DomainSherpa Review – Nov 9:,

This is the show where we get into the minds of successful domain name investors – people we call Sherpas – and talk about the value of specific domain names. By listening to the Sherpas, we expand our thought process so we can become more successful investors ourselves.

In this DomainSherpa Review:

  • We learn what the Sherpas bought or sold recently:,
  • Get your bids in soon for these NameJet auctions:,,…
  • We examine today’s economic market and specifically pitches for corporations to acquire domain names before the end of 2020…
  • And much more!

We’re joined by two Domain Sherpas: Jeff Gabriel and Andrew Rosener.

Review (64:24): Watch | Listen/Download Audio | Domain Lists

Your DomainSherpa Review

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This Show’s Sherpas

Jeff Gabriel
Jeff Gabriel
Jeffrey M. Gabriel, founder and CEO of, is a domain industry veteran with over 15 years of experience and over $550 million in completed transactions. Known for high-profile deals like the Guinness World Record-breaking sale of for $13 million, the top .ORG sale of for $1 million, and the recent sales of,,, and countless others. Jeffrey and his team has a reputation for delivering exceptional value to clients. Previously, he held key roles at Uniregistry,, and Sedo. An active industry expert, Jeffrey has contributed to Forbes and is a member of the Internet Commerce Association, frequently sharing insights on domain acquisition, sales, and strategy.

More shows with Jeff Gabriel »

Andrew Rosener
Andrew Rosener
Andrew Rosener is the CEO of the industry-leading domain name broker Media Options.

Andrew is widely considered a thought leader and expert on domain name value & methodology as well as domain name sales & acquisitions. With 20 years experience with domain names, Andrew has leveraged his knowledge and expertise to make MediaOptions the go-to domain name firm for startup & company domain acquisitions as well as high value domain name sales.

More shows with Andrew Rosener »

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Interview Raw (Non-Edited) Transcript

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22 Responses to “DomainSherpa Review – Nov 9:,”

  1. Great review, thanks for sharing your thoughts.

  2. says:

    Learned something new again! great topic.

  3. I have learned so much from this talk. Thank you so much for sharing! :)

  4. about us says:

    Very great information. Thank you for sharing

  5. site says:

    Thank you! This is amazing.

  6. Click here says:

    Great post. Thanks.

  7. Well explained! Appreciate you sharing reliable content.

    1. click says:

      I guess domain names are very important.

  8. Link here says:

    Great post! Thanks for this information you shared.

  9. This content is interesting. Keep them coming!

  10. click says:

    It is important to choose a very catchy domain name.

  11. Cool! Your content is interesting. Thank you for sharing!

  12. Thanks for sharing this great content.

  13. I am more interested with this! Thank you!

  14. Thanks for sharing this great information.

  15. Good thing I found it here! I’m happy to share this to my friends.

  16. Albert says:

    WOW Jeff, I am really, really disappointed in you.
    This was not anyone’s fault except some rogue country.
    People have been hurt through no fault of their own.
    It was the best economy in history.
    It came to a halt on a dime.
    It is one thing to have a 10 to 20 thousand people laid off at one time.
    It is another to have millions upon millions of layoffs at the same time.
    I am as capitalist as one can be, but capitalism does not work if the government has shut you down.
    You are lucky you have a career, but to tell those people go find something else when there really is nowhere else is a sign of a person who has no heart.
    Sorry, but that is a major screw up of a statement.

    1. Albert, I was laid off in 2009 due to no fault of my own. I was the second-best salesperson in sales volume out of close to 200 salespeople. The company I worked for along with countless others along with millions of people lost their jobs due to no fault of their own. Getting laid off was unsettling, it was scary, and at the time one of the worst things that ever happened to me. The government did not come in and give money to the company I worked for just to give me a job when there was nothing to sell. The government let me get laid off so I got on unemployment, and applied to companies that needed my skills and abilities. I believe the govt., should potentially look into raising the amount people get paid on unemployment, extending the time people can be on unemployment, but the govt., should not fund companies for the sole purpose of keeping people employed. If those companies want them back when the time comes then great hire them back.

  17. Albert says:

    Great guess on the Tess.
    Is was a fun show and informative show, especially the $150 to $750 Billion Dollar Jump.
    Drew makes sense on the assets, but yeah, in real estate, it depends.
    A relative bought a property in Michigan in the 70’s and that same property has not gone up one dollar. He thinks it may be worth even less.

    The JobKeeper Payment scheme is a subsidy for businesses significantly affected by coronavirus (COVID-19).

    Btw There are No Covid cases in Australia

    1. compliance says:

      Informative article! Thanks for sharing.

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