Why You Can’t Afford to Miss TRAFFIC West May 28-31 With Rick Schwartz, Howard Neu

Rick Schwartz and Howard Neu, the co-founders of the T.R.A.F.F.I.C. domain name industry conference, join Michael Cyger to discuss T.R.A.F.F.I.C. West taking place May 28th through May 31st in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Questions answered include:

  • What can people expect if they attend the TRAFFIC West conference this year? (e.g., educational content, speed networking, live auction, “gTLD shootout”, “king com”, etc.)
  • What is the differentiation of TRAFFIC West from the other domain name related conferences to attendees?
  • Who are the “right people” to come to the TRAFFIC event?
  • Many conferences include multiple tracks to target different attendee segments. Will you be doing that too? Why or why not?
  • Who are the keynote speakers and how will their message impact attendees focused on domain name investing, startups and entrepreneurship?
  • TRAFFIC always throws great parties. What can attendees expect this year?
  • What do you say to people who are thinking of skipping TRAFFIC West to attend TRAFFIC East?

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About Rick Schwartz

Becoming the Landlord of Your Domain Names - With Rick SchwartzRick Schwartz, aka “Domain King” and “Webfather,” is the CEO, president and co-founder of T.R.A.F.F.I.C., a leading domain conference for the domain industry. He is also president, CEO and founder of eRealestate.com, and a founding board member of the Internet Commerce Association. He is also the CEO of JointVentures.com, a service that finds, negotiates and leases premium, category-killer domain names that meet specific requirements.

Schwartz is considered by many to be among the leading experts on domain names, traffic, website flow and valuation. Schwartz has sold more than $10 million in domain names, and has earned more than $15 million through one of his properties alone. His current and past properties include Porno.com, Men.com (sold for $1.3 million), Property.com/Properties.com (sold for $4 million plus equity), Candy.com (sold for $3 million plus royalties), and many more. Since 2007, he has published a widely read blog called RicksBlog.com.

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About Howard Neu

Howard Neu: Beat a UDRP by Having a Legitimate Business InterestHoward Neu is an Internet attorney specializing in intellectual property and domain name law. He is also co-founder of the T.R.A.F.F.I.C. conference and writes a popular domain industry blog focused on Internet law at NeusNews.com.

Neu’s career credits include serving as mayor of the city of North Miami for three terms, serving as a municipal judge and procuring numerous victories for domain name investors in United States district courts.

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7 Responses to “Why You Can’t Afford to Miss TRAFFIC West May 28-31 With Rick Schwartz, Howard Neu”

  1. Elevator says:

    Though, it is good to attend the conference but due to some circumstances beyond my capacity for now. I hope we can have the review about the traffic on dnjournal.com on your arrival. From my end here, it can be very expensive going there for two reasons i.e. VIsa and the expenses behind it.
    So, I as a person waiting to read from you. Cheers and Thanks.

  2. NEIL says:


    Good Luck!

    Looking forward to seeing The Greatest News!


  3. .CLUB is looking forward to attending Traffic. I never had a chance to make it to Fort Lauderdale, but can’t wait to make it to Vegas.

    If you are interested in talking to us about investing in .CLUB names….traffic would be a great place to talk about it.

    Colin Campbell,
    CEO, .CLUB Domains.

  4. Christian says:

    I attended my first TRAFFIC conference back in October and for all the people watching the video and are on the fence on whether to go or not to go ….. GO. This is a wonderful conference that you will learn and earn a lot from. Obviously the last conference was only my first one so I was really enjoyed getting to meet with everyone and spend time with the people. Rick is also totally right on where to stay. You really need to stay at the conference hotel. I did and it made everything so wonderful and easy. If I needed to run back to my room to get something, it was only a minute away. It is well worth the money and on top of that, its a great experience and fun. I highly recommend it. Thanks Rick and Howard.


  5. Anunt says:

    good luck with traffic show…

    few las vegas tips:

    if u are planning to gamble, sign up for players card and u will get free rooms, free food, free show passes, etc.

    ALL casino hotels give u FREE rooms if u gamble.

    i have NEVER paid for hotel rooms in vegas.

    never pay for taxi to stripclubs…ask any limo driver and they will take u to the stripclub for FREE.

    Good Luck

  6. OB says:

    The decreasing views on youtube could be because viewers are switching to the website.

    Another very likely reason could be that the domain initially didn’t rank very high so the same videos on youtube were ranking higher in the search engine.

    A third reason could be that Michael did some marketing or a press release or some other advertising that pointed to that first episode or maybe other blogs linked to it because it’s the first show.

    The steady decrease that Rick describes doesn’t really sound like people are losing interest in domains. I would expect some fluctuation if that were the case. It sounds more like people shifting to the main website.

    I doubt Michael will release his stats, but one way to spy on him is to watch the stats for his Facebook Likes.

  7. Kassey says:

    Interesting observation, Rick. The numbers of Domain Sherpa show viewers on Youtube are really low, indicating lack of interest from the general public. I just attended a .club webinar few days ago and only a handful of folks attended.

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