DomainSherpa Review – Sept 12:,,,…

DomainSherpa Review with Michael Cyger, Michael Krell, Jeffrey Emerick and Shane CultraThis is the show where we get into the minds of successful domain name investors – people we call Sherpas – and talk about the value of specific domain names. By listening to the Sherpas, we expand our thought process so we can become more successful investors ourselves.

In this DomainSherpa Review:

  • We learn what the Sherpas bought or sold recently:,,
  • An investor’s portfolio is appraised:,,…
  • Get your bids in soon for these NO RESERVE NameJet auctions:,,…
  • Plus, much more!

We’re joined by three Domain Sherpas: Jeffrey Emerick, Michael Krell and Shane Cultra.

Review (65:39): Watch | Listen/Download Audio | Domain Lists | Transcript

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This Show’s Sherpas

Jeffrey Emerick
Jeffrey Emerick
Jeffrey Emerick is a domain name investor who specializes in LLLL .com domain names.

He can be contacted at, through his NamePros account @Domainzy. You can view his BrandBucket domains at

More shows with Jeffrey Emerick »

Michael Krell
Michael Krell
Michael Krell is the owner of the web and app design and development firm

Krell is also an avid domain name investor specializing in brandable domain names. His portfolio can be viewed at, as well as, where he is currently managing director.

More shows with Michael Krell »

Shane Cultra
Shane Cultra
Shane Cultra is a domain name investor and owner of the popular domain name blog,

Cultra is also a fifth generation owner of Country Arbors Nursery based in Urbana, Illinois, and has been a member of the PBS television show Mid American Gardener for more than 10 years, in addition to being a part of various gardening segments on CBS and ABC.

Shane also recently launched two new businesses, and, leveraging his online expertise with his love of nature and business acumen to create two exciting new ventures that are sure to be successful.

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On today’s Review, it’s a brandable domain name extravaganza you can’t afford to miss!

Michael Cyger
Hey Sherpa Network! I’m Michael Cyger, publisher of and this is the DomainSherpa Review. This is the show where we get into the minds of successful domain name investors using real examples so we can learn strategies and tactics. We have three segments to the review. We’ll start off learning what the Sherpas recently bought and sold. Next, we’ll discuss and value an investor submitted domain name portfolio, and finally we’ll preview some domains going to auction soon at Joining us today on the DomainSherpa Review are three past Sherpas and industry thought leaders. In order from left to right we have Jeffrey Emerick, glass artist, brand ambassador at And an individual investor that I like to call a momentum investor, Michael Krell, managing director of the brandable domain name marketplace And Shane Cultra, publisher of the blog, and owner of the Country Arbors Nursery in Illinois. Today’s show is sponsored by six awesome service providers in the domain name industry. They are EstiBot,, David Weslow Legal Services, DomainIQ, FT, and DNAcademy. I’m going to tell you more about all of them later in the show but first, Sherpas, welcome to today’s show!
Unknown Speaker

Unknown Speaker
Hi, Michael.

Unknown Speaker
Thanks for having me.

Michael Cyger
So summer, and especially the past few weeks of August, is a slow time in the domain name industry. With decision makers at companies taking their time off to hang out with their families, purchases and sales of domain names have generally slowed down. How did you guys spend the last few weeks? Were you buying? Were you selling? Or were you just taking time off and vacationing? Shane?

Shane Cultra
Yeah, I was one of those vacation guys.

Michael Cyger

Shane Cultra
I went to Hawaii for a couple weeks. You know, I had good sales. I posted on my blog I was really surprised, but it had nothing to do with August or anything, it’s just luck of timing…

Michael Cyger

Shane Cultra
Things come around…one that took place was two years in the making. So to say that August was special…I wouldn’t say that just good luck…

Michael Cyger

Shane Cultra
But yeah, August is slow. And you forgot to mention we had one more addition to the DomainSherpa Show…while we were gone something happened that we added one more, Drew had something…

Michael Cyger
Oh yeah, that’s right, I was going to wait until the next show when Drew comes back…

Shane Cultra
Oh, okay.

Michael Cyger
…But yeah, regular Sherpa Review Panelist Drew Rosener had his new baby Lu just…what was it? Like a week ago? Two weeks ago?

Shane Cultra
Yeah, two weeks ago but still, that’s something to do during August.

Michael Cyger
Woo! Yeah, he was busy…we’ll find out more about that. Hey, Michael?

Michael Krell

Michael Cyger
How was your summer? Did you…were you busy? Were you buying, selling, or taking time off with the fam?

Michael Krell
I’m sorry, you just cut off, were you talking to me?

Michael Cyger
No, I was, yeah. What were you up to?

Michael Krell
Oh yeah, just, not vacationing. That’s still…that’s still a week or two away.

Michael Cyger
Hey, Michael, we just lost your video. Oh, there we go…go ahead. I’m sorry, go ahead.

Michael Krell
Okay, yeah no, I didn’t…no, not take a vacation. That’s still a week or two away. Things…

Unknown Speaker

Michael Krell
The normal just kind of grind of the drop list, selling names, which is always a good thing, so, you know, a little bit of a lull but then it seemed like the last week in August, like, at least for BrandBucket, like, that sort of made up for the lull we had in the… in the beginning of August.

Michael Cyger
So you saw an increase in sales on

Michael Krell
Yeah, yeah, no…in the last part…it was a little bit slow, but in the last part of August it seemed people got off their vacation a week or two early and sales really went up there, so we can’t complain.

Michael Cyger
Nice. Geoffrey, what about you, bud?

Jeffrey Emerick
I’ve had a couple sales on BrandBucket. I kind of chilled out this summer on flipping four letters.

Michael Cyger
Just kind of, I actually got to take a vacation…I went to Lake Chelan.

Michael Cyger
Oh yeah, everybody on the island here goes to Lake Chelan too. You probably vacationed next to all my neighbors.

Jeffrey Emerick
Oh yeah. It’s so beautiful there.

Michael Cyger
Yeah. And what about…you went up to Vancouver for the HEXONET cruise powered by NamesCon. Did I say Vancouver?

Jeffrey Emerick

Michael Cyger
Yeah, Vancouver.

Jeffrey Emerick
Yep, yep.

Michael Cyger
How was that?

Jeffrey Emerick
That was awesome. That was…it’s been a while since I’ve been to Canada so that was really cool. I was kind of expecting to see you there so…

Michael Cyger
Yeah, I know, I wish I could have gone. It sounded like a great thing. I plan a men’s weekend every year. It’s just me and my older boy. Next year I’m going to take my younger boy too because he’s turning six soon, and it’s an entire weekend just us on a river and no women to tell us what to do. It’s like…it’s like the best time ever.

Jeffrey Emerick

Michael Cyger
We sleep in late and stay up late. We eat as many doughnuts as we want. Yeah, it’s awesome. Yeah, so that’s great that you had a great time up there.

Jeffrey Emerick
Thank you, yeah.

Michael Cyger
And who’s going to the domain conference the day that this comes out. Who’s going to be at the domain conference? Anybody?
Unknown Speaker
Not me.

Unknown Speaker

Michael Cyger
I’ll be there.

Unknown Speaker
Oh, okay.

Jeffrey Emerick
You’re representing us.

Unknown Speaker

Michael Cyger
Alright, I’m representing the whole crew. Awesome. Alright, well we’re going to start off with a segment called What’s New Sherpas, where the Sherpas share one purchase or sale that they’ve made over the past few weeks and we get to learn what they paid or received for the domain, why they thought it was a good deal, and how the negotiation progressed. I’m going to lead you through the questions, but the other Sherpas will get to comment as soon as you tell us the domain name. Tell us the domain and not the price. We’re going…the order for this round is going to be Shane, then Geoffrey, then Michael. Shane, what’s one domain name you’ve personally bought or sold or negotiated in the past few weeks? Tell us the domain name first and not the price.

Shane Cultra
I sold Dejo…D.E.J.O. .com.

Michael Cyger
Alright, we have a four letter .com which is right us these guy’s…

Shane Cultra
Sorry, it’s five letters…D.E.E.J.O.

Unknown Speaker
Oh, okay.

Michael Cyger

Shane Cultra

Michael Cyger
Deejo, okay…D.E.E.J.O., I got it? Boy, if it were D.E.J.O. that would be a hot one.

Shane Cultra

Unknown Speaker
Yeah, yeah, for sure.

Michael Cyger
So, let’s find out what Geoffrey thinks of D.E.E.J.O. Still pronounable…dee-jo. Geoffrey, what do you think, bud? What do you think…oh, did you buy it or sell it, Shane?

Shane Cultra
I sold it.

Michael Cyger
Sold. Okay, so what do you think Shane sold for?

Jeffrey Emerick
Well, with that extra E, I was…I got to take an extra a zero off. But I think that probably twenty five hundred, three grand, right in there. I would imagine.

Michael Cyger
So you were thinking twenty five thousand if it were D.E.J.O.?

Jeffrey Emerick
Yeah, oh yeah.

Michael Cyger
Retail, yeah. So you’re thinking twenty five hundred and you don’t know whether he sold it retail or wholesale.

Jeffrey Emerick
Right, yeah.

Michael Cyger
So are you assuming he sold it retail for twenty five hundred?

Jeffrey Emerick
Yeah. Yeah.

Michael Cyger
So Michael, what do you think about D.E.E.J.O. .com? What do you think Shane sold it for?

Michael Krell
I’m going to go a little higher, I’m going to say, I’ll say 4k.

Michael Cyger

Michael Krell
Pretty close to Geoffrey, yeah.

Michael Cyger
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Same order of magnitude.

Michael Krell

Michael Cyger
Hey Shane, is this a deal you had in the works for two years?

Shane Cultra
Yeah, I mean, I don’t know if it was in the works for two years but they inquired over two years and I said no for two years.

Unknown Speaker

Michael Cyger
So that comes into play now.

Unknown Speaker
Yeah, that changes my answer.

Michael Cyger
You can’t…you can’t change your number. So what did you sell it for, Shane?

Shane Cultra
I sold it for 5k.

Unknown Speaker

Michael Cyger
5k, right on the money…and so, what happened with this domain name. What…did you originally offer it much higher or was it always at 5k and finally they came up?

Shane Cultra

Michael Cyger
How did that work out?

Shane Cultra
So, so, it…back in 2010 I bought…I thought brandables were the way to go…I missed out on a lot of other things but I bought tons of five letter .coms, …Weba, W.E.B.A….anything that had two vowels, a consonant and a vowel…I’ve been storing them for years and years and years. I used to sell them for twenty five hundred and then I said okay, I’m not selling anything for less than five thousand…and this company you always came in at five hundred, a thousand, and I didn’t even look who they were the first couple times but I finally started looking the last couple times and they are a knife company, and a beautiful knife company, and they’re moving from France to international and their quality obviously deserves to be a…worldwide, but anyway, five thousand was the number and this time they didn’t…I finally left some money on the table but they took it instantly. So, it was…I wouldn’t say it’s quick, it…I mean I’m not going to say it’s always France, but when I deal with people from France it tends to take just a little longer and the communication…I don’t know why French versus all the rest of the Latin European languages struggle, but we struggle mightily on a lot of our conversation even through interpreters, through brand people that have people helping them, and then everything just took maximum…inspection period longest…everything was the longest that you could possibly take. I even go the old, “I’m picking my kid up from school, can’t complete today” thing, you know?

Michael Cyger
How bad do you want the name? Do you want it or not? Like, make your kid wait two minutes.

Shane Cultra
So it finally went through, but it was one of those things…yeah, it’s probably been four years of emails and I just dismiss it…

Michael Cyger
So when they originally emailed did they ask for a price, and you said five thousand…they’re like, the best we can do is five hundred, or did they just say…?

Shane Cultra
No, I think…I didn’t really look at the history but I think I was in the eight thousand dollar range…but at the time I probably would have sold for twenty five hundred back then…

Michael Cyger

Shane Cultra
…Because I’m sure I’ve hand-registered it or paid twelve dollars…

Michael Cyger
Yeah. Yeah.

Shane Cultra
…But to me they’re a lot more valuable and over the next…I mean now, I’m not…I won’t even sell a lot of them for five thousand. They’re really good short brands, so…

Michael Cyger
Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Shane Cultra
That’s how…

Michael Cyger
And so how did the negotiation happen this time? So you’ve been going back and forth, did they email you back and say, what’s the current price?

Shane Cultra

Michael Cyger
Or did they email and say, “I can offer you five thousand”?

Shane Cultra
It was, it was very short…they said a thousand and I said well, I’ll just do five thousand and get this done, and it was, yeah, two seconds later, done…how do you want it, how can we pay for it? And I thought, why did I do that?

Michael Cyger
And did you go through escrow with them?

Shane Cultra
Five thousand is a lot of money.

Michael Cyger

Shane Cultra
In August, it’s a good, you know…anytime you put five thousand in your bank account in August it’s probably pretty good.

Michael Cyger

Shane Cultra
We’re going to move on and buy something else with it.

Michael Cyger
Yeah, and you went through escrow with that?

Shane Cultra
Through, of course.

Michael Cyger
Yep, alright. Alright, thanks, Shane. Geoffrey, let’s go over to you. What’s one domain name that you’ve bought or sold in the past few weeks? Tell us the domain and not the price.

Jeffrey Emerick
Okay, my last couple sales were on BrandBucket so since Michael’s on here…

Michael Krell
I better know it.

Jeffrey Emerick
I actually just finished a purchase…it’s a four letter .com…and it’s B.I. Q.E., pronounced bike.

Michael Cyger
B.I.Q.E., so you just bought it? You didn’t buy it on BrandBucket, you bought it someplace else?

Jeffrey Emerick
Yeah. Right.

Michael Cyger
Okay, B.I.Q.E. .com. Michael, what do you think Geoffrey paid for B.I.Q.E. .com?

Michael Krell

Michael Cyger
Pronounced bike.

Michael Krell
Yeah, no…it’s a great…yeah, obviously, yeah, really nice name…I’m going to say three…thirty three hundred.

Michael Cyger
Thirty three hundred. And is that what you would recommend somebody price that domain on BrandBucket for if he came to you? If he was an ambassador and, you know, everything else?

Michael Krell
I mean, this is the wholesale he’s getting it for is thirty three hundred…

Michael Cyger
Yeah, so you’re saying he bought it for thirty three hundred?

Michael Krell
Yeah, yeah.

Michael Cyger
And you’re saying he’s got good negotiation skills so he didn’t have to pay full retail, so that’s what you’re going in with?

Michael Krell
Yeah, no. Yeah, yeah, yeah…

Michael Cyger

Michael Krell
Thirty three, yeah.

Michael Cyger
Shane, what do you think Geoffrey paid for bike with a Q?

Shane Cultra
Well I think he paid less than that. Well, I mean, it’s officially a CVCV, with a Q, throws a little…now it’s pronounced b-quay…so, just saying.

Michael Cyger
Got a [not sure what this word is] on it or something.

Shane Cultra
I don’t think he paid that much. I think…I think you could certainly sell it for much more, but I would say that…I would say thirteen hundred, that he got a good deal on it.

Michael Cyger

Shane Cultra
I think it’s worth more but I think thirteen hundred.

Michael Cyger
Yeah, okay. Alright Geoffrey, we’ve got a disparity here…thirty three hundred and thirteen hundred. How much did you pay for B.I.Q.E. .com?

Jeffrey Emerick
Right, right in the middle.

Michael Cyger
Right in the middle…twenty three hundred?

Jeffrey Emerick
Two grand.

Michael Cyger
Two grand. Alright, and why do you like this domain so much? I’d look at them like, dude, it’s no spelled bike with a Q, it’s B.I.Q.E. and I can never tell anybody a word.

Jeffrey Emerick
I like it because it’s a CVCV and it does actually fit quite well into the brandable space that, you know, I mean, Biqe is probably a million dollar domain name.

Michael Cyger

Jeffrey Emerick
And, you know, when I was vacationing, it’s just becoming a thing…there was bikes everywhere, you know, so I just kind of liked that name, and whether it’s pronounced “bike” or not, it might be iffy, but…

Michael Cyger
So, you were on vacation, you saw a bunch of bikes, which I do often, like, I’ll go someplace, I’ll see something, I’m like, or I’ll read something, I’m like, “Ooh, I like that domain.” I just reached out to a guy this morning…it’s…I won’t tell you what it is…I’ll tell you guys offline…and, exact same thing, but did you think of it? Did you think B.I.Q.E. or did you…did it cross your desk quote unquote…you saw it on NamePros, or you saw it someplace after you were just on vacation?

Jeffrey Emerick
Actually I was just trying to take some sales and reinvest them into something new, and so I’ve kind of gotten overwhelmed with all the investments I have recently so I’m trying to buy more expensive investments, so that’s…I was just trying to go for something, so I actually reached out, and, to, on NamePros and said, hey, what, what do people have for CVCVs? And I got like twenty, thirty to pick from and that one just stood out, you know?
Unknown Speaker

Jeffrey Emerick
And I go to and it throws stuff in there, and it kind of, it’ll pronounce stuff in different languages and stuff like that, so, it actually came up “bike” in a lot of different things.

Michael Cyger
Did it ever come up with “bike-way”?

Unknown Speaker

Jeffrey Emerick
It…it…they all kind of sound like “bike” but there’s a lot of French version, you know, “bike-key,” you know, so…

Unknown Speaker
Nice. Nice.

Jeffrey Emerick
In general, I think for the brandable community I could see that and it’s a little thing but I think that the Q could be a little kickstand for a logo.

Michael Cyger
Yeah, yeah, totally. So, two quick tips…if you’re not paying attention to what Geoffrey just said, one, which I’ve never heard of before; two, when I was tracking Geoffrey in preparation for this show, because I track all of these guys to see what they’re working on, and, you know, I coined the phrase, you know, for Geoffrey, “momentum investor,” yeah, he’s looking at what’s trending up and what’s going and that’s what he’s putting his money in and go type in Domainzy with a “Z” into NamePros and you can find that thread where Geoffrey posted, “I’m looking for four “Ls…give me what you’ve got”…and you never know who’s got to sell a domain name because they have a bill, they have a credit card, they have a something that they have to pay and they’re willing to cut a deal on it, right? Like, sometimes they won’t just post it themselves, and if you proactively go on there and post, “I’m looking for these types of domains,” then you could be surprised, right Geoffrey?

Jeffrey Emerick
Yeah, in…in my post I actually put the exact price that I was willing to pay. Like if it was a…

Michael Cyger
Four letter, three letter, two letter, a premium…

Jeffrey Emerick
Yeah, exactly. I put the exact price in and you can, every time, people are going to give you the maximum price that you’re willing to offer. That’s just the nature…you know? And so I just came in and said…he offered three grand which was my maximum for a triple premium, and I just came back and I was like, “The most I would be willing to pay is two grand, and because of the Q,” and he was like, “Let’s do this.”

Unknown Speaker

Unknown Speaker
Nice. Nice.

Michael Cyger
And did you go through escrow on there or did you just look at their…their, you know, credit score on NamePros and trust them?

Jeffrey Emerick
Well, you know, we kind of had a little talk about that. He was like, “Oh, you know,” I… I actually in my post I said you have to have at least fifty feedback scores and a hundred percent if you don’t want me to do escrow, and he was like, “Can we please do PayPal”? And I don’t know, I’ve never had anything bad go wrong but a lot of people worry about that so I…he only had like a fourteen…fourteen review so I said, “Let’s do escrow,” and he tried to talk me out of it by saying that the fees were too much but they were like four dollars more so I explained that to him and he was like, “Alright, let’s do this, so.”
Michael Cyger
Yeah, a two thousand dollar domain, it’s really a small percentage.

Unknown Speaker

Michael Cyger
Yeah. Alright, congrats on that buy. Michael, let’s go over to you. What’s one domain name you’ve personally bought or sold in the past few weeks? Tell us the domain and not the price yet.

Michael Krell
Sure, I was going to go with another…with a four L but I’ll…I’ll choose something else…I don’t…

Michael Cyger
No, that’s okay!

Michael Krell

Michael Cyger
It’s all about brandables, right?

Michael Krell

Michael Cyger
And so, like, the fact that two of you picked four Ls, and one of you almost went with a four L, but added an extra letter, like, that says something about this brand of [not sure what’s said here] which is why I invited you guys on here.

Michael Krell
Okay, and it’s also similar to Geoffrey’s because it has a Y…I mean, it has a Q in it…it’s B.E.Q.Y.

Michael Cyger
“Beck-wee!” [not sure what is said here]

Michael Krell
Or “Becky.”

Michael Cyger
Or “Becky”… “Becky” with a Q and a Y…no C.K.Y. Alright.

Unknown Speaker
So it’s B.E.Q.I.?

Michael Krell.

Michael Cyger

Unknown Speaker

Michael Cyger
And did you buy it or sell it?

Michael Krell
I bought it.

Michael Cyger
You bought it, okay. And, let’s go over to Shane. Shane, what do you think Michael bought B.E.Q.Y. .com for?

Shane Cultra
It just…it makes me think, when I get, when I put those, I mean…when somebody has NamePros and they send me like, L.Z.P.T., you know, they’ll says it’s pronounced “Tim,” you know? I’ll think, what? You know? I just laugh how people tell me how to pronounce stuff. That reminds me, oh my God…but anyway, so, well we’re going to see who’s a better buyer here. We’ve got the fake CVCV with the Y, you know, they’ll tell me…

Michael Cyger
You know, you nailed it with “dee-gell.”

Shane Cultra
It has that sound…you know it’s a Y…it’s not a vowel…officially it’s not, but I will say, well, when he said thirty five hundred, I’m using a little thinking here, I’m going to say eighteen hundred on this one.

Michael Cyger
Eighteen hundred.

Shane Cultra

Michael Cyger
Geoffrey, what do you think Michael paid for B.E.Q.Y. .com?

Jeffrey Emerick
Well I know Michael pretty well…

Michael Krell
Okay, I’ll give you two hundred…

Jeffrey Emerick
Well, if he could have hand-registered it he would have.

Unknown Speaker

Jeffrey Emerick
But yeah, I’m going to say four fifty.

Michael Cyger
Four fifty? He’s like, you know, the ultimate negotiator here. Alright Michael, what did you pay for B.E.Q.Y. .com?

Michael Krell
NameJet, and I paid seven hundred and ten dollars for it.

Michael Cyger
Seven hundred and ten.

Michael Krell

Michael Cyger
Alright, so why do you think that B.E.Q.Y. is such a good deal, because it’s like “Becky” sort of?

Michael Krell
Yeah. No, it’s a…it’s a pure like, a pure value play I think, like, you know, that was, you know, I was willing to pay around a thousand for it, you know? Like something like that retail is between 10 and 15k, and, you know, it can be used for anything. It’s a, it’s obviously, a woman’s name, a misspelling of a woman’s name but also very general so, you know, it has a tech…the Q gives it a tech twist, and yeah…

Michael Cyger
The Q gives it a tech twist? Is that what you said.

Michael Krell
Just the misspelling, yeah…the Q.

Michael Cyger

Michael Krell
And I just thought it was good value buy at seven ten.

Michael Cyger
So…so I know people are thinking the same thing that I am, like, what the hell is going on here, Michael, like, you know? It takes me like a sentence to explain to somebody the name of my start-up…It’s “Becky,” but it…instead of the C.K.Y. it’s got a Q and a Y, or instead, I guess they would say it’s “Becky,” but change out a Q for the C.K. .com.

Michael Krell
Or you could just say, Becky, B.Q.Y.

Michael Cyger
So, you know, numbers don’t lie, like if the sales are there, the sales are there, and I can go into NameBio and I can type in, you know, four letters ending in a Q.Y. and see if stuff is actually selling. What goes through your mind when you’re looking at something like this? Do you look at sales and actually real numbers in your head, or do you just sort of like go with your gut feel, like, yeah, I think a tech company would go for a “Becky” like this .com?

Michael Krell
Yeah, I mean, it’s just really a gut feeling. I mean, four letters, just didn’t, I mean, just what we sell on BrandBucket. It’s definitely like the hottest category for the amount of names we have, you know? Is the four L category just like…just like fives Ls are going up in price, four Ls continue to go up in price and so, it’s, you know, you’re hedging some, you know, you’re hedging a little bit that it has wholesale value as well so, you know, it’s not quite as risky, but…

Michael Cyger

Michael Krell
Yeah, I was definitely happy to get that for under a thousand.

Michael Cyger
Well clearly it has a wholesale floor value of seven hundred and ten because some other person wanted it up to seven hundred dollars.

Michael Krell
Sure, sure, sure, yup, yup, yup.

Michael Cyger
Alright, I look forward to seeing that sale on that one, Michael. Is it on already?

Michael Krell
I think it’s soon, like maybe in the next few days it’s going to be going live.

Michael Cyger
What’s it going to be priced at?

Michael Krell
It’s…I think it might be thirteen or something.

Michael Cyger
Thirteen thousand?

Michael Krell
Yeah, thirteen or fourteen, yeah.

Michael Cyger

Michael Krell
Yup, yup.

Michael Cyger
Wow. Which is a better name…B.I.Q.E. .com or B.E.Q.Y. .com?

Michael Krell

Michael Cyger
Are you going to price his…Geoffrey’ at even higher than thirteen thousand?

Michael Krell
Oh yeah, I mean, if, yeah…if Geoffrey’s selling it, if he’s not using it for…for a bike start-up of his own, I think yeah, that’s definitely a, you know, 20, 25k, you know, kind of a name.

Michael Cyger
Wow, geez Louise. Alright, that’s where the momentum is…these four letters.

Unknown Speaker
Yeah. Yeah.

Michael Cyger

Michael Krell
It’s good…it’s good, yeah, and plus it helps, I mean, that I didn’t keep track too much of the Chinese market but that’s definitely calmed down now obviously from a year ago, so you can, you know, you can definitely catch a lot more of these for reasonably prices.

Michael Cyger
Yeah. Alright, well congrats on selling Shane, and on those two purchases, guys. I’m going to tell you about three of our sponsors for today’s show.

I want to tell you about three of our sponsors on today’s show:

First, if you’re buying or selling a domain name or portfolio and you want an estimate of it’s value, is the place to go. Just like you’d visit to get an estimate of a house value, provides key information about the most important statistics so you can make an informed decision based on data.

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Finally, if you’re a domain name investor, don’t you have unique legal needs that require domain name technical know-how and industry experience? That’s why you need David Weslow of Wiley Rein. Go search for David Weslow on DomainSherpa, watch his interview and you can see for yourself that he can clearly explain issues, can help you with buy/sell agreements, deal with website content issues and UDRP actions, and even help you write your website terms and conditions. David Weslow is the lawyer to call for Internet legal issues. See for yourself at

Michael Cyger
Alright, we’re going to move onto the next segment of the show. In the Domain Portfolio Review we take a user submitted domain name portfolio and provide honest and constructive feedback to the owner so they can either cut their losses, continue to hold the domains long-term like some of the Sherpas, like Shane is doing with his five letters, or figure out a sales strategy going forward. Today’s portfolio was submitted by Saro Berejikian…my apologies if I mispronounced that, Saro. As part of Saro’s submission he made a generous donation to the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center to help us all find a cure for cancer. Saro’s list of twenty five domain names starts with and it ends with He said his…he’s focused on brandable domain names for now but he sent the ones he believed are more keyword oriented. So, let’s find out what the Sherpas think. This segment we’re going go Michael, then Shane, then Geoffrey. Michael, let’s start with you. What domains do you like on Saro’s list, and what would you put as a realistic retail price for them?

Michael Krell
Sure, so, looking at the list I’d say my favorites are GlamLand, I like that a lot, you know, pretty short, two syllables, you know what it is…beauty industry is, is huge obviously. I think that is, you know, an upper four figure name. I mean, maybe you…if you’re holding onto it you could get like very low five for something like that. And then UpperRange I like quite a bit…three syllables, probably, I don’t know, if I had it, I’d price it for around 5k, 5, yeah, 5, 6k.

Michael Cyger
How do you see being used?

Michael Krell
That’s a good question, no…you know, it definitely has a like a sales aspect to it, like a consulting aspect, maybe like analytics, you know, some sort of…some sort of a service that gets your sales, you know, higher, you know, anything that you can, you know, increase your business and bring in more sales is what I see UpperRange…

Michael Cyger

Michael Krell
…UpperRange being, and it’s a fairly common, you know, a fairly common phrase as well, and then…then the…the other one I like is InstaTrader, so, you know, it can be, you know, a stock trading is probably a…is probably what comes to mind right away. It could be some sort of bartering, you know, service as well. You know, that’s probably in the, you know, I’d price that in the 3 to 5k range for…for something like that.

Michael Cyger
Okay. Awesome. Alright, and I’m going to come back to you, Michael, but let’s going over to Shane. Shane, what do you like on Saro’s list and why?

Shane Cultra
His last name is pronounced “bike” by the way. So no, yeah, I think we’re on the same page so I’ll skip…but I did…I thought GlamLand and I liked UpperRange and I’ll explain why I liked UpperRange. There’s a lot of companies use like LookNorth and HeadNorth, and just names that don’t really mean anything but you can remember them, and that’s…I talk about it all the time. Sometimes it really doesn’t matter what the words are, you just have to remember them and it’s easy to spell and easy to say and so, that, you know, UpperRange, that works for me, and it could be…it could be a lot of different things…financial services is what came to my mind, so everybody’s got to think about it different, but it’s a simple one and those are the kind of names that you can do well and not…doesn’t cost you a lot to get into.

Michael Cyger

Shane Cultra
I thought DubaiTransport would be a pretty good name and the reason is, I looked at all the Dubai sales and you get everything from DubaiResorts, which you would think would be a big name, but it sold for eight hundred dollars, all the way up to DubaiEscorts for forty six grand, so there’s a huge range in Dubai. Everybody thinks of Dubai as being tons of money, getting a lot…so there’s a wholesale market that a lot times…so I think that would probably have some…even if you put it on namebid I think it would sell pretty well but, you know, when I think of Dubai I think like everybody else, the…the Ferraris laying around everywhere and everybody has twenty cars and there’s so septic system so they haul it out a mile of, you know, so, so I think DubaiTransport to me has a pretty good value there because they do a lot of movement in Dubai of a lot of different things.

Michael Cyger

Shane Cultra
The one…I like InstraTrader a lot, you know, Brokerage CPC isn’t quite what it used to be because there’s so much out there but there’s still good affiliate money to be made on the brokerage world of trading and online trading, and that market is coming back, you know, 2008 crushed that market, but InstraTrader is a really nice…I mean, it doesn’t have to be just the financial market, it could be all kinds of different things. And then one that it was just disgusting, was SkinStorage, I have no idea what the hell, I mean…

Michael Cyger
You just don’t get it, Shane.

Shane Cultra
No, I don’t know if that’s DNA or what…

Michael Cyger
I don’t know, I didn’t do a search on that one. Are there services where you can store your skin for later use or something?

Shane Cultra
I just think of Joe Dirt saying “He put some lotion on the”…so, I, I don’t know, and I’m going to laugh again at BangJuice because I just look at…I feel like I’m going down the shampoo aisle then all of a sudden I come to the aisle with all of the different…and there’s BangJuice on it…there’s definitely a dirty connotation to that as well.

Michael Cyger
Alright, so you’re saying you don’t like SkinStorage and you don’t like BangJuice.

Shane Cultra
I think one of those is going to lead to the other one, so…

Michael Cyger
You’re not serious…

Shane Cultra
I, I just…it’s funny, I look at the portfolio and I think of people’s minds, and I got it, I got it, I got it…and I went, “Oh damn, you know, what happened at night when you got those two things, but…”?

Michael Cyger
Alright. Alright, I’m going to come back and ask you what domains you’d drop if you had this list, Shane, but let’s go over to Geoffrey. Geoffrey, what…what stands out to you as a great brandable domain name on this list and what price range would you put on it?

Jeffrey Emerick
Well this list and all this too, I want to point out that I kind of find a trend that people view brandables as all the same and so I’m kind of going to try and break that notion, and when I look at this list I…if you, I had to pick like the best ones I would say, best ones for which marketplace? Because that’s kind of something that I had to learn when I was first submitting names to BrandBucket is…I was like, “Oh, this is a great name,” but then they would reject it and that’s because it’s not a great name for their marketplace.

Michael Cyger

Jeffrey Emerick
Right, and so, in a way some names work for other marketplaces and some work for others and so…brandables and BrandBucket like that, I would say GlamLand is one of my favorites on there…

Michael Cyger

Jeffrey Emerick
InstraTrader is also a really good one. And UpperRange…and I think UpperRange could be a lot of different things, it’s like high-end, or also when you’re singing and you know, you get to that upper range…it’s really hard to do.

Michael Cyger
Yeah, so Geoffrey, on those three, so they match up pretty well. I think all of you like those domain names. GlamLand, whether you listed in on BrandBucket or not, what would you ask for that retail?

Jeffrey Emerick
Probably three to five grand, just depending on what marketplace, and…

Michael Cyger

Jeffrey Emerick
How long do you want to hold onto the name.

Michael Cyger
Yeah. What about UpperRange, what would you ask on that one?

Jeffrey Emerick
Probably the same…they’re…they’re kind of in the same category.

Michael Cyger
Yup, what about InstraTrader…is that a different type…is that better, or worse domain name from a retail standpoint?

Jeffrey Emerick
I think…I think that with the trendiness of Insta, I think that you could probably put a higher valuation on that one.

Michael Cyger

Jeffrey Emerick
Just because it’s so trendy.

Michael Cyger
Yeah, I like Insta…I would ask fifteen. I think you guys are a little low on that one. If I owned it, I think it’s a great brandable, but that’s just me. Alright, so…

Unknown Speaker
It’s good. It’s good.

Michael Cyger
Let me ask you some…let me ask you some domain names that you don’t like and let’s…let’s find out why. So Geoffrey, what don’t you like on this list and tell me why?

Jeffrey Emerick
Well Shane beat me to it but SkinStorage…that one’s pretty creepy.

Michael Cyger
So you don’t think that there will ever be a need, like, I…I just shed like a billion skin cells right there. Like, there’s never a need for skin storage. You can’t think of anything, right?

Jeffrey Emerick
Well, I don’t know, I actually Googled it, which now that I say it…it’s probably watching me, but I Googled to find out what was going on with it and I think there’s skin grafts and you can store your skin graft and that might be like a thing, but I mean, that’s such a small, you know, I wouldn’t really go out for that one…

Michael Cyger
It’s such a little niche. It’s not like it’s your umbilical cord or you know, whatever, where you might need it ninety years from now.

Jeffrey Emerick
Right. Right. Yeah, totally.

Michael Cyger
Ok, yeah, so not great. You got another one on there?

Jeffrey Emerick
Yeah, BangJuice…

Michael Cyger
Alright, give me one more…give me one more.
Jeffrey Emerick
MomTown, I would say MomTown just because…

Michael Cyger
Why don’t you like that one?

Jeffrey Emerick
Because it’s…you could just replace “town” with world, city, ville, universe, any of those things so it’s very forgettable in the describing what land or place you’re from.

Michael Cyger

Jeffrey Emerick
And then, a couple that I didn’t like also were WereAllHuman… is it WeAreAllHuman, or you know might I mean, when he picked “were,” that could be…

Michael Cyger
Right, that “were” or “we are” contraction, yeah.

Jeffrey Emerick
Right, and same thing with NatureToYou, you know, you’re going to want to grab the “to” if you’re going to do that so I personally don’t like to go that route where you have to grab these other domain names to protect your investment.

Michael Cyger

Jeffrey Emerick
Just a lot of extra work.

Michael Cyger
Yeah, yeah. Alright, good input. Michael, what…what else don’t you like on this list and why? And if you pick one of the same domains that’s fine, just give us your perspective on why you don’t like the domain.

Michael Krell
Sure, yeah, I agree with what…what Geoffrey said with NatureToYou, it’s…it’s just a little bit awkward, you know…like you wouldn’t say that in normal conversation. The other one, I mean, I like it but like you wouldn’t want to pay a whole lot I think for it is ActProfessional just because of how long it is. I mean, it is a common phrase but, you know, just like…is it two Fs or is it two Ss? Like, I would get confused with that.

Michael Cyger

Michael Krell
So , I mean, you know, it’s okay but you don’t want pay a whole lot for…for that kind of name.

Michael Cyger

Michael Krell
And then, BigFatCheck, you’re definitely limited as to who you’re going after. I don’t know if…if the Australians have check Q.U.E. as well but yeah, I mean, your…your UK, maybe Canada…I don’t know if Canada has it either.

Michael Cyger
I think you misread that one…Shane told me it was

Unknown Speaker

Michael Cyger
Unknown Speaker
I see it, I see, yeah, the C and the H together sort of make, yeah…there we go, there we go…

Michael Cyger
Alright, and Michael, when it comes to BrandBucket and selecting the domains that are submitted to you, when they start to get more keyword descriptive…generally BrandBucket won’t be as…as accepting. Is that a…is that a fair assumption? Fair statement?

Michael Krell
Sure, it just…it just depends on you know, like, for example, like PremiumCognac. Like, you know, I’m sure there is an end user for that…it’s definitely, you know, a category…

Michael Cyger

Michael Krell
…But it’s not…it’s not something that, you know, a tech start-up is going to call themselves…

Michael Cyger

Michael Krell
…Or you know, really, anything besides Cognac…

Michael Cyger

Michael Krell
You know, reseller.

Michael Cyger
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Michael Krell
So, like if…like a lot of times if the niche is really small, then, you know, that’s another reason that, you know, BrandBucket may not be the best marketplace.

Michael Cyger
What about like Like, you know, those sticks, that it…you know, you put it on…

Michael Krell

Michael Cyger
…It’s a brand…so it’s clearly a brandable, you know, that stain industry or whatever it is, the laundry industry…is…but it doesn’t necessarily fit BrandBucket, does it?

Michael Krell
Not really, no, just because it is, you know…not that the like cleaning supplies…obviously a big industry, but, you know, most of our sales are going to be towards, you know, the start-up community. Most of our customers are the…the tech start-up community and, you know, anything in the cleaning business is going to like…they kind of like don’t fit the start-up mould.

Michael Cyger
Exactly,…do you like that one as a brandable?

Michael Krell
Oh yeah, if you’ve got…if you have…

Michael Cyger
What would you price that one…clearly it doesn’t fit BrandBucket, but what would you price that one retail if you owned it and had it in your portfolio?

Michael Krell
I’d probably…a lot, I don’t know. I’d probably, I mean, I don’t know, I guess it’s all relative, I would do like high four figures…

Michael Cyger

Michael Krell
…For something like that, you know…

Michael Cyger

Michael Krell
…Like maybe 10k or something…

Michael Cyger

Michael Krell
…And see what happens because if someone uses it they’re going to…they’re going to have some pretty big bucks.

Michael Cyger
Alright. Hey Shane, I know you used to have a lot of the keyword domain names. We’ve talked about this on the show in the past and I’ve done this personally…I’m moving away from some of the keyword domains like, you know, like, DubaiTransport…

Unknown Speaker

Michael Cyger
I don’t carry those now anymore. CasinoSkill, AddictionRemedy, those just, you know, they are keywords, they were probably bought because they have some sort of search volume and number of searches. What do you think about those types of keyword domain names?

Shane Cultra
Well, honestly, I never did…I missed the keyword…I was always in…when everyone was doing keywords, I was doing these five letter…these brandables.

Michael Cyger
Ah, okay.

Shane Cultra
And I actually missed a lot of money because I wasn’t doing them. I didn’t think they made sense because I was thinking of them from a company standpoint, but it didn’t make any sense to use these keywords in my company.

Michael Cyger
Unless they’re massive…

Shane Cultra

Michael Cyger
…Unless it’s massive search volume.

Shane Cultra
Right, and this is where I think this comes in….is there’s a whole world of marketing names….a company that wants to put something on a billboard or on a screen that brings you…or resonates…or a call to action that goes with their like, gets clothes cleaner, or something simple. But they’re not going to use for a lifetime, but they’re spending three hundred thousand on an ad…they’re spending a hundred and fifty thousand for thirty seconds on television…

Michael Cyger

Shane Cultra
…And five or six thousand to add a domain to make it pop is worth it and there is that market…it is a big market but Michael Birkin seems to be the one that sells them all for big money. He’s the one who gets that “refuse to quit” or “give it your all”…

Michael Cyger

Shane Cultra
…All those mantras that seem to be going on those markets but there is a market where it’s just not what a company is going to build a whole company around.

Michael Cyger

Shane Cultra
So I think that that StainStick or whatever it was, you know…

Michael Cyger

Shane Cultra
StainKiller, that…that’s perfect for one of their little products within this big company, but I never did, you know…the PremiumCognac, you know…if I’m Cognac, I’d think PremiumCognac doesn’t make you cool, you know? It doesn’t make you premium by having to put that in there, so…

Michael Cyger
You’re right, I think if you’re drinking Cognac, you’re pretty much…it’s all premium. Like you’re not drinking stuff out of a box.

Shane Cultra
Yeah, exactly. Yeah, I mean, Courvoisier, or whatever…

Michael Cyger

Shane Cultra
I don’t…so, you know, those to me just don’t make sense. You know, you see a name like The Beer Guy and you think, oh. When you have to think build out, that’s another one, when you have to build it out to make it valuable that means it’s not real valuable. I doesn’t mean it’s a bad name…it just means it’s, you know, someone’s going to have to attach a lot of work to that name to give it value so that’s where…and I see like the .org green properties. There’s probably green properties in every city in the United States…

Michael Cyger

Shane Cultra
But the .org, you know, I…I don’t know if that worked for them either so I see the name and I get it, but it’s just not where you can do it. And there was another one on there that I thought was, you know, I…it just doesn’t make … FindAWayOut, you know, I…there’s a million different names like that so…

Michael Cyger

Shane Cultra
…If these were twelve dollar names, no problem, he’s got his money back, and this…if you’re in a numbers game…but as we said before, you get into a lot of numbers…it gets hard to manage. You…you can pick your twelve dollar domains, or pick your twenty dollar domains, and if you have a keyword…I know it’s not affordable for everybody but we should all be trying to, you know, get one and two word keywords, you know? That’s my dream, is to buy a bunch of plat names, and SugarMaple was great…I really liked it but then I bought BotBeat, that…that’s an end goal. I sold all these little names to build up to that, but there doesn’t mean there’s not a whole market in these smaller names to flip them…

Michael Cyger
Right, definitely. Alright, last question for you guys for Saro’s portfolio…, and he’s got the plural…I believe there’s a .estate nowadays days as well. Is this a…a smart investment to maintain, because maybe somebody’s going to come in and buy they’ll want as well? What do you guys think…anybody?

Shane Cultra
If he…he doesn’t have a lot in it then he might as well hold it. You know, if he’s…he…

Unknown Speaker
Yeah, I would renew it for sure.

Shane Cultra
I’d renew it, yeah, no reason not to.

Michael Cyger

Unknown Speaker
Yeah, same.

Michael Cyger
Alright, Saro, thanks for submitting your portfolio and making a donation to cancer research. We hope this review has been helpful to you and your domain investing activities going forward. Before we jump into the domains going to auction soon, I want to tell you about our three other sponsors.

Before we jump into the domains going to auction soon, I want to tell you about our three other sponsors:

First, if you’re buying a domain name from a private party and want to know what else they own, is the tool you should be using. View their entire portfolio, filter by Estibot value and be a better investor. $49.95 for 250 queries per month. Visit to learn more.

Second, Efty was built by domain investors to increase your inquiries, sales and profit. Forget spreadsheets and archived emails — manage your entire investment portfolio in one place using a secure and completely confidential platform. Learn more at, that’s e – f – t – y,

Finally, if you’re struggling with how to buy, sell, and value domain names, you need to check-out Published by me, Michael Cyger of DomainSherpa, and trusted by Uniregistry to train their new employees, you too can learn using the DNAcademy accelerated learning system for domain name investing. Learn more at

Michael Cyger
Alright, we’re going to move onto the marketplace list. This segment is sponsored by NameJet and we’ll be reviewing fifteen no reserve, low reserve, or reserve net domain names heading to auction soon. If you like one of the names below, click through soon, because once they go to auction you lose your chance to put in a minimum bid and be a part of the auction, or even just watch the results. The links below go directly to NameJet. They…they’re click…the links are trackable so NameJet can see the traffic we’re sending but they’re not commissionable links. And the other thing I want to point out that the Sherpas told me about is as they are doing their research, one or two of the domain names are either going to auction the day of, and I always try to provide enough of a window that you can get your bids in if you like the domain names or they might have been renewed and so they aren’t available. You know, that’s just the way our market works when we try and plan out a couple of weeks and domains get renewed, so we’re going to talk about them as if maybe they’re going to auction, and there might be something we can learn from that domain name still…why the Sherpas liked them or why they didn’t like them. The list starts with and ends with a two letter V, as in Victor, For transparency I always ask if they domain names below are owned, or are being brokered by any of the Sherpas…

Unknown Speaker

Michael Cyger

Unknown Speaker

Unknown Speaker

Michael Cyger
Alright, this segment we’re going to go Geoffrey, then Michael, then Shane. Geoffrey, let’s start with you. What do you like on the NameJet list and why?

Jeffrey Emerick
The super obvious one is, that’s the best I think.

Michael Cyger
Why is that one the best one on here?

Jeffrey Emerick
Similar sales, and just the market in general…pretty hard to get a single letter, single number .com.

Michael Cyger

Jeffrey Emerick
It’s…my second one on the list is Kroo, that’s top A RFO.

Michael Cyger
Sounds like Tim, but it’s spelled K.R.O.O. .com.

Unknown Speaker
It’s pronounced Tim.

Jeffrey Emerick
I knew that was coming…but I…I do like that four letter. I’ve had good success myself with selling four letters that end in a double O.

Michael Cyger
Uh huh.

Jeffrey Emerick
So I’m kind of partial to that. And number three, I like SpaceTech…I think that’s a great all around brand that’s going to go for a lot.

Michael Cyger
Yeah. Alright, so this is NameJet. NameJet is a wholesale market. Only people who are in the know like us and have actually…I think we had to…didn’t we have to qualify on NameJet? Do you have to submit a credit card or some sort of proof or…

Unknown Speaker
Like over twenty five hundred.

Michael Cyger
Twenty five hundred?

Unknown Speaker
Yeah. Yeah.

Michael Cyger
Given that it’s a wholesale market what do you think is going to sell for, Geoffrey?

Jeffrey Emerick
I mean, it’ll definitely…that’s a really hard one.

Michael Cyger

Jeffrey Emerick
Because it’s a wholesale.

Michael Cyger
Alright, let’s go to another one. Kroo, K.R.O.O., what do you think that will sell for?

Jeffrey Emerick
Probably on NameJet and because we’re talking about it, probably a couple grand…I wouldn’t see it going for under a grand, so…

Michael Cyger

Jeffrey Emerick
But I could definitely…I wouldn’t be surprised if it went up to two grand.

Michael Cyger
Yeah, two grand, maybe more, and that’s the kind of name that you’d ask fifteen thousand for, maybe more.

Jeffrey Emerick
Yeah, I would definitely…ten grand or more.

Michael Cyger

Jeffrey Emerick
For sure, depending on what you end up picking it up for…

Michael Cyger
Yup, and then SpaceTech…what do you think that one will go for?

Jeffrey Emerick
Ooh, I really like that one…

Michael Cyger
What would you ask for that one. Let’s work our way backwards.

Jeffrey Emerick
If I was going to retail it?

Michael Cyger

Jeffrey Emerick
Probably forty, fifty thousand.

Michael Cyger
Forty to fifty thousand for SpaceTech? And then what…

Jeffrey Emerick

Michael Cyger
What would you try to pick it up for knowing that you might ask 40k for it?

Jeffrey Emerick
Probably twenty five to three grand.

Michael Cyger
Yeah. So you’d ask forty to fifty…you’d probably sell it for a little bit less, maybe thirty…and that you’d want to pick it up for a tenth of that price. Is that a fair…?

Jeffrey Emerick
Right. Yeah. Yeah.

Michael Cyger
Cool. Alright, thanks, Geoffrey. Michael, let’s go to you. What do you like on the NameJet list and why?

Michael Krell
Sure, one of my favorites is It’s…even with the double Ws there, I think it’s just like a great like freelance, like freelance-ish type name. It could be an agency, you know, a lot of different things. You know, retail price, you know, would probably be, you know, upper four, lower five figures for that. I…I like LuckyMountain…I think there’s…there’s a pretty good Chinese restaurant in town called Lucky Mountain, but even besides… besides that, you know, it has, it’s…it’s nice…it’s a little long, you know, so you don’t want to pay too much for it, but I think it’s a…it’s a fun name, and yeah, the other one was…was SpaceTech.

Michael Cyger
SpaceTech? Okay.

Michael Krell
Yeah. Yeah, yeah.

Michael Cyger
So NewWork…I get why you would like that one. It could be new ways to work, it could be new opportunities, it could be just, you know, it could be a consulting, like you’re teaching people…

Michael Krell

Michael Cyger
…A better way to work, a lot of different opportunities. You priced that one at four to five figures. Let’s call it ten thousand order of magnitude you’d price it at. What would you try and purchase that one at? You personally.

Michael Krell
Six hundred to eight hundred dollars. Eight hundred would probably be the max…I’d be going for something like that.

Michael Cyger

Michael Krell
And it’s going to go for more.

Michael Cyger
And LuckyMountain, yeah, I could count the number of Chinese restaurants that I’ve seen that are called Lucky Mountain, but, a restaurant is not going to pay much money for a domain name.

Michael Krell

Michael Cyger
Right. Like…

Michael Krell
No, no, no. I mean, I think too there’s like a brewery that has pretty good distribution that’s, you know, an Omaha Lucky Bucket, you know? I’ve seen some other…some other lucky names, it’s maybe less like your traditional tech start-up…

Michael Cyger

Michael Krell
…But, you know, it’s…it can be used…clothing brand, food…it’s got a lot of uses.

Michael Cyger
Yeah. Okay, and so when you’re looking at a domain name like this, you try to figure out, does it have multiple industrial uses?

Michael Krell
Yup. Yeah.

Michael Cyger
And this one could, and so, what would you price LuckyMountain at retail if you owned it?

Michael Krell
You know, it’d be like, probably three or four thousand. You want to pick it up for a few hundred bucks on NameJet.

Michael Cyger

Michael Krell

Michael Cyger
Alright. Shane, let’s go to you, bud. What do you like on the NameJet list and why?

Shane Cultra
Okay, well I…I always put my blog, and if it sounds like an IPA then it’s a good name. So if you…you go down…if you take the name and you can see this on a label of a beer then it’s a pretty good one, and HappyPanther works for me.

Michael Cyger

Shane Cultra
LuckyMountain, you know, those all work and I have a strategy, and I do this all the time, so I try and pick up a name like that for a hundred dollars, under if I can…a little bit more, and I price them at twenty eight hundred dollars, and I have very, very good luck with those. I don’t even know if I have it…I had FatChicken and like I named my company…

Michael Cyger
Did you sell FatChicken?

Shane Cultra
…FatChicken…I get inquiries on it, you know, all over the world, and I named my company Rocket Donkey, you know, that’s…I just thought it was a memorable brand.

Michael Cyger

Shane Cultra
And so I…I do very well with those…you don’t sell a lot of them but you’re talking a twenty five to one ratio, and I definitely sell more than one out of every twenty five so to me those work. Now they’re going to not be there for me…

Michael Cyger

Shane Cultra
…But that’s what I’m looking for and I always say, if it sounds like an IPA and you can get it for a hundred dollars or less you should buy it, especially two words.

Unknown Speaker
That’s a good tip.

Michael Cyger

Unknown Speaker
I like that.

Michael Cyger
So, Kroo, K.R.O.O. sounds like an IPA. Firehoze with a Z sounds like an IPA.

Unknown Speaker

Shane Cultra
No, see, they…if you look at an IPA, they don’t mess with…they really don’t mess with the word that much.

Michael Cyger
Oh, they don’t?

Shane Cultra
No. Oh no, they don’t get crazy, but they’ll name it like, you know, BastardMonkey or something, you know?

Unknown Speaker

Michael Cyger

Shane Cultra
They don’t get crazy.

Michael Cyger

Unknown Speaker

Shane Cultra
You know, those kinds of names, but it’s always an adjective, noun, something along those lines all the time and those work well but four letters I’ve been doing ever since Reese Berg wrote LLL new, way back in the day before these guys were born practically. LLL is, it’s a great, it’s short, it’s easy, so buying…buying K.R.O.O. you’re not going to go wrong. There’s always a resale value for it and you have the upper-end that works really well so I do love those kind of names and they are more affordable. You know, I picked up one…I picked up S.U.X.K. I think I’m the only one in the world that thinks X sounds like Z so I can get those…the problem is Uniregistry is starting to pick up on a lot of four letters and so I’m competing with the men and girls over there at Uniregistry, women, that are beating me out, so I think I paid six hundred dollars for S.U.X.K. and I think that makes a nice brand and I would’ve probably had it for four hundred if that acronym is not fighting me on all these kinds of names. I really like those kinds of names as well.

Michael Cyger
Yeah. Hey Shane, what do you think about EarthCoffee and Both of them were on this list.

Shane Cultra
Absolutely, I ‘d love to own them for a hundred dollars, a hundred and ten, another one that…that some coffee place or tea, you know that that’s going to be a brand, and I’ll pay renewals forever waiting for that to come around on something like that as long as…

Michael Cyger
What would you pay maximum for both? Like…

Shane Cultra
I like…

Michael Cyger
If I said, hey Shane, here’s both of them. Would you pay me fifteen hundred for both of them?

Shane Cultra

Michael Cyger

Shane Cultra
No, I’d like to be into both of those for a hundred and twenty a piece.

Michael Cyger
Yeah, I think everybody listening would like to be.

Shane Cultra
Yeah, I mean, but I can, I…we can get in there. Like, I’ll put a hundred and twenty, a hundred and fifty all day on a bunch of brands and some of them will come through.

Michael Cyger

Shane Cultra
At the end of the day they’ll all be sitting in my account, so…

Michael Cyger

Shane Cultra
It can happen. But, you know, we go through this, all of us, everybody here goes through every name, every platform, every day looking for things like that and I imagine there’s two hundred and forty other people doing the exact same thing.

Michael Cyger

Shane Cultra
Hopefully they don’t all like what we like.

Michael Cyger
Exactly. What about Did any of you like tees, as in t-shirt tee…T.E.E.S. .net?

Shane Cultra
You can’t sell and .nets. I’ve had no luck.

Unknown Speaker
I don’t know.

Michael Cyger
Rosener would disagree with you. That guy seems to like his .nets.

Shane Cultra
I see…I see old Drew there getting some things on Flippa too… that… a lot of some really good .nets on Flippa and every time I see them I know exactly who’s on the other side of them, so there’s good and bad. Yeah, you can sell them but, you know, I have and I got like a thousand dollars for it, you know, surf board, the .coms develop forever…

Michael Cyger

Shane Cultra
But it’s just…it’s a brutal market on the .nets right now.

Unknown Speaker
Yeah. Yeah, the only thing I would say is like, you know, you think of like, customs, you know, silkscreen tees, and like I would say that’s kind of like an older…an older industry, and so, like, dot that works kind of with the .net so people might…people might, people are willing to…to get the .net if they’re in the silkscreen…the silkscreen business I would say, so I don’t know.

Unknown Speaker

Unknown Speaker

Michael Cyger
Yeah, alright guys, give me one domain name on this list you’re like, “That’s a loser, do not put any money into that name because of this.” What do you got, Shane? What’s the one that people should not bid on?

Shane Cultra
I would…I wouldn’t say that about any of them.

Michael Cyger

Shane Cultra
I really wouldn’t. There’s not a name on here…Firehoze to me doesn’t make much sense with a Z, I mean… Firehose is a great brand unto itself and now you’re just getting a little silly but at the same time I can see that selling, so…

Michael Cyger
Oh yeah, it’s…that’s a big, you know, tech one. Michael will agree, like, everybody’s got a fight…like Twitter Firehose, everybody’s trying to gather data.

Shane Cultra

Michael Cyger
He makes it stand out a little bit. I like that one.

Shane Cultra
Yeah, I mean, I, no…

Michael Cyger
Alright so don’t see any losers. Michael, any loser on the list that you’re like, “do not, I would not recommend that one”?

Michael Krell
No, I wouldn’t say, even like LearnLarge, like it doesn’t really, I, like, it’s not great or anything, but the two Ls, you know, in the beginning, like, you know, like, that’s kind of, that’s nice, but I don’t know. Probably for sixty nine bucks I wouldn’t buy it.

Michael Cyger

Michael Krell
So, I would say that one.

Michael Cyger
And now at seventy nine at NameJet…

Michael Krell
Seventy nine, okay.

Michael Cyger
Right? Didn’t they up the price?

Michael Krell
Then I would pass.

Michael Cyger
Yeah. Alright, Geoffrey, anything on the list that you would definitely recommend that investors stay away from?

Jeffrey Emerick
The two would be LearnLarge…I didn’t really like that one, and TeachMonkey…I know, I get the whole thing there, but for me, I…it’s kind of a negative…like a teach a monkey how to do things…

Unknown Speaker
Calling your kid a monkey…monkey see, monkey do.

Jeffrey Emerick
Is it like a monkey see, monkey do site?

Unknown Speaker
Yeah. Alright.

Jeffrey Emerick
No, but the rest of them are pretty good, I’m sure.

Michael Cyger
Okay, awesome. Alright, we’re at the end of today’s show. I’d like to give the Sherpas an opportunity to share anything that they want about names they’re brokering, selling, deals they’re offering, opportunities they’re looking for, like Geoffrey did earlier on…referencing NamePros, or anything else they…anybody else that they want to give a shout-out to? Geoffrey, let’s start with you.

Jeffrey Emerick
I don’t really, I guess, have too much to promote.

Michael Cyger
Tell it all…

Jeffrey Emerick
What’s that?

Michael Cyger
Tell it all! You know, I tried to find a website for your glass…your beautiful glass, what do you call it? Like, blowing…like glass…

Unknown Speaker

Michael Cyger
Jeffrey Emerick
Yes, glass art…glass blowing. Yeah, I mean, I used to have a website but with that, it’s…you have to make everything and take pictures of it and put it up, so it kind of becomes, like, just a place to show it off, and…

Michael Cyger

Jeffrey Emerick
And I’m like two years behind on orders, so, I’m just trying to keep up with that, you know? So…

Unknown Speaker

Jeffrey Emerick
I am flirting around with the idea of giving away some rentable domain names with, like, a little game show, just trying to ask people questions, and then the winner…giving away some domain names. So if you guys are interested in that go to Domainzy, with a Z.Y. .com and just hit me up and I’ll get you on there.

Michael Cyger
So, do…is there someplace they go to sign up for a newsletter to get access, or just go to and they’ll see something about free brandable domain names?

Jeffrey Emerick
Yeah, yeah, I was going to post something up on NamePros…

Michael Cyger

Jeffrey Emerick
…And up on Domainzy. Just basically if you want to get some free credits for BrandBucket or if you want to get some…I’m going to give away some of my own names just as like a little reward, you know, just a fun thing to do.

Michael Cyger
Awesome. Alright, go to Awesome. Michael, let’s go over to you. Anything you want to promote, give a shout-out to?

Michael Krell
Sure, I just want to…this will…this will be live in about a, next…

Michael Cyger

Michael Krell
This coming Monday?
Michael Cyger

Michael Krell
Okay, okay, cool. Then yeah, we are…

Michael Cyger
Breaking news!
Michael Krell
BrandBucket, yes, yes…BrandBucket will be launching a…our own private slack channel and, you know, all…all sellers in good standing are going to be invited over to, you know, slack and it’s just a great way that we can all communicate better and you know…you know, you have better access to myself and..and Margot, and you know, just like the whole BrandBucket team and brandbassadors and it’s just…it’s, it’s really cool and it’s just a…a good way that all the sellers can kind of communicate in one place and so we’re really excited about that, and yeah, all the sellers will be receiving an email about that here…

Michael Cyger

Michael Krell
…Before, before this goes live and, so yeah, we’re super excited about that.

Michael Cyger

Michael Krell

Michael Cyger
So basically I can get on there and I can chat with other people that are using the system, that are ambassadors…yourself, Margot, the owner, and get advice? Share tips? Things like that?

Michael Krell
Yep, yep, exactly. Yep, yep, yep. We just… we just want a…a kind of a safe place that…that sellers can go and, you know, and to just experience as beginners and slack provides them a cool opportunity, you know, it’s a great platform to do something like that.

Michael Cyger
Yeah, that’s awesome, and brandable domain names are such a great way to get into the market. You know…you came onto DNAcademy and I know the students loved to interact with you and find out your way of thinking and which domain names were…were heading in the right direction…a lot of what we heard today because people can be creative…

Michael Krell

Michael Cyger
They can buy domain names for under a hundred dollars that have a…a, you know, a ten time multiple return when they do sell, so…

Michael Krell

Michael Cyger
Great, I look forward to seeing that, Michael.

Michael Krell

Michael Cyger
Congratulations on that launch.

Michael Krell
Yep, thank you.

Michael Cyger
Shane, anything you want to mention…give a shout-out to? What’s going on?

Shane Cultra
Well, we, everybody that works hard at the blog, at, and we’re actually going to be rebranding to, just…more, there’s a whole team of guys there that…the spotlight doesn’t need to be on me so you’re going to see over the next month probably everything switch over to and that brand. And the other thing we’re going to do is…is, we’re going to have a branded auction at NameJet and we’ve been talking to Jonathan about, you know, there’s some people that don’t have fifty names to put up and they don’t have ten names to put up but maybe they have one or two good ones, and so we’re going to have a submit site going up pretty soon…that you can send a couple names to us…we’re going to gather a group of thirty to fifty names that we’ll put as a package on NameJet. You know, it’ll be a little bit of mine. I know I asked you, Michael, to have a couple, and so we can put…to give some opportunity to some people that may just have a couple names. Of course we’re going to have to be choosy. I can imagine that emails are going to be crazy, or I hope they’re crazy, with everybody submitting their name…but I think that we can put together a…a good list of thirty to fifty names that I think a hundred percent sell through and have everybody take an opportunity to use NameJet and see what a great platform they are.

Michael Cyger
Yeah, and, you know, I recommend DNAcademy when people want to run a NameJet auction that they go over and they spend ten bucks with you to get it promoted because really you need to kick-start those auctions. You may have a great brandable domain name, or a…a great keyword domain name, but until it gets one bid and somebody else notices it, and then two bids, and then three bids and then suddenly it’s on, you know, people now do searches that have at least two bids that, you know, fit certain criteria, then it gets into an auction, right? An auction doesn’t make money…

Shane Cultra

Michael Cyger
…Until two people really want the domain name and so…

Shane Cultra
Yeah, you have to market…

Michael Cyger
I recommend it.

Shane Cultra
It’s…it’s hidden otherwise.

Unknown Speaker

Michael Cyger
So how do people submit? Like, do I just go to and?…

Shane Cultra

Michael Cyger
…And there’ll be a button or something?

Shane Cultra
So Travis is…Travis is working on a page…you know, I don’t think it’ll be up by Monday but within the next week or so. I hate to put the pressure on him but he’s going to have a submit page…you’ll be able to see it clearly on the homepage where you hit a button and submit your names, and we’ll get back to you either way. You know, as long as people understand…no different than BrandBucket. It may just not be the name we’re looking for or don’t think it will sell. You know, the point…NameJet doesn’t want names that don’t sell…

Michael Cyger

Shane Cultra
They don’t want…if it doesn’t sell. I don’t make any money if it doesn’t sell, so it’s no different than the name. When people, you know, they pay me ten dollars to promote a name on my site and a lot of people email back and just say, “I don’t think that it’s worth spending ten dollars on this name.” No matter where I put it…I can put it on their dinner plate…they’re not going to buy the name, and giving me ten dollars…I can take it and take that money but it’s not, you know…so I try to be fair with everybody and it will be no different with the auction as well.

Michael Cyger
Yeah. Yeah, and I appreciate that about you, you know? If it’s not going to sell you’re not making money, NameJet’s not making money, I’m not making money as the seller, and so yeah, I appreciate that honesty.

Shane Cultra
Yeah, I like them to prove me wrong…occasionally they do. They just tell me, “You don’t know what you’re talking about.” They buy tell dollars and put it up…

Michael Cyger

Shane Cultra
…and fifty percent of the time they’re right and fifty percent of the time I was completely right, so…

Michael Cyger
Yeah. Alright, thanks Sherpas, if you’ve received benefit from today’s show please post a comment and thank this Sherpa panel. I want to thank Saro Berejikian…uh, I just butchered it again…I need to have…Saro, I’m sorry…I need to put like…pronounce your name for me because I hate butchering people’s names. It’s like the worst thing for me because people do it all the time with like, cyber, or seger, or whatever, so I totally feel…Saro, I’m sorry, but thank you. Thank you for submitting your portfolio and making a generous donation to the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. Thanks also to NameJet for submitting their portfolio and sponsoring that portion of the DomainSherpa Review, and of course, thanks to our Domain Sherpas…Jeffrey Emerick, Michael Krell, and Shane Cultra for sharing their experience and insights. We’ll see you all next time.

Unknown Speaker

Unknown Speaker
Thank you.

Unknown Speaker

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47 Responses to “DomainSherpa Review – Sept 12:,,,…”

  1. Great show as always!!
    catching up on on some
    past episodes!

    Cactus Croc

  2. Zac Zarev says:

    Hi Guys,

    Great show on some brandable names!

  3. Arif says:

    Great show .. informative AND entertaining!

    So thanks Tim, Tim, Tim, and especially Timmy! ;)

  4. Arif says:

    Hey .. great show .. informative AND entertaining .. Thanks Tim, Tim, Tim and especially Timmy! :)

  5. Paolo says:

    Thanks a lot for this show!!

    @Jeffrey, have you seen that resolve to a godaddy parking page? at least now the 22th Sept

    1. Thanks for watching, Paolo.

  6. Andy says:

    Great show as always guys. Think this guy here might be interested in ..

    1. Thanks, Andy.

      Yes, that’s gross! :)

  7. Thanks Michael for having me on the review show, it was a great time!

    I just got back from Cannon Beach OR on family vacation, pardon the delay in response! I think I laughed harder watching this episode than I did while I was in it! Had a blast! Thanks again


    1. Always great to have you on a show, Jeffrey. You bring a unique perspective and insights that I always appreciate.

  8. Really good interview Michael, we seem to have better luck moving 2 keyword brandables and moved 4 the past 2 days all off hand regs. Looking forward to your next episode!!

    1. Wow, nice job Stephen! Contact me if you think it might make for a Sherpa interview (

      Thanks for watching and posting a comment.

  9. albert says:

    Sorry if I am missing something in these past few discussions, but I though that domaining is all about generic and preferably one word meaningful, easy to spell words.
    If I go to, I know what to expect.
    But how am I suppose to know what is unless it is heavily advertised or talked about or both(?)

    Two word domains are also suppose to be descriptive and to the point and pass the radio test.

    I have had over 600 hundred domain names over the past 18 years and the most descriptive and generic ones are the ones that I have sold.

    This includes a two word domain name that just sold a few months ago for 5 figures a few months ago (and it closer to the 6 figure mark and just over 10 times the valuation.)

    I must admit, you will be hard pressed to find two and three word generics, but they are out there for hand registration and can be worth a lot if developed properly.

    At any rate, nice portfolio Saro (from one Armenian to another) and thanks guys for all your input.

    Keep up the good work Mike.

    1. albert says:

      Meant to say nice portfolio Saro

      1. Saro says:

        Hi Albert,
        Thank you my brother.

        If you have linked-in just search Saro Berejikian (or anyone else who wants for that matter) or send me a quick email to

    2. Arif says:

      I’m pretty sure they didn’t mean it wasn’t valuable, but more that they are not “generically brandable” .. meaning that even though can be extremely valuable to Colgate .. it does not have much value to the 99.99% of companies that aren’t in toothpaste. While something like could be a fun name for a large number of companies even if they don’t sell or make Candycanes.

      So while might even be more valuable, it is less “brandable”, and therefore not something I would assume would be of interest to potential BrandBucket clients.

  10. Jeff Smith says:

    Thanks Sherpa’s for another great show. When you come around to seeing the benefits of using InstaGram, follow me @DomainThrive so I can follow you back.

  11. Mitchell says:

    Another great show!

    I wanted to mention that… which everyone seemed to like (me too)… there may be a problem with the company Good Earth Tea – they’ve been around for a long, long time. But IANAL.

    1. Thanks for watching, Mitchell.

      That could pose a problem for the buyer. Will be interesting to see if anything ever happens.

  12. albert says:

    I thought the whole idea of domain names was simple and to the point.

    I understand what you guys are saying about brandables, but how am I suppose to know what something like is unless it is heavily talked about or advertised or both.

    However, if I go to, gosh, I know what I am getting 95 percent of the time.
    (I say 95% because of

    I just sold a two word domain name for 5 figures (closer to the six figure mark) and trust me when I say it is as descriptive as it gets.

    Thanks for a great show and Michael, please keep up the good work.

    1. Hello Albert,

      This review was about ‘brandable’ domain names. In my opinion, people(small businesses) buy brandables because they are a more affordable alternative to expensive generic one word .com’s like

      Keep in mind that small businesses(and domain investors) all have different budgets. Brandables are a great gateway to acquiring names for domainers and end users, who don’t have a large budget.

      Hope this adds some insight into brandables!


    2. Some brandables, as Jeffrey said in his reply already, are less expensive.

      Other times they’re more memorable, like domains that have “the” before a word, or “freshlypicked”, “investinginsider” or “fullstory”.

      Thanks for watching and taking a moment to post a comment, Albert.

  13. Jivan Bansi says:

    It is “cheque’ in Canada also. “The cheque’s in the mail”.

  14. Noor Manji says:

    Great show……I think Shane and Drew have given some of the best advice over the last couple of years. Good to hear different POVs from Jeffrey and Michael. I think Instatrader is a great name ( was sold for 100K).
    Great review for Saro.

    Thanks you all, especially Mike Cyger for putting everything together.


    1. Thanks, Noor. I appreciate your support.

      Instatrader is a great name. I agree. I’d love to own it!

  15. Nate says:

    Thanks for another great show! I continue to grab a bit of value from each show. This episode was more practical due to the sherpas displaying purchases and sales more in my line with my price ranges.

    1. Great to hear, Nate. Thanks for posting a comment. It’s motivating to hear that others get benefit from every show. :)

  16. Great show guys- looking forward to the shows over the Autumn :)

  17. Saro says:

    Hey guys,
    Thanks for the review :)

    Just some clarification:

    1- – I bought it because it can be a great energy drink type of name all the while having that “double entendre” that Shane referred to. Wasn’t just for one reason.

    2- – I bought exactly for the reason Michael mentioned which is where modern medicine is headed. Making new body parts & skin from your existing body cells so the body doesn’t reject it during surgery. I guess cryogenics adjacent.

    3- – I bought as I find it’s a great name for a company that has natural organic products. Nature To You makes it feel that the product hasn’t been tampered with or artificially processed.

    4- – I bought it as there’s a huge new trend of “Escape Rooms” popping up everywhere where the point is to “Find The Way Out”. Also it’s an expression meaning finding a way to succeed and get out of the every day struggle.

    I respect what you guys mentioned (with brandables, I knew there would definitely be different schools of thought) and I Just wrote this just to clarify the thought process behind picking up some of these names. I’m sure some other people may have wondered the same things.

    Thanks again :)


    1. Shane Cultra says:


      Thanks for sharing the names and the thought process behind it. I like FindtheWayOut more that you explained it. Escape Rooms are certainly hot right now.

      And if you need to find a double entendre, I’m your man :)

      1. Saro says:

        Thanks Shane,
        MUCH appreciated! (no double entendre there though) haha

    2. Hey Saro,

      First, Thank you for making a donation! Much appreciated!

      And second thanks for the follow up to the review. I like your thinking behind the names. Keep sharpening your domain skills! Your definitely going in the right direction!

      I personally tried to review your names from a ‘brandable’ point of view. I think you had a mix of brandables and keyword in your submission. So I did not comment much on the keyword domains. Please email (for a faster response) at if you ever have a question or just want to talk domains!



      1. Saro says:

        Thanks bud,
        will do :)

  18. Jeroen says:

    Inspirational and some great ideas. Thanks a lot!

    All the best.

    Greetings from Belgium

    1. Hi, Jeroen. Thanks for watching and taking a moment to post a comment.

  19. Kirk says:

    Great review gentlemen. Thanks!

  20. John says:

    Really great show. Just worked out and did an extra 30 minutes just to finish the show!

    Off to shower and to the #grind.

    1. Awesome!

      You’re smarter and healthier now! :)

      Wait until Monday’s show. It’s 90 minutes. Get ready to do some cardio.

  21. MrVg says:

    Tend to think the brandables market is a lottery, I really do not get the doubling up of the final letter stuff ?? Good luck to all

    1. Shane Cultra says:


      It can be a lottery with odds stacked in your favor if you pick certain types of names

      1. MrVg says:

        Surely you don’t buy names ending with the same letter twice, to me that is crazy town stuff. They sound awkward and do not easily pass the radio test, Still don’t get it. All about different perceptions I guess, cheers

        1. Saro says:

          I don’t like double letter endings that much either MrVg
          but I sold a few months ago for $2k for example.. would’ve probably cost 10 times as much or more (speculating).

          If you check lots of brandable sales lists (not saying you don’t) you start to get a feel for what sells. If the name & price feel right, then it’s worth the investment at least for 1-2 years. With brandables, I find it’s often heavily based on an instinct you develop.

          1. MrVg says:

            I am now starting to see double letters where they don’t belong in the middle of a word, I guess if you make money, yes it is a good thing. Call me old fashioned but I like words that make sense when I hear them. What after this latest trend …….New Gtlds ??

      2. I agree with Shane. I see people successfully investing in brandables. They have the knack that I don’t have, so I’ll stick to my core competencies. That’s what I love about domain name investing — there are many ways for investors to succeed…there’s no one formula for success.

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