Where we see Crypto & Domains Today… and Tomorrow – with Charlie Shrem & Andrew Rosener

Geek out with the ultimate Bitcoin pioneer, Charlie Shrem! Concentrating on the specialized overlap of crypto and domains, Charlie is joined by Andrew Rosener, global expert in the domain name market and domain valuations. We discuss:

  • Domains and the future of identity (including addresses for crypto)
  • Security tokens with domain names
  • The digital nomad lifestyle, how domains & crypto play into a future & ideology of an all-digital, decentralized world and shifts in global borders
  • How all chain transaction data passes through the domain DNS system, which makes domain names not only foundational to crypto currency, but also a potential Achilles heel for even the most secure blockchains such as Bitcoin.
  • Some of the most exciting projects they’re seeing in the crypto industry today
  • Charlie’s current asset allocation and investment thoughts, plus his overall sentiment on the current crypto market

Investors and entrepreneurs who are curious about- or preparing for- the future will benefit from today’s show!

Review (44:26): Watch | Listen/Download Audio | Transcript Coming Soon

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This Show’s Sherpas

Charlie Shrem
Charlie Shrem
Charlie Shrem is a pioneer in the bitcoin space, founder of one of the very first crypto companies, BitInstant, plus founder of the Bitcoin Foundation, and all-star Bitcoin evangelist who has contributed to the foundational standardization & protection of Bitcoin. His current project is CryptoIQ.co.

More shows with Charlie Shrem »

Andrew Rosener
Andrew Rosener
Andrew Rosener is the CEO of the industry-leading domain name broker Media Options.

Andrew is widely considered a thought leader and expert on domain name value & methodology as well as domain name sales & acquisitions. With 20 years experience with domain names, Andrew has leveraged his knowledge and expertise to make MediaOptions the go-to domain name firm for startup & company domain acquisitions as well as high value domain name sales.

More shows with Andrew Rosener »

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10 Responses to “Where we see Crypto & Domains Today… and Tomorrow – with Charlie Shrem & Andrew Rosener”

  1. Cryptocurrency is currently taking over the world by storm resulting in frauds, fake exchanges, etc.

  2. Snoopy says:

    These domains are dying like New Coke, good luck to anyone who thinks this a good place to invest.

  3. Mike Carson says:

    Great show! Cool to see Charlie Shrem on here..

    DNS needs to be on the blockchain… It is the only way the internet can be truly free.

    As it currently stands, a domain can be taken back or shut down by a registrar or a registry. Governments confiscate domains daily…

    It will be hard to implement, because there is so much already built on the current DNS infrastructure, but it can and (I think) will be done eventually.

  4. “Who needs a passport when you have a domain name?” #AwesomeDrew

  5. Reggie says:

    There are only a few (Cryptocurrency . TLD)
    Domains out there that are worth a lot of money.
    That is where the real money is. Those who own them are sitting on a gold mine

  6. Rod says:

    Great show. Very informative! I enjoy hearing about how domains will fit into the progression of the current technology revolution.

  7. Steve says:

    Wow, great interview!!! Thanks!!!

  8. Anonymous says:

    Charlie’s bio is incorrect: “His current project is http://www.CryptoIQ.com“. Charlie’s site is at the .co, not the .com. Confusingly, he then brands the site as Crypto.IQ. Help!

  9. Robert says:

    Great interview.

    Get sharp on economics, trading and the stock market on M. Armstrong’s blog.
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  10. Jivan Bansi says:

    Didn’t get an email that there was a new episode.

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