Experienced domain name broker Amanda Waltz reviews the startup domain acquisition process step by step, and what a broker contributes to the process. We discuss how to create an acquisition shortlist, how and when to incorporate other entities such as legal and marketing, and how to narrow down the shortlist, make offers and get to the end goal!
Any startup or VC in search of acquiring a domain name, or any domain broker working with startups and VCs, will benefit from today’s show!
Review (43:07): Watch | Listen/Download Audio | Transcript
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Amanda Waltz
Saw.com Co-Founder and Digital Asset Consultant & Premium Domain Name Broker Amanda Waltz is an accomplished internet sales veteran. As former Vice President of Sales & Acquisitions at igloo.com and currently self-employed for WaltzDigital, Amanda's listening skills, creativity, and negotiation finesse have closed many private deals.
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