Analyzing the Domain Names of 2018 Unicorns – with Michael Cyger

Startup domain name choices are complex, and it’s important for entrepreneurs and investors to analyze the branding trends of successful startups.

Today’s Sherpa, Michael Cyger, analyzes the 16 unicorn startups of 2018 and their domain name choices. He published an overview on which spurred us to have an in depth conversation here on DomainSherpa.

Startups conducting or preparing for a domain name search will learn from this breakdown. Investors making domain name choices will better understand the market and be able to quote specific success stories to buyers.

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Michael Cyger
Michael Cyger
Semi retired, domain name expert, media entrepreneur working on passion projects, Michael Cyger is the founder and former owner of DomainSherpa, and is former publisher and lead instructor of DNAcademy. His current passion project is He is recognized as an industry veteran in the domain name industry, has been named Blogger of the Year and Developer of the Year, and has been inducted into the Domain Name Hall of Fame.

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8 Responses to “Analyzing the Domain Names of 2018 Unicorns – with Michael Cyger”

  1. platey says:

    Good interview

    Tech visionaries want the best domain names because the domain name is everything but still below the idea and vision for the idea

    But Internet giants have a tech entrepreneur mindset

    and that mindset is

    How can they give their services to the public for free

    the money for the tech concept comes frome ad dollars only and yet he people using the website or services provided by the website

    the future is free paid for by business advertising

    Which will affect every business that charges fees or subscriptions to use products or services

  2. Kassey Lee says:

    Great show. Thanks Tess and Michael. For those who are interested in learning about the Chinese domain market, here are some resources.

    1. 域名|Chinese Perspective (
    I started this thread on November 1, 2015 in response to the sudden interest of Namepros members in China. The thread is still running.

    2. My site on

    3. LinkedIn (
    I write 6 days a week on Chinese domains and this is my preferred venue for domain discussion.

    From time to time I write about China mostly based on actual data obtained in China.

  3. Data Glasses says:

    I would be using recycled cardboard as part of the selling point for “brew coffee” Cheers

  4. rathead says:

    this is a much better show with only one guest and since domain shane is not on anymore it is much more enjoyable.

  5. Steven says:

    The best? CafeX – can’t wait to try it. But many investor points of light were mentioned in today’s show.

  6. Saro says:

    Great interview, great insights! Thanks.

  7. john says:

    enjoyable interview, and very insightful. thanks for having cyger back on. he’s missed.

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