it’ll automatically bid for you.

Michael: Yeah, and then, like, text you back and confirm, and you press “1” to confirm. Yeah.

Shane: Yeah, man, I’d be paying way too much on my auctions just because I’m in a hurry. I’d be on a… I’d go, “What’d I just put in? Oh well, I got it.”

Michael: Yeah, I agree.

Shane: I’m gonna text Drew anyway from now on. I’m just gonna have my own private one.

Michael: Did you sell that on NameJet?

Shane: Say that again?

Michael: You sold it on NameJet?

Shane: Yeah, it was on NameJet, part of our auction.

Michael: Yeah, all right. Thanks, Shane. Giuseppe, let’s go to you. What’s one domain name you’ve bought or sold in the past couple of weeks?

Giuseppe: So yeah, actually I feel bad about it because most of my sales I cannot really disclose it. What I can say is that in the past two weeks we sold a package of three three-letter dot coms.

Michael: Three three letters?

Giuseppe: Yeah.

Michael: Yeah.

Shane: And who’s buying them? Are they Chinese market?

Giuseppe: Chinese.

Shane: Chinese market?

Michael: Yeah. What do you see going on in China right now, Giuseppe? You know, I belong to a WhatsApp group with just, or primarily, Chinese investors. And there’s a lot of, you know, fluctuation in the market that I hear people talking about. In general, are Chinese investors still investing in, like, five letters and six numbers? Or is the market compressing with the Chinese investors, and are they going for higher level domains like three letters and four numbers?

Giuseppe: Yeah, actually I was just in China at the end of February, and I met a few investors, a few brokerages. And I think basically, I mean, the biggest [inaudible 00:17:42] that I’m seeing right now is that I think Chinese investors are starting to realize that a domain name is something that you sell to an end user. It’s not necessarily, like, a [inaudible 00:17:51] value. So I think they’re catching up with the market, and I think they’re becoming more knowledgeable about that. And they’re kind of leaving out the lower, you know, the second tier domains. Those ones that no market outside of the main one.

Michael: Interesting. So do you think that they’re gonna be thinking longer term rather than just waiting for the market variation to buy and sell? That they’re gonna buy longer term and hold longer term?

Giuseppe: Absolutely. I think now it’s they’re gonna be much more looking to longer terms. And I think all the companies, they are also looking at that. So they would like to do more end user reach and this sort of thing, as opposed to just purely selling to investors. Because investors that have a lot of domains adapt to realize the value. Because they invested quite a bit of money, they want to see the return. And until they see that they can actually sell to end users, that, you know, it’s gonna be hard for them to invest.

Michael: Yeah, interesting. All right, thanks for that insight, Giuseppe. And thanks, Sherpas. I wanna tell you about three of our sponsors for today’s show.

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Michael: We’re gonna move onto the next segment of the show. In the domain portfolio review, we take user submitted domain name portfolios and provide honest and constructive feedback to the owners so they can either cut their losses, continue to hold long term, or figure out a sales strategy going forward. Today’s portfolio was submitted by Victor Paez. As part of his submission, Victor made a generous donation to the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center to help us all find a cure for cancer. Victor’s list of 25 domain names starts with I look at it every time and I think “Andy,” but it’s A-D-N-Y, and it ends with “Yigg,” All but three of his domain names are dot com, and most are four-letter liquid domains.

If you’re watching this show, this is the point where you press the pause on the show, review the domains below this video yourself, price the domains, pick your top three, your bottom three. And then come back, hit play and listen to the Sherpas share their insights. That’s the way we improve our skills, you know, by determining what we think is valuable and then listening to our Sherpas, and then trying to align that in our head. The order for this segment, we’re gonna go Giuseppe, then Shane, then Drew. Giuseppe, let’s start with you. What domains do you like on Victor’s list, and why?

Giuseppe: Yeah, so I like it a lot, actually, Victor’s portfolio. And I like it a lot. I mean, as you know, I focus on four letters dot com, three letters, two letters, two numbers, etc, all the domains that are considered liquid. And I like a lot of the four-letter dot coms. And the ones I like the most are actually, the first one is, then there is, and, and ydnr, and for a couple different reasons. Most of them, as most people know, like, any four-letter dot com, the minimum you can sell it as this current level it’s about 220. For domains that only Chinese premium, so they do not contain vowels or [inaudible 00:20:55].

Then, you know, they sell for at least 1,300. And I like a lot adny, because it can also be interpreted like ad New York, and it’s pronounceable. I like because it’s pronounceable, and normally, like, the domains that are first part pronounceable, second part is gg, they actually never sell for less than 1k. And then ydnr because it’s like the Chinese premium ones. So those are the top ones. But overall, I mean, you could look into it, for example, can also be, like, a last name. So that could be something interesting. But overall, I like the approach of the portfolio.

Michael: Good. So you would say that he’s heading down a path that is gonna lead to more money if he holds them long term? Do you think the value of these four letters is gonna continue to rise?

Giuseppe: I mean, it really depends at what price he bought it at. So if for 5k each that might not be a very good strategy. If he bought it between 200 and 300, I think he’s doing very well. But yeah, overall, I mean, regardless of the fluctuation of the markets, I really like four-letter dot coms because even if you sell them, like, you know, at 10x margins, there’s always gonna be a user looking to pay for it. So if you just wait and you actually get end user to bid on the domains, then you actually have the opportunity to sell it to make a profit out of it. Or you can simply wait and just, you know, and resell it at market prices.

Michael: Right, and the ad New York, the adny could go to an end user, but you said jegg is pronounceable. How do you pronounce that one?

Giuseppe: Jegg? Yeah, I would say.

Michael: Jegg. Yeah, I guess it’s pronounceable, but I don’t know. If you told me jegg, yeah, you can pronounce it. I just wouldn’t know how to spell it.

Giuseppe: Right, yeah. I mean, it’s like jegg, and then please spell it, and it’s G, I guess.

Michael: Ydnr. Yeah, I guess you can’t pronounce ydnr. But that one’s a Chinese premium. So the Chinese premiums, you say, are going for a minimum of $1,300 right now?

Giuseppe: Yeah, it’s actually miraculous because if you look at the charts, it’s basically over the past month it really is completely flat. They never go down 1,300. So it seems like the market is pretty solid at the level.

Michael: Yeah. Where do you go to look at the charts?

Giuseppe: So there’s two places you can go. The one we look at, it’s like, And you can also look at the prices at Those are the two main ones that I use.

Michael: Cool. All right, thanks, Giuseppe. Let’s go over to Shane.

Shane: Okay.

Michael: Sorry, I had to scroll up to see who was next on the list.

Shane: [inaudible 00:23:50] okay.

Michael: Shane, what do you like on Victor’s list and why?

Shane: So I agree with Giuseppe. I think four-letter dot coms are certainly part of any domain investor’s portfolio, because of exactly that. Stability seems to be there. Anytime in the last 10 years, if you need cash, you can sell it. Will you make a ton of money on the return? People said no, but then we had a little run here last year that you had a chance to make it. So these things do move up and down. And there’s opportunity to scout. Volatility is good and there’s opportunity to scout, because if you know that something goes for a certain price then you know what to hunt it down for. So when Giuseppe says that they’re going for 1,300 and have been for 3 months, I love stuff like that. That means if I can find it for $1,100, I can make $200 for a quick turn.

Michael: Yeah, so is that the sort of margin that you’re looking for on domains that probably don’t have end users but have that, you know, liquid domain? If it’s a 1,300 Chinese premium you’re gonna try and pick it up for 1,100?

Shane: Yeah, I mean, again, Drew’s working on bigger margins but I have no problem on a name, you know. So NameJet gets 15%, and if I can get someone that’s willing to sell it what they would get after their commission, and maybe even cut a little bit off because NameJet takes a month to pay. So I could say, “Hey, you gotta wait a month. You gotta cut 15%. I’ll give you this.” So I buy it and hold it. So I just bought a four-letter dot com yesterday that ended in a “C,” because I’m kind of known… Drew does the same thing. I love western premium letters, no vowels, that end in “C.” I’ll take them all day, and I’ll pay $1,300 because they’re solid names and they have been forever, and they have a good opportunity to sell to the end user.

It’s great to collect them and know the downside’s limited, but you also always have that end user. So I think he’s doing the right thing. I mean, I looked and in 2008, adny sold for $630. We know it’s gotta be worth more than that. Although that hasn’t moved up as much as a chip would since 2008.

Michael: Right, but he’s got the potential that an end user may approach him on that one, and then he will get the 10 time that Giuseppe, or at least have the opportunity to get 10 time. Whereas on ydnr…I’m sorry, whereas yigg, he probably wouldn’t get a 10 time on that one.

Shane: Yeah, I mean, but yigg, that’s a short little brand, too. I mean, I get that it is pronounceable, but it’s a cool looking name. If you look it up and you saw a website called yigg, to me that’s kinda tech-y sounding. I like that. So I think that works. Now I look at Gwar. I don’t know if anybody…Drew maybe listened to Gwar back in the day. Do you remember the band that dressed up in costumes?

Drew: Yeah.

Shane: Yeah, I looked it up and I go, “I know that…”

Drew: Didn’t they spit out something red that is supposed to be like blood?

Michael: I think they wore those enormous spikes on their…yeah.

Shane: Absolutely. So I looked it up, and I started looking at that name to find out. And an hour later, I’m watching the lead singer’s [inaudible 00:26:49], and I’m watching some lady named Vulvatron, who’s their new lead singer. I spent an hour watching a concert with blood coming out of her breasts.

Michael: Oh my God.

Shane: Yeah, it was crazy. I go, “Man, the internet. That’s just brutal.” I mean, I had surfed, just from looking up one name for a show…

Drew: Twenty dollars says that somebody registers when this air shows…show airs.

Shane: It was…I had no idea.

Michael: Yeah, well, I ran these domains through EstiBot, because I wanted to see what it would… And it came up with for 194,000. I’m like, “What is going on with that acronym?” So yeah, I went over and then I started watching videos the exact same way you did. I had totally forgotten about them as a rock band, or a heavy metal band.

Shane: Oh man, I wasted the whole night and I never even got back to the list. So I’m making everything else up. But yeah, so that was… And then I looked up… No, that’s the thing about…

Michael: Hey, Shane. So it’s fair to say is not worth $194,000? Or what would you say?

Shane: No, I don’t think anybody, I mean, I saw G-war at first. But Gwar, I mean… I don’t know that Gwar has the money to buy it, looking at their concerts. It’s pretty much just a cosplay with blood.

Michael: But it could be, like, a $5,000-domain.

Shane: Yeah, I think a Gwar fan, they’re pretty ferocious. So yeah, it has [inaudible 00:28:19] a fan site it’d be fine.

Giuseppe: Ferocious?

Michael: If you’re a Gwar fan, post Dan a comment. I wanna know who’s a Gwar fan.

Shane: I have to admit, it was pretty fun watching the videos. This Vulvatron girl, she’s a good singer. But anyway, and then I looked up ydnr. That’s the nice thing about short names is you can actually put in the letters that you wanna see what other names with those letters in those same exact locations. And tynr, and pynr, tynr went for 1,200 recently and pynr went for 1,500. So right on the money.

Michael: So tell me how you did that search where you can find similar…

Shane: So ShortNames has a little search box to the left and you can put any letter you want in any position in those search boxes, and all the four letters that have that letter in that position. And that’s good if you’re comparing names and wanna see past sales, you know, wholesale value. So and then the last thing is Floridaloan, I thought I owned that one. I said, “I feel like I felt I owned that.” But I actually sold Floridahomeloans plural for 3,500 a couple years ago. So there is a market for Floridaloan. Although I sold both of my Floridaloans to the same guy at different times. But there’s definitely a market for that as well.

Michael: Well, Victor should contact you and ask you who your…or go to Ahua’s [SP] look-up and contact that guy and see if [inaudible 00:29:37].

Shane: I have all my emails from 2008, so I can do that. It’s a little scary.

Michael: Yeah, all right. Thanks, Shane. Drew, let’s go to you. What do you like on Victor’s list that maybe Giuseppe and Shane didn’t touch on?

Drew: I mean, so a lot of it is sort of the same set. It’s four letters, you know, liquid stuff. I mean, it’s a good list. I don’t like the co uks,, not so… You know, first of all, in the German market, English doesn’t sell at all. And they don’t even say marijuana. And yeah, whatever. That’s got no value. But the rest of these names, I mean, they’re all… You know, there’s nothing on here I’m like, “That’s awful.” Doughnutoutlet, nobody’s getting rich on But I wouldn’t delete it, you know? Like, [inaudible 00:30:37] outlet. I don’t know, is probably the worst name on the list, I would say, other than the co uks. I just don’t like them. Yeah, I don’t know. All good names.

Michael: What about Are four letters dot nets strong investment opportunities?

Drew: No, they’re not. But gild is a good word, a strong word. There’s a lot of gilds out there. So somebody could want it, you know? It’s certainly not a name to delete. It’s taking [inaudible 00:31:18] every extension, good search volume. I mean, it’s got value but it’s not something I’d be like, “Oh, tuck that one away. That’s retirement.” But no, just all good four letters. I’ve said it many times, I think that if I look at the market today, I think that the two best investments out there are four-letter dot coms, regardless of whether it’s, I don’t give a —- if it’s a chip, okay? So honestly I wanna punch everybody in the face that’s talking about chips and this. Like, just shut up, okay? Because just like the Chinese have worked figuring out, it doesn’t matter if it’s a freaking chip. It doesn’t matter, it’s irrelevant.

The Chinese are stupid if they’re just worried about whether the letters are vowels or not. The only thing that matters in any domain investment period is are there end users to buy this name? Are there end users to buy this name? Ask yourself when you buy any domain name. And if it doesn’t, it’s a —- domain. I don’t care if it’s a two letter, a three letter, a four letter. I don’t care if it’s a one. I don’t care what it is. If there’s no end user, it’s a piece of crap, period. Pigeon —-, as Rick Schwartz would say.

So yeah, I don’t care if it’s a goddamn, you know, chip. Irrelevant, irrelevant. In fact, I’m glad that all these idiots are talking about chips and all that stuff. No offense to present company. But it’s like, I don’t give a —- if it’s, is not a chip. But that’s a great domain. That name will sell to an end user, if you have some balls and you buy it, and you sit on it, and you wait for the end user. Or you go out and you contact them and you put in a little bit of work. But unfortunately, 90% of our business in our industry is people who have either no brain, no balls, or no intelligence. But if you can start checking off some of those boxes, then you will do fine.

So this guy has gone out, he’s bought some great four-letter dot coms. I don’t care if they’re chips. If anybody tells you, “Oh, this name’s only worth $220,” punch him in the face. The domains are good. These are all good domains, except for maybe uwux, but maybe there’s an end user out there. But no, he’s on the right track. It’s one of the best portfolios. I think four-letter dot coms are a great investment. I think he’s on the right track.

Michael: Just a couple more that we didn’t mention, Do you like that one, Drew?

Drew: I mean, I don’t love it.

Michael: But you wouldn’t drop it?

Drew: I mean, you know, look, it depends on who you are, what your situation is. I mean, look, if you can afford…if $8.50 is not going to affect your life in anyway, if it doesn’t mean that you don’t get a sandwich for lunch this week, then just keep it. For $8.50 there’s a good chance that someday somebody will want that for whatever, a couple grand. But, you know, you just gotta have realistic expectations.

Michael: Yeah, so your realistic expectation as a retail price would be a couple grand?

Drew: Yeah, I mean, like…

Michael: Two to five grand, somewhere in that order of magnitude?

Drew: Yeah, 2,500 bucks, 3,500 bucks, 5 grand, you know, something like that. But I also…I’m not gonna tell you that it’s worth that much. I just think that it’s worth the risk of paying $8.50 to wait for somebody to come along and pay that, right? It could sell for 2,500 bucks over a 10-year period, you can wait a long time paying $8.50.

Michael: Yeah, definitely. Hey, Shane, You like that one?

Shane: No, I think they’re just playing on Boston Strong. Yeah, I thought Denverstrong and then welcometoAlabama were the two weakest on there. Yeah, that’s a name that I’d put up for 399 on a buy it now and make sure it’s in the GoDaddy thing, wait a year.

Michael: Premium so it shows up in the registration path?

Shane: Yeah, I mean, I’m willing to wait things out. But there’s also, between WHOIS looking up, how many WHOIS lookups and how many offers you get, I can tell a little bit about it. If I don’t get anything for two or three years, yeah, you could wait forever. But, you know, then that means there’s only one or two people that want it. But if you’re not putting it in the stream, I’ve said this a couple shows. If you’re not on the stream of GoDaddy, and when somebody types it in you don’t show up, you’re not doing it right.

Michael: Not for all your domains. Like, I wouldn’t put impala in there, but for something like this, definitely put $200, $300, $400, $500 in as a price. Put it as 499, or 399, 349 and get it sold. [inaudible 00:35:55].

Shane: Absolutely. You want some guy that wants, he sells wine blends and he types it in. And he doesn’t know to go WHOIS looks. He just types into GoDaddy and see if it’s for sale and he goes, “Oh, $500. I’ll buy it from GoDaddy.” He doesn’t even know he bought it from you. He just paid 500 bucks. So you have to be part of that on that lower-end names. And I learned it more from Josh, my partner at DSAD. Every day, he texts me all the ones he sells. It’s just crazy. Every day he does three, four, and five names, 399, 899, 1,600.

Michael: Every day, he’s selling three to five domains?

Shane: He might have 4 million names. I have no idea if he’s making money. I mean, that’s what I love about it. I could just film Josh all day. We could do a whole show on his crazy antics, but every [inaudible 00:36:43].

Drew: I love Josh. Josh is one of my favorite people. He’s just like…talk about eccentric. I mean, he’s just like there’s nobody…

Shane: His hands are right here the whole time. And then I say, “Are you making money?” And he goes, “Well, I have money to buy another name. So yes, probably.”

Michael: I know. I’m gonna give him a free FD account if he agrees to just track all of this stuff so we can see if he’s making money or not.

Shane: Oh no, don’t even attempt. We have tried. We’ve tried to build him platforms and put all kinds of things in it. The key is you gotta fill it out.

Michael: Yeah, exactly.

Drew: That’s right.

Shane: But, you know, he’s not putting…

Drew: Listen, to this point about waiting and you don’t hear anything and nothing happens, two to three years, let it go. One of the names of that original sort of 300, I think it was 1 of that first group of names that we bought, expired GoDaddy auctions many years ago, was And we’ve gotten one inquiry. I don’t know how many years we’ve owned it. But we’ve had literally had one inquiry. They were, like, you know, told us where to go. We asked $5,000. They told us where to go. That was, like, four years ago.

And then literally, that guy came back this morning and bought the name. We sold it for $2,500. I probably paid whatever, I don’t know what I paid, $10 or $60. It doesn’t matter. But it certainly wasn’t more than that. And five, seven, eight years, I don’t know how long we’ve had it, but it’s been a long time. No inquiries, and then, all of a sudden, a guy shows up and, boom, 2,500 bucks. Thank you very much. Have a nice day. And I got $40, $100 in renewal fees, you know, big deal. But again, it depends on who you are and what kind of portfolio you’re operating.

Shane: Yeah, and [inaudible 00:38:37] how many names, if it’s 1,000 and it’s 8,000 a year, then it’s a little… But if it’s 100, I look at it and you could probably say this forever. But if you’ve got 100 names you’re not quite sure about, you have to sell 1 of them for $800 to pay for that year. And usually I do. Usually one comes through. I just don’t know which 1 of the 100 it is. I can’t even pretend that I do.

Drew: Well, that’s right. That’s why you gotta be careful with your deletions. It’s because on these types of names, on these small names. I mean, you don’t know which one is gonna be the one that just pops all of a sudden, right? And so just as a rule, the one you delete is the one that’s gonna pop, okay? So you gotta be a little bit careful with trimming back.

Michael: But as you’re going through your domain names every year, one of the things that you should do before you delete it, if you’re not getting inquiries, is to go do a search on Google for that in quotes and see what’s coming up. Like I see a ton of stuff, the Rio Olympic Media Village looks pretty nice. Not a trademark. Olympic Media Village, Olympic Media discusses what they are.

Drew: Actually it is a trademark.

Michael: I see right on the homepage.

Shane: Olympic anything will have that.

Michael: Somebody’s gonna wanna shorten it from Olympia Media Group to either OMG, which they’re never gonna get, or Olympic Media. So you can reason through that that is a good name to hold.

Drew: Yeah.

Shane: Yeah, I mean, it’s…

Drew: Well, do the same for wine blend. I mean, you’re gonna see a lot of results for that, too.

Michael: A ton of wine blends, yeah. I didn’t do a search on wine blend, but tons of wines are blends now. Bottles of wines are now blends nowadays, so you gotta look at the commercial aspect of it. Yeah.

Shane: And the key is to eliminate the obviously bad ones. Because, you know, we could say which names are selling and which ones won’t, we will get it wrong on these lower ones. But if it was winesblend, we would know to get rid of it. And a lot of people still don’t. So that’s the key, is you have to use the experience and the knowledge to at least eliminate the definitely bad ones and then move from there, and a lot of people still haven’t gotten to the point where they can eliminate the definitely bads.

Michael: Yeah. All right, Victor, thank you for submitting your portfolio and making a donation to cancer research. We hope this review has been helpful to you in your domain investing activities going forward. Before we jump into the domains going to auction soon, I wanna tell you about three of our other sponsors.

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Finally, if you’re struggling with how to buy, sell, and value domain names, you need to check-out Published by me, Michael Cyger of DomainSherpa, and trusted by Uniregistry to train their new employees, you too can learn using the DNAcademy accelerated learning system for domain name investing. Learn more at

Michael: We’re gonna move onto the marketplace list. This segment is sponsored by NameJet, and we’ll be reviewing 13 no reserve or reserve met domain names heading to auction soon. If you like one of the names below, click through soon because once they go to auction you lose your chance to be a minimum bid and be a part of that auction, or even just watch the results. The links below go directly to NameJet. They’re not commissionable links. They’re just trackable so NameJet can see what kind of traffic we’re sending them.

The list starts with, and it ends with For transparency, I always ask the Sherpas if they own any of the domain names on the list. Do you guys…any of them look familiar?

Drew: No. Well, lucio [SP] we used to own, but we don’t own it anymore.

Michael: You used to own everything, man. All right, again, if you’re watching this show, this is the point where you should press the pause on the show, review the domain names, price the domains, pick your top three, your bottom three, and then come back and listen to what the Sherpas have to say. This segment we’re gonna go Shane, then Drew, then Giuseppe. Shane, from an investment perspective, what do you like on the NameJet list, and why?

Shane: I think it’s probably one of your better lists in a long time. There’s some great names on here, some really good markets. So the first one that I really liked was webcourses. The online education market is the future. I live on a university campus. I know that the real money for universities is made through online courses. People pay a lot of money and there’s a lot of opportunity to get students on there. Webcourses is big. No reserve is a pretty risky move if I were selling it. I certainly wouldn’t do it in no reserve. But, you know, I think that’s…and webcourse would not be any good. You’re not just offering a course, you’re offering a plural. So the courses is the right way to go there, too. I think it’s probably a five-figure name eventually for somebody that wants to do a generic for that.

Michael: So you think it’s like a $10,000 name retail? Or do you think it’s a $50,000 name?

Shane: Absolutely. Yeah, I mean, I think that it’d be a hub for online courses. You know, onlinecourses would be good, but webcourses gets it done, too. So yeah, I could see that being a five-figure name easily. I pronounce it lucio, or is it you said, lucio? But I know lots of [inaudible 00:43:22].

Drew: I don’t know. Ask the Italian, he knows.

Giuseppe: In Italian, it’s lucio.

Together: Lucio.

Michael: It’s spelled

Shane: Lucio. There’s probably a lot of end users for that, a good one word. Drew knows what he sold it for and it’s definitely more than two grand, because I don’t think Drew would sell any name for two grand.

Michael: Yeah, so when I pulled the names yesterday, sorry for being late, guys, it was at $2,000. And so what do you think that it’s gonna sell for? And what would you price it at if you owned it, Shane?

Shane: Yeah, I didn’t do my homework here. I didn’t see how many people have the name in the world.

Michael: Oh yeah, what’s that website? It’s how many…

Shane: I always look…

Drew: There’s 100 of them.

Michael: It’s

Shane: How many of me?

Michael: Yeah,, and then you type in “Lucio” as the first name. And then I’m hitting search. “Please select your age,” why do you… Oh yes, okay. I’m older than 13. And it came back with 9,736 people in the U.S. with the name Lucio.

Shane: Oh, well, there’s probably… Yeah, you got a whole worldwide market. So I don’t know, it’s definitely a five-figure name. I’d have to do a little more homework on it. But NameJet, I haven’t paid attention to the…when I say “foreign,” foreign for us, names. But now that I think about it, I’m thinking of the Mexican name with an “io.” That’s the Lucios I know. So I don’t even know that name at all. Forget that.

Michael: All right, well, maybe Giuseppe will tell us.

Shane: Yeah, [inaudible 00:44:57]. And also, I have another question I didn’t look up. Is bankruptcy spelled right in bankruptcycourt?

Michael: Bankruptcy.

Shane: That’s a word I struggle with. There’s always a “T,” like, I don’t know where the “Ts” go. Is that spelled correctly?

Michael: It’s spelled right. I just copied it out of the script and I put it into Google and it didn’t say, “Did you mean…” So yeah, it’s spelled correctly, bankruptcy.

Shane: Yeah, those are the…

Michael: So now that you know it’s spelled correctly, is a good investment?

Shane: Yeah, I don’t know what you’d use it for, but it’s probably not a bad buy. You’d have to see what it goes for. If it went for under $1,000 it’d probably be okay. But I don’t know what you’d use that one for. The one that I really like is creditcardrelief. I can see that on every commercial right after the legal guy that asks if I’ve been in an accident or not. And then this guy comes on if I need credit card relief, because I have…

Michael: “Are you tired of paying credit card bills? We can get you relief.”

Shane: Yeah. “We’ve saved our clients over $10,000 in the last 2 minutes.”

Michael: Yeah, exactly. So it was at $200 when I pulled these domains yesterday. What do you think that would go for retail?

Shane: I think you could conceivably get 50,000 or more to the right person. The money in that is huge. Yeah, that’s a big boy area right there, and it’s a shady area, too. So anytime you add shady litigation and that kind of stuff, it’s worth a lot of money. So yeah, I could see that easily going for 50,000. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was a $100,000 name if there was a company that wants to use it for their branding on television. That’s a good name. On NameJet, I don’t know. I would think $8,000, $10,000 I wouldn’t be surprised for it to go that high. Merchant services the other day, like a merchant service name which is another high industry, those were going for $6,000 and $7,000 and I really didn’t think merchant service people paid attention on NameJet.

Michael: I know. Well, and nobody refers to it as merchant services anymore because you just go to and you get your account.

Shane: But it’s like merchant loans or something like that. That’s an industry where people are…that’s a big industry where they’re giving you loans based on your credit card terminals. And I didn’t think really other than people in the industry knew, but it went for a lot on NameJet as well. So I expect that to do very well. And then meca is one I’m, you know, it’s not spelled correctly in the way that I know, but it’s a CVCV, so that’s a six grand or plus name right now. You know, I kinda say that because I sold my CVCVs when they hit five and I was pretty excited about it because they went from, like, one to five. And now they’re starting to hit 5 to 10 to 12 and up. And just another market that I sold out too early. Add it to my list.

Michael: Meca, So you think it’ll sell for 6,000. Do you think that it could potentially sell to an end user, what Drew was just talking about [inaudible 00:48:05]?

Shane: I think it’d probably go for 8,000. It’s at least six right now, even the shitty ones go for four. So I’d say it goes for six, probably eight, maybe more.

Michael: Yeah, what would you ask for it if you owned it?

Shane: I always put 20 grand on my CVCVs. I’ve watched though and Francois put them at 20,000 to 25,000 for a decade and they don’t seem to move. But the wholesale market’s always been stronger than the end user market when it comes to consonant vowel, consonant vowel.

Michael: Yeah, all right. Thanks, Shane. Drew, let’s go over to you. What do you like on the NameJet list, and why, for a newer investor?

Drew: So, I mean, for a newer investor I really like communityplanning. I was just having a conversation with a guy the other day that does, you know, city planning, community planning, urban planning. That’s a good name, decent CPC, taking a lot of extensions. He probably picked that up real cheap, these two-letter word dot coms are not going for much money in most cases.

Michael: And what would you ask for it if you picked it up?

Drew: Probably, like, you know, 5 grand, 7,500, something like that. And I bet you’d get that for no more than a few hundred dollars.

Michael: Yeah, so that could be a great investment opportunity, yeah.

Drew: Yeah, I mean, web courses, I agree, great name. It’s got decent search. No CPC, which I find a little bit odd. I’m pretty sure we sold years ago, brokered the sale of And if I remember correctly, that was a lot of money, like, well into six figures. And creditcardrelief, no search, but again, good marketing name, good SEM name.

Michael: Do you agree that it could be a $50,000 retail sale?

Giuseppe: Me?

Michael: No, Drew.

Drew: Creditcardrelief… You know, a few years ago, I would’ve agreed. Today, I’m finding that buyers are a little bit more savvy than they used to be and they know to go look for search volume. They know to go look for traffic. And so I don’t know. I’m not gonna say it’s impossible. But I think it’s more likely to sell as [inaudible 00:50:45] which is gonna be, like, you know, 10 to 25 grand. But, you know, that’s a sector with a lot of money, so you never know. You never know.

Michael: Okay, cool. What’s one more you like on the list, Drew?

Drew: I mean, I like lucio, and we used to own it. So I like that one. But again, no offense Giuseppe, but the Europeans just don’t pay. And it’s certainly not gonna sell in America. So I just don’t see that one popping for a lot of money to an end user.

Michael: So let me ask you, Drew, and then we’ll go over to Giuseppe and get his reaction. Why do you say Europeans just don’t pay? You mean compared to U.S. or, what do you mean exactly?

Drew: Yeah, compared to U.S. So the U.S. is just… God, I hate to even go down this path.


Shane: I was gonna say, do you wanna open this can?

Drew: Political discourse 101. All right, so here’s the deal. So America has a different version of capitalism than the rest of the world, okay? And we play with money probably the right way, actually, because this whole thing is a totally convoluted fantasy. Capitalism is a convoluted fantasy. It’s just this interesting way to make people collaborate and coerce. And so, you know, the whole thing is a fantasy. And so really, what do you do with a fantasy? You should play out a fantasy to its extreme. And so I think that the American capitalism is, more or less, of all the versions of capitalism out there, it’s probably the best one, Chinese capitalism being the worst one. And European capitalism being somewhere in between. They’re kinda stuck, like, you know, “We’re supposed to be socialist. We’re supposed to be capitalist, what are we supposed to be doing? Oh my God, pay a lot for a domain name, that doesn’t make any sense. I could buy a lot of $6 sandwiches with that.”

Michael: I know many people in the U.S. that feel that way, let me tell you.

Drew: And so…


Drew: Look, there are plenty of American [inaudible 00:53:03] where to go. There are plenty of European companies that will step up and pay the price. But it’s not the rule, it’s the exception. When I see a German buyer, I’m just like… When I see a German company come and contact us for a domain name, I’m just like, “Ugh. Look, I know you’re not gonna pay the price. Just go away. Just don’t even make me think that you wanna buy the domain, because you don’t.”

Giuseppe: But they’ll put you with their lawyer.

Drew: Yeah, then they’ll put… So I honestly, like, I actually kind of don’t comply. I just ignore them. British companies, little bit better. But, you know, Italian companies, they don’t pay. Spanish companies, they don’t pay. German companies, they don’t pay. Swiss companies, they don’t pay. They just don’t. It’s just not in their budget. It’s not in their mentality. And Americans, you know, half of these companies that are buying big names, right, and maybe this is a picture of things to come, maybe it’s not. But they’re not even playing with their money. They’re playing with investor money. And that investor money, I don’t even know where it came from.

So it’s a lot easier to spend somebody else’s money. We’ve got this version of capitalism where it’s all based on debt, and it’s like, “Whoa! Make it rain!” It’s just, it’s different. People are willing to spend money to make money, and it works. You spend money, you make money, unless you have no balls, you have no brain, or you have no…I forgot what a third criteria was.

Michael: I think you said intelligence, but…

Giuseppe: Intelligence.

Shane: Ability to earn [inaudible 00:54:46].

Drew: Well, that was brain. No, brain is the intelligence. You got no balls, no brain, or there’s a third…

Michael: Third “B?”

Shane: I think it’s a bicycle, something.

Michael: All right, Giuseppe, let me go to you for the counterpoint from Europe.

Giuseppe: All right, yeah. So I actually like a lot lucio as well, because it’s like a first name. I mean, to get back to Drew conversation. I think it’s right. I mean, most of the company who buys domains are actually American. So Europeans usually, they don’t spend too much. And I think we can philosophize as much as we want about the reason why. I think in the U.S. you get more rewarded for taking a… I mean, the accumulation of wealth comes more for being rewarded for taking risks.

Drew: That’s it right there, risk. That’s it, you said what I forgot to say. That’s it.

Giuseppe: And in Europe, I think there’s a little bit less meritocracies. So the wealth is attained by families who have kept it over the years. So they were incentivized not to take risks. So I think that’s… But anyway, going back to domains… So the three one I saw. The first one, it’s I actually like it because it’s an easy name for a new investor to make money. Because I was seeing the bidding was, like, at 70, and if you look at those domains how much they sell, they usually don’t sell for less than 300, 300 something, the three-letter chips dot org. So if you can pick it up for 200 bucks, I mean, you can probably make money by selling it right away.

Michael: So there is a liquid market in the three-letter dot orgs as well?

Giuseppe: Yeah, there is a little bit. You know, it’s less liquid than the others but you can still see the sales. And, you know, you never see a three-letter dot org, the chips selling for less than 300 bucks., I really like it because it’s both, you know, it’s a first name. It’s like in Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, so it’s three languages. It’s true that Europeans don’t usually pay. But actually, like, I was having a very interesting conversation with a domain investor who’s very smart. And he basically said, you know, we do a report for, like, [inaudible 00:56:58] dot com, and we go out and we look at what is the percentage of those that are developed? Because that is kind of an indicator for, like, the long-term demand from end users.

And he was saying, since he’s very interested in first name dot com domains, he says that the most common first names are actually 40% of them are developed, which I think it’s a very interesting stat. Because if you look at the two letters, it’s about maybe 39%. So technically, they should be even more developed than the two letters. So it’s [inaudible 00:57:31] of end user coming along. Now, it’s not probably the most common first name, but I mean, I think it’s still a good buy.

Michael: Cool. What else do you like on the list, Giuseppe?

Giuseppe: Also, going back to what Shane said, I liked meca. I love CVCVs, I think they’re great because, and again, they’re liquid and there’s huge end user potential for the ones that are actually, like, purely pronounceable. So you don’t see any “H,” you don’t see any “W,” in the middle or something like that. So I really like meca actually. It’s pure CVCV, easily pronounceable. Definitely not selling it for less than 3k. I’m probably not selling it for less than 6k, so I really like it.

Michael: Yeah, awesome. Giuseppe, and then I’ll go to Shane and Drew. Give me one domain name, Giuseppe, that you think investors should stay away from that you don’t think is a good investment.



Giuseppe: Just because it’s a dot net. I mean, whenever investing in what is, it’s like a two words dot net. Usually they’re not very big with probably big, you know…I mean user is very rare to come. And even if they come they will not pay all the money. So it’s probably not worth it.

Michael: All right, Shane, let’s go to you. What’s one domain name that you would stay away from as a newer investor on this list?

Shane: I was gonna say the same thing, but I’ll choose another one, excelreport. To me, I think it’s Excel, a Microsoft product. I don’t think there’s any other use for it and it’s gotta be trademarked, Excel. I mean, to me, it’s worthless. It’s not worth the risk.

Michael: Yeah, good advice. Drew, another domain name or in agreement with Giuseppe and Shane about a domain name newer investors should stay away from?

Drew: Yeah, I think those are probably the two that stand out. I mean, I don’t think there’s anything on here except those two that I would say, like, you know, “Stay away from.” I mean, the others are all probably fair game.

Michael: Yeah.

Drew: Yeah.

Michael: Shane, I’m surprised you didn’t say anything about rare cards. Didn’t you used to collect baseball…

Shane: No, you know, after these guys were talking I was just looking at it. Yeah, no, that’s a great name. I mean, I’m really surprised and kinda excited to how much the card market has come back. Heritage Auctions is just killing it. I could talk to Aaron all day about it, but man, the the Mickey Mantle’s are going for a million dollars, the Jordans are going for 50,000.

Drew: What? Oh my God.

Michael: Yeah, baseball, basketball, the cards are, like….

Drew: Wait, hold on, are you serious?

Shane: Yeah.

Drew: Basketball cards are selling for good money?

Shane: The good ones, the Jordans, the Chamberlains.

Drew: Man, I’ve got, like, all kinds of Jordan cards, man. I was obsessed, obsessed.

Shane: Yeah, so if you take those and get them PSA graded, and PSA is across the street from Heritage, which is very, very good for them.

Drew: [inaudible 01:00:20].

Michael: So let me talk about that one, Shane, because there is a market for those that collect cards like that. One hundred ninety-nine bucks is the current bid on that. You know, you think of a card collector, a business that’s gonna start up, they’re probably a small mom and pop most likely. How much are they willing to pay for a domain like

Shane: If it goes for under two grand I’ll buy it, I’ll be on it.

Michael: What do you think? If you bought it, what do you think you could sell it for?

Shane: I think I could sell it for 20 grand eventually, 1 card. Trade them a Jordan for it.

Michael: Yeah, right? Yeah, some Jordan he’s had forever, it’s like the people that bought Bitcoin when it was, like, 100 bucks. And now it’s 1,000, or 900 bucks after the dip the other day. And that’s nothing for them. They’ll give you a card for it, and then you can go out and sell that card.

Shane: Yeah, and I mean, that’s exactly what they’re selling. I mean, everything is based on rarity, scarcity. I mean, even now with PSA when they auction that card, they say, “This is a Mickey Mantle PSA nine. Nine of them in existence. This is a Honus Wagner, seven.” Everything is based on scarcity, because it’s a piece of paper. So rare is the keyword. That’s a fantastic name. Yeah, I mean, I would’ve mentioned it earlier. I was trying to not talk about it to be honest with you.

Michael: Sorry I brought it up. I thought of you when I picked it, and then I’m like, “How come he didn’t say anything about it?”

Shane: No, there’s a reason behind my madness. I was hoping nobody would say…

Michael: Sorry, buddy. And I do like that idea to trade them for a certain card. You know they have the card.

Shane: Oh, I’ll trade anything. I mean, half of what we do is…money’s just keeping score. I’ll take something else to keep score if it’s cool.

Michael: Yeah, all right. Sorry, buddy. All right, we’re at the end of today’s show. I’d like to give the Sherpas an opportunity to share anything they want about names they’re brokering, selling, deals they are offering, opportunities they’re looking for. Like Drew said, give me any single generic animal or color at wholesale price. I got your money. Or anybody they wanna give a shout out to? Let’s start with you, Shane.

Shane: This is the time I’m about to kiss my family goodbye and not see them for three months. It’s spring at the nursery. This is where I make [inaudible 01:02:37].

Michael: Oh yeah. Long hours, long days.

Shane: Yeah, I do 50% of my business in the next 6 weeks. So yeah, my list may be…if you correct me for my spelling I’m just gonna apologize for the next six weeks ahead of time, because I am brain dead by the time we get home. I’m gonna have to take a half a gummy bear to get through the day. No, I’ll still be doing the list, DSAD, Josh and the guys are just… You know, the one thing I like about this industry, despite all this bull—- and all this fighting and everything, I’m still having a great time talking to everybody. I mean, I enjoy the conversation before the show, after the show. You know, before the blogs, after the blogs. I’ve made some good friends and it’s a good time. And spring seems to be a good time, too, that when it gets a little warmer around here. Drew’s always in a good mood because he’s always warm. And when he moves to Venice, oh, all hell is gonna break lose.

Drew: I don’t if I’m always in a good mood. I’m always warm, but I don’t know about good mood. For example, today I’m not in a good mood.

Shane: And I’m gonna say something, too, just before you let the other guys talk. Drew and I, we did a deal…I don’t know, a year and a half ago, and the last little thing in there was an average, little four-letter dot com. And then a year later, he said, “Hey, you forgot to get your four-letter dot com.” And I said, “Thank you for reminding me.” And then I still never claimed it, or something happened. And then last night I look and I go, “Man, I never got that thing from Drew from 18 months ago.” Drew pushed it to my account this morning, so he’s a man of his word, even 18 months later.

Drew: The reason you didn’t get it wasn’t because of me. It was because you forgot to accept it into your account and the transfer cancelled.

Shane: I completely agree. You’ve got Tess, and you know no matter what happens you can say, “I have Tess, so you know it went right.” I don’t have anybody like that. I know I got it wrong because it’s only me.

Drew: Yeah.

Michael: All right, thanks, Shane. Giuseppe, anything you wanna mention, give a shout out to?

Giuseppe: Yeah, so we publish a report every quarter that basically covers all the liquid domain categories. So, like, two letter, three letters, four letters, two number, three number, four number. And we basically look at all the indicators that basically can check that both the supply and the long-term demand. And I think it’s very interesting, we get in all the feedback. We’re doing this in collaboration with Intelium, which are the creators of EstiBot and And we do like you, actually publish an interview every quarter. And now for the next one I really want people to check it out because I think there’s going to be a big surprise. And I think there’s going to be even more data that has never been disclosed before. So it’s gonna be very interesting. And if you haven’t check it, I recommend you to check it at the address. It’s And you can also see the interview on Michael’s DomainSherpa.

Michael: Yeah, just go into the upper right-hand box and type in “Liquid domains.” It’ll bring up the report with Giuseppe. And so I can’t wait to find out what kind of data you’re gonna put in there, Giuseppe. Maybe you’re gonna make me start investing in liquid domains, which I’ve never done.

Giuseppe: I think you’d probably be awesome [inaudible 01:05:50].

Drew: Is the report out? Is the report out now?

Giuseppe: Yeah.

Michael: Not yet, it comes out every quarter. So the next one’s gonna be coming out when, Giuseppe?

Giuseppe: It’s probably gonna be around the middle of May.

Michael: Awesome. I can’t wait to see the data.

Drew: But the one you’re talking about is the one that’s out now on your site? Or the one that’s gonna be coming out in May?

Giuseppe: The one that’s gonna be coming out in May.

Drew: Okay, got it.

Michael: Yeah, so keep an eye out for that. Sign up for Giuseppe’s newsletter at to get notified. Or on DomainSherpa we’ll have an interview coming out in-concert with the report that Giuseppe is putting out.

Drew: Super valuable report. Really, like, I commend you for putting in the work, because it is a lot of work to put something like that together. And it really is, it’s almost laughable that nobody has ever done such a thing in our industry considering the amount of reporters and blogs that we have. And yeah, so I commend you really. You guys do a great job.

Giuseppe: Thank you, I mean it’s [inaudible 01:06:58].

Michael: Yeah, Giuseppe and Ivan from Intelium.

Giuseppe: Yeah, it’s not just me, it’s just, like, you know, the guys from Intelium did a lot of work putting the data. You know, the report is also with So you get all the [inaudible 01:07:11].

Drew: Which is why I said “guys” and not “guy.”

Michael: Yeah. You know, and I’ll just tack onto that real fast that Luke and Ivan over at Intelium, they pull so much data. And Michael Sumner over at NameBio, they pull so much data. You know, I’ve got a report coming out soon about emoji domains, and I’m gonna be interviewing a couple guys that specialize just in emoji domains. And they pull data, and I was able to go back and do historical analysis and look at what’s selling. And so, yeah, there’s so much great data that needs to be analyzed. I agree Drew. And the guys at Intelium are leading the charge. Thanks, Giuseppe, can’t wait for that report. Drew, anything you wanna give a mention to? Shout out?

Drew: Yeah, so we have been adding a ton of domains to the Ganjapreneur cannabis domain marketplace. We’ve sold three names already. It’s only been live for 10 days. We’ve sold three names. We’ve gotten, I believe, I wanna say close to 100 paid submissions. We’ve got phenomenal inventory over there. As I said before, there is not a single place on the internet to sell…a better place on the internet to sell your cannabis domain names.

And again, it doesn’t have to have the word “cannabis”, or “marijuana”, or “weed.” Really the best brands end up being things that don’t have those names in them, but have the word “canopy” or, you know, “basket” or whatever. Brands that could lend themselves to being just great all-around consumer brands. And remember the industry is multi-faceted. You’ve got edibles, smokeables. You’ve got ancillary products. You’ve got heavy equipment. You’ve got real estate. You’ve got everything that you can imagine.

This is a potentially hundred billion dollar industry over the next five years. It is the fastest growing industry on Earth. And if you take note of the ICANN report, very sound reports, you know, I think almost every single months one of these cannabis words, if not more, I think two months ago there was three cannabis terms in the top 10 words for new domain registrations for that month. So this is the biggest industry on Earth. No, it is the fastest growing industry.

Michael: Fastest growing, yes.

Drew: Fastest growing industry on Earth. It will be one of the biggest industries on Earth in the next five years. There are not a lot of hundred billion dollar industries out there. And so, you know, look, this is a great place to be selling domains into. This industry is a great place to be selling domains into. All of these, by definition this is a new industry, and so all of these companies, these are entrepreneurs. These are start-ups by definition, and they all need domains. And right now there’s a lot of low-hanging fruit out there. And I think that we are the single best place to take advantage of that, both on the buy and the sell side. So I encourage you to check it out, You can find amazing [inaudible 01:10:25]. So check it out.

Michael: Well, yeah, I’m gonna go look through my portfolio. I didn’t think of brands being domains that you’d wanna use on there, but generic words like “canopy” or something like that are great for that industry. So I’m gonna go look through my portfolio again, see if there might be some good fits.

Drew: That, yeah, I can’t imagine… You know, that’s a top-tier brand for basically anything, but that would be a great name for [inaudible 01:10:57].

Shane: You always bring the joint up to your two lips.

Michael: That is true. I may have to think about that. All right, if you receive benefit from today’s show please post a comment below and thank today’s Sherpas. Thanks to Victor Paez for submitting his portfolio and making a generous donation to the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. That’s to NameJet for submitting their portfolio and sponsoring that segment of the DomainSherpa Review. Thanks to our site sponsors, EstiBot,, David Weslow Legal Services, domainIQ,, and DNAcademy. They’re the ones that make these shows possible, paying the website hosting, development, you know, videos. All the stuff that goes into it.

And thanks again to our Domain Sherpas, Andrew Rosener, Giuseppe Graziano, and Shane Cultra for sharing their experience and insights. We see you all next time.

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18 Responses to “DomainSherpa Review – Mar 27:,,,,…”

  1. Shane – before you go off on on your GoDaddy notification development project..

    GoDaddy already has an app that does this – although at this point in time it only tracks their expiring auctions. It has save me missing out on a domain I wanted more than once…

    Search for “GoDaddy Investor” in the App store.

  2. Lucas says:

    “Europeans don’t pay for domains” what a great truth from Drew. That advice can save thousands of dollars/euros and years of time!
    I LOVED the philosophical conversation between Drew and Giuseppe on European capitalism vs American capitalism. One of the best parts I have ever seen on DomainSherpa!
    I missed Drew not explaining the chinese version of capitalism.
    What about Japan? it is like it didn’t even exist when it comes to domains!… quite weird considering it is the third largest economy in the world and notoriously technological!
    It would also be great to hear from Drew his thoughts on more detailed differences between the European countries.
    We are always hearing the sherpas talking about domains, it’s great, but it gets at times too repetitive IMHO, the BEST parts are when they go off the tangent and talk about business, society, world events or even personal life experiences.
    Great show!
    Thanks Michael and the Sherpas!

  3. Jerry says:

    Great site. I think that sometimes is hard to get the buyers. I have great domain and I can’t sell. – it stands for – Local Interlending & Document Delivery Administration System. (Price negotiable.)

  4. says:

    Great show!

    BTW, GuildWar is a pc game. Maybe he is a fan of the game :P

    GWar and Guild .net

  5. Eric Jenkins says:

    Great Show!!!

  6. Keith DeBoer says:

    A four letter Chip? = $1300
    One of Drew’s ‘flush your head in toilet” rants? = Priceless!
    Great show guys!! :-)

  7. Mike Carson says:

    great show guys, and great idea with the sms – I’ll try to add it to this week

  8. Andy McBean says:

    Great show guys. Thanks. is no good – That’s not how we spell “colouring” here in the UK. If your going to invest in, stick to solid one word domains.


  9. Victor Paez says:

    I agree on the’s. I rather own a pronounceable (ex: than

  10. Anunt says:

    Another great show as always!!!

    I agree with Drew on domains…don’t care if it is chip or non-chip…

    Must watch if your into domains.

    Thanks Sherpas!!!

  11. Albert says:

    Another great show guys.

    Thanks for all the information that you give.

  12. tldboss says:

    Thanks Drew, Giuseppe, Shane and Michael for a great show.

    “Impalas are one of the more dominant species of antelope on many african savannas.”
    I come from Zimbabwe & we have lots of Impalas. Great name – congrats Drew.

    So much valuable information. Much appreciated.

  13. Omar Rocwa says:

    Yep…another great and informative show.
    I start all of my Mondays with the DomainSherpa Show.

  14. Thanks to all of you for this great Show!

  15. Victor Paez says:

    Thanks to all the Sherpas for positive feedback and thank you, Michael for adding my domains to your show! You can go to if your looking to buy great domains!

  16. Great show as ever, Sherpas. A lot learned!

    Thank you for taking the time

  17. Dale says:

    Me love Gwar and vulvatron!! Ugh ugh!!

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