DomainSherpa Review – Mar 25:,,

This is the show where we get into the minds of successful domain name investors – people we call Sherpas – and talk about the value of specific domain names. By listening to the Sherpas, we expand our thought process so we can become more successful investors ourselves.

In this DomainSherpa Review:

  • We learn what the Sherpas bought or sold recently:,,
  • An investor’s portfolio is appraised:,…
  • Get your bids in soon for these NameJet auctions:,,…
  • And much more!

We’re joined by three Domain Sherpas: Kate Buckley, Shane Cultra, Braden Pollock.

Review (101:36): Watch | Listen/Download Audio | Domain Lists

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Investor Submitted Domain Names

This Show’s Sherpas

Kate Buckley
Kate Buckley
Founder & CEO at Buckley Media, Kate Buckley was previously Executive Vice President at CCIN / Castello Bros. Kate specializes in premium domain name sales & acquisitions, utilizing story-telling and vision casting within the branding process.

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Shane Cultra
Shane Cultra
Shane Cultra is a domain name investor and owner of the popular domain name blog,

Cultra is also a fifth generation owner of Country Arbors Nursery based in Urbana, Illinois, and has been a member of the PBS television show Mid American Gardener for more than 10 years, in addition to being a part of various gardening segments on CBS and ABC.

Shane also recently launched two new businesses, and, leveraging his online expertise with his love of nature and business acumen to create two exciting new ventures that are sure to be successful.

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Braden Pollock
Braden Pollock
A frequent speaker or moderator at domain industry conferences, Braden Pollock is a serial entrepreneur, investor, philanthropist and domain name branding expert.

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Interview Raw (Non-Edited) Transcript

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23 Responses to “DomainSherpa Review – Mar 25:,,”

  1. Carl says:

    Congrats Braden on selling! “The Dutch crypto company Bitfury … wants to conquer the music industry with its independent subsidiary Bitfury Surround based in Berlin. With SurroundTM, Bitfury creates a digital platform for monetizing and sharing intellectual property.”

  2. Nick says:

    Very Fun Show. Fantastic job everyone!

  3. Paul McMenamy says:

    Very, very interesting episode! Many thanks and great facilitation by you Tess – as usual.
    What was the geo name that Kate mentioned? (and with that surname she must have Irish roots as well as Louisiana!).
    Thanks again to each of you.

    1. Kate Buckley says:

      Good guess, Paul! Irish roots, but Kentucky instead of Louisiana.

  4. albert says:

    Definitely one of the better shows in the last two years. Braden (whom I have had the honor of meeting a few years ago and truly just a great guy), Shane and Kate on the same show is a Trifecta that only can be pulled off by the Great Moderator Tess.
    Thanks all for your great input and hope to see you all back on shortly.

    (Irony-I used to watch Braden’s mother-in-law on the Wally George Show and now I am watching Braden on Domain Sherpa.)

    1. Braden Pollock says:

      Ahhh schucks….You’re too kind.

    2. Shane Cultra says:

      Thanks Albert. They might let us three back on the show together again if you keep saying nice things like that

    3. Kate Buckley says:

      So kind of you to say, Albert! Thank you.

  5. Snoopy says:

    Dnjournal only lists one 7 figure domain sale this year? Is Tess confusing 6 figure and 7 figures, I really doubt sees a 7 figure domain sale every day.

    1. Braden Pollock says:

      I don’t know that 7-fig sales happen daily, I can tell you that they do sell regularly and frequently.

  6. Pierre says:

    Great show guys!

  7. Kate and Tess bringing some glamour to the show .
    Good to see Braden too .Good variety show

  8. Snoopy says:

    Is everyone dancing around the obvious that wasn’t a very high price? Surely the wholesale value is close to 100k? People saying just set a price is nonsense advice for a name like that.

    1. Braden Pollock says:

      Who’s dancing? I sold it for what I believe it was worth. Perhaps I could have held out for me. We’ll never know… :-)

  9. Great show Tess,

    I would also like to thank Shane, Braden and Kate for sharing their time, expertise and insights into the domain aftermarket. While Drew was certainly missed, it was quite refreshing having Kate and Braden join you and Shane this week. It made for a very enjoyable, yet highly informative show. I think it was very cool for Brandon to give Kate the well deserved shoot out and the end as well. It showed you can be comical while still exuding class. Congratulations Kate on some killer sales and establishing yourself as a market leader.

    Lastly if Shane is old, I must qualify for The Old Geezer status (56). The guy works 14 hour days and still finds the time and energy to run marathons. Look forward to seeing this group again soon.

    John Magavern
    Juanadomain, LLC

    1. Sorry for the typo… I meant Shout out.

    2. ShaneCultra says:

      Thanks John for the kind words. It really was one of the most fun shows I’ve done. I’m 50 so we’re not that far apart. My eyes showed the training and work on this show though. I need a makeover :)

    3. Shane Cultra says:

      Thanks John for the kind words. Although I am only 4 years younger than you so whatever you are I’ll be soon. I had a great time doing the show and I’m glad it came across. Although my eyes looked tired so my 14 hrs workday might be showing through

    4. Kate Buckley says:

      Thanks for the kind words, John; appreciate it!

  10. max says:

    Poor Shane, but i really enjoyed the banter. Can’t wait for more

    1. Shane Cultra says:

      I deserve it. You make some good choices and you make some that aren’t as good as others. As long as a story and a laugh come out of it then it didn’t turn out all that bad

  11. Jag says:

    Great Show Guys

    The investor for could reach out to BrekIN Srls

  12. tldboss says:

    Great show! thanks Shane, Braden, Kate and Tess. Funny and informative, really enjoyed it.
    I like sis and brekin, think they are nice names.

    Thanks guys for sharing your knowledge.

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