This is the show where we get into the minds of successful domain name investors – people we call Sherpas – and talk about the value of specific domain names. By listening to the Sherpas, we expand our thought process so we can become more successful investors ourselves.
In this DomainSherpa Review:
- We learn what the Sherpas bought or sold recently:,,
- Get ready for the NamesCon Conference Auction, available via GoDaddy:,,….
- We delve into some great marketing insights, and discuss two recent 2 letter .COM sales, the Chinese market, and the upcoming NamesCon Conference!
We’re joined by three Domain Sherpas: Jeff Sass, Amanda Waltz, and Omar B.
Review (82:15): Watch | Listen/Download Audio | Domain Lists
Your DomainSherpa Review
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Your DomainSherpa Interview, Audio Only
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This Show’s Sherpas

Jeff Sass
Sass is CMO of .Club domains and champion of the Names.Club project. Previously, he served as VP and Chief Evangelist for mobile entertainment company Myxer. Jeff Sass is a serial entrepreneur, advisor to several companies and co-founder of Social Object Factory.
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Amanda Waltz Co-Founder and Digital Asset Consultant & Premium Domain Name Broker Amanda Waltz is an accomplished internet sales veteran. As former Vice President of Sales & Acquisitions at and currently self-employed for WaltzDigital, Amanda's listening skills, creativity, and negotiation finesse have closed many private deals.
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Omar B
Omar B. is a private, full-time domain investor who utilizes his domain investments to support his athletic triathlon lifestyle!
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Interview Raw (Non-Edited) Transcript
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