New Year, New Start! Tracking Your Domain Inventory & ROI – with Mark Levine

Serial entrepreneur Mark Levine shows us how he organizes his domain portfolio and tracks his domain name sales. In under a day, you can do it, too! He discusses the numbers and the tracking of his average acquisition costs, average sales prices, and more.

Average investors who are ready to start the new year with new habits will benefit from today’s show.

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Mark Levine
Mark Levine
Mark Levine is a serial entrepreneur and an individual domain investor with his portfolio at

Prior to investing, Levine founded, built and sold Hillcrest Media Group, a leading technology company that provides expert book publishing, printing, marketing, sales and distribution.

Levine is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

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6 Responses to “New Year, New Start! Tracking Your Domain Inventory & ROI – with Mark Levine”

  1. Helmuts says:

    Thank you Mark and Tess. Another interesting Sherpa show.


  2. Platey says:

    Fantastic interview can’t stop listening to it on podcast it is so funny

    The publicity. Coach

    Domain will sell for big bucks because Google either doesn’t recognise the dot in the middle of the two keywords in the domain or recognises it to separate and or rank the keywords in Google which is why gtlds which is what it is have fantastic organic seo in Google search results and would appear in top 10 listings in Google for tge search term

    Publicity coach

    If you type

    Publicity coach in to Google the search results are your potential buyers but your Gtld will be first Google image for the search term and will be above their websites and a good domainsherpa video to watch that proves this is the

    vacation. Rentals

    Video where it’s owner has had over 20 years seo experience and knows the value of a good Gtld

    But you have got me thinking about Google sheets etc

    But I won’t need the sold sheet lol as only been domain name investing for 5 years and not sold anything above $10 lol

  3. Rajesh K Duggal says:

    (At 13:18 Tess says “So Mike your entire purchase price at namejet for the year was $461”. But I think this number is only his spend on just those domains that sold. He may have bought 20 names and spent $20K at namejet. This spreadsheet doesn’t have that info)

    Why is it useful to know where you bought the names from (“Purchase Site”) ? If you happen to spend more time searching through godaddy inventory than namejet inventory then you might be more likely to buy more from godaddy, and then sell more godaddy names over the year. Just because you have more names purchased from there. Another investor might spend more time searching through namejet inventory, and so more of their sold names might have been purchased from namejet. Simply based on personal preference.

    I don’t think having a high number of sales from godaddy means that godaddy is necessarily a better place to look for names going forward. It’s just talking about what happened in the past year. But doesn’t really give you anything useful to help decide how to strategize going forward.

    Also, the “sold site” info isn’t very useful either. Isn’t it better to track what the parking page
    / landing page was configured for the domain? So then you might be able to decide if some parking/landing page is more effective than others? e.g. maybe efty landing page is more effective than sedo lander. So going forward you might want to point your domains at efty, etc.

    Also, the numbers we see in this spreadsheet doesn’t describe how many domains are available in each of the market places, so we don’t know if some marketplaces have been more effective for you than others.

    Can you explain how the “purchase site” info and “site sold” info is useful?

  4. Rajesh Duggal says:

    This info is Fantastic! Math doesn’t lie.
    Big thanks to Tess and the Domain Sherpa / Media Options team, and of course to Mark for sharing his insights. Amazing!

    A few questions:

    1) At 7:25 Tess says “Mark, you invested $3721 in 2018..”. But I think that number is the total amount spent on just the 49 domains that sold over the year. It doesn’t include all his spend on new domain registrations, and renewals for the domains that didn’t sell.
    Approx how much was spent over the entire year on new reg and renewals, etc.?

    2) It looks like this spreadsheet is a deep focused analysis of the 49 domains that sold in the last year and doesn’t include any data about what was spent. So it doesn’t include information about the overall total profit made last year (we have the total income displayed, but we don’t have the total spend). If you calculated how much money you made (total profits) and divided it with hours spent, how much do you think you earned from domaining “work” hourly? (Lol, yes, I know it doesn’t really feel like work, when it’s so much fun. Domaining can be dangerously addictive. Hehe. (I feel calculating hourly can still be useful in determining opportunity costs of doing some other kinds of super fun work that earns money too.)

    3) Do you think it’s worth while tracking your “percentage of portfolio sold” to help decide how to price your portfolio, and how to decide if you should increase or decrease the quality bar of your domain registrations? (For some investors, reducing the quality threshold can still bring in more profits since the buy/sell price ratio in domaining can be so large)


  5. Mike says:

    Maybe I missed it, but where is he selling most of his .ios? I assume through efty?

  6. Ehren says:

    Always nice to see Mark on Sherpa. Tess, you keep rocking it. Great episode.

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