Tl;dr: Unlimited websites with unlimited domain names for one fixed price per year using WordPress. Go watch the video.
As a domain name entrepreneur or investor, you will undoubtedly want to set up a website at some point to learn about development, develop a proof of concept and/or understand search engine optimization — and do it with little risk.
But why stop with a single website? Setting up WordPress Multisite will allow you to test many websites at once, and add more websites as your needs grow. And you can do it for under $25 a year for hosting, with as many domain names as you like.
This video walks you through exactly what you need to do to sign up for a hosting account, set up WordPress, activate multisite, and add a different domain name per website.
In this video, you will learn:
- Using WordPress Multisite Overview (4:00)
- Why WordPress? (4:28)
- When to Use and When Not to Use WordPress Multisite? (6:30)
- How to Choose a WordPress Hosting Service for Multisite-Driven Websites? (8:30)
- Sign Up at for Hosting Service (10:28)
- Set Your Domain Name Name Servers (10:40)
- Install WordPress (11:00)
- Allow WordPress Multisite (12:10)
- FTP Files With FileZilla (12:45)
- TextWrangler for Editing (13:20)
- Create a Network (14:15)
- Install WordPress MU Domain Mapping Plugin (17:12)
- Point Some Domain Names (20:40)
- Map Domains at WordPress (22:25)
- Testing Multiple Domain Names on WordPress Multisite (23:30)
Interview (25:23): Watch | Listen/Download Audio | Sponsors
Your DomainSherpa Interview
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Mentioned in this interview:
• WordPress Codes: Create a Network
• WordPress MU Domain Mapping Plugin
• FileZilla FTP Software (Free)
• TextWrangler Text Editor (Free, Any Text Editor Works)
Editor’s Note: When Michael Cyger mentioned he was paying $12 per year for shared hosting at, it was using a special promotional code offered in July 2011. The pricing per year at the time of this video production is $23.40. UPDATE: Check the comments below for a very generous offer from Andrei, the owner of
Your DomainSherpa Interview, Audio Only
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Michael Cyger
Michael Cyger is an entrepreneur, businessman, investor, speaker and author. He is also the publisher of
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