Domain Handicapping the Europe 2019 NamesCon Auction

Two of the top global minds in domain name values handicap the upcoming Europe 2019 NamesCon Auction. Monte Cahn and Andrew Rosener review the domains and discuss what will sell, what you should keep an eye on, and some of how the auctions work behind the scenes.

From premium one word .COM domain names that have never been on the market, to easy “no-brainer” investments under $1000, these experts take you through the auction list and highlight the shining stars. We analyze:

  • Best brandable domains
  • Best domains at each pricepoint
  • Best ccTLD domains at auction
  • Great liquid domain buys
  • Plus, how Monte curates the auction inventory, how the auction works, how to bid, and more!

Any domain name investor or company who plans to acquire a domain in 2019 will benefit from today’s show.

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This Show’s Sherpas

Monte Cahn
Monte Cahn
Monte Cahn is co-founder and president of Right of the Dot, LLC, an Internet consulting and advisement firm specializing in new and existing TLD strategy, board advisement, premium domain and market positioning, sales and services.

Cahn has been pioneering domain name and virtual property aftermarket services since 1995. He is founder and former president of and former president of, which together made up the Aftermarket & Registrar division of, where he also managed more than 6 million domains and 117 ICANN accredited registrars.
Cahn helped start one of the first domain name brokerages in 1996, contributing to or leading the sales of more than $300 million, including the first domain name sale for over $1 million – – and the sale of for $2 million.

Cahn is also Executive in Residence and Advisor to the Board of Domain Holdings.

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Andrew Rosener
Andrew Rosener
Andrew Rosener is the CEO of the industry-leading domain name broker Media Options.

Andrew is widely considered a thought leader and expert on domain name value & methodology as well as domain name sales & acquisitions. With 20 years experience with domain names, Andrew has leveraged his knowledge and expertise to make MediaOptions the go-to domain name firm for startup & company domain acquisitions as well as high value domain name sales.

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Tess Diaz:                                 00:00:00               Are you ready to ride the waves? NamesCon Europe is coming up in just a few days. We bring on Monte Khan and Andrew Rosener to discuss the auction coming up. They handicap the sleepers, the brand names, the key words, the CCTLDs. This is a super fun show and super informative. Get ready to get your bid on whether you’ll be at the show or not.

Monte:                                      00:00:33               First serious about online trading. Secure your funds, keep your merchandise safe, and use a company that keeps the buyer and seller protected the whole way through. That’s payments you can trust.

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Tess Diaz:                                 00:01:08               Hey, Sherpa Network today we’re doing it again. The handicap show. The next NamesCon auction. Our last show was mega popular, maybe Monte it was because of your good looks, but we are ready to go again. So Monte con, how do you introduce yourself with regard to this auction?

Monte:                                      00:01:32               Well, myself or the auction?

Tess Diaz:                                 00:01:33               Well, you first like what is your official title for the auction? I mean you are the ultimate auction master four names con, um, for the domain industry. Really. Um, so your CEO of right of the dot. But that’s not the hat you’re wearing today.

Monte:                                      00:01:48               Yeah, yeah. Of course. Right of the Dot Contracted out with NaemsCon years ago to run the live and online options. Uh, for a couple of reasons. One that, you know, been the most successful at it. I helped pioneer it in the very early 2000 that we’ve sold, you know, hundreds of millions of dollars are the domain names as we go through brokerage and through options. Part of the process of making a market for the industry, it keeps the market healthy. Um, there are two markets guided. It’s also a highlight for NamesCon. It draws people there. It’s one of the most well attended, um, activities at the conference. The room fills up, there’s alcohol flowing, the paddles in the air. Everybody’s having fun. It’s uh, you know, it’s, it’s really good. So, uh, that’s one of the reasons that, uh, that were conducted walking and that we’re looking forward to this auction as well because of, um, NamesCon Vegas that was so successful over the last several years. Uh, NamesCon approached me and said, hey, how would you like to try it in Europe? And I’ve done European auctions in the past and everything and it spends, they’d been successful through the years, but we’ve moved, we haven’t done a NamesCon auction. It’s a smaller attended show. Uh, but we’re expecting a lot of people would be online just due to the timing of the event and, um, the room to be full. And it’s, uh, a featured highlighted event. I’m at NamesCon this year.

Tess Diaz:                                 00:03:10               It’s a big deal and it kicks off the whole show. I really like that. Um, and drew rose nurse, CEO of media options, one of the most interesting people in the room to watch at every auction. Uh, thanks for joining us today.

Andrew Rosener:                00:03:27               Thank you very, uh, happy to be here as always, especially with my boy Monte

Tess Diaz:                                 00:03:33               and the Aus throughs and a house. And this, uh, this event will be in your backyard, uh, in Cascais. Everyone who’s kind of Cascais Ish. Yeah.

Andrew Rosener:                00:03:47               Got 20, 25 minute drive from Lisbon. Um, great area. Absolutely beautiful. And literally, I don’t think that there is a better time of the entire year to be there. It’s just perfect weather. It’s not too hot yet. My guess is it’s going to be like 25 degrees Celsius, which is what is that around 85, 90 degrees. We’re going to be crystal clear blue skies, there’ll be a nice wind. It’s going to be beautiful. It’s going to be phenomenal. Um, I’m, I’m pretty fun and I think, I think, uh, there’s going to be more people there than, uh, than uh, the organizers are even expecting. Um, I think it’s gonna be a lot of last minute tickets. I think a lot of people are like, have booked flights of like, a lot of the people that have told me they’re coming, uh, I didn’t see on the attendee list. So I, uh, I, I think that there’s going to be a lot of people like, you know, I don’t know. I don’t know how that’s all going to work.

Tess Diaz:                                 00:04:51               Irresistible, irresistible offers. Great. And so, um, the conference itself is Thursday, June 20th through Saturday, June 22nd, and the auction is at a perfect time pretty much globally. Um, Thursday, June 20th, 5:00 PM Lisbon or Western Europe time, 12:00 PM us eastern time, 9:00 AM west coast time. So China’s just used to getting up in the middle of the night. So everybody’s in. Um, and we’re going to start out just like last time showing the viewers where they can see this when they go to names, Then you can click right there. First thing you see, his NamesCon auction. Click on that and you see the list. You can sort, you know, alphabetically by number of bitters, minimum bid, high bed. Um, backorder deadline is probably all the same. Um, and then under high bid, if it’s in Blue Monte, it’s, it’s met reserve. If it’s in gray, it has or it hasn’t been met. Yeah. So if it’s gray, it’s already hit reserve and we have 31 days that have already hit reserve, which is good.

Tess Diaz:                                 00:06:05               Okay. Gotcha. Names of already hit reserve. Yup. Um, and we met

Monte:                                      00:06:13               every name has a minimum bid of $300, even said no reserve. So, um, even if it’s a no reserve, the opening bid is $300. That’s why they’re all the same there.

Tess Diaz:                                 00:06:22               Ah, Gotcha. Okay. And so we are filming, uh, Monday, June 10th, this show is going live in a week, Monday, June 17th. Um, just to let people know, you know, a little difference might be, but, uh, before we started filming Monte, you were saying that a lot of these names have just barely been put on. So it’s not like when you go right before an auction starts and you see number of bitters and you know which ones are the good names and which aren’t, um, because some names of just barely been added or still being added. And you have an announcement. What’s the big new one that was just added?

Monte:                                      00:06:58               The big new name that was added was Just had several names were added. I’m on Friday and the show’s airing on Monday. So they just, the weekend of activity, which isn’t a lot. So we do have a week and a half to go, which is good. And there’s a lot of really great names, uh, that were, uh, added recently and full of others. And then, you know, I’m spending a lot of time doing a end user promotion and networking to, you know, to get participants into the auction.

Tess Diaz:                                 00:07:26               Does that mean you get to go on several yachts and write it off? That’s your net? Yes. Yes. That’s great. Yeah. Yeah, I like that. All right.

Monte:                                      00:07:36               Andrew, setting me up with the first yacht ride and, uh, and tour and cruise when I come to Lisbon, so that’s good. I can just sell it right there on the boat.

Tess Diaz:                                 00:07:43               I like it. We, we should do the whole auction on the boat.

Monte:                                      00:07:46               Yeah. That means my name’s Don just announced that there is a, there’s a yacht tour or a cruise or something on, was it on Friday night? Yeah, Friday night. I think Giuseppe organized a, I’m not exactly sure what the details are, but it’s a, some kind of a big sailboat hours around the, around the, uh, uh, city in Asia. The, the river that runs, uh, you know, in front of Lisbon, maybe fun, beautiful. It’s beautiful. And it’s a huge river. It’s like a kilometer across or something. So, um, you know, it’s not like a narrow little river. It’s pretty sweeping and it runs, you know, right out there’s been, it’s like a couple miles from the entrance of the ocean. So, uh, you know, at the other end you’ve got the big bridge that looks just like the San Francisco Bridge, the Golden Gate Bridge. And just another side of that is open Atlantic Ocean. So it’s, it’s pretty, it’s pretty beautiful.

Tess Diaz:                                 00:08:44               Sounds gorgeous. I’m really looking forward to the surfing lesson. I love how that’s a networking event. Um, this, this is going to be great. Okay. So, um, uh, tell us a little bit more about some of these names. Monte, what are the big standouts to you? Let’s start with like the Ba, Ba boom, the big ones like yet. So let’s, uh, let’s start there. What do you got? What’s really a price to sell or exciting to sell for you?

Monte:                                      00:09:14               Well, uh, you know, one of the biggest names and the name of the highest bid right now is, um, which was teased a little bit in the last auction. It was Andrew the last, uh, the last day before the auction. But we tease it in that, um, and that, uh, and that auction and we have several end users that are interested in the name. So it’s possible it could sell at auction or even before auction, which is really exciting. Um, that’s just about a seven figure name. Um, thriller

Tess Diaz:                                 00:09:39               work to sell before auction.

Monte:                                      00:09:41               If somebody meets or exceeds reserve and the seller agrees they’re allowed to, we’re allowed to pull the trigger, you know, some, some, some participants just won’t participate in an auction and sell, some prefer to get into it and an auction. So it just varies. So our goal obviously is to make the market to get the buyer, seller, um, everybody happy on all sides and we’re allowed to pull any name out of the auction. That’s a sale.

Tess Diaz:                                 00:10:04               Okay, good to know. Alright, so all are you done?

Monte:                                      00:10:07               Pretty sold number of names before options and of course it all counts towards the option.

Tess Diaz:                                 00:10:12               Gotcha. Okay. So audio to Ucon pretty much what I’m hearing you say is if there is somebody out there who’s, you know, been thinking about it, you better pull, pull the trigger in place your bed before that live auction even starts.

Monte:                                      00:10:27               Yeah. It looks like there’s going to be a really good offer or two coming in before the auction, which is good. Good for everything. So, uh, you know, the number of big companies, you know, in the audio business, audio streaming business, um, um, you know, uh, electronic equipment. Um, it’s, you know, it could be, it could be used for various, uh, various, um, you know, initiatives. It’s short, it’s easy to spell. Um, meets all the criteria about a fantastic end user, a top tier, um, domain name, in my opinion.

Tess Diaz:                                 00:10:56               Yeah. Yeah. In your opinion. I think in everybody’s opinion. That’s a great name on your, all right. Wait, what else? What are a couple of other of the big ones

Monte:                                      00:11:06               and other top one is which we’ve seen in brokerage and auctions in the past, but now it’s priced to sell or we’re more than halfway there, you know, um, um, so that’s a good name is I have a couple names like four That’s a very close to the reserve Z I which is a three letter name eight Um, I’ve had beautiful, um, in the option in the past, but now it’s group with eight or nine other names and it’s all for the same price. So now there is a dot VR and not Fr. There’s a number of country code extensions that come along with it and um, you know, it’s a great domain name to it’s long, uh, but it’s uh, but it’s uh, you know, dead on good keyword domain name. It gets a lot of traffic. Um, another name that’s at reserve is s u already. So it’s hit reserve. We have [inaudible] dot com and some other really good, uh, end user names or you know, a dead on keyword names are descriptive names like dog Um, with Dotcom a has reserve is hit reserve, is at reserve. So a number of them, a lot, lots of, lots of those names.

Tess Diaz:                                 00:12:17               Okay. So Main Kao, 8,300 is what it’s at today. It’s already hit reserved. So it sounded either for that or higher. Uh,

Monte:                                      00:12:26               it’s going higher because there’s 20 bidders on.

Tess Diaz:                                 00:12:28               Yeah, yeah, yeah,

Monte:                                      00:12:30               yeah. And it hasn’t hit live auction yet. So, you know, obviously the, the online better is with the bidding in the room. We’ll, we’ll move that name up. Uh, I think significantly.

Tess Diaz:                                 00:12:39               Yeah, significantly. That’s a good point. Yeah. 9,100. Um, so you have really, um, there seem to be super reasonable reserves in here that these have all hit them or exceeded them. Um, I like senior What’s going on with that?

Monte:                                      00:12:55               It’s a, it’s a great name. We also had that in a previous auction for the reserves ban lowered. Um, I sold a years ago for page. How, if you remember for one point $8 million made him a millionaire. Um, and it went to a, you know, went to the adult friend finder guys who started a senior dating site. Um, so senior dating, obviously it’s a more descriptive name and says exactly what you’re doing there. Um, so I like that. Yeah.

Tess Diaz:                                 00:13:19               Yeah, yeah, for sure. Okay. Um, drew, what’s jumping out at you on this list that you think, uh, might be a little more, you know, a sleeper domain or things that the bidding hasn’t started yet, but you would say keep your eye on? Um, I know we talked a little bit, you know, in last week’s show with like if you like that, but uh, but yeah. What else do you see in here? It’s a great brand that started the problem with Hippie is a no, we already talked about hippy talk about something else. Okay. Did we talk about your piece? I think so.

Andrew Rosener:                00:13:59               Perfect. Um, or maybe on show that I wasn’t on. But anyways, um, uh, so the one that really just was like, Whoa, I can’t believe that has like no reserve. Uh, is bitcoin, uh, bitcoin market icon is at $330. It’s hit reserve and, uh, I mean that’s, you know, it’s shit and generic or not. I mean, you’re talking to you about, uh, you know, what is it, I don’t even know what the market cap is today, but it’s like, you know,

Monte:                                      00:14:36               Bill Andrews, hi, how do you, $50 billion now? Billions of dollars, right?

Andrew Rosener:                00:14:41               Yeah. That’s the big coin. Market cap is, you know, $150 billion and you can buy bitcoin where you can buy for 350. Obviously it’s going to go higher, but the point is, is that it already preserved. This is a free market. This, you know, mom’s, he was talking about, you know, how the beauty, uh, well it’s not what he was talking about but, but what, you know, for me, what I love about a live auction, uh, and I actually hate the extended part of it only because it kind of like dilutes the part that I just really love of like this. It’s now or never, it’s happening in the room. If you’ve got a name that has already hit reserved, it goes live at auction in a room, it’s going to sell to whoever wants it the most. And all bets are off. And I just, it’s like some people are just like addicted to gambling, horse racing, whatever. I love live auctions. I love it. And I, you know, domains, it’s the thing I probably know the best of my life. And so I really liked him, lied to me in auction. So, you know, I thank you and you’re welcome. And I mean, I just, you know, it’s, it’s fun.

Andrew Rosener:                00:15:54               I don’t know. I don’t know why this wouldn’t be like the most fun thing of the, of your, you know, in your business life. It’s like bidding in a live auction is just fun. It’s like the most fun thing I do in the domain. So anyways, I’m pumped. I’m going to definitely be bidding on bitcoin That’s just like an absurd, uh, you know, I really want to say too absurd deal because it’s obviously not going to be $330, but it’s going to be fun because, you know, it’s only at $330, which means you’re gonna have a lot of people who want it, which means that that price will, uh, you know, it’ll find it’s home. Um, what else? There’s so many names in this. There’s really a whole lot of great names. Uh, I really liked some of these, uh, two character names. The 80 and the four M um, I don’t, let’s see.

Andrew Rosener:                00:16:46               I think, yeah, 80. I mean, you’ve got to reserve, it’s under a hundred grand for an, you’ve got a reserve under 50 grand. So, uh, I think both of those will sell. I would say almost definitely as far as I know, the two character market for something that doesn’t have a four or you know, a weird, a rhetoric that the Chinese don’t like. I mean as far as I know that market is a hundred grand plus and the ones that have a four like four m um, is around 60 to 75,000. So it’s, I believe both of those are, you know, like almost a guaranteed sale. So those are, those are going to be interesting to watch. And I really liked these two characters. I think I did mention that on a previous show, but you know, it’s like everybody loves a two and obviously the use cases for it to ever are more than a two character to character being a number and a letter.

Andrew Rosener:                00:17:39               Um, but the two characters are one of the scarcest classes of domain names that exist. And scarcity, uh, is one of the things that drew me to domains in the first places. There’s only one, you know, for there’s only one, you know, one company in the world can own it. And so all you need is one end user that says I’m going to be 4:00 AM or that, that’s their, you know, their, their cleanest abbreviation. Um, and uh, you know, there you go. You got to walk the room. It’s like, you know, all again, you know, Mulligan Mitchell Murphy and you know, I dunno.

Tess Diaz:                                 00:18:14               And mcconahey

Andrew Rosener:                00:18:16               yeah. Mcconahey and it’s like, well, four m is a way better email address.

Monte:                                      00:18:22               See, we have some single character domain names in there with country codes too that were asked. Yeah. Yup. Dot d names Debbie. Dot. D I got X. Dot. D I’m very interested. Yes.

Andrew Rosener:                00:18:33               What happens with X. Dot. T I mean, I think, um, most people know I sold Uh, I, most people know who went to, um, and uh, you know, as far as I’m concerned, that’s the most valuable dotcom domain in the world. And I think, you know, x. Dot. D is the German version of that. I don’t think that particular buyer is going to be interested, but I think that it represents an opportunity for somebody who wants one of the singular most unique domains. It doesn’t depend on language, um, you know, stop the age just, it’s a phenomenal name. They really is. Um,

Tess Diaz:                                 00:19:13               what would you say is a pricing guide store? I’m thinking, you know, a lot of folks who are bidding are not going to be bidding on the ultimate top tier here, but there are a lot of two character or two letter a do means with other TLDs like n and see d. Dot. C a. Um, what, what’s a general pricing guide that you would recommend in terms of their value?

Andrew Rosener:                00:19:38               Well, I mean, I’m not, I’m really not the right person to ask on, on country code domains. I don’t know if Monte’s got more experience than I do, but I really, I don’t even know if I’d ever, so I just, I actually, we just procured a broker, the acquisition of a c o u k name, and I think that literally might have been the first contract code domain I’ve ever brokered. We’ve we own, um, because, uh, you know, uh,

Tess Diaz:                                 00:20:04               I can personally say, no, that’s not, but that’s okay.

Andrew Rosener:                00:20:08               Well, we all could. Dot. The names are and we’ve sold a bunch, but those are like names we own. I don’t know if I’ve ever brokered another country coordinator

Monte:                                      00:20:17               a, I broke her a lot of them. And um, you know, just as a reminder, this auction is in Europe. It’s going to be international audience. Kodaly oh. So I’m tending to put some more cctlds in your obviously that either have I’m no restrictions or with proxy services that are now offered by 90% of all the registries, you can have presence and be able to own them. So anything that’s highly restricted or has huge a renewal prices, we’re not putting it. Uh, so, so, uh, you know, one, one of the, one of the other names

Monte:                                      00:20:48               that comes with two names, which is perfect, uh, in my opinion, given what sold four years ago, but his house Dot. UK and So you get both names for the price and it’s priced to sell, in my opinion. Uh, it’s under, it’s under six figures to get to reserve. And a, I think it’s a kick ass, you know, keyword, a desirable domain name. Um, you know, for the entire European Community, not just the UK.

Tess Diaz:                                 00:21:16               Yeah, absolutely. As we, yeah,

Monte:                                      00:21:17               we talked about any international real estate business, a brokerage and mortgage companies and you know, uh, uh, realtors and Europe should be all over that. So I’m focusing on that.

Tess Diaz:                                 00:21:29               Okay. Drew will go to your specialty then. How about We’d. Dot. I s uh, what, what are your thoughts? I know, you know, in general, yeah, I have some thoughts about the phrase weed, but what do you think about the cannabis names on this list? Oh, actually, first Monte, are there other cannabis names on the list?

Monte:                                      00:21:48               But, uh, yeah, there’s a handful. Um, we have, see we have seed, Ashby, Da, SD, you know, CBD, um, which I didn’t think was a great name before, but I did some research on it and it gets, uh, gets decent amount of traffic and people look it up that way and it’s searchable, uh, with the spaces in between and the hyphens. So, um, you know, it’s, um, uh, it’s a great name. And then of course we have vaporizers in there, which is a very, you know, it’s a big name, a big industry. Um, and not necessarily for the weed business, but for anything, any bay being, um, company, um, or potential business buyer with marijuana Um, I mean, sorry, So yeah, I do have some new TLDs here where the, the, the key word in the front and the extension make sense together. Obviously when you can, you can actually launch a new business off of that and you know, have, um, have a business or a blog or some kind of a platform where the new extension makes sense. Um, and over time it can be popular.

Tess Diaz:                                 00:22:52               Yeah, for sure. So drew, what do you think are, you know, good pricing for a buyer to pay on, on those kinds of names?

Monte:                                      00:23:01               Uh, I mean, you know, each name differs. I mean, you know, I was doing the same thing. I mean, for me, um, the main values are driven by search traffic, cost per click, advertising competition, industry market cap. Um, and so, you know, this is a massive market. And so, you know, the more a high level the name is meaning, like, you know, we’d versus like,

Speaker 6:                               00:23:30               uh,

Monte:                                      00:23:32               we like, yeah, I dunno, uh, we, there’s cannabis is marijuana. You know, there’s an idea here, you can drill down. So it’s like, you know, that’s like your top two. You’re right. And then you’ve got, you know, uh,

Andrew Rosener:                00:23:46               cannabis sativa, dotcom would be like, you’re too, although we’re still very good, Maine. And then, you know, uh, like, I don’t know, cannabis sativa would be like a tier three. Right? And then, you know, cannabis heightens evo. We’d be like, it’s your, you know, so it’s, you know, each, each, each tier you’re obviously, you know, you’ve got a discount values. But, um, I think that in general, like we’re selling to so many names that cannabis market, uh, the God you can award Jemaine marketplace is ripping, um, you know, mostly a smaller names. You know, it’s a lot of 2,500 to $10,000 names that are solid. Uh, they’re selling. And, uh, that market is growing faster than any other market, I believe there is on the planet. So I think anybody holding good names, not marketing, anybody looking to buy needs that market. I, you know, correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t know how you’re going to hey, you know, hi, how are you going to do poorly?

Andrew Rosener:                00:24:45               Uh, having good names in that space. Yeah. Danny market over time. Yeah. Uh, you know, I just was on a call actually read before this and it was like, you know, I was talking to somebody who’s like, well, why, you know, why you invested in so many different things is in this market. And I was like, well, um, you know, domains, multiple companies and uh, uh, some infrastructure stuff and it’s like, you know, and real estate and it’s like, well, you know, with a rising tide lifts all boats. And so I just want to have as many boats in the water as I possibly can, or or yachts. Um, uh, so you know what, you’ve done it well, let’s see, let’s see what the reserve is. Oh yeah. So here’s a sweeper that I just found, bait n not bait and tackle bait and Anybody who’s a fisherman knows like that is literally the sign hanging outside every tackle shop in America. Yes. It doesn’t say Bait and tackle. It is bait and tackle.

Tess Diaz:                                 00:25:51               I am not a Fisher and I knew that

Andrew Rosener:                00:25:54               that’s easy with Brandwatch.

Tess Diaz:                                 00:25:58               Yeah, no, that’s a really written, no, no, I knew that even so, you know, and that’s, that’s from my east coast days. But um, that’s a great brand. You’re right,

Andrew Rosener:                00:26:08               ray brand. That’s a great brand. I mean, selling tackle online. I mean, I like literally I, that’s a layout. Um,

Tess Diaz:                                 00:26:17               start with tackle, go to all fishing gear, you know?

Andrew Rosener:                00:26:21               Yeah. Yeah. That’s a nice little, uh, that’s a nice little brand actually for the fishing industry. Um,

Tess Diaz:                                 00:26:30               what else? No, on names at that level, Monte. Um,

Andrew Rosener:                00:26:35               yeah.

Tess Diaz:                                 00:26:35               You know, how you’re reaching out to end users, which I’m sure for names like audio and thriller, but on names at that level, do you also reach out to end users? Yeah,

Monte:                                      00:26:44               sure, sure. Yeah, of course. Um, um, uh, fit over 50, 52% of our names and these options are sold to end users. Believe it or not. I think I talked about this last auction. So yeah, Justin, surprise lunch time, even even with everybody in the room raising their paddles, 52% go to the end users because that’s a lot of the, a lot of the domainers and the investors are raising the bids and then an end user will take it or they’ll just miss the boat and not take it or they just don’t understand the value and the and domain investors do. But, um, the important thing, that’s why, that’s why it’s important. Uh, these auctions are important because it’s not a wholesale market sale. Um, it may appear to be that way on some names, but it is a true market sale because there’s a mix of investors by you know, end user buyers bidding against each other in a room making a market.

Monte:                                      00:27:36               And anytime there’s more than one bid on the name, um, you have, uh, you know, attempted market making, going on and value what the current market is for that particular name. Now of course, you know, we can’t hit billions of people across the world, but we’re doing our best for those that are online. And then those that are domain investors. And you know, I say this every show that we do, um, is that just when you think that all the good names are taken, these types of events offer the opportunity for a domain investor to get in and get a top tier domain name at a reasonable reserve price and do something with it and make something of themselves and of their online business. And if we didn’t have these options, it’d be much harder to do. Uh, you know, it’d be much harder to do.

Monte:                                      00:28:21               I mean, we all know that us as brokers and, and your, your group has, brokers aren’t really reaching out to domain investors to buy them, reaching out to end users. That’s where you need to make the most money for the seller and for yourselves and everything else. But this offers a nice blended opportunity for everybody. Yep. Very interesting. And in terms of south through rate, your goal is 50%. Right? Goal is always to sell half the names in the auction. Um, and, uh, last auction, um, in Vegas we were at 68% or something or wow. Close to 70%. Uh, all our, yeah. Yeah. So as I already know, now there’s, you know, where we still have a week and a half to go, or nine almost 10 days ago, and 31 names of hit reserve. So that’s good. Positive. That means one third of the names in the auction, they’re going to sell, at least as of today.

Monte:                                      00:29:11               And I know that the higher, so that means we’re not going to go through a, um, uh, a spurt of more than three or four names not selling at one time. Usually it’s every other name themselves. Um, to keep it active and fun and keep people interested in the room. Yeah. It’s gonna be as big of a list as Vegas because the, I don’t have as much time. So instead of having 30 names, there’s gonna be about a hundred names in this option. Um, maybe something less than that 85 to 100 names we got to get through in two hours. So another

Andrew Rosener:                00:29:42               name, I like it, your arcade I mean all these games names are selling for big money. Uh, anything that’s got big serves in the game market is just selling a, because of the sports market, because the gaming market because of um, uh, you know, just that, that whole online gaming market it, whether it’s video games or arcade games or you know, sports betting, whatever e-sports ad market is exploding. I mean, that’s one of the biggest trends there is. So Arcade Games, uh, low reserve, that’s a hell of a name.

Monte:                                      00:30:18               I haven’t, I have escrow and the auction, um, it’s a new entry, so it’s a great name. Some other sleepers are closet That’s a huge industry now. Oh yeah. So it’s, it’s in there. It’s only has two bidders on it. Uh, but it’s priced to sell blow dryers, which I’ve had before, but it’s still a keyword product. You’d go to the store and buy or they’ll buy on Amazon. I mean, it, it’s a no brainer to me. Yeah,

Andrew Rosener:                00:30:41               I see. I see k o l. Dot. Come in here. Uh, that’s already hit reserve. It’s at $8,600. Yup. I mean, that’s, you know, that’s going to sell. That’s 100%. That’s a name that’s going to sell. And what I like about that game is like k o l is, is whatever cake can be online. It could be, you know, whatever, whether it’s a, you know, Kohl’s, online kangaroos online, uh, you know, Kalamazoo, who knows, but Kol, uh, there is somebody out there that’s, you know, k something online. I fucking guarantee you.

Monte:                                      00:31:19               Right. [inaudible] number. I sold well, Dotcom in Vegas at for over $9,000. So, you know, it gives it value that, absolutely.

Tess Diaz:                                 00:31:27               Did you, um, seek out, um, domains like that, that, um, you know, you mentioned that, um, well I guess it doesn’t matter, but do you seek out names like that on like you sold oil, so now k o l has that comparable sale at live auction and Kimberly help you gauge?

Monte:                                      00:31:50               Um, not, not that particular example, but, um, obviously we’ve been very successful through the years with the two letter domain names and three letter domain names and um, and especially those with a bal in the middle or that can be used for something like that, um, that are obscure or anything like that. So, um, so, so kind of, but not, you know, I wouldn’t go seek out k o l because I sold, but it just gives it validity that we have that name and I got it at a lower reserve. You know, my job is obviously to, uh, besides getting the sale for the, the seller and the buyer, but to make sure that the reserve prices in most cases are something attractive so that bidding is possible. And a reserve price meet met or meeting a reserve price is possible and then it takes off from there and truly becomes a market maker. Domaining um, I was kinda thinking like over price, we just waste time and spots and um, you know, it doesn’t make any sense unless I’m teasing it for another event or another sale in the future. But I can’t take up too much space to do that. It’s unfair to the sellers and the buyers and all that stuff. So the goal is to sell 100% of the names, obviously.

Tess Diaz:                                 00:33:00               Yeah. Right. And I just thought,

Andrew Rosener:                00:33:03               oh, go [inaudible] dot net we show for a six figure amount twice, actually both times in the six figures. And, um, uh, there’s, the plural, uh, for, for every, it’s already hit reserve and it’s only afforded dollars. Uh, that’s true. Wow. Yeah, that’s, that’s a, that’s a, that’s a no brainer. Um, that’s a big deal. Yeah, I liked that one.

Monte:                                      00:33:37               Yeah. I need lots of, there’s lots of sleepers in here. Um, three letter, you know, like g r o. Dot org is a sleeper. That’s our, that’s already hit reserve by the way, but you know, grow. Um, dro, um, dot org is great. Dot Org. Again, three letters. Yep.

Andrew Rosener:                00:33:52               There are some big, uh, cannabis companies called Grob I believe. There’s also a public company called Grl. I can’t remember exactly who that was, but I remember, um, was on the market for a minute. I slept on it. I made like a low ball offer and it ended up selling I think for like 50, I think I offered 30 or something and then ended up selling it like 50 ish is probably two years ago. And then I tried to go back and buy it from the guy who bought it and he wouldn’t, he wouldn’t sell it. And, uh, and now I know they turned down like, you know, a significant six figure. Dot Six figure offer And I believe, if I’m not mistaken, it was from a sit, you know, from a big, uh, end user and I believe there’s like a huge company called Gpro grow something

Tess Diaz:                                 00:34:43               no matter what. I mean, sounding like grow is amazing, but when you have a ladder, the ends and Oh, and then as, it’s probably the APP. You know, that’s a nice,

Andrew Rosener:                00:34:53               ah,

Tess Diaz:                                 00:34:53               different sex though, where you’re going to have an organization who wants

Andrew Rosener:                00:34:59               Totally. I didn’t even actually think about Oh, being organization, but I, that’s a great point. Yeah. Um, so, um, I, I can’t always say like I’m looking at her name. I want to try and have as many, um, upside angles as possible. And I like yarrow because it’s all just for online over organization. You’ve got g, r o it could be Greece online, it could be a, you know, GGR being the country culture, Greece. Um, [inaudible] you’ve got all these little backstops on that name. It’s, you know, it’s a liquid three It’s got great acronym, Multiple Meanings. So yeah, I like that name a lot. Uh,

Tess Diaz:                                 00:35:38               hey Monte. Let’s look at these. Um, g then the new detail ds, like you got some real good ones on here. Um, Um, And my favorite one, uh, I stepped away from. So help me if I don’t get it right.

Monte:                                      00:36:02               Yup. [inaudible] know, obviously no brainer flowing a keyword and extension name together. You know, it makes sense. They make sense. There’s something that’s popular. They’re talked about. Uh, I have that’s already hit reserve. That’s a great, uh, that’s a no brainer. Geo, I mean Igo by a new TLD name. That makes perfect sense. Uh, Um, that’s a big, huge search term in the industry. Um, so yes, uh, lots of, you know, I don’t have a ton of them in there because again, we’re, we’re dealing with a market that doesn’t really know about new TLG these yet, but it’s a way to get into an industry, have a great domain name that you can build something upon, tag it on top of the Dome, a Dotcom name as using it as your blog name or as another side of the business and feed it from the air and be until the new TLDs become popular, which some of them are obviously

Tess Diaz:                                 00:36:57               Monte. That’s true. But I have also interviewed, um, two different companies now that and who talked about how they both purchased it as a way, you know, not in conjunction with but it as a way to say, look, we’re different, we’re near, we’re cutting edge, we’re breaking free from what you expect of vacation rentals or online casinos. Um, so could, you know, could take that approach to separate.

Monte:                                      00:37:30               And that’s a great way to look at it for the new generation of buyers and users and online companies and vcs that are out there looking to launch something that’s great and different and, and uh, and then the challenges are not the challenge, but, but the, the, the hard part is getting people to remember. It’s not it’s a new extension. Yes, it does exist. You know, it’s not all and so, but look, look what some of the companies have done with their, with their dotcom names that make no sense until they brand it like crazy. Yeah. Are they all a z at the end instead of an s or they throw a, or the shortening and we just talked about like g r would be a perfect name for a cannabis company, but instead of g r o and people have to make sure they get that right. Like it doesn’t have a w on the end. Yeah. You know, is the getting of the traffic from the grill or vice versa, you know, by missed it. So those are the challenges. But if a company is properly budgeted and they’re um, they’re making that commitment to be different, they should have a proper budget in place to make that, um, for them

Tess Diaz:                                 00:38:31               mostly in here. I also see um,

Andrew Rosener:                00:38:38               this makes sense. I mean it wasn’t, it wasn’t a registry submission there individual owners that may, you know, that feel they need a good bye. When they first got it registered, they were the first registered user, they will, it’s not a resale and now they want to get, um, you know, a resale price for that particular name. And obviously they make sense together.

Tess Diaz:                                 00:38:55               Okay. All right.

Andrew Rosener:                00:39:01               I liked amazing property. That’s it. That’s a hot man.

Tess Diaz:                                 00:39:05               Yeah. And anybody who thinks the foreclosure market isn’t as hard as it was a couple of years ago. My phone number accidentally got listed as someone’s, um, number who’s for closed their property. It’s been since February, 2017 or 2018 and I mean, my phone rings off the hook for people who want to buy this foreclosure and I’ve tried hard to find this lady’s number two so I could just like get a changed. I’ve complained to like the white pages who listed my number and they won’t change it. But I tell you it’s still a hot market based on that one statistic. Um, no, but I love and again, that’s somewhere where you can stand out. You are a cutting edge video marketer. If you know about dot Mark Hayes. Right. That’s really cool. Um, how about some brand doubles on here? Jolly old Elf dot Kong

Andrew Rosener:                00:40:07               and I debated whether to put it in, but you look it up and yeah, mostly to me. Let’s take a great holiday name. Or as a former owner of Santa Dotcom, I can tell you that the only thing more poverty in Santa, it’s just frigging else. That’s right, John, to benchmark our whole new level. So everything else is hot. It’s like crazy.

Tess Diaz:                                 00:40:33               I love that. It’s an drew loves to say, you know, phrases everybody knows make good domain names, jolly old I have never been on a name, um, uh, in this auction before, but if I did, it might be that one that’s just purely sell really low and someday somebody is going to want that and no, I’m never going to develop that. Um,

Andrew Rosener:                00:40:57               alright, so I just identified what I want. I think bait and tackle these at great ecommerce play. Uh, but this is maybe, maybe my favorite ecommerce play for the value in this list. Wrapping, wrapping I the, you know, it’s not a giveaway wholesale price. Uh, it’s got a reserve between 10 and 25 at 10 grand. That’s a Freebie. That’s like, you know, you know, great deal. I don’t know where the reserve is in that range. 10 to 25 but at the lower end of that range, somewhere between those two numbers and yeah. Yeah. So this is, I think this is a by, uh, because wrapping is just, it’s one of those few things that like perfect for ecommerce. It’s not too cheap, relatively speaking. It’s cheap, easy to ship. Um, like if you, if you own, nobody is not a human being on the planet that knows a brand of wrapping paper. And those are the things that you want to be in today in ecommerce are things which are, there’s no household names. I’ve said this before, it’s like, you know, uh, cabinets, doors or even doors. It’s like, you know, we’re broken right now and it’s like, you know, very few people know of branded doors, but even doors, more people know of brand of high quality commercial doors than wrapping paper. Nobody knows wrapping paper,

Monte:                                      00:42:33               but you can use another, I’m sure you thought about this adores though, obviously it’s, um, the opportunities like open doors for business. Totally perfect span of that domain. And I just play, I get pitched it today to a, um, a, uh, like a real high level. Yeah.

Andrew Rosener:                00:42:48               Recruiting from, uh, you know, with exactly that, uh, that pitch was like,

Monte:                                      00:42:53               yeah. Recruiting companies. Salesforce might be interested in that.

Andrew Rosener:                00:42:57               Yup. Opening doors, opening doors,

Tess Diaz:                                 00:43:00               and you know what else on wrapping paper, that’s huge affiliate opportunity. You know, kids today, they don’t sell chocolate door to door. They sell wrapping paper. Really? Yeah. Get with the program man. Um, yeah, because you know, I think people have tried to move towards like more healthy options and things people actually want or need

Monte:                                      00:43:23               non perishable items too. Yeah.

Tess Diaz:                                 00:43:25               Right. Yeah. It’s brilliant. And it’s cheaper to ship than chocolate. I mean, come on. Um, but yeah, wrapping paper has huge, not just like affiliate opportunity, like Bob down the street is going to try to make money off selling it to, but like huge institutions, school districts, you know, and again, when you call them and say, Hey, who is your current contract with? Do it with us instead when you say I’m with wrapping, they return your call, you know? Yep. Yeah. I just left the Jolly old Elf for wrapping paper.

Andrew Rosener:                00:44:00               Yeah. Well I’m, I’m, I’m, I’m, I’m pretty bullish on the wrapping

Tess Diaz:                                 00:44:05               Yeah. Monte, what is it? This mafia dot. Fr. Tell me more. What don’t I know?

Monte:                                      00:44:12               Nothing. It’s just a key keyword name. That’s right. You know, from the, from France, you know, I have some French, the French croissant, Lafayette. Yeah. Um, just good keywords, keywords with good to reserve prices on it. And in a particular country with a good country code. France is a popular country code. I have cashed out bar, I’ve got, I’ve got a couple of names like that and they’re easy names are registered through the, uh, through the proxy services. And the, and the presence services that all the registries offer. So you don’t have to live in France to own it. You can turn into a business and, uh, there’s, there’s three or four really names in the auction. And again, I’m sprinkling some ceased, some cctlds in your, obviously because there’s a European audience. So there will be both on brands attending. There’ll be people from Germany, there’ll be people from Portugal, there’ll be people from England, there’ll be people from, you know, all kinds of places.

Tess Diaz:                                 00:45:01               Sure. Yeah. Okay. Hacker Basically no reserve. It’s 500 or less. Um, I like, oh, reserves met. That’s a great name. Memorable brand. Yep. Ah, um,

Andrew Rosener:                00:45:17               I just had one whole arm. Uh, what was it? What was it?

Tess Diaz:                                 00:45:24               Oh, what about this one?

Speaker 7:                               00:45:26               Right? Yeah,

Andrew Rosener:                00:45:29               I was going to say whiskey dot. Ca but I, I, I’m, I’m not going to lie, I’m not going abroad, but I think it’s too, uh, [inaudible] uh,

Monte:                                      00:45:38               that’s a really good dad.

Andrew Rosener:                00:45:40               Favorite whiskey is a Canadian Rye. And so that in Canada, uh, I don’t have anybody know that the with risky risky with any, so e y applies to countries where there’s an e in the name of the country. Like Ireland for example, is risky with an e. Y. Scotland where there’s no e in the, in Scotland it’s risky like this, like Canada. Uh, no, no. E Y and so Scottish whiskey is w h. I. S. K. Y. Yeah. Irish whiskey is w. H. I. S. K. E. Y. A American whiskey is w. H. I. S. K. Mmm.

Monte:                                      00:46:26               Oh, I think America is like the snapchat. I can’t remember what,

Tess Diaz:                                 00:46:28               see all that whiskey and Scotch whiskey right there.

Andrew Rosener:                00:46:39               Urban is Bourbon whiskey. Is that with a, uh, is that with a ee or an error or knowing a Nowi. Okay.

Tess Diaz:                                 00:46:48               Okay. Monte, I want a tour. Uh, right now the Jap Japanese whiskey also wh where Amante because it looks like behind you you have a shrine to all apps. That’s how I personally am interpreting your stain glass window is a shrine to olives. No, it’s just much more sanity. I’m doing my show from my, a bar in my house. Okay. Uh, and this whole section, so this is your bar chill area

Monte:                                      00:47:17               here. What have I got? I’ve got a great bourbon and whiskey collection that I

Tess Diaz:                                 00:47:22               enjoy. Yeah. Porsche sign back there.

Monte:                                      00:47:27               Okay. That’s a little man. You know I have a 19 eight, uh,

Tess Diaz:                                 00:47:30               nine 11. Carerra that’s a server charm. So I collect [inaudible] heart bar pictures and photos around Porsche and um, on a Porsche fan, whether my shirt man by the way. Oh that’s funny. You know my three teenage boys and um, guess what my dog got named Portia. Yeah. And today is the first time ever that I let her in the room while I was filming. Maybe it was meant to be, but I called her and she hasn’t come. Oh, she’s like sound asleep looking at me cause she knows leave mom alone on the computer. But if I can get her over here by the end of the show helped me sell dog which is in the option. Oh well I, okay. So does that mean I need to bring her? Yeah, she’ll be my, my business companion dog or she need training. So it depends on how I’m going to sell it. Oh, she, she’s a good puppy. She is the product of amazing training. I probably another sleeper here way undervalue deep There’s deep fryer can be a really cool brand names. I prefer the plural straight ecommerce name. Um, I’m not sure I agree with you about it being a brand. It could be,

Monte:                                      00:49:02               it’s a product like bullet blow dryers and, and you know, a bunch of these other cool. I have coolant, I blow dryers. I’ve got deep fryers. I’ve got, I mean things that people are buying online or buying. I think one of the best things is electric motorcycles. It’s like freaking hot. Hot As hell right now. Yeah. Everybody. Only electric bikes, electric motorcycles, of course electric cars. But electric motorcycle industry is like on fire right now. So it’s,

Tess Diaz:                                 00:49:27               I’ll say I love this one that you have, especially in a European auction. Um, coops like the car’s c o u p e And He seems like a great, the reserve is 25 to 30. Yeah, like that one. Yeah.

Monte:                                      00:49:44               That’s cool. I’ve got

Tess Diaz:                                 00:49:49               foreign dot. Man. I don’t like that one as much. And what is your top bid on domain right now? Single What is the top bid on that? No, no. What is the most bid upon the domain name? That one,

Monte:                                      00:50:06               oh, the most bit upon domain name is a single men Dothan as the most bitters and beautiful women have the second most betters and Kol as the third most bitters as of today. Again, a few of these names are just put in. So uh, some of them took off obviously and some um, some of them are

Tess Diaz:                                 00:50:23               Calco man check cells make, make a prediction. What do you think by next week when this airs are going to be the five top bit upon domains?

Monte:                                      00:50:34               Um, well I think when it, cause it’s just was entered. Um, will probably be one of the top bidded names, uh, in the auction. By that time. Um, I think audio is going to hold its own unless it’s gets sold, uh, between now and then. Um, for sure. Um, and then some of the new and entries like should be a very popular, uh, a domain name to bid on. It was just entered on Friday as well. Um, a lot of the three letters, I like Yeah, as well. So it has 12 betters right now, but um, I can see that climbing quite a bit. All right. Yeah. Yeah. Interesting. Yeah. And I have, um, I have a number of really good four names coming in that are, that have to have the same, you know, vowels or consonants in them.

Tess Diaz:                                 00:51:26               G F

Monte:                                      00:51:29               Yeah. But there’ll be a bunch of those coming in, in the next, uh, week or so they’re going to enter today, um, at really good reserve prices. I mean, I know they’re not expecting, you know, that they’re not going to sell for, you know, five figures, but there’ll be forced it for your sales, which will be good. That’s, that’s a chance for somebody to get in and have a, a name that has an acronym, um, to do something with. Um, that’s simpler to spell. Then probably some long strung out, a name of some other, you know, origin. So I’ve got a bunch of those coming in, um, in the next, uh, you know, by the time the show airs.

Tess Diaz:                                 00:52:00               Okay. All right. Um, I love I love it as Like somebody wants that name in there.

Monte:                                      00:52:09               Yeah, some really good, you know, like with all of our options we have, but we’re really good keywords, product names, you know, search terms,

Tess Diaz:                                 00:52:18               good matching between, you know, oh, what’s right or the dad, but it really is all really great flowing. Um, yeah. Interesting. Except on, I’m not sure about Mafia statistics in France. Um, but I’ll see. I’ll see what I can do to educate myself on the subject. Yeah.

Monte:                                      00:52:39               Can we just for all kinds of different things, you know, um, doesn’t have to be in the word. Mafia. Mafia could be, you know, food mafia. It could be done for something else.

Tess Diaz:                                 00:52:47               No, I like croissant. Like I think drew, you need to look up and register croissant mafia if you don’t own that because that’s coming soon too. Okay.

Monte:                                      00:52:55               Neurosurgery, soundcloud. Dot. FC for like this Swedish house Mafia. You know, isn’t that the name of the, like one of the biggest djs in the world? Yeah. Yeah. Um, and then we have some foreign words coming in as well, obviously that, uh, you know, that’ll be in v and some different languages and stuff like that. Um, and there are a couple,

Tess Diaz:                                 00:53:14               um, how long, okay. How do names get into your auction and how long does

Monte:                                      00:53:26               the adding names happen? Like when’s the cutoff when someone says, okay, I’ve seen all the names at auction, I can make my choices now. You mean to, to bid on or to enter?

Tess Diaz:                                 00:53:38               No, I’m to bid on like, I ha, so names are still being added. When are they not going to be being added?

Monte:                                      00:53:47               Well, I’m slowing down that process now because I’m spending a lot of time doing it, you know, marketing. So it’s hard to go through thousands of, you know, again, at these options, tens of thousands of names get submitted. Right. So yeah, I’m really the only one that weaves through it all and picks out the gems. And you know, I, I do use a lot of tools and stats or whatever, but I also have, you know, got experience from, you know, 25 years in the business on what, you know, what should be good names to be at auction and what should be good names to be brokered and what should be good names to, to sell obviously. Okay. You know, this, this option is going to have a lot of names on the online part. Um, there’ll be about 500 names on the online portion of the auction.

Monte:                                      00:54:28               Um, and against 100 names will be chosen for a live event, uh, but there should be a lot of activity in the online portion as well. Um, uh, so people have been submitting using the, the submission link and um, you know, if a name like comes in at the last minute like this just did yesterday. Um, you know, that’s worth with a decent reserve, it’s going to be worthy of a consideration obviously. And um, lot of our sales are after the fact. Also. Um, you know, there’s, so the option kind of teases, like we talked about before, the auction brings awareness to particular name or if there wasn’t enough time to market it, knowing that it was in the online portion, it gives another chance to for someone to bid on it, buy it, or of course, after that, um, you know, have exclusivity to sell the name 60 days after the event. So a lot of sales do occur through a second and third attempt, uh, you know, efforts on behalf of the seller and a buyer. So, um, so I bust my ass working on that too. And of course it’s open for coworkers to bring in bitters and we share the commission on that. Um, so I, I, it’s not, you know, we, we open it up for anybody that knows that they have somebody interested to buy it. So we, we allow open code brokering and participation that way too.

Tess Diaz:                                 00:55:39               Okay. So you go to right of the dot, which is r o t And that right there is a submit button. And then you choose if it’s a brokerage submission or an auction submission and boom. Or if you’re already on name chat, looking at the names con auction list over on the left, if you scroll down a bit, it says click here to have your names considered for inclusion in the auction. You can still do that. You think we err when we air on Monday the 17th they can still do that or no?

Monte:                                      00:56:11               Well, you know, I’m going to get, I’m going to get tons of no real good reserve or no reserve.

Tess Diaz:                                 00:56:18               Yeah. So if you have level or you have something at a super low reserve, otherwise let Monte sleep.

Monte:                                      00:56:27               Yeah. I don’t get a lot of sleep during this time, that’s for sure. But yeah, I mean your show’s gonna air. Um, and, and of course we were going to say, oh, maybe he’ll consider this one and whatever. So I get them in and I give everybody attention and tell them what to do. At the very least, we can help broker them and or wait till the next event. Um, you know, we have some exciting things coming up. It looks like I’m going to do a, you know, specific dot, um, homes option for the dot Holmes Registry in November. And we’re going to do a live auction at the, uh, National Association of Realtors where there’s 25 classes maybe there. So, and that’s a way that they’re going to kick off the extension and make it valuable. And it’s a perfect market for that.

Tess Diaz:                                 00:57:08               Don’t buy idea audience. Every single one of them wants to own their, you know, Houston Dot Holmes or I have no clue that, that exist today. When there’s a wide blockchain in the room, there’s energy [inaudible] marketing against on a daily basis puts his hand up for, you know, Austin Dot Holmes or, or, or, or Denver. Dot hold. And they go, oh, you know, Joe’s bidding from Denver at home. We can’t let him out of it. I’m not going to be fun first time you’ve done an auction like that. And how did that come together?

Monte:                                      00:57:48               I’ve done it for several, uh, new, um, um, TLDs I did when they first launched it. It helped them, you know, really launched their TLD a date for that. Um,

Tess Diaz:                                 00:58:00               what’s it like at a club end user conference?

Monte:                                      00:58:06               Yeah, we broke that out, but dot. Global. Dot. Global when it first launched, right before it launched, actually at the icon meeting, um, in London like four years ago. And

Tess Diaz:                                 00:58:17               it’s got your, you’re talking about an it, you literally have a captive industry. Exactly. Yeah. You know, it’s just super high level of competition. Um, that might be, this is groundbreaking I think.

Monte:                                      00:58:33               Yeah. So I presented the idea to, to dominion enterprises and they loved it. And, uh, we’re, we’re going to be all over it. It’s going to be good at dominion. Dominion is the one that owns that. They own dot. Auto or dot. Cars are not autos. They own, they own several key word extensions like that. They, cars They They, you know, so, um, we’re going to do that and then probably do the other ones. So to be cool.

Tess Diaz:                                 00:59:02               Super Cool. Wow. When is that?

Monte:                                      00:59:05               That’s going to be November. A exact date is not set yet, but it’s at the National Association of Realtors. We’re working on getting a room, uh, to do the auction at at the show. I’m going to start doing the marketing and all that stuff during the summer and really pump it up. Cool. Will you come on

Tess Diaz:                                 00:59:22               in December and tell us how it went, what it was like?

Monte:                                      00:59:25               Well, I’ll come on before and help promote it beforehand. Oh, look at this lady. It’s worthy of promoting. It’s a, it’s going to be a industry changing.

Tess Diaz:                                 00:59:35               Well, there’ll be an online portal, um, aspect as well. Like it’ll be set up like this one. So when masters even domain investors can still get in on that.

Monte:                                      00:59:44               Yeah, of course. It’s going to have everybody play.

Tess Diaz:                                 00:59:47               Okay, cool. All right. Then we’ll set you up in like an end of October, early November.

Andrew Rosener:                00:59:53               Yeah. Sounds good. Okay. Yeah, that’s the most perfect oxygen environment that’s possible for any domain option really. I think a, particularly in the real estate space, because these are real estate people have always understood domains. Um, it’s just such a natural leap. Right. And so, uh, and, and, and real estate people are, they have to be adept at online marketing because that’s how you sell houses. Yeah. So,

Monte:                                      01:00:22               and, and real estate is, I mean, domain names are virtual real estate. Exactly. Yeah. Completely makes sense. When you, when you cross that, when you crossed that paradox and, and bring on homes are not real estate or a dot. You know what Arbor together at an auction and there’s 25,000 people in the industry going to at their national conference, um, there is going to be named sold.

Tess Diaz:                                 01:00:43               Yeah. What I think you’re going from Monte is a dovetail. I mean, that is just such a great match to each other. Yeah. You should have done the exact same,

Andrew Rosener:                01:00:54               uh, two or three weeks ago or I forget what the name of the conferences, but it’s the biggest, um, legal conference in the, in the world. It was just in Boston. It’s like m and t I a or something like that. Yeah. I then the planning of it. Yup. For now, all you need to do it and a roof. All of our competitive lawyers. Yeah. I mean, I think that’s the 100,000 people or somebody said it’s a huge conference. Yup. That would be it. That’s not a woman.

Monte:                                      01:01:20               Well, this, this I can see is gonna be the first of many of these types of things. Now that new TLDs have been out for a couple of years, three years, whatever, or they’re starting, some are starting to take ground. And I mean, look how many new people come into the industries, uh, you know, each year, uh, to real estate, to law, whatever, all these new lawyers, of course they can’t get a domain name, [inaudible] dot com that makes any sense to them.

Andrew Rosener:                01:01:42               So, you know, if you’re a divorce lawyer and you can own, you’re going to be fricking Ping, you know, or personally or whatever, you know. Yeah. There’s probably 10,000 people a year or more. I am just making up a number, but I bet it’s even more than that. They graduated from law school and it’s like, you know, every year new.

Monte:                                      01:02:02               And the same with same with the health care industry because now that, you know, dot health is coming out, you know, as come out already by, uh, um, by our friends who and so they’re going to make a big win at it. We might do something with them and do some, some something similar as well. And so I think it’s a new segment, um, besides doing these, these other

Monte:                                      01:02:20               names, con auctions that mix and don’t, uh, they don’t dilute the market in any way because it’s in a completely different market segment geared towards that particular extension. And um, you know, back in the day, I don’t know if you remember, but at one year I did 14 options around the world. It was crazy. Um, and you know, it’s, it’s very hard to do and there is some dilution when you do all that because, um, we’ve got, we’ve got weird, uh, Rick was that when Rick kind of took over and traffic or now, uh, I mean I did, I did three traffic auctions plus I did ad tech, I did SCM, I did a, I did all kinds of search engine conferences. I did, you know, auctioned in various market segments, uh, with a particular domain names that, so forget about the extension, but just the keyword before, you know, was if it was the search engine marketing, uh, conference, of course, anything that was SEO or, or, you know, yeah.

Monte:                                      01:03:15               And I did the affiliate conferences, uh, for, you know, um, that were all over the place too. So I was doing three or four in every industry, bouncing around all over the freaking place. It was a lot of work and it put us on the map and a it and there were some successful ones obviously, and there are a handful of flops and, um, you’re learning from those. Um, you know, so I don’t think it’s the time to, to do 10 or 15 auctions a year, uh, in, in the same market. But when you’re doing new extensions and they’re making, trying to make headway and pee in their particular industry, that makes more sense to me, which is a unique point in time. You know what I mean? This isn’t just, Oh, we’re going to go out and do this, uh, uh, you know, targeted auction that’s specific to an industry which I think applies legs.

Monte:                                      01:04:01               Uh, anyways, and I think today is a much better time you do that then, you know, eight, 10 years ago when you, when you were doing it. Um, but that being said, I think right now it was a very unique place in time because this is the origination point for a lot of these names. It’s, it’s one thing if you are holding this type of blockchain and it’s like the dot Holmes first coming to market versus, um, you know, going out and collecting a bunch of names from people who have already registered them and are trying to make their margin, you know, this is this, it’s a different animal. Oh yeah. And the initiative, you know, just to, just to talk about this a little bit more, cause I know her concentrate on this auction, but the initiative by a dominion to do this is really important for them obviously, because they own this kickass extension. Yeah. What a better place than the technically launch it from there, even though it’s already been a available to registries, uh, to sell. But, um, it’s, uh, even if they break even on the marketing expense, you know, even if they, even if they lost a little money, it puts their extension on the map for the future. Of course they’re going to get hundreds of thousands of usability, priceless gift. To tie that back to this auction though. The name’s

Andrew Rosener:                01:05:18               Khan auction in Lisbon next week, which gives me Agita even thinking about, um, [inaudible] right now, you just got, y’all ain’t listening. This is as far as I’m concerned. Uh, this is, we are at a tipping point and, uh, names are so hot right now. Good domains are so hot. The wholesale market is rough right now. Uh, but I actually think this is maybe one of the greatest opportunities in the history of domain names right now because I’m seeing better end user sales than I’ve ever seen in history. Uh, we’ve sold eight figures in domains the last 30 days. That’s awesome. Congratulations. All 70% of what we sold last year, uh, and it’s mid June. Um, and last year was 300% better than we had ever done in history. Uh, I literally told my team with six year died two days ago. Like, guys, we can’t benchmark off of last year. That was a fluke. It will never happen again. And then in the last 30 days, it’s just been insane. So,

Monte:                                      01:06:33               oh that’s, that’s a tribute to you and your team and your company and your experience and hats off to you guys. Cause you guys kick ass too. I know we worked together and all these sales from all from everybody is good for the market and good for her.

Andrew Rosener:                01:06:47               Absolutely. Absolutely.

Tess Diaz:                                 01:06:48               But it’s also a major reflection of the market and what’s going on there. And this auction, um, should be the, the hottest yet. I mean with the end users, you said 52% of buyers last year were end users this year.

Monte:                                      01:07:04               The last option in the last auction I was 52% in the year before that it was 54%. Uh, but I try to keep it or you know, if we hit 50% end users that we accomplished our goal for sure. Because that way the end users are mixing it up with, with the investors. So there’s people getting a fresh start at wholesale and the people people are getting, you know, a fresh start or a new start with, with retail prices.

Andrew Rosener:                01:07:26               And this is what I’ve been saying all along. Our number one goal as an industry is, well, two things. One, obviously just try and make the pie bigger, but secondly is bring price closer to value and the way you’re going to do that, letting those end users in the room right now physically maybe, but, but bidding, uh, and competing against the investors and that’s going to create liquidity and that’s going to bring price closer to value. And even though it sucks because it’s making it harder to get great names at good prices today, just just know that prices are increasing and there, I don’t see any reason why prices are, aren’t on the best, particularly. Dot. Coms, uh, are only increasing. I literally think they’re going to start increasing like this. Um, and uh, by now, not later, because later it’s going to be more expensive and there’s going to be less than, I mean,

Monte:                                      01:08:23               I bet you’re getting all the prices are going up, everything’s going up.

Andrew Rosener:                01:08:31               It really is. Everything is going up and there is so much more demand. There’s so much more competition for a very relatively thin, a pool of, of great domains. Whether that’s a new GTLD, Um, yeah, it’s getting scarce. So I’m super bullish and I think that, um, things like what you’re talking about would be dot Holmes auction at the National Association of Realtors. That’s exciting to me because that brings visibility, not just the dot Holmes and I, it just, it emphasizes the importance of domains and that how important two mains are two brand and the credibility. Credibility. Yeah. Yeah.

Monte:                                      01:09:20               And anybody that’s anybody that’s poopooing extensions and has, um, you know, you want new extensions to sell because it raises the value raise the tidewater of everybody when any names at this point, especially in new extension because it just makes the Dotcom even more valuable, at least for the time being, you know, who knows how to predict what the future is. But, um, you want one of, you want $100,000 dot home sale because it means it means that there’s going to be a name that’s worth 10 times that in the dotcom maybe, um, or, or you want that new extension to take off because that means that industry segments getting it so you have more opportunity to sell your domain names to that industry segment because this option happened. So that’s the kind of,

Andrew Rosener:                01:10:00               yeah, and in my experience, I don’t even know if I could think of a single sale where the doctor mom walked out to the new gtld sales. So it’s not that you’re, these things are not mutually exclusive just because online doctor [inaudible] sells for $500,000. It’s got nothing to do with whether or not unlike the is worth 10 x or a hundred or, you know what I mean? It’s, it’s, you’re not that buyer that bought the He was not going to be the buyer for online so you are not losing a sale and give it to the new g [inaudible] you’re just making the pool bigger. That’s it. Yep.

Monte:                                      01:10:43               Yeah. He might he be given, given his um, his business acumen, he’s going to probably make the online uh, that casino more valuable than version could be. I mean you just, you just never know where they’re channeling their efforts.

Andrew Rosener:                01:10:58               The guy that helps grades and buys Yeah, yeah. There is no poopooing we were, you know, these things

Monte:                                      01:11:07               was a lot of people that do poo poo it, you know, from the very beginning of this, the bashing of the whole thing

Andrew Rosener:                01:11:14               I think to everybody, cause I would just hate people but listen, here’s the deal. I don’t, when we’re on doing sharpen, we’re talking about a new gtld to make somebody submits and they wanting us to review it. I’m not going to tell you that means like liquid for some high value that’s equivalent to or even a euro liquidity. That’s the only pooling you can do. There is virtually zero liquidity on these names. That doesn’t mean that they’re not worth, while that doesn’t mean they’re worthless. It means that the market hasn’t developed yet. Exactly. And that’s like, that’s it. Let’s deliverance ministry 20 years ago is the way I look at it.

Monte:                                      01:11:56               And there’s great opportunity for those that, um, have great keywords and extensions that are well funded registries that are gonna make it. And, um, and that, that know what the hell are you

Andrew Rosener:                01:12:08               doing? You know, I remember when I first started out, you know, fulltime in domains and I was on like a one of these forums. Um, and I remember there was this like people selling to letter dot coms for 25 40 grand. And you know, it was like, Ooh, you know, I dunno, I was, I going to go up and it’s like, you know, there was no liquidity beyond that. That’s it. There was no liquidity. That’s 10, 12 years ago. You know, like today they’re worth 20 acts, you know, like 30 x, 40 X. So, uh, you know, liquidity is not the same as value. Yeah, that’s true.

Monte:                                      01:12:48               Tell anyway, we’re fired up. I’m excited. Um, you know, do, do I expect the results to be as big or bigger than Las Vegas? I’m not sure because there’s, like I said, there’s a lot of sleepers in here. Um, we had a good handful of lot of seven figure names in the last auction. I have a lot of six figure names in this auction and five fingers and four fingers. And again, we’re, we’re tapping into a different market, which is, uh, uh, you know, a, a diverse European and, and you know, international crowd plus, um, plus United States. And so, uh, um, whatever it is, it’ll be, it’ll be good for the market. There’s already going to be 31 sales as of today. There’ll be 50 by the time we get a role around the next week. So it’s going to be a great fun event regardless.

Tess Diaz:                                 01:13:31               Yeah, it sure. Yeah. So I think our takeaways are drew right there by it. Now it’s hot. That’s fine.

Andrew Rosener:                01:13:41               Listen, here’s the deal. There’s, there’s the people that say that and then there’s the people that put their money where their mouth is. And I can promise you I’m putting my money where my mouth is and anybody who will be there, we’ll see me putting my money where my mouth is in that alternate room as fast as I do.

Monte:                                      01:13:57               And the good news is I’m bringing Wayne all the way from Texas. He’s though he’s coming. [inaudible] week’s going to be there. He’s, he’s a great entertaining guy and a motivational speaker and he loves the domain industry. I’m

Monte:                                      01:14:12               off to slow him down a little bit, cause we have some, some, uh, foreigners in the room so he won’t go. But, uh, he’s coming, so that’s good.

Tess Diaz:                                 01:14:20               Well, that’s fabulous. Oh, I can’t wait. See you soon. Um, and we’ll see what happens if there’s auction, but I know it’s going to be good.

Monte:                                      01:14:30               Yeah. Thank you so much for your time and the, and helping us promote it and good for the industry and always lobbying guys.

Tess Diaz:                                 01:14:38               Yeah, you too. All right.

Monte:                                      01:14:40               I love it. I just love, I love live auctions. It’s gotta be fun. All right, good.

Tess Diaz:                                 01:14:45               Yeah. All right. See y’all next time. No, see all in like a week.

Monte:                                      01:14:50               Yes. All right. Bye. Bye. Bye.


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8 Responses to “Domain Handicapping the Europe 2019 NamesCon Auction”

  1. Abishekdayal says:

    I have this Domain TheBigCoinMarket is this good or is good which one is better.

  2. Snoopy says:

    Quite a rant from Monte about “poo pooing” new tlds.

    Fact is new tlds have done terribly, they are dying. At least Andrew said there was no liquidity in those names. I bet when Andrew bids it will be on good quality .coms, not new tlds.

  3. Albert says:

    Where is the links to the names?

    1. Albert says:

      Also, is it too late to add a name?
      If no, how do we do it?


      1. Al Marri says:

        Over here on this link

        Good luck

        Al Marri

        1. albert says:


  4. Almarri says:

    Hi everyone

    We already submission some great name have big meaning for companies like :

    Hope! we see them in the live auction

    Al Marri

  5. Snoopy says:

    re: versus, seems even Monte can’t say say a new tld without putting a .com on the end!

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