DomainSherpa Review – June 10:,,

This is the show where we get into the minds of successful domain name investors – people we call Sherpas – and talk about the value of specific domain names. By listening to the Sherpas, we expand our thought process so we can become more successful investors ourselves.

In this DomainSherpa Review:

  • We learn what the Sherpas bought or sold recently:,,
  • An investor’s portfolio is appraised:,,…
  • Get your bids in soon for these NameJet auctions:,,…
  • And much more!

We’re joined by three Domain Sherpas: Hobi Michalec, Joe Uddeme, and Andrew Rosener.

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Investor Submitted Domain Names

This Show’s Sherpas

Joe Uddeme
Joe Uddeme
Joe Uddeme is a domain name broker and owner of

Prior to founding NameExperts, Uddeme was director of business development at Domain Holdings, held various business development and sales positions at USO Networks and Encompass Communications and was the owner of multiple retail stores in Maryland.

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Hobi Michalec
Hobi Michalec
Hobi Michalec holds a business degree in entrepreneurship, consulted with Domain Holdings for years, and then co-founded the Lumis Group, which focuses on outbound marketing.

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Andrew Rosener
Andrew Rosener
Andrew Rosener is the CEO of the industry-leading domain name broker Media Options.

Andrew is widely considered a thought leader and expert on domain name value & methodology as well as domain name sales & acquisitions. With 20 years experience with domain names, Andrew has leveraged his knowledge and expertise to make MediaOptions the go-to domain name firm for startup & company domain acquisitions as well as high value domain name sales.

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* FYI We started using a new transcript tool and it’s still learning our style. In this transcript sometimes the speaker is misnamed, but the content is still great!

Tess:                                            00:00:01               On today’s show, all three brokers discuss acquisitions, whether for end users or for personal use. Very interesting. Also, we talk about the upcoming show names con in Portugal starting in about two weeks. The discount code if you’re looking for one is drew three nine nine so that your tickets are 399 euro. That is 150 euro off. Sure. Hope to see you there. Enjoy the show.

Tess:                                            00:00:35               Hey Sherpa Network. I’m Tess Diaz, Executive Producer of domain and today is the domain Sherpa Review. This is a show where we get into the minds of successful domain name investors using real examples so we can learn strategies and tactics to become better investors ourselves. We have three segments to the review. We’ll start off learning with the Sherpas recently bought or sold. Next we’ll discuss in value and investor submitted domain name portfolio and finally we’ll preview some to beans, going to auction and whether the Sherpas think are a good investment opportunity for you joining us today on the domain Sherpa review or three pasture, but as an industry thought leaders. Hey guys, how you do in? Good. How about you introduce yourselves today. Joe, you’re up.

Joe Uddeme:                         00:01:23               Hi, my name’s Joe. You may been a domain broker for about 11, 11 and a half years. Um, and uh, I love what I do. I do proactive enduser outreach for seller side and also by side acquisition. Great to see everybody. Again, thanks so much for having me on the show.

Tess:                                            00:01:38               Yeah, thanks for being here. John, how about you? Hobby?

Hobi:                                          00:01:42               My name is Hobi. I am cofounder Lumis. I’ve been a domain broker for going on six years now. Um, since with similar dough, by and selling domain names on behalf of clients and ecstatic to be here again.

Tess:                                            00:01:54               Nice to have you. Yeah. And you sir. Who are you?

Andrew:                                   00:01:58               Yeah. Oh Man, I don’t even know. I don’t know who I am or what I am, where I am. Huh. Uh, Andrew Rosener, CEO of media options and uh, yeah, domain brokerage firm. Uh, I think word going on 12 years. So it’s not exactly the same as Joe. Actually, I think we started almost exactly the same time. And um, these of domain brokerage aspect and um, yeah. All right. Where a lot of hats. So,

Tess:                                            00:02:35               well, thanks for being here. All the same. So let’s start out, um, we’re going to look at what’s new, what you’ve recently purchased or sold, and we want to learn what you paid or receive for the domain, why you thought it was a good deal and how the negotiations progressed. So say the domain without the price and the other Sherpas will guess. Joe, you are up first.

Joe:                                             00:02:59               . All right. So a name that was recently acquired by one of my clients. The name was Rockefeller. Dot. Or yeah, that’s a big name. Be Drew. What do you think? So, okay. Um, you already go there. You go ahead. Okay. Um, I Rockefeller, Delaware, I mean,

Andrew Rosener:                00:03:35               I have to laugh because we’ve been trying to sell for, yeah, two years. And um, I may need to, it’s a very special situation or would that name, but still, you know, it’s kind of the same thing. And um, I dunno, I’m going to say, uh, I’m going to say $25,000. I, I, it just feels like the number to me, but I don’t know. That could be way low. It can also be way high. I really don’t know. But that 25 feels, feels right.

Hobi:                                          00:04:11               That’s a pretty powerful, don’t worry. I mean I’m not even from New York and I can see, I can feel the presence of that name even though it’s a doubt, worry. But I think that actually conveys a pretty good message with that. It’d be half is on behalf of clients, probably an end user purchase then. I mean most definitely. So I think maybe even as high as 50, I think 20 might be a little low. Maybe like 35, 45 K on that one. Well, we’re all over the place. Get to pick a number, two 45 and $45,000. I think you paid $45,000 plus escrow fee. How about that?

Andrew Rosener:                00:04:47               Okay, so how about we go right in the middle. Andrew says 25, Hobi says 45. We’ll go right in the middle and do 35. So 35 K it’s a good price for both sides. Uh, I think the buyer was happy with the price. I think the seller was happy with the price, you know, um, and uh, took a little time to get done, but okay. Oh, party seem happy and wow. How long were you say it took some time to get done. How long? Yes, I asked soup to nuts. Sorry. Okay. Three and a half months approximately. Okay. Yeah. Yup. Okay. That’s super good info because like, you know, I’m sure you get asked the same question, but it’s like when we get, um, you know, somebody who’s interested in a domain acquisition, um, that’s like, you know, there’s not that many variables in, they may not position that they can ask about.

Joe:                                             00:05:37               Um, but one of the most important ones that they ask is, you know, what’s, what’s the timeframe on this? Right? At each deal is different and every debate things different. But I think, you know, being able to always give, uh, you know, some insight about, you know, the life cycle of these types of deals and the timeframe it takes, people will realize it, you know, it can take a long time. Sure. The only way to shorten that life cycle is if you want to just reached, reached out further in your pocket. And sometimes that doesn’t even matter. It’s true. You know, you have a lot of moving parts internally, contracts back and forth. It could be any number of things that can at the process down for sure. As you guys all know.

Tess:                                            00:06:15               And Joe, tell me a little about the negotiation. I’m wondering, you know, there are a limited number of buyers for something like I assume that’s not trademarked that all the same, a limited number of buyers. So a seller,

Andrew Rosener:                00:06:30               a hundred thousand trademarks actually fighting.

Tess:                                            00:06:33               Okay. The other way around. All right. Um, so I mean the seller is only going to get so many offers in a lifetime. Um, and they need to understand that when they’re setting their pricing expectations. How, how did that part of the negotiations go?

Joe:                                             00:06:52               It’s interesting that you ask, this was a stealth acquisition. This was a name that we were buying for our clients for. The client came in specifically looking for that particular name. Uh, they had trademarks attached to the name as Drew mentioned. Uh, there are a lot of trademarks around that name, so it was just the perfect fit for them. Okay. For, and uh, so there wasn’t really much on my side. They kind of went into it to proactively sell this was a specific name for our client.

Tess:                                            00:07:20               Okay. Yeah. In the buyer. Did they have reasonable pricing expectations or, I mean,

Joe:                                             00:07:27               I had to help set the expectation with them, but I think that they were receptive once they kind of understood what it was probably going to take to make something interesting. Okay. All right. I’m on the website. Okay. So it was the Rockefeller Foundation, uh, which, you know, obviously public information out there forwarding the domain to the, uh, to the website. MMM. But yeah, obviously that’s the single best buyer for that domain. For sure.

Tess:                                            00:08:00               Congrats. That’s a good acquisition.

Joe:                                             00:08:03               Thank you. I don’t know why I just Aye, even when it’s not, I got nothing to do with the deal. It really makes me sincerely happy. I think just after being in the industry so long and being told no, no, so many times and you know, so you, so often you’d know that you’ve found the perfect buyer for a name and they still just don’t get their head around it and they say no, and it’s just such a mistake, you know? So when I see like that just magic come together where it’s a perfect buyer, perfect name, especially when it’s somebody that’s like, you know, they’ve been around for forever children to be foundations, uh, you know, probably going on 57 years and um, uh, you know, they finally got the name they should, it’s just, that’s, it’s a great thing. I think that’s just good for the whole industry. It’s like the more pieces of the puzzle we place into the right position, the faster the whole thing comes together. And so more frequent flyers get their perfect name and the more it emphasizes to the whole eco system that yes, these names are valuable. Yes. The best companies own the best version of their brand. Uh, so it’s good. Congrats. That’s great. Thank you. Appreciate it. Yeah.

Tess:                                            00:09:27               Alright. Hobi. What have you been up to?

Hobi:                                          00:09:30               All right, so I’m still, I have like three I wrote down but I was still figuring, I was going to decide by now which one was gonna talk about, but I’ve come to decision, talk about It’s a B L U

Tess:                                            00:09:47               Okay. Inaudible.

Hobi:                                          00:09:50               This wasn’t it. This was an acquisition, so I helped a client to acquire this name.

Tess:                                            00:09:53               Okay. No pressure, drew, but we’re at two acquisitions. Um, I got some expectations for you. All right. Hobi That is a very specific to acquisition, um, spelled spelled that way. Uh, uh, Drew, Joe, you want to guess the price before we get into the details,

Andrew Rosener:                00:10:12               Tra through, go ahead and if you’re ready, I’m not, I mean, you know, these are the tricky ones, right? It’s like blue wireless, uh, inherently has zero value. That is a worthless domain name.

Joe:                                             00:10:27               Uh, if it was B l u e it would be slightly above worthless. MMM. However, once somebody says this is going to be my grind and the domain owner has prior rights to the name for the company and there any trademark or other IP they might have, well then suddenly that company has basically assigned a value to a name that otherwise had no value in that. That’s when it gets both very tricky and very interesting. So I think that Mike, yes, is that, that’s like a $15,000 acquisition. But, um, and my reasoning for some throwing that number out there just to, cause it’s, you know, it’s not completely out of the blue, which although kind of is that, like if it was like five grand or less, they probably would’ve bought it themselves or like, you know, like it may, you know, maybe they just could never get ahold of these, just so many variables here, but just as I’m going through the quick 32nd process in my mind it’s like, well, probably over 10 grand.

Andrew Rosener:                00:11:39               And, um, you know, I, I also kind of pulled that number up because I had somebody else and I hire us recently to buy another domain that was like blue something else, but blue, B, l, u e Ah, totally unrelated. And uh, the owner wanted a $55,000. And then we got it done though, like Lenny and we ended up actually not buying me cause I was like, honestly, guys, this is a nice to have, not a need to have. And I just honestly think that that’s an absurd price. And so they didn’t buy it. Um, so my guess is that can 15,000 range, so I’ll say 15. All right. 15 how about you James? Um, I’ll go a little bit under that number. I’m gonna say 12, five. You know, I think it’s a good brand. Again, it’s a brandable domain. There’s no other value other than to the inherent value to the guy that bought it. Uh, so I’ll go at 12, five.

Hobi:                                          00:12:36               Okay. So the final price on that was $15,000 on that one. Yeah, a lot higher. But yeah, we landed at 15.

Andrew Rosener:                00:12:47               [inaudible] just out of curiosity, where do they start?

Joe Uddeme:                         00:12:49               Let’s start around like 30. I had to confirm that it was dirty and it took a bit of work because the original offer was actually sub $5,000 original budget on it. So it had to work with both parties to actually obviously make something happen on that one.

Andrew Rosener:                00:13:02               Just random question. Probably politically incorrect. Um, it was the only Korean?

Hobi:                                          00:13:09               Yeah, no, unless it was an alias that was communicating with. But as far as I am, as far as my research could pull, this was an American, but I know, I know exactly what you’re getting out on that. There are, there are a couple of investors out of Korea and Vietnam, but obviously trying to actually have

Andrew Rosener:                00:13:25               domain similar to that rebranding Sam portfolios and those types of names and they ask crazy prices and they must get them. Otherwise

Joe Uddeme:                         00:13:38               we know exactly where you’re coming from. I have words don’t hold back.

Andrew Rosener:                00:13:48               Um, two names, Todd or something. There’s like three guys that I know in Seoul, Korea that um, I have huge portfolios. MMM. Nothing particularly valuable but huge portfolio. Tens of thousands of names and they’re like these random too were dot coms that are like a color and an animal or a color in a product or a service or like just weird random and they owned them since the 90s and it’s just always been so curious to me because it’s like they were buying these and like otherwise really valuable liquid names and, but they must be making money because otherwise they would have lowered their prices now. Um, and so they must be making sales and there must be people paying these prices. And so it’s a, you know, it’s interesting and I’d love to meet some of these guys cause it’s like what made you buy? Yeah, no, whatever. Bluwireless

Tess:                                            00:14:51               [inaudible] 98

Joe Uddeme:                         00:14:52               like, you know, keep renewing it all these years. Yeah. And where did you get the light Boosto to put $55,000 the thousand no interest in considering a $55,000 off on man. This literally know where it’s like, you know, just work snipe replies.

Tess:                                            00:15:15               No thank you. No, no, no. Why justify that price me know

Hobi:                                          00:15:22               hi Robert Father and meet them and try to get a deal done. Yeah. Yeah. I really sincerely loves to meet some of these guys.

Tess:                                            00:15:32               Okay. Good luck. And I think this is, you know, I know the same portfolios that you’re talking about, um, on my end. And um, I think that this really points to the value of working with a broker when we can tell you, hey, this domain isn’t worth it. Maybe you should walk away or with this seller. Yeah. Either this is what you’re going to pay or you need to look at something else. Um, and I think that because it’s such an unchartered waters, this entire industry, um, you know, we can really save people not only a lot of money, but a lot of time in their entire process because like hoby it sounds like they’d already decided on blue wireless, what if it was owned by those folks and they didn’t know that from the get go. And that’s why it’s nice when we’re involved in the process a lot.

Joe Uddeme:                         00:16:32               They’re not understanding why there were $20,000 offer is not being acknowledged or reply to like, well, here’s why.

Tess:                                            00:16:38               Yeah. And especially if they’ve wasted, you know, six months thinking they can do it on their own. And you know, there’s a reason that their workers in every industry, you can go buy a house on your own without a broker too. But, um, might not,

Hobi:                                          00:16:53               I used a broker for my house, so just, I do acknowledge the utility, the usefulness of brokers across a variety of fields.

Tess:                                            00:16:59               Nice. You learn anything from,

Hobi:                                          00:17:02               Oh, I learned a lot for you. 100%. It’s like, well, you don’t want a house there. You don’t want this, this makes it so it’s, there’s, there’s definitely a value and things change every day, every quarter, every year. You know, things are completely different. So

Tess:                                            00:17:13               yeah, it’s true. So, uh, so blue you had to set expectations with the buyer and the seller on pricing. Um, how long did that take you?

Hobi:                                          00:17:23               So the entire, from start from talking to the buyer and negotiate with the seller and actually reaching a deal in escrow, which finish think about them about a month ago, but the entire process to it. Three months, give or take.

Tess:                                            00:17:34               Okay. So both of you were at three months. All right. That’s uh, good to know. Alright. Mr Roessner, what’s new? Sherpa. Yeah.

Andrew Rosener:                00:17:51               Um,

Tess:                                            00:17:53               yeah, I would like to say for the first time since this is not the best representation.

Andrew Rosener:                00:18:01               No. Um, well I’m a little, I’m a little bit, I would like to talk about Walrus. No. I’m like, I don’t remember if they signed the contract. I don’t remember if had a confidentiality clause. So, uh, I’m to just, um, all right. I bought fun Maine, uh, that, well for me. I love it. Um,

Joe Uddeme:                         00:18:28               oh,

Andrew Rosener:                00:18:29               [inaudible] dot org or a boot. Talk about this words that have no intention of ever selling at any price.

Tess:                                            00:18:43               You acquired it and it’s for your personal portfolio.

Andrew Rosener:                00:18:50               Yeah, so actually this is actually going to be for me personally, like not even media options. This is actually like, I’m buying this name, this is me personally buying this. I love this name. Uh,

Tess:                                            00:19:06               And now that you’ve shared how emotionally invested you are, let’s see if that affected your pricing. What do you guys think he paid?

Joe Uddeme:                         00:19:18               So since you bought it for yourself, the immediate thing that I can think of when you say Honestly think of like cannabis, medical marijuana cause I was the medicine man, the healing powers of the shaman, you know, the rain dance and all that good stuff. Okay. So if you’re buying it for yourself and you stated that you have no interest in selling it, pay 10 K for it.

Andrew Rosener:                00:19:45               Do you have any we’ll find out. 7,500, no more.

Tess:                                            00:19:51               7500.

Andrew Rosener:                00:19:52               I know that’s a lot. It was going 6,500 but 7,500 as well. All right. Five grand. Yeah,

Joe Uddeme:                         00:20:03               that’s totally fine.

Andrew Rosener:                00:20:06               Yeah. I don’t think this name was like a screaming deal. Um, but it’s a really unique name. I personally know that the Dotcom is unobtainable for basically any price and um, uh, it is a very tightly name. Uh, and is directly related to some projects that I’ve been. So, um, I was pretty excited to get it and it just dropped into my lap. And it’s so funny because I was looking back at my notes and I tried to buy this name years ago. Uh, never got to respond, send three dates, send three emails, never got a response.

Tess:                                            00:20:45               Did you mean inaudible

Andrew Rosener:                00:20:48               I did? How much less? Like a thousand bucks. MMM. I had multiple conversations with the DOTCOM owner, uh, over many years of time, you know, multiple, uh, let’s say instances or positions of the company vocally success and failure or they just won’t sell. Uh, so, um, I was pretty pumped. This thing dropped in my lap and I was like, Whoa, whoa know. Okay. Um, so yeah, pretty excited about it. I like it. What’s the Shaman do? Cause it’s the first thing is obviously So it’s, yeah. Oh, it works on that one. Totally. And I just think that there’s a huge undercurrent, a movement towards away from right. Modern medicine. Yeah. And, um, there’s, uh, there’s a no, there’s are there outside of just a, you know, hallucinogens and mind altering substances. There’s a very real and tangible trend towards alternative medicine, alternative health, you know, that’s what, you know, whether it’s, uh, and, and, and understanding that all of these things are connected. Mental Health, physical health, gut health, diet, exercise, like your whole life, everything that you do is carrying connected to your health. And, um, you know, I think that this sort of more ancient mmm perspective on health that was traditionally, uh, you know, managed by a Shannon, um, is a, you know, I think it’s, I think that’s a big trend. MMM. Yeah. For sure

Tess:                                            00:22:45               it is. And you know, it does add that credibility of, you know, helping people, like Hobi said, but I also feel like, because, um, some people still kind of, you know, aren’t so sure about all this, really extra ads that like, it’s like a bow tie.

Andrew Rosener:                00:23:09               Yeah. The park. What are the public interest register in then? What are we run? Probably. Yeah. Yeah. I feel like that could be their slogan. Dot Org. It’s like a bow tie, like a bow tie on your brain. That should literally be the slogan.

Tess:                                            00:23:27               They can take that and make it into a bow tie.

Andrew Rosener:                00:23:30               Does he can trade time. They use it.

Tess:                                            00:23:36               Nice. Nice. Well congrats.

Andrew Rosener:                00:23:40               I love that.

Tess:                                            00:23:41               Yeah, that’s a great um, acquisition and a great domain name for your projects. And um, too bad you don’t ever want to sell it because I think there are people out there who’d be a lot of money for it.

Andrew Rosener:                00:23:46               That’s what they said about after Justin Bieber, how I feel about it. Why, what Justin Bieber and watch the whole clothing line called drew is a whole clothing line. It’s like he’s always doing nowadays a clothing line, huge fashion line called drew. And the logo is just a smiley face or the some kind of fighting over making, I don’t know if it’s a smiley face or something else, but it’s a bit like a smiley face and it says drew it just as drew and drew and um, we had like a whopper and approach us who I’m sure Bieber was one behind it. And I was like, look, I don’t think you understand, right. I my all my, like everything I have in my wife, I contribute to domain names. You know, Dwayne’s is tight on my face and like, my life’s work was to get and like, you’re going to have to rip it from my cold dead hand and like, it ain’t gonna happen, you know, making decent offer. And, uh, I’ll let you know. I’m sorry, I don’t know how else to tell you this, but like, get the fuck out of here.

Andrew Rosener:                00:25:17               How many times can I say now? How many ways can I say that to note? I remember in the nose live on camera and like do that in front of like a pay per view audience on Hbo. And I want like 70% cut on the revenue. That’s the deal. Hbo Pay per view, you and me, I’m gonna Punch you in the nose for just being a horrible human being. And that’s it. And then you could have wow. Wow. Well, I know what to get you for your birthday. I’m looking at at, at the close right now, an anger management course. I’m to get you the drew Smiley Smiley, right. Exactly. That’s a perfect birthday present. So, all right, let’s do this. Um, let me tell you about our sponsors for today’s show. We support us in our mission and then we’ll jump into the next segment. Okay. First serious about online trading. Secure your funds, keep your merchandise safe, and use a company that the buyer and

Tess:                                            00:26:44               seller protected the whole way through. That’s payments you can trust. Um, all right. In the domain portfolio review, we take user submitted demeaning portfolios and provide honest and constructive feedback to the owners so they can cut their losses, continue to hold them longterm, or figure out a sales strategy going forward. Today’s, um, portfolio was submitted by Ron and Ron a and it is almost with at the end we’ve got dot l dot. Online [inaudible] dot net dot. I am, but I don’t know how much attention that’ll get. So drew, you’re up first. What are your thoughts on this, uh, on Ron’s list here?

Andrew Rosener:                00:27:34               Uh, I’m just realizing that none of those other extension domain even show up in my, the thing I hold dear. MMM. But um, okay. Yeah, I’m just looking at those real quick and none of them would be, you know, slightly interesting theory. Um, okay. So, uh, you know, uh, it’s not the worst portfolio we’ve had on the show, so that’s a good thing. Um, I don’t love anything on here, but there are a few names that I like. My favorite name on this list is go to [inaudible] dot com and I only like it, you don’t know, it doesn’t pass the radio test kids. I think most people would probably spell it the way, you know, go t like g o t e s. Um,

Tess:                                            00:28:26               but this is like coffee and tea, but plural go teas, tea. Exactly.

Andrew Rosener:                00:28:31               Kind of a cool play on words. It could be a brand for a tea company. And I think I’ve even said before on the show that like t is pretty hot and it’s really hard to find good tea domains. And I think that that’s a unique one. MMM. I don’t think it will be immediately obvious to all the people in the world trying to think about a frame for a tea company. But I think that’s the, you know, I think it’s good. Um, so assuming he got it for cheap or for $9, hopefully, um, I think it’s a great name. I think, uh, you know, the longterm whole that could pop off for

Andrew Rosener:                00:29:06               10 to 25 grand, you know, but it just to be clear, like it has virtually zero liquidity, right? So it’s not worth 10 to 25 grand. It’s worth that when somebody makes a decision that that’s going to be the name of your company and somebody like Joe or hobby or myself come knocking on your door and say, I’ve got a client that wants your name and then it’s worth probably 10 to $25,000, just like we’ve demonstrated with the two acquisitions we’ve talked about here. So, uh, I like that one. That’s probably my favorite name on the list. Um, beyond that really, I like emerging I think that actually has more liquid value. Um, then the other one, yeah, I think emerging artists, you know, it’s probably like five, seven, 10 grand tops. I probably wouldn’t price it above like 9,000, $888. You could probably go sell it faster and the five, six range, seven grades.

Andrew Rosener:                00:30:09               But um, you know, I think that’s good. That’s good name. MMM. You know, there’s a, investments in art are, are growing, uh, investments in, in, in artists. Royalties is growing. Uh, you know, being like a seeking alpha four, you know, that our industry, uh, could be an interesting play for that type of thing. So I like it. I like it. I think it’s a, I think it’s a decent name. I’m actually talking myself into maybe even putting a higher valuation on it, but um, you know, but don’t get crazy and that’s about it. You know, vaping extracts, I’ll comment on just, he always expects them to comment on cannabis related. Um, but it’s just too many. There’s too many other ways to save apex racks. Vaporizer extracts being expressed as like pretty far down the list. Zero search volume, no traffic, no pots per click.

Andrew Rosener:                00:31:13               You know, advertisers not at registered in any other extension. And so I’m not going to say that it’s worthless, but it’s not a not promising. Yeah. You’d probably put it like a $2,500, buy it now and cross your fingers and say a few prayers and would you renew it or you’d let it expire? Yeah, I’d probably renew it. I mean, yeah, it’s probably worth renewing. Okay. All right. Thanks Joe. What are you thoughts? Well, my high level thoughts or I don’t like the portfolio at all, but um, you know, if I had to dig a little bit deeper, I mean this is just not what I focused on. This is just not my forte. Um, there were a couple of two words in here. They might be brandable beauty genius is okay. And you know, there might be a little bit of upside there. Um, yeah, I’m looking over the list. I’ll, I’ll, I’ll agree with uh, drew here. Emerging artists I think is, is probably arguably the best name on this list. I don’t like goat goatees or whatever that is. I’m just not a huge fan of anything on here. I think that, yeah. You know, to create, uh, liquidity, you know, uh, the best chance here would be that emerging artists name as well. I agree with that. Um, I’m just not a huge fan here. Nothing’s jumping out.

Andrew Rosener:                00:32:32               Okay. I would, my personal recommendation to this domain, to the portfolio owner is too go through this with a fine tooth comb and you know, get rid of some of these names that there’s no chance of ever going to have a chance of selling.

Tess:                                            00:32:46               Okay. You would absolutely not renew.

Andrew Rosener:                00:32:50               I mean, all the ones on the bottom of model, like any of them, marijuana dot l I what the hell is that? Um, c. Dot net that I n or sex, I can’t even see it. that I, and I get rid of, um, voters online. I, you know, I mean, all this stuff just doesn’t, in my opinion, has no inherent value. Um, the gentleman that I’m working with today might disagree, but it just don’t do it for me personally.

Tess:                                            00:33:14               Okay. What do you mean? The gentleman you’re working with? Yeah. Is Two guys who Albion drew. What do you mean

Joe Uddeme:                         00:33:21               gentlemen that were vagabonds? Come on now. Don’t talk yourself. I’ll set false expectations.

Tess:                                            00:33:29               Eight eight K. Dot. Cash. Do you think that’s an attempt at the Chinese interest in numbers or gaming or what do you think is happening there and it wouldn’t it be eight eight eight?

Joe Uddeme:                         00:33:41               Yeah.

Andrew Rosener:                00:33:42               Listen, Mama wants to tell me, don’t argue. Argue with fools. Cause people from a distance can’t tell who’s who or who got his house or he got ahold of some really good cannabis and he didn’t share it with the other or you know, I mean that’s always possible to,

Tess:                                            00:33:58               all right. All right. How about you hoby what do you think? You know one 800

Joe Uddeme:                         00:34:05               oh yeah. I mean it’s a bunch of brand brambles. Just kind of two words put together. I mean there’s obviously the nose, there’s a stop behind it. I mean some of them I can see like where they’re coming from. Well I know personally that I’m just, I know I’m not a fan. That was China motorsports typically because when you buy motor sports from China it’s because they’re cheaper and are not very good quality. So it’s, I mean I can tell you personal experience I’ve had, I’ve replaced blown engines, I’ve done all kinds of stuff with, you know, Chinese off roading vehicles and it’s just not really worth it. I mean I could see something like that as a whole. So call themselves that. But that sounds like more of a hand registration reason. Reason that than it does. And a, I got a secondary acquisition.

Joe Uddeme:                         00:34:47               I mean, yeah, if someone came to me and asked me to help me sell these, I just tell him like, not really something I can help with. I mean make sure you list them all the platforms, three landing pages on it. Do your best to try to maximize the money you have put into it. But it’s really aren’t anything. Yeah, like maybe, maybe photo, maybe photo ramming. Cause it’s a single word. It’s a brandable and it’s a play on panoramic, which is an image setting and photogrammetry is a cool brandable. But as far as liquidity, I just don’t, yeah, I don’t, I don’t see you being able to, if you want to turn around and pay some bills on me, I don’t see you being able to sell these and immediate future.

Tess:                                            00:35:25               Yeah. So if, if he listed these with buy it now, price is, what would you say for Photo Aramic? A sinful MMM.

Joe Uddeme:                         00:35:38               You know, I mean there’s maximize return, but there’s also where your investment strategy is. And typically when you see before you like this, there’s not really any single word generics or anything that you typically has a higher commonly associated value. I would argue the strategy is probably going to be get cash squeeze. You can flip them. So I would probably more along the lines of pricing to style them. I mean I know you know drew, you had said kind of a little more on emerging artists cause it’s a great name. You know, it’s, you know, it’s best name in the portfolio. But I would probably say so five k by now on most of these, just tell them and see what you can monitor traffic, what interests do you have, and then make the call on him and just move on because it’s just less. And again, I haven’t looked at end users for every single one of these domain names, so I could, there could be something I’m missing and I would definitely make sure you do that before perhaps Emily in that pricing strategy. But a sub five k by now. So just, you know, with the idea that I’m looking to sell these as fast as I can, move on to the next investment and you know, perhaps hone it from more of a, an acquisition from a resale versus a registration and reasonable.

Tess:                                            00:36:37               Okay. All right. That’s great advice, especially with regard to the timing. So move through these fast, see what you can get and, and, uh, uh, try to elevate each time that you do that. Right.

Joe Uddeme:                         00:36:51               Well, it’s just, I’m assuming that’s where his strategy is, is that, I mean I don’t, I don’t know that he may have just a kickass portfolio of names that he saw all 5,000 million dollars every quarter or something. I just, but most of the time when I get portfolios that are typically consisting of the alternate extensions and things like that, do you usually not where the strategy is and it’s a lot easier to make decisions when you have sales coming in versus when you have no funds coming in. So I’m always a proponent of and let you know, obviously not, not selling things in the fire itself per se, but just said proponent of having more working coming in. Cause it’s, it’s just a lot easier to make accurate and more macro decisions when you have the data and the funds to do so. So that’s probably where I’ve kind of priced is from.

Tess:                                            00:37:35               Nice. Yeah, I like that. It’s easier to make sales when you have money coming in. Yeah.

Joe Uddeme:                         00:37:43               Okay. So Ron, thank you so much. It’s easier to find it. You know, it’s easier to find a girlfriend and you’ve already got one. I mean, you know, wow. You proven the concept like, yeah, you know, I can do the girlfriend thing. No, it just, it, it, look, it’s something that I tell people every day when I’m trying to sell domains. Humans want what other humans want, period. And so whether it’s, you know, women want, Oh man, that other women want, right? It’s just, that’s just it built into US genetically. It’s, it’s, and a is there, you know, it’s not just women. Men want women that other men want, right? Same thing. Companies want domains and other companies want the moment you’ve got a, you know, a serious offer on a domain. The landscape completely changes companies that previously said, no, you should circle

Andrew Rosener:                00:38:36               back because highly laid their interest. They’d, because one of their competitors or somebody who’s competing with them for that name space, uh, in the digital economy, Watson. And so now they, by default, they must want it because if they don’t, they’re just conceding defeat. So, uh, it’s true. It’s true. I made it. I made a, uh, whenever I want there,

Tess:                                            00:39:06               you got to go somewhere. House

Andrew Rosener:                00:39:08               I made, I made a very provocative tweet today. Um, it does a company called firefly. Uh, well I might have even already shit on, on this program before. Um, they, uh, is that a San Francisco, they’re like a display advertising company. They, uh, you know, the growing super fast, they just announced today that they raised $30 million. And um, uh, you know, the founder, uh, who wasn’t very kind to me, um, not really bothered me in any way whatsoever, but it just, you know, put him right in the crosshairs of my, uh, whatever. So, uh, anyways, I saw that tweet and I just couldn’t help myself. So I said, congratulations. It’s too bad you guys dropped the ball on acquiring a and how it’s been sold. It’s off the market forever. Uh, and uh, you know, that’s it. You know, it’s like that other company that bought it, they only reason they bought it. It was like, oh, there’s this other company, they’re growing super fast. Like, we’re not even a consumer facing business, but we don’t want them to own it. So we bought it, you know, and the story, you know, that’s it. Um, and uh, yeah, you’re on the wrong side of that provocative tweets.

Andrew Rosener:                00:40:37               Okay.

Tess:                                            00:40:38               Okay. Well Ron, thank you so much for submitting your portfolio for the entire Sherpa network to learn here. I hope the reviews been helpful to you and I keep in touch and you know, I do want to say most of the folks who send in their portfolios do keep in touch and it’s nice to hear and see them grow and evolve. Um, before we jump into the domains, going to auctions soon, I’d like to tell you about our sponsors who support us in our educational mission.

Speaker 5:                               00:41:05               FD was built by domain investors to increase your inquiries, sales and profit, forget spreadsheets and archived emails, manage your entire investment portfolio in one place using a secure and completely confidential platform. Learn more at ft com, that’s e f t y f

Tess:                                            00:41:25               So we’ll move on now to the marketplace list. This segment is sponsored by main jet where reviewing domain names heading to soon. If you like one of the names below, click through soon because once they go to auction you lose your chance to put on a minimum bid or even just watch what’s going on in the auction. Um, the links below go directly to name jet. We don’t like do commission or something like that. We uh, they want to know what kind of traffic we’re sending. Um, for transparency, I always asked Sherpas, do you own or are you brokering any of the names on the list guys?

Andrew Rosener:                00:41:58               No. All right, hold on. No, no.

Tess:                                            00:42:08               All right. Now so I’m not sure what percent some of these are going to be in the, um, the live auction in Portugal in two weeks. Um, what,

Andrew Rosener:                00:42:24               what’s the commission on that

Tess:                                            00:42:30               make on commission, on those deals? I don’t know. We’ll have Monty on next week and I’ll, I’ll, I’ll make sure to show him your face along with you.

Andrew Rosener:                00:42:38               No, I want to know, I’m curious after the last, what, what’s the question? The question is, how much commission does right of the dot made per name? It’s listed on name yet know about that? Well, so the commission charge to the seller is 25%. They’ve got to pay named jet, they’ve got to pay names, call. And in some cases where like a broker or some third party brings a buyer or introduces a buyer, they have to pay a commission to that person too. So I think, you know, but I think it’s probably 10 to 12%, uh, you know, something like that.

Tess:                                            00:43:22               And I know that,

Andrew Rosener:                00:43:23               I don’t know what I’m just,

Tess:                                            00:43:25               yeah. And they’ve put a lot into these live auctions in terms of, um, reaching out to so many end users, letting them know about it. And, um, I think

Andrew Rosener:                00:43:35               right. It also covers the cost of the auctioneer and he is travel, you know? Right. Sure. So there’s a software provider that does the live, uh, auction and that’s, that’s pretty expensive. Um, I, I know like the bar for them to make it profitable, they need to sell a pretty decent number of domains. Um, in terms of dollars, I would think. Yeah,

Tess:                                            00:44:01               yeah. Yeah. Um, all right, so we got some great names on here. Arizona uh, and pizza, Just a few. All right. Hope a year at first. What do you like? Well, obviously I think audio is probably the best. It’s just, it’s just such a good way to convey it. Just there’s so many brands on it. I mean the audio, everybody likes music. You have audio files that love.

Joe Uddeme:                         00:44:32               It would just invest in headphones and blow money on audio related equipment you have, I mean I was reading an article like a year or two ago that you know, guitars or aren’t cool anymore and that it’s all about, it’s everything’s electric, which I agree and it’s all about your audio, what you can put out. But he could be an audio, it could be a CRM, it could be anything. And it’s just sometimes you run into words that are too generic and it’s just, it can actually be kind of hard to sell them just because of how generic they are. But audio. I don’t think you’d really have that problem though. I mean it’s easily a six figure name. Seven, you know, I didn’t take, I mean it’s definitely six cause you get seven figures for audio maybe. I mean I think right buyer engages. Yeah cause I mean music is easily seven. Music’s definitely music encompasses a little bit more about audio. It could be a streaming service, could be Spotify, it could be just so many things. So audio is clearly my favorite of the others that are on there. Hold up audio better than music. What do you guys think is more valuable? Robbie’s music. I like music.

Joe Uddeme:                         00:45:41               I bet she gets crazy direct type into punk music better. But I mean I just lost his shit. Yeah, no audio is great. Like the most insane typing traffic tunes. No, no, no to you. And you liked that you liked that better? Nordea? Not as a brand, but I like it better as an investment just because it’s going to have endless amount of typing traffic from iTunes. Yeah. Uh, okay. See I haven’t used an apple product since. I don’t remember when. So that didn’t even cross. Yeah. Practical case. Oh yeah. You had ran into an issue with like your, your laptop. I think I saw a tweet. Your laptop like melted or break or something. God, don’t we move on the tweets that went into that as you know with fireflight fleets, I mean outside of that I don’t usually, so gtld is can be a bit rough but cause it’s just, it’s really but other than

Joe Uddeme:                         00:47:12               Dot. Org Works. I liked a lot. [inaudible] I really do like, it’s just, I’m not the expert in those. Like Dot. UK. I don’t sell houses in the UK where I don’t reside in the UK, so I’m not the best on that. But outside of audio, I think I probably like Dot. UK. I have to check to make sure that house is, or are they referred when you buying and selling houses or marketplace? They actually call them houses. I know when you rent it’s usually called like to let or something like that. Letting is like the vernacular that’s used. So what do they say instead? Oh, holiday rentals or sales. Right.

Tess:                                            00:47:53               Absolutely. You need to have this conversation with an accent.

Joe Uddeme:                         00:47:58               No, I’m not going to put you can in a British accent by a little more prep time. Maybe I look myself

Tess:                                            00:48:05               all right. Next time he’ll be next time. Yeah, you’re right. You do have to be cautious about the different, um, vernacular vernacular, how they use it. Um, but what were we talking about on the last show? Um, there was with Jebidiah, there was Dot. UK and, and um, I’m gonna look it up real quick. Um, but I do think [inaudible] Dot Co. Dot. UK Cam can sell real, um, real well on that. Oh, Dot. UK. So, you know, yeah. Maybe. How’s this? Okay. So those are your two favorites. Audible and houses. So audible you think? Oh, audio sauce, audio. You think six figures,

Joe Uddeme:                         00:48:54               six maybe seven to the right buyer. Yeah, I like it just cause I can say, you know, blue wireless, like bl, you know, the, that domain was actually sold to a British company. They were using Dot. UK. So it’s, you know, there’s definitely a domain buying community and there’s a and immediate need for consumer B, two, B and UK. I mean, just because if I got, I had to do more, I should’ve done more research into this, but like houses, if that’s the term that’s used over there and how it’s it or engage with the buying and selling homes, I think. Yeah, it sticks. It’s six mid, mid six figures on that one. Probably I check more into it, but yeah, I mean it’s definitely a six figure name.

Tess:                                            00:49:38               Okay. All right. Fair enough.

Joe Uddeme:                         00:49:44               So, um, yeah, audio is definitely my favorite name and the last time he gives us the most valuable. Um, but I won’t harp on that one too much. Um, I think, um, I like celebrity photos. I mean, he’s a lot of great names on you. It really comes down to what, you know, what’s the reserve and, um, you know, can you get it at a price that makes sense as an investor, but, um, you know, for I like that name a lot. MMM. You know, people don’t realize we, he may be able to realize, but these two characters. Dot coms are even more rare than to You know, obviously I think there’s

Andrew Rosener:                00:50:26               far more and users and a potential for a two then there is a two character. Um, but you know, just from a pure stair seating standpoint, the two character dot coms are extremely stairs there. Second most EHRs, class of domain names after.

Andrew Rosener:                00:50:46               MMM. Uh, uh, well I did third most scares classes, domain names after one character dot cons and a or one cause numbers are possible. And um, uh, uh, two, uh, of which, you know, is only 10, so we’re 11, including zero zero. So, um, uh, yeah, I like for him, I like, uh, like that a lot. Celebrity photos, you know, look, that’s just a huge category. It’s like, you know, how many people waste half their life working up celebrity photos online. Um, yeah. So, uh, it’s also got a lot of typing traffic, which is always a bonus. Um, you know, I liked a lot, but I think it’s one of these types of, it’s one of these tricky names cause probably like 90% of the people searching for thriller are searching for like the Michael Jackson video. Um, like probably the most famous music video in history, I would have been maybe like put them on the glass. And so, um, uh, uh, yeah, I think, uh, what else do I like here? Alright. Bob. Dot. TV. But don’t ask me why. I have no clue. For whatever reason, it just, the word Bob, the name Bob is just like the name ever. Especially if you’re like a robot AI or like, you know, it’s like Bob, they trade, it cannot be more generic and like global and just neutral. You know, it’s not, it’s not intimidating just Bob. It’s like who’s, who’s scared of Bob? Terribly hard to spell, but still, uh, uh, yeah. So I dunno. I like bod. Dot. TV. I really liked that. Uh, you know,

Tess:                                            00:53:04               all right. I like that. I wouldn’t have expected that. I, it makes me think of Bob Ross and who’s at other, the fix it, fix it guy.

Andrew Rosener:                00:53:14               You know what I said, Bob Ross videos. I bet those who were like in the public domain now and like how Bob Ross videos, you know, I wouldn’t even make that into like, it’s like you’re going about calm and headspace. You know, we’ve got You want to, you want to relax that you want to go now I would have bought that TV and watched some happy trees. I’m going all in. I’m gonna say want to, I want to see it. You’re going to have different brokerages done. I’m going We’re gonna distribute Bob Ross videos worldwide. Okay. I mean, for Real, if somebody’s listening to this and said, you know what? Drew has a point here, it’s a reasonable price to pay, right? You don’t want to get into it for much. I mean, you know, probably 1000 bucks Max and, um, uh, you know, I don’t think it’s going to be liquid for much above that. Um, and then, you know, I don’t know what it would sell for. Maybe 10 to 25,000 is probably the upper women or where that’s going to sell.

Andrew Rosener:                00:54:37               Alright, thanks. Ciao. What catches your eye? Audio? I think audio could be arguably the best. How come you’re far away? Sorry. Yeah, sorry. Um, audio the best. I think you can make the case that there’s another name on this list, which is arguably just as good boldly because of the backlink profile. Both of these names have huge backlink profiles and both of those are very valuable to the whoever acquires this steam, whether or not they’re going to use it for a brand or not. There’s considerable value on upside there. I like it. A 375 k I think that’s a good end user price. I don’t think it’s a million dollar domain name. I would not take it for $1 million or higher. Personally. is a good name. But again, what do you do with it? Uh, people aren’t searching thriller unless they’re going for the thriller video.

Andrew Rosener:                00:55:45               That’s really all that’s out there. And if you look at the search volume that’ll tell you that, uh, I like it for 65 k I think that’s a good buy. Anything more than that I would not spend the money on. And the last one on this list is hippie. Hippie has a very good Backlund profile. It’s a good name. It has good search volume. It’s a good brand. There’s a lot of upside, a lot of good uses for that name. I like it around two and a quarter. Uh, you know, you could probably get it a little bit lower and I think it’s a good buy anywhere between one 50 and 200. I like, what do you think of? I’m a wedding.

Joe Uddeme:                         00:56:23               I, you’re so specific. I think that’s super uh, wedding That’s talk about a niche. What do you think of that one?

Andrew Rosener:                00:56:33               Okay. I mean I think there is a business out there for wedding wounds. How many people were typing in wedding loans? I needed to do some more research around the keyword. You know, I’m not, can you do on the two word dotcoms unless it’s category specific and targeting a niche that’s very popular and in demand right now. Um, weddings, people always have weddings and they’re always borrowing money because people have trouble paying their bills. Uh, so there is some value there. I mean, you know, wedding ones, 25 k at the most,

Joe Uddeme:                         00:57:03               he’ll be you, uh, like your toys, electric What do you think on that? Watching motorcycles, two Electric motorcycle isn’t a more electric bikes. The keyword that people usually use and they’re referring to things like that and motorcycles and even the off road community, like even in the off road community, they had electric vehicles. It’s just the issue with something like that is just the longevity of the battery. So it’s just, you couldn’t go far distances, which is a big concern for off roading. So it’s electric motorcycles, I mean, maybe 10 years too early on that one, to be honest with you. I mean, I think we just, we just converted electricity into a portable fuel, like a liquid substance would actually might change the game, but we, I don’t know, man motorcycles. Can you buy an electric motorcycle right now outside of, but like you say a motorcycle, I mean, what type, where you, were you saying a motorcycle or is it like an actual motorcycle and more of a, a souped up mobile?

Joe Uddeme:                         00:58:14               I mean that’s a big, yeah, when you start getting to like, it’s a big difference when you’re talking about gasoline engines, but when you start talking about electric, it’s kind of more like just, you know, it’s about before. How would you define a motorcycle? I would say, uh, well, so there is a textbook definition was I’m not aware of, but like, I mean it’s, so it’s, so it’s two wheels you have to be able to shift. Well actually we’ll, you know, shift electric if I may say so. I think it doesn’t matter. All that matters is who’s searching for it. No, that’s fair. That’s fair. But I just, I don’t think, I mean I’ve never searched for electric motorcycle. I mean it’s, it’s an electric bikes that people were more search for and it’s usually more commonly associate with bike. Then you’re going to get like an electric bicycle. But that’s what I’m saying. Is that not, I, my assumption, I’m, I guess I’m not the expert in that. You’ve got these more like your motorcycles that go, you know, all right. 80 a hundred miles an hour. Okay. Multiple other multiple

Andrew Rosener:                00:59:22               grant. Is it, I mean, are there multiple brands knowing that they’re all out of charming? I’m out. I’m out of electric. I’m serious. I’m out because it’s no, I mean the less and less tron has changed up their entire nature of their, their vehicles. I, okay. I got it. I had researched. The more I can do about it. I don’t like that name.

Tess:                                            00:59:43               All right. We need to do a Sherpa off roading or something. Anyways,

Andrew Rosener:                00:59:48               segways all Chinese cause they got bought by nine, bought after the, after the founder of segue and took himself off the cliff on a segway. I read about that until they were bought by a Chinese company. Electric motorcycles. There’s some search by in there. There’s some search mine and very high competition. That’s a pretty good word, Huh? That’s motorcycle. Let me search this. Yeah.

Tess:                                            01:00:18               All right. I will ask Auntie about it when he comes on to talk about the show drew before we say goodbye, I want to know, but this hot tea market, you have never mentioned that on Sherpa what the tea market is hot.

Andrew Rosener:                01:00:35               Um, yeah, but not like suddenly it’s like kind of been, you know, it’s like call it, I mean it’s just a very fast growing market. You know, it’s kind of like switch, right? So the coffee market is blowing up in Asia, which was traditionally a ti market and the tea market is blowing up in the United States because traditionally more coffee market. And so basically just, you know, all about caffeine. You need, you know, if, if, if we’ve got this global economic system that is derived from, and 1000% depends on growth in every form, you know, we need a, we need some kind of substance to help drive growth. Caffeine is that substance,

Tess:                                            01:01:27               the online aspect of tea brands and t domains. It’s about,

Andrew Rosener:                01:01:32               so selling online, it just, you know, like your brand, you’ve got to have a brand presence online. And so, um, even if you’re not direct to consumer, mmm. You know, you need a brand.

Tess:                                            01:01:46               All right. Um, well I’ve just discovered, uh, how much I love green coffee. Um, which I feel like it’s because it’s got green. I don’t know. I’ve always been a tea drinker and I am switching cause I need more caffeine as drew knows from my emails until like 1:00 AM all right guys, this was a great show. Um, who’s going to Portugal?

Andrew Rosener:                01:02:19               No, go.

Tess:                                            01:02:20               No takers. All right guys. We will know.

Andrew Rosener:                01:02:25               Yeah, it’s a journey for me, but I’m going to do it. He’s going to be fun.

Tess:                                            01:02:31               True. Yeah. Quickest. You you’ve ever had

Andrew Rosener:                01:02:35               legit though. It’s, it’s, it’s actually going to be super fun. We have no vested interest, uh, other than, you know, we’ve supported them with a, with a sponsorship. But, um, I’m pretty excited that my name’s Khan, uh, is going to do their first European, uh, show in Lisbon, Portugal. I think that it’s a perfect fit. I think it’s the perfect city for it. Um, and I think everybody does come is going to be blown away by what a cool city Lisbon is. I think everybody’s going to have a super good time. Uh, I am privy to the agenda and it’s going to be a lot of fun. Um, there’s going to be some good content, but this is going to be, uh, if I can take the liberty to say, I think it’s going to be a focused on fun and networking and uh, the people and um, it’s going to be super cool. The Saturday is going to be awesome. Um, so yeah, if you are on the fence, you should totally come maybe in the show notes. A, we’ve got a promo code for you. I don’t know best, you know, probably like domain Sherpa.

Tess:                                            01:03:52               I don’t know that it works,

Andrew Rosener:                01:03:58               but, uh, if we find one, we’ll put it in the show notes. I think they gave us one, so I apologize. Name’s Don. MMM, you did do that. So, uh, yeah. See everybody there that comes.

Tess:                                            01:04:11               I’ll actually, when I create the intro to this show, I’ll put, I’ll say what the Promo is right there.

Andrew Rosener:                01:04:17               Perfect.

Tess:                                            01:04:18               All right. Uh, what’s going on Joe? Inaudible. What’s going on in your life, Joe? You want to go first?

Joe:                                             01:04:26               Looking forward to summer forward to spending more time with the family as usual. Everything’s good. You know, uh, for more information about anything that I’m doing or, yeah, you can always check out name I certainly appreciate you having me on the show and, uh, look forward to coming back at a later time.

Tess:                                            01:04:42               Yeah. It’s treat to have you, you working on any interesting acquisitions or sales that you want to talk about right now?

Andrew Rosener:                01:04:48               No, I’d never jinx anything I like on and up before a deal is never done until it’s done.

Tess:                                            01:04:54               All right, I’ll got the stele. Okay. How about you? [inaudible]

Hobi:                                          01:04:59               um, yeah, I mean, looking forward to getting my house completed, which I’ve been working on since November and I am, I can, I can taste the, I can see it almost done, so I’m very, very excited for that. Um, you know, just have the working on,,, uh,, you know,, so know, just got to keep,

Tess:                                            01:05:26               keep on trucking. Those are all sales, outbound burglary, correct. Those are all domains that we have available for sale. You I love that. A big fan of though. That’s cool. Yeah.

Andrew Rosener:                01:05:41               What’s up? Just real quick, what do you like about it?

Joe Uddeme:                         01:05:45               Oh, it’s a generic, it’s a single word. It conveys just like an emote. It’s just, it’s just, it’s just an action. It’s a verb. It’s now and you know, or others on now, but it’s a verb, you know, it’s, it’s just such a good brand. You can be a rough this, you are exploding onto the scene. Like I just love it. It’s just like, you know, it’s just, it’s a great, fantastic brand. It just conveys such exuberance, you know, you don’t have like, what do you do? We’re rough, rough brokerage or just, I’d love it.

Andrew Rosener:                01:06:11               Love it. Yeah.

Joe Uddeme:                         01:06:15               No, no, I disagree.

Andrew Rosener:                01:06:18               I, yeah, I, I’m going to withhold my thoughts on that name.

Tess:                                            01:06:25               I like the excitement and I liked that it makes you think of disrupt, but there is, you know, a certain segment that would never be interested because it sounds uncontrollable. Um, and that’s the great thing about a brand is that it suits certain segments and not others depending on what they, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Joe Uddeme:                         01:06:48               We can have words to that have a negative connotation. And I don’t think rob has that word has a negative nobody, same as you are negative. What I’m saying is you can have a term that Brenda has her where the has a negative connotation. It can be used in a positive way. So it’s, you know, it’s, you can do all kinds of things with certain words and names, things like that.

Tess:                                            01:07:06               Yeah. Um, drew, anything else you want to say about, uh, name’s Khan, Portugal or anything else going on with media options?

Andrew Rosener:                01:07:16               Uh, well, we were having a hell of a month.

Andrew Rosener:                01:07:22               This, uh, yeah, I think this is a, I think I’d say the last 30 days. So all the work was done in May, but I think most of these deals are going to close in June. So June is probably going to be our best month in the history of the company. Um, and uh, you know, we’ve a couple of outliers there, but still, uh, just, uh, uh, a very strong number of big deals closed. So, um, I’m pretty excited about the market. I think, you know, this is going to be a year, like last year we had, you know, last year Q one and Q four made up like 70% of our year. Uh, maybe even 80%, and I think it’s going to be Q two and Q four this year we’ll probably make up 80% plus of a, of the year. So yeah. Uh, you know, trying to ever busted, busted our butts, you know, things are going to start slowing down with Joe said, uh, in July, August. And so I’m looking forward to flowing it down a little bit. I’ve been working harder than I really want to be working and, um, uh, very excited about names. Khan, very excited about all. Uh, uh, my friends and enemies from the demand new industry coming over to Lisbon to, uh, uh, you know, frolic and a, it’s going to be fun. And, uh, what else? That’s it.

Tess:                                            01:08:52               Okay. She should have been at work. That’s my commitment to you. I’ll be sending you pictures of drew frolicking. I will defend it. How do you follow anybody? He’s amazing. Um, like random. I don’t even know what you call them. They’re not means they’re like Photoshop Josh or, yeah. He’s amazing. It bad mean game is, it’s up there. It’s like Joe would never go.

Andrew Rosener:                01:09:31               Yeah,

Tess:                                            01:09:33               you’ve got ease up, but he’s got a game mean games a, a level. Bring it on, Josh. All right guys, thank you so much for your time coming on here. We will miss you in Portugal while we are frolicking. Um, but um, was he probably next time on the show, um, congrats on the house. How Ob send us updates Joe into summer. All right. See y’all next time.

Andrew Rosener:                01:10:00               Thanks guys. Appreciate it. Yeah.


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2 Responses to “DomainSherpa Review – June 10:,,”

  1. Noor Manji says:

    Great show, amazing energy and passion.
    thank you all.


  2. Almarri says:

    Hello :)

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    Hope my domain names find the way to be list it on Auction .

    In the final wish best for all people

    Al Marri

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