DomainSherpa Review – Oct 19:,,,,…

DomainSherpa Review with Michael Cyger, Andrew Rosener, Monte Cahn and Shane CultraThis is the show where we get into the minds of successful domain name investors – people we call Sherpas – and talk about the value of specific domain names. By listening to the Sherpas, we expand our thought process so we can become more successful investors ourselves.

In this DomainSherpa Review:

  • We learn what the Sherpas bought or sold recently:,,
  • An investor’s portfolio is appraised:,,…
  • Get your bids in soon for,,…
  • A surprising result when a Sherpa summits the mountain in the “Name That Price” game
  • Plus, much more!

For each domain name portfolio, the Sherpas answer:

  • Which domains are valuable, and in what way?
  • What is the market value (both wholesale and retail) of the best domain names?
  • Which domains are worthless and should be dropped?
  • Which domain names may invite legal issues, such as a UDRP case or cybersquatting lawsuit?
  • Which domains do our Sherpas want to make an offer on?

We’re joined by three Domain Sherpas: Andrew Rosener, Monte Cahn and Shane Cultra.

Review (78:08): Watch | Listen/Download Audio | Domain Lists

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Investor Submitted Domain Names Pre-Auction Listings

This Show’s Sherpas


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22 Responses to “DomainSherpa Review – Oct 19:,,,,…”

  1. Lucas says:

    Michael, thank you for passing the question I had on parking! It got me by surprise as I was watching the show.
    I was not expecting that. Really cool! :-)
    And thank you to Monte, Andrew and Shane for the thoughts!
    Great show

  2. albert says:

    Another one for the books.
    Having said that, I cannot believe what Andrew said about generics.

    This would be a great time for Rick and Andrew to be on together so they can go at it.

    Thanks again guys.

  3. DT says:

    Great program as usual. I appreciate the Sherpa’s willingness to share their knowledge. Thanks.

    Does anyone know of any successful sites that are using any of these’s?

    Apart from the Chinese community (or the superstitious) can anyone see any use for these domains? I cannot think of any practical or realistic use for them. I guess if you’re the type to choose a phone number or a license plate then owning it is enough….


  4. Mike says:

    Great show guys.

  5. Gary Moore says:

    Awesome show as always. Been lurking for a while, while I learned enough to not sound like an idiot when starting to engage. This is my first time responding. I get so much from your show, Shane’s blog and all the great sites you guys talk about. My biggest question at the moment is how to find a good mentor in this industry? My portfolio is small (about 60 names) but I can see a definite trend of the names getting better as I continue to learn. I would just like to find people to talk to about this, and get ideas on how good or lousy my names are, approximate value and general mentor-ship in moving forward.
    I have moved away from parking as it wasn’t showing anything (appreciate the discussion about parking). I now have all of my domains pointed to my website and it has increased the traffic dramatically. Anyway, sorry to ramble. Thank you so much to all the Sherpas! I thoroughly enjoy your banter and knowledge.

    1. Shane Cultra says:


      Thanks for the kind words. You are welcome to drop me an email anytime. I try my best to answer any questions. As long as you don’t mind my honest (and usually to the point) responses. As for a mentor. That just takes time. Find someone that you enjoy talking to and knows more than you do. You’ll find that person eventually. Thanks for watching and look for a new show this Monday

      1. Gary Moore says:

        Thank you for the reply, and I did email you through your site.

  6. Eric Jenkins says:

    Another great show Sherpas!!

  7. Steve says:

    I like, it could suit an instagram or photography related app., are good!

  8. DonnyM says:

    Always interesting points and exchanges. should make some noise tomorrow after it closes on snapnames.
    I bet it will be 2nd highest 5 domain number sold ever, behind 88888 of course.


  9. Jay says:

    Great show Mike / Sherpas

  10. Nick says:

    another great show. Thank You!

  11. Noor Manji says:

    Great show guys. morning gym was a breeze…..wish you had a daily show type of a thing.
    Thank you Mike, Monte, Drew and Shane.

    Noor Manji

  12. Nuno says:

    I just finished watching the show and like last times I smiled, it’s very entertaining. My thanks to all of you.
    P.S. Shane, congratulations on your marathon.
    P.S.II. Andrew, best of luck at NJ, excellent names there!

  13. Simon says:

    Hi Mike, Andrew, Monte and Shane,

    Excellent show as usual and I greatly appreciate your taking a look at my portfolio.
    Although you didn’t pull any punches, I learnt a lot from your comments and will reconsider my investing strategy to focus more on shorter, more liquid domains.


    1. Shane Cultra says:


      First of all thank you for the submission and the donation to FHCS. You don’t have to necessarily go short, just shortER. If you are going to buy a product or service name you have to make sure it is a very strong category and able to sustain itself just selling that product. And would a company want to call them selves that name. More often they are looking for a known word to brand. Like PogoStick (example don’t own or know anything about it) They probably won’t sell pogosticks but rather a company or brand that sells something else. Companies have always had a name or a brand to help them stand out in the mind of a consumer. Domains that offer this are becoming more valuable every day

      1. Simon says:

        Hi Shane,
        Thanks, I appreciate your good advice.
        From what you are saying it seems that the market is becoming more difficult to predict. The short numbers and letters will probably always sell, along with the best of the keywords, but outside of those, it seems it is a bit of a gamble.


  14. Zac Zarev says:

    Fantastic Show.

    Interesting to see how valuations now appear to focus away from keyword rich (business market/product focussed domains) to Length.

    Also some Questions I’d like Michael to ask the panel are: “What’s the most valuable names you’ve dropped and regretted?”; “What are the highest unexpected sales for domains you’ve received?” and finally “What five names of your portfolio would you develop first if you were told you could never sell any further domain names?”

    Kind Regards,


  15. Nuno says:

    Monte is one of the good guys in this industry, the reason why at some time I had so many thousands of domains at Moniker. Two thumbs up!

    1. Mike says:

      Yup. Moniker is a dead meat now.

    2. Monte Cahn says:

      Thanks Nuno! I appreciate your comments. I wouldn’t count Moniker out as Jothan and his team have a good plan and have good direction on how to turn things around there. There are a lot of great registrars out there now with good customer service and a good product offering. I think we set the standard in so many areas that so many registrars are better as a result of what we created 14 years ago.

      I thought the show was another good and entertaining one. My fellow Sherpas as well as Michael Cyger are awesome to work with.

      1. Ryan says:

        Moniker has lost alot of confidence, many domainers had domains there due to the way the drop catchers worked.

        Imagine your bank, just closing their doors when they feel like it, you going to withdraw your money, and them telling you that you can’t, and not giving you a reason why.

        This is how domainers felt. Their support staff completely failed, many people had names missing, others could not find them, as they were merged with netsol ownership, what a mess.

        To many choices, no reason to go back to moniker, none whatsoever, I don’t know Nuno, but I know him from whois lookups, and he owns over 10K names, he knows what he is talking about.

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