DomainSherpa Review – Feb 24:,, 4 letter .COM

This is the show where we get into the minds of successful domain name investors – people we call Sherpas – and talk about the value of specific domain names. By listening to the Sherpas, we expand our thought process so we can become more successful investors ourselves.

In this DomainSherpa Review:

  • We learn what the Sherpas bought or sold recently:,, 4 letter .COM
  • Instead of reviewing an investor’s portfolio, we discuss some challenges professional domain brokers encounter and share creative ideas for managing those challenges…
  • Get your bids in soon for these NameJet auctions:,,…
  • And much more !

We’re joined by three Domain Sherpas: Alan Dunn, Jeff Gabriel, and Andrew Rosener.

Review (73:14): Watch | Listen/Download Audio | Domain Lists

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This Show’s Sherpas

Alan Dunn
Alan Dunn
With 20+ years of experience in the domain industry and $50M+ in private domain transactions, Alan Dunn brings tremendous expertise and discretion to every negotiation. Alan is Managing Director of NameCorp®, a company focused on domain name management and acquisitions. Alan is the former Managing Director of Domain Holdings, has contributed to TechCrunch, Business Insider, Quartz, BBC Radio 1, was profiled on DNJournal, and shares a podcast at

Alan is also passionate about raising autism awareness and building community for those affected by autism, so he Founded - a community of 300,000+ people!

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Jeff Gabriel
Jeff Gabriel
Jeffrey M. Gabriel, founder and CEO of, is a domain industry veteran with over 15 years of experience and over $550 million in completed transactions. Known for high-profile deals like the Guinness World Record-breaking sale of for $13 million, the top .ORG sale of for $1 million, and the recent sales of,,, and countless others. Jeffrey and his team has a reputation for delivering exceptional value to clients. Previously, he held key roles at Uniregistry,, and Sedo. An active industry expert, Jeffrey has contributed to Forbes and is a member of the Internet Commerce Association, frequently sharing insights on domain acquisition, sales, and strategy.

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Andrew Rosener
Andrew Rosener
Andrew Rosener is the CEO of the industry-leading domain name broker Media Options.

Andrew is widely considered a thought leader and expert on domain name value & methodology as well as domain name sales & acquisitions. With 20 years experience with domain names, Andrew has leveraged his knowledge and expertise to make MediaOptions the go-to domain name firm for startup & company domain acquisitions as well as high value domain name sales.

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On today’s show, we’re joined by three of the smartest and most experienced domain brokers in the industry. Alan Dunn finally joins us along with Jeff Gabriel and Andrew Rosener. We intended to go according to the normal script but in the end I just kind of let them wander into whatever tangents were interesting because I figured we’d see what would come out of it. I sure enjoyed the show. Hope you do too.

Hey, Sherpa network. I’m Tess Diaz, executive producer of domain and I’m delighted to have you joining us today. We are already laughing so hard. This is going to be a great show where we get into the minds of successful domain name investors using real examples so we can learn strategies and tactics to become better investors ourselves. We’ll do the usual three segments to the review. First, learning what the Sherpa’s recently bought or sold. Next we’ll discuss in value and investor submitted domain name portfolio and finally we’ll preview some domains going to auction soon at and whether the Sherpas think they’re a good investment opportunity for you. Joining us today. We have very exciting, perhaps unrecognizable Andrew Rosener in a blazer [inaudible]. How you doing?

I’m good, I’m good. You know, step up my game a little. All right.

All right, well looking sharp. And Alan Dunn, I have perhaps slightly stalked you… I’m so excited that you joined us today. Mmm Alan, you are such a well known figure in the industry that you keep a pretty low profile. So, Managing Director of I hope we can get you to share as much as possible today. Thank you for joining us.

I’m just happy to be here with Jeff, Andrew and yourself. That’s great.

Fabulous. And Jeff Gabriel, just talked to him a couple of days ago, of How you doing Jeff?


Thanks for having me as usual.

Of course. All right. Um, let’s do this. So the first segment, what’s new Sherpas? The Sherpas share one purchase or sale they’ve made over the past few weeks and we get to learn what they paid or receive for the domain, why they thought it was a good deal and how the negotiations progressed. Uh, remember not to say the price because first you just say the domain and then everybody guesses the price. Then we hear all the details. So my, I bought a domain and it’s Hey Jeff. Yes. I mean your chest is kind of attractive, but it’s like no, there we go. You’re pointing to your face, better.

There we go. Not much. Okay, here I am. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Here we are. [inaudible] all right, so the domain is We bought it and you get the guess what we paid. You purchased it. So that would be more, you personally bought it, right? Your media? Well, media options. Yes. For inventory. We’re just no particular purpose. Not for a client who just, okay. The name you thought it’d be a great name. Um, I think it’s a good name, but it has kind of a negative connotation. And to me, um, let me look and I don’t know if there’s going to be a whole lot of companies named it. Are there companies named it? Drew? So I don’t have to look it up and spend time. Are there any, there’s no, there’s no like billion dollar companies called confront. Okay. I don’t think there’s, you know, a particularly large number of end users, but um, aye.

All right, so like the thing that I see here is the very first, the very first, um, results on Google for me is when the Merriam Webster dictionary comes up first. And then obviously another definition of confrontation, which shows that instead of confront confrontation is actually more popular. So if you’re going to buy it for your own purposes, um, and then obviously the idea would be either for you, drew is I’m guessing that some days some company comes along to purchase it, you’re going to sell it at some sort of a profit. So I’d probably say between like 35 and 40,000 dare you accused me of something like that. I would never try to profit off of a domain name. Yeah, we never do something. I don’t see why anyone wants to do that. I know we’re all doing this for the goodness of our hearts profit industry. Damn right. I mean says mother Teresa right above my door.

I have a slight segue, if you actually go back and read the first blog post that was ever posted on media I assume it’s still there. I have no idea to be honest with you. Uh, but first block was that ever posted, uh, was the, the 10 tenets of Charlie tuna. Charlie tuna was the nickname of my old boss from the fish business. Hey, big sign on the wall. And it was the 10 tenets [inaudible] and it was literally, these are the 10 things that mattered to me when I, if I, you need to make a decision. I, I look at the 10 candidates, if I, you know, depending on the business, whatever decisions regarding his business, it was, these are the 10, 10 and yeah, one of them was, I’m not mother Teresa. Yeah, you have a lot of good listening. You have a lot of confused people out there that they think they’re in business to be mother Teresa. And that’s what nonprofits are for.

Just okay. Give me some numbers. So Jeff off the cuff, you don’t have to, I said 35. I said 35,000. Okay. Alan, what do you think drew paid for it?

Yeah, no, it’s, it’s funny. I was going to say probably 35 to 50. I think it’s a hard one for an end user. Um, you know, cause there is a negative connotation. So I think the upside to maybe like 100,000 is pretty, pretty fair. But once you go past that, I think there’s a lot of other options. So kind of available. Um, I, I do like the con part of it cause it can stand for conference a few other things. So, so there is a way to kind of use it not negatively. Um, and the search results are great because there’s really nothing that shows up. It’s a clean search result. Um, which is, you know, it’s phenomenal. Um, there’s a lot of really good one words that when you, you’ll never rank for it. You just will not. Yeah. So this is a pretty good clean slate. Um, but I, I think if drew paid 75 to a hundred, I think there’s just too much of a holding risk.

So I paid 15 and I thought that was a great buy. Um, and for exactly the reason that you mentioned Alan, like Mmm. Even though I typically do light, you know, the buy one they’d have a lot of clear and apparent end-users, lots of trademarks from lots of different categories. Uh, you know, wide scope of potential use case. I like this one because more and more it’s like you said, it’s becoming very difficult to find a name space. It’s a blank slate and this is a wide open namespace. There really are not many end users at all. And there [inaudible] no dominant end-users. Uh, so I think, you know, for, for let’s say some percentage of the, of the companies coming into us, they want to buy a neck. They’re just looking for a name. They’re looking for a list of names to pick from, um, some percentage of them.

That’s one of the major criteria is we’re looking for somebody that’s got sort of an open namespace. And so I liked it just for that. I, it’s not a name I absolutely love by any stretch. And I think you’re probably right. I think, you know, could have a little more juice on it than a hundred, maybe one 50. But yeah, it’s, it’s got a, it’s got a limited upside, but I do think it’s a good name. It’s an open namespace. And I like, I was thinking exactly the way you are that, that, you know, the calm and the front and sort of be, there can be something else going on there. Mmm. And even though you’ve got full, safe, the negative connotation, I think confront, you confront your fears to confront your additions, to confront, you know, your pain, to confront your disease. You know, I think that’s a big of this sort of emotional awakening that we’re going through, uh, as a society if we are a society. And, um, so I thought confront could also be used from that, from a, like a sort of a mental health standpoint from a, a sort of pain and suffering standpoint from a, um, sort of self improvement. Um, so I talked in of from, you know, I think it has a positive

angle as well. Not just it does, I mean that’s, I, that’s actually where I was going to go next. I mean just the wellness, everybody’s looking into wellness right now and every time if you confront your challenges, men’s mental health is huge and just the awareness. So it is, yeah, it’s a good thing.

And how did you come across it? How did the negotiations go?

Ah, somebody brought it to me and said, you want this name? Okay. That’s it. There was there actually I think, well they might’ve been a little higher. I might might’ve negotiated down a little bit. It might’ve been like 20 or 25 and I negotiated down a little bit.

Well done. Yeah. Congrats. That’s a good name. All right, Jeff, you’re up.

To be fair. It came through an intermediary. There was, it wasn’t like the owner game,

was it mother Teresa

and what she confronted poverty. It was Pope John Paul.

So one of the, uh, salespeople, uh, Rob Wilson who works with me now, he actually just recently sold


And it was T E K Y. So it’s a different [inaudible] uh, sorta spelling, uh, than what the way other people would spell it. Um, and um,

we’re brokering techie, the right spelling and somebody was like farting around. They were closed and then they backed down and disappeared. It looks like they’re probably bad. Uh, Rob’s name.

Yeah, potentially. So then they’ll probably be coming back to you in the future when they realize that um, a lot of their customers might be coming to your customer’s way. Right.

Then they got it when they got, when they realize they got a hole in the bucket,

they’ve got a hole in the bucket. Dear lies. But you know, I think it’s a great sounding name. It’s obviously forward thinking. It’s a great brand. But the problem is when you advertise it on, on the radio, you’re gonna either have to spell it out or, um, you know, you’re, you’re going to have potential issues with that. So obviously the price will reflect, um, some of those shortcomings. But again, it’s, it’s great sounding. Uh, it’s short to the point. And, um, I actually really liked the name.

Was this someone who came to you requesting assistance with an acquisition or were you outbound selling

Uh, this person was one of the, is a customer that came to us to purchase the name.

Okay. All right. So Alan, what do you think that, um,

they brokered for what price?

Uh, who owned the name?

A FMA on the name.

Okay. Um, how do you spell it again?

You guys are breaking all the rules. What are the rules? There’s no, uh, there’s no, uh, uh, there’s no like, ancillary information supposed to be given prior to, um, I, I’m open to refining those roles.

Well, you gave, you gave information saying that you personally purchased it,

right? I mean we, we all know that,

but that none of that’s important, right? Because it’s, are you, is it, you know, did you sell it, uh, and wholesale or at retail or did you buy it for a client or were you buying it for inventory? Those are very defining characteristics. Right? Um, so that’s sort of critical, but anyways, proceed accordingly. We’re never throwing those rules out the window for today.

Hey, can we just mute Andrew for a minute? How do you spell techie again, Joe?

The way this domain name is spelled is T. E. K. Y. Oh,

  1. E. K. Y. It’s a pretty good brand. I have to look it up, but I mean, I would think based on the owner and a few other things, probably a hundred to 125.

Yeah, I’m going, I’m going 40 $48,000 is my guess.

Again, that’s a extremely high for the, uh, it’s relation on that. Yeah.

Uh huh.

Well, it’s,

I’m sorry if this is the problem with giving it Hilary information. The moment you say that’s an FMA name, we both go, hi. If, if, if, if I was looking at this in a backroom, I probably would have been more like, you know, 25 [inaudible] but uh, yes, 48 so I got to stand by it.

You should’ve gone with your gut just like I wanted to go with my gut on, on yours, but I want a little higher. So this one sold for 15,000. It’s a good name and everybody gets, it isn’t to make you look bad when you find out all the information. It’s to see what it would be in a vacuum before all these different factors. And also to just see how you’re judging the market and why your thought process is more important than your actual number gas, you know. So, um, so Jeff, you have a four but it doesn’t really pass the radio test and there are lots and lots of other options someone could go with. Like, especially for being Becky, you can go with at dot. IO, whatever.

Well I T, Z, Y, K, Y, K bye

a, you know, a starter home. This is their starter home or maybe their, you know, first time

upgrading and not every startup can can begin with the absolute best version of their name. So how did you come to this number and how, um, you know, anything interesting about the negotiations or the conversation, especially when you knew they could choose something different at any moment? I think a lot of the conversation in regards to this was, well it’s just that there’s a lot of other options out there and Andrew was just [inaudible] just spelling out, Oh the other options that are available, especially when you get into these alternative spelling kinds of name, is that there is a lot of competition out there. And so, you know, the, the buyer was at a particular number and the seller was at a particular number and these, this information was explain to the owner and exactly the way that Mmm drew said it. And I think that there was a realization that there are other options.

But at the same time, I think the buyer realized that, Mmm. That have the, all those spellings that this particular one makes the most sense for their business and they probably liked it the most. So they’re willing to go well above what they were willing to spend. And I think the other thing is that we need to look at with a lot of sellers and as you have to be honest with yourself and look at the history of the name, how many offers you’ve gotten in the past, how many people have inquired in the past, how long have you owned the domain name? I mean, I’m sure drew, you’ve purchased plenty of names that you’re like, this is the best purchase I’ve ever made. And then you’re kind of still sitting on it thinking there’d be tons of buyers and they’re just, nobody really likes it.

And that could happen in a name that you’ve invested in or one that you’ve taken to market thinking that you’re going to sell this in a week and you get no offers and nobody likes it like it kinda know. Some of these names are total winners and other times when someone comes along, you need to be honest yourself and you get to say, you know what, I think, I think we should probably take the money and run here and move on to the next opportunity. You know what the biggest loser, well, I don’t know if the biggest loser, but I just was thinking about this like two days ago. We have which is the number one most popular Irish name in the world. There are like, I dunno, five huge companies called Murphy and this name. I mean I can read one inquiry ever. It’s just nobody gives a shit. You would think they would at least be like a bunch of guys named Kevin Murphy. That would be like emailing me and be like, you know, can I have this for $5 but nobody, it’s just a ghost town. is, it goes down. I’ll give you 25 bucks for one hour. I literally know two guys named Kevin Murphy. I thought we could do a poll. How many know I grew up Irish? But it’s like, what do you mean? Did

that change at some point?

Oh no, no. Well, no, no. I grew up in a really Irish community. I moved to Florida and we’re just like a cesspool of disease down here. So

for a minute, do you know for a minute I thought maybe Alan and I were related.

The same place. Yeah. Her grandparents.

Yeah. In st John’s Newfoundland, which is tiny. We had this great conversation. I got all excited and interested and then I left and all of a sudden I’m like thinking, thinking, and I’m like, that’s such a tiny close knit community. What if we’re related? So then I like messaged my mom and I was like, I need all the last names from the family over there. We’re not related.

Yeah, it’s true. Mom was a teacher and I swear we can’t go through the grocery store without knowing about 30 people cause he’s taught thousands of students over the years. So it’s a, it is a really small town. It’s beautiful though.

We all own a talk about a ghost town. Uh, don’t go to town domain name. We own new Finland. Dot com and I mean that’s another one, just ghost town. Nobody wants that. Not only do we have but we have new fins, Uh, I got that in the sunrise. Uh, but you know, as if it matters

cornered when the time is right.

Well, you know, technically the province called Newfoundland and Labrador, right? So it’s even the marketing for the province, it’s really hard to like just differentiate the two because technically it’s not the two of the Island and Labrador or you know, the tho province. Right.

It probably is the bigger problem is at 14 people live there now and I’m starting to suspect you might be stolen.

Alan, do you know the Henderson family?

Uh, no I do not, but I do know some Henderson’s, but I don’t know about [inaudible]

from, from Newfoundland. They’re not from Newfoundland, but it’s like a third, fourth generation. They’ve got a big presence there. They don’t a lot of land.

Uh, I might, I mean, and there’s Lisa Henderson and a few people. I’m not really exciting. Not really sure I know the name. It’s like Murphy. I mean like there’s Murphy’s. Right.

All right. Alan, what’s the domain you’re bought or sold lately? Are you, I know that name Corp is very private. Is there anything you’re able to share the actual name or otherwise we can dance around it.

Yeah, I’d rather, I’d rather not. I, it’s funny cause the, the name that Jeff brought up, it’s a pretty good lead into something. Um, we’re kind of kind of in the middle of, so it’d be nice to get your, your guys’ opinion on this too. So there’s a name price, not going even the exact price, but let’s say it’s 600,000 and the buyer is going through kind of a, a friend through me. Um, so the buyer is going through this one person. They’re coming to me and so we offered 50,000. Uh, now we’re up to like, I think 120. Um, but it, you know, I know, I know it’s not going to be anywhere close to this. Excuse me. So what, you know, this, it’s a really awkward position for this person. And I keep telling him, you have to almost remove yourself from a situation and pass them on to me because the company, I think he’s starting to feel like he’s trying to hustle him.

Well, the fact is that if a house is, the house is priced at 600,000, I mean, you’re not going to come in with a $60,000 offer. I mean the person is just going to say no, no, no. So, um, yeah, I mean like in that situation, I’m just telling him he has to kind of like, you know, either use me or use somebody else. He’s still gonna get the same answer, but there’s, um, you know, w at what point do you take out the third party and maybe just recommend, listen, you know, you don’t want to burn your bridge or you know, make you look like the hustler because you’re not, I mean, you’re just relaying information, but if you can’t get a counter offer and an offer that’s 10% of the purchase price. I mean, that’s normal. I mean I, I wouldn’t counter that. It’s just a tough situation.

Yes. For a conference call for all parties to be involved and we all have a strategy meeting. Yeah. That you present the facts as to what’s going on and you let them know what’s what’s happening

and gauge how serious the buyer is. And if they’re taking the attitude that the domain isn’t worth that much to them or they don’t have the money, then you suggest something else like a newfound you know? And then for me, that’s the third party who is, who is in between you two is unwilling to do that. Then the question is why. Yeah, no. And so why aren’t you bringing me in and you brought me in to get you this bar. Let’s, let’s work as a team together here. I’m not going to go around you and let’s work on this as a team and think of the best strategy and then go forward. You know, cause that’s my attitude when somebody hires me to acquire a domain name is that I’m working for them and I want to help them get the best deal possible and make something happen. Right.

Yeah. No, I think it’s critical to do that. I think, you know, part of this is you have to, you said earlier, Jeff mean, I know you’ve done two Andrews. You kind of have to be really transparent with some of these people and just like, just explain to them the whole situation and it’s a, a four letters are crazy. I mean four letters can be extremely expensive sometimes

like four letter words.

No, this is actually an acronym. It’s a pronounceable radio test kind of.


Well I’m not gonna tell you the owner, but the owner would Jack up the price. It’s good to have a couple stories too that you can tell examples of other situations where someone came in, made to low ball and offer and then the seller wasn’t willing to invest their time to discuss further. You know, or

I mean, I think ultimately that’s where our value is, is like the relationships that we have with the sellers. You know, if it is somebody we have a relationship with, like we have that ability to sort of just say, Hey, here’s what’s, you know, here’s what’s up. But if it’s not somebody you have a particular relationship with, right. It’s very tricky. Mmm, okay.

Sometimes you have a combination of the middleman is worried they’re going to get cut out of their referral fee or the real buyer is just super nervous about privacy or that that’ll affect the price. But obviously, you know, it’s not a big corporation or they wouldn’t be pulling this.

Um, we’ve got a major problem right now where, you know, we’re acting as a buyer’s broker. There’s another broker in the industry. I won’t mention names, uh, who represents the seller. You know, this is a name that’s been on the market for a long time and you know, our buyer is basically agreed to all terms, right? That wants to remain anonymous. You know, basically just once the standard things that people hire us to do as a buyer’s broker and, um, you know, the seller and the seller’s representative are like getting real skeptical and anxious and it’s like, it’s just so unproductive. It’s like, this is the price you asked is the price, you know, the terms you asked, this is the contract you asked for. But it’s like, it’s never enough. Once they get that itch of like, wow, like, you know, I think there’s more, or you know, how much is your commission?

It’s like stop, you know, people just get very, I don’t know, people have a lot of anxiety. I think that’s the end of the day. I think people just have a lack of anxiety. Um, you know, they lose sight of the fact that it’s like set up price. Uh, w w J I love quoting Jay Z. Jay Z was one of those smartest people alive. Swear to God. You want to find knowledge. You want to find the answer to a question about life. Just listen to Jay Z. He’s got the answers. You said just set the price and live your life. I won’t finish the sentence. Got some slurs. So it’s like just set the, set the price and live your life and that’s it. And it just, you’ve got an asset, you want to sell it. Or even if you get, you know, did any unsolicited inbound make, right. If you’ve got an inkling you want sell it, it’s not

the price and live your life. That’s it. You know, people get all anxious and jittery and then deals fall apart. It still is going to fall apart. There’s probably going to lose a one, you know,

it’s a seven figure deal with it. It’s a low seven figure deal and probably going to fall through because you have an anxious broker and an anxious seller and the feeding off one another. Hmm, okay. Yeah, no, I see. I see that a lot too. It’s, I think it’s weird because this industry is, especially brokers, I mean we’re all fairly small companies, right? I mean five, six, seven employees or whatever. But there’s a lot of people that are just like one or two people. And you’re right, I mean it’s, this deal may just make their year or something and there’s just so anxious to get paid and um, you know how long it takes. I mean, Jeff, you know as well too, some of these deals take six months, nine months. I mean, it’s a long time. Um, and the only reason like, you know, we have the resumes we do is because we’ve put the time in. Like if you started six months ago, you’re not going to have sold $10 million in domain. If you do, you’re pretty lucky, but you’re, you know, it’s not going to happen.

I think a lot of the times when I’ve dealt with other parties that are acting this way, if they’re willing to get on the phone with you, they’ve probably been burned by somebody before. Yeah. Yeah. And it’s probably true where in there there’s some scarring and that requires some reassuring urgent reassurances as to what’s happening and what’s going on. And when they ask me what my commission is, I make it clear that the buyer and I already have an agreement and this is what we’re getting paid. And that’s what I say. I just come out and say it. Cause eventually all the laundry is going to come out anybody and they’re going to have, they’re going to see it. And if they say, well we want part of your commission, you know you need to kind of get into that in the beginning I think like if you call me drew and you said I’m being paid by my person, I see you’re representing it.

I want you to be paid by you in the beginning. And we totally understand where the ropes are or the lines are drawn and the I want to do that deal. And now midway through the deal I call you and say drew, your offer is fine, but now I’m not getting paid anymore like you and I need to figure something out. We’ll figure something out together. You don’t set, the boundaries are really, and you don’t cover those kinds of situations head of time. So everybody understands. Sometimes there’s miscommunications or hard feelings or things that come up when they say, Oh you’re making 25,000 on this deal. And that’s a lot of work for a couple of emails, you know, and you know, and then that’s, that’s an issue because they don’t really see that, you know, you’ve spent hours upon hours trying to explain to your client,


why the demand is worth what it is. Maybe they went for something else, maybe you pitched name and found them

the buyer, that’d be no deal without you. And now they’re telling you you’re not worth the money. You know, there’s all kinds of things that can happen. And I’ve always found that just when working with another industry broker really making it known that, you know, we’re going to split it 50 50, we’ll split it 50 50. We’re gonna work on loan sides, we’re gonna work on our own sides, you know, and if, you know, and if, uh, and if he was so worried about who my seller is, my question back in is why does it matter? Yeah. And then, and these are all the things like you gave me a price. The price. Yeah. So getting my share, you’re getting your share. What’s the problem? You know, under your contract, we gave you your contract, you wanted your jurisdiction, we gave you yours jurisdiction to your point, this particular case, we actually did. Sorry, I, I, I know you can’t go into that anymore. So I’m being like, you know,

well, I actually kind of almost hijacked

Alan story. It was like Allen’s deal asking for advice and then,

yeah, no, no, it’s actually, I’m glad you guys segwayed into that because we had this experience two weeks ago where the deal, so the deal was 375,000 and, but it was the combo accumulation of almost a year and a half work. Right. Um, finally find it. There was, there was a deal in August. It fell through. Um, apparently, uh, the guy who actually made the offer didn’t have the authority to make the offer. So this, the CEO calls, I know, right? The CEO called me. So listen, we’re going to, we’re going to get back to you by the end of the year and we’ll get this deal done. Um, and you know, they always say that, right? So, but when they did, they came back on, uh, you know, okay. Probably the early part of December. Um, and when you, when you talk about asking all the questions on front, we, we’ve been dealing with the seller for almost a year and it wasn’t until, Mmm, we gave him the final contract that I knew he had an attorney every, every, all the red lines we’d done before that he sent back.

I had no idea, had an attorney. Uh, and then all of a sudden we’re, we have the attorney at wanting to review the escrow terms, go through everything when a question our commission and everything like that. There was a point there where I even had to get counseling, figuring out like what my steps were to protect kind of our work. Uh, because there, there was a thought that, because the, um, the attorney was seen, we were getting paid X amount that, you know, he might stall a transaction and try to do the escrow himself. So, yeah, there’s, you know, yeah, you have to figure out who all the parties are involved and everybody’s roles and responsibilities and fees kind of well before you get the closing. So, yeah. So that’s my thought. [inaudible]

yeah. You know, these deals are really complex and people who, especially corporations

who think they can do it themselves, don’t really understand how much the experience of each of you brokers [inaudible], uh, contributes to the success of the deals to the price point of the deals. Um, but also minimizes the time that anyone has to put into this. Andrew, I love your quote. Time kills deals. Um, yeah. So did you get a website up about Drew’s Yes. I’ve already been in visiting, you know, JC, I mean Drew’s here quoting JZ. We had um, Jeff on, what did you say earlier? Hole in the bucket. And I just want like, I want to, that’s an old song. I want to put them together and see how they turn. Maybe with mother Teresa dance and Mike drop lots of things that he thinks JZ might say. And then there’s claim it got to own it. Um, I actually think this was a more beneficial conversation than our planned investor portfolio review. Um, how about we skip the investor portfolio review? We can do that next time and if there’s anything else you want to talk about and common broker struggles. Um, cool. And if not, we can move on to name jet. What do you guys mean? That’s fine. All right, let’s do this. Let’s take a break for a second for our sponsors. Our um, so let me tell you about our sponsors for today’s show who support us in our mission. Educate people in the domain industry.

Efty was built by domain investors to increase your inquiries, sales and profit, forget spreadsheets and archived emails. Manage your entire investment portfolio in one place using a secure and completely confidential platform. Learn more at That’s E F T Y .com.

All right, so it’s time for the final segment of the Sherpa review where we look at the marketplace list. This segment is sponsored by name jet. We’re reviewing domains heading to auction soon if you like. One of the names below you want to click through before they go to auction because otherwise you lose your chance to put in a minimum bid or even just watch what’s going on on. So just transparency question, none of you own or are brokering any of the names we’re discussing today, correct? Yeah. Oh right. Mmm, it is it, is this, is it accurate at Alan or were you the first third party seller on name jet ever?

I don’t know if I was there. I don’t know if it was the first, but I was the top seller for three years in a row there. I’m not entirely sure if I was the first. I think I was one of the F I know it was one of the first to get my name’s into the exploration feed kind of thing. But yeah, I’m not, I’m not entirely sure who else was there. So humble. No, it was fun. It was great seeing all my names on the home page of a snap name, so it was great. How did you get, um, I, I think, you know, it was one of those things, I just had this whole portfolio of names like home Um, and a mortgage, mortgage, mortgage. Yeah. They were all [inaudible] I was getting out of the mortgage kind of industry and I just email somebody over there at one day and we put a few up for auction. Um, I think one went for like 39,000 or something. And then I had this whole portfolio, so I was like, let’s get going. Let’s get rid of them. Let’s go.

Say it again. Around what year was that? Oh God, 2007 maybe 2006 seven. It was really interesting actually, one thing that you guys will probably love about this, there was a, a flaw in the technology, um, is when, whenever it was somebody purchased one of our names. Mmm. You would, you, you know, you get it, you get an email from snap name saying that, um, you know, congratulations, you’ve executed this order. It’s now in your account. Right. Well, it’s funny because snap names would also copy me on that email. So I was getting all the buyer’s information too. It was fabulous.

As, as I had to do, I do spend a lot hours in a lot of digging to get all that information. Yeah, I did a lot of good reverse WHOIS searches, but you actually go back to one of the best things I ever did was years ago. I, um, and this is something actually anybody listening, if it’s something you can rent, you can replicate today is, you know, a lot of, a lot of these big portfolios they have, you know, they’re, they’re acquired day by day, right? They’re required. I call it, I call it Gannon kind of Groundhog day. You get up, you get on oxygen’s, you’ve been on what’s, you know, really good today to them, but you never really go back and look at your portfolio. Um, you know, you look at it, you don’t really analyze it. Um, I think I remember was like 2005 or six or something.

Um, it was either before I kind of started selling a snap names or just like shortly after I remember, um, I purchased a reverse who is of all of Kevin hams and I just went through the whole list and I started a plural. If he has a singular, I got the plural and if he has a plural, I got the singular. And then, you know, over the course of a year, it threw him up a name jet and the salary rate was phenomenal. Great. Uh, because people, you know, that they would look at the singular and they would say, Hey, Kevin owns it. And they’re like, Oh, well this is $1 billion so I can spend 10,000. Qubits. It was phenomenal just watching, just watching. I mean, they’re all, and I think today you can even still build a pretty good portfolio by looking at some of these and just kind of, you know, yeah. [inaudible]

name was priced at 20,000 and the singular makes sense. Um, you know, there’s all this magic to it, but it’s definitely worth more than nine bucks. And there’s still a lot of, a lot of opportunity in unread. Two Dwayne’s I think, and unregistered names. I think so. Yeah. I think so. I don’t think he, I don’t think you’re going to build $1 billion portfolio, but I do think you can, you know, if you go back to the email we got today and the ones that, you know, somebody has registered and they’ve held onto for what, 13 years now, um, they’re all useless pretty much. I mean, you can register a better names that today. Yeah, yeah, that’s true. Hmm. All right. I was thinking about actually like I didn’t think it is through very, yeah, thoroughly but, but I, I think it’d be cool to like, you know, find somebody that has the right attitude, no experience in the domain business and basically sponsor them by like, you know, like a brand sponsors an athlete and sponsor them to like just record all of their actions, give them some guidance and you know, basically mentor them to, to go from a zero over, you know, set a time period, one year, six months, whatever and see if it can be done.

Like, I really actually want to know, like, I really want to know you come in today, wine and broke and, uh, build a living. Can you, can you come in and build a wedding? Zero. Well, you know, you, why you gotta have some, I mean, you gotta have, you’re going to have a heart attack. Take $10,000 in spending money. If you don’t have $10,000, they’re spending money. You’re going to have a hard time. And to me, very warm to be able to support yourself in a year on your domain sales. And your acquisitions and your flips and things like that. I mean, I, again, I haven’t thought this through. So the Sherpa challenge and I was thinking about, it’s like follow them. Well, the weekly sort of update, you know, I bought this domain about that demand. I sold this domain and uh, totally just transparent gotta be somebody that’s a zero, you know, it’s gotta come from zero.

And, uh, I, I don’t know, I actually think it’s possible. Cause you know, 10 years ago we all talking about, you know, all, all the good names are gone. Right. I mean that was the kind of, and even today, a lot of people say all the good names are gone. Um, but yeah, but you’ve heard this, like, you know, you’ve seen over the last five or six years, you’ve seen the booth brothers come in and kick ass. You’ve seen, you’re not registering new names, they’re 25 years old. Yeah, yeah. But you know, they did, I mean they were buying like three numbers and stuff at the, you know, three little three letters when they started and stuff. And then you have, you know, other people too who were buying, you know, they, they, they’re kind of new names, but they’re, you’re making pretty good money. Um, yeah I think revise, revise. I think there should be two people. One,

one does your challenge, which is they start, you know, bell people start with let’s say five grand, 10 grand, uh, and you know, maybe that sponsorship on it. Maybe we find somebody that’s young, hungry with no money and we, we, you know, you get to see the company’s responsibility. Cause I think it would actually be really interesting, uh, as a case study. Cause I mean, we all want to make demand much bigger markets. Makes sense. So imagine you’ve got one guy that, you know, you got to give him the same sort of starting point. Well one guy’s gonna only be able to register new domains or by expired names on a drop, but not, not at auction. And the other guy can do whatever you like or, or, or basically you can do whatever except high expired names or maybe he can just do whatever. And so he’s in the auctions. He’s contacting people, domain owners to try and buy them on the cheap, you know, he’s in all the wholesale milks and crannies, um, et cetera, et cetera. I think that would be super interesting and see, see what the outcome is after six months or a year or something.

No, I think it’d be great. I um, yeah, I’d be willing to do that. That’d be fun to find the right person. I mean, you know, this industry is not just like registering to me. You need to understand logic. There’s so much for you. Find the right person though. Yeah. Horrible. Is it that it’s so hard to find somebody that understands logic? Unfortunately that’s the world we live in. No, actually I know, I know a big company, I won’t say the name, but I know huge company that was looking for a domain me manager. Mmm. They finally found one after two and a half years and this huge company that’s like a public company, they couldn’t find anybody with the experience to actually manage the portfolio, understand a registry, registrars and all that stuff. It’s crazy. Wow. Say it again?


No, no, it wasn’t Disney. Oh, it got a lot of traction in the demean industry and I’ve never had a wonder.

I wonder if they filled that that job.

Okay. Anyways,

I’m afraid of theme parks. Yeah. I don’t, I don’t, I don’t mess with being part of you that ever seen the Wikipedia article of all the people that have gotten hurt at Disney world. No. All of the insurance claims and injuries. It’s just one after another after another. It goes all the way down. Like I wonder like is that like weekly, monthly, daily? Like how often do they really, it shows like blocks of people like getting eaten by crocodiles hurt on rides, like other horrible stuff going on there. It’s a legit article. Wow. I mean a Wikipedia article. That’s pretty serious. Yeah. So uh, going down the rabbit hole right now, yes. There’s not going to be names. Con Disney anytime soon with the Lord. I’m going to pass on that one.

Crocodiles aren’t going to eat. I got sick enough at the Playboy mansion. I’m not messing with Disney world. Jesus. I live in Florida. Everybody visits me, wants to go to Disney right away. By the way, you know, you got, you got, uh, the, uh, Legionnaires disease, Jeff. Yeah. Yeah, I do too. Did you know that we’re at significantly higher risk of this Corona virus that we could potentially become one of these high risk 23% that ends up with their heart exploding. Excuse me. My heart exploding. Yeah. You’ll like be bleeding out of your mouth and your heart explodes and you’re fucking done. Oh, because we’ve had Legionnaires’ disease. Really? Yeah. Yeah. Seriously. It was one of the diseases that was considered a preexisting condition. [inaudible]

who has no clue what you’re talking about. Quite a few [inaudible] a hundred to be exact. 200 people. Years ago I was in 11 when they got the Playboy plague. Playboy played Playboy play again. Not as much fun to get as you might think. Yeah. My favorite part though is that drew and his wife were standing right next to the misters that were infected and Drew’s wife who is so wonderful, like the misters meaning like the water mist. So many possible interpretations. Okay, let’s do this. Um, drew your first, what do you think of the name check list? We have money zone, beta site, Aqua, Tara, all sorts of things. Okay. So, um, I don’t love the lists, but it’s also not the worst list of sent us. Um, I think, um, uh, I really dislike sure. Dot com that was offered to me by like three different people. Yeah, I’ve seen that around before too. Um, that was a booth name at some point. Uh, and I just thought on our Shrew is like, who wants to be called a Shrew? No, no. It’s like create like a little mouse, like wrote in nasty little thing tonight. Sorry to interrupt. Coon. I was kind of it. Yeah, I assume it’s like a Hawaiian Island. It’s a kind of a Japanese knife I think, or tool. Oh, really? Yeah. Nope. Um, I really like my favorite name on the list. Aqua. Tara. I really like Aqua Terra. Mmm. [inaudible]

I mean water land. What, what land of water? Basically? Land of water. Mmm. I thought you’d like Pensato drew. I thought you’d pick that. That’s what I was thinking. I like, um, I like gallstone too, just cause it’s a, you know, it’s a major medical condition. It needs, there’s some, there’s a lot of new stuff coming up about gallstones. It’s like an [inaudible]. You’d be sold Bunyan’s for a lot of money. [inaudible] dot dog a Bunyan, you know, can you give us a price range and how long ago [inaudible] is three years. I’ll give you my Bunyan for like a buck and a quarter and a quarter. Okay.

Um, well at Penn saddo Pensato uh, I S I barely feet three fully searched it. It’s a last name. And it also needs or thought out. Well, I don’t know what does that, does that, is that what that means? So, but that’s the thing. It’s tense. So Penn Sundo would be like, I’m thinking, I’m thinking about, and in silo is like, I thought about, so it’s, it’s like, it’s like a Mar that’s like the equivalent of a Mars, you know, after, what is his thing after thought. Yeah, absolutely. I still had one. I like that. That was a great blog, man.

I think that’s still the name of one of his companies. I don’t think he has a blog anymore after thought. We’ll see. But basically it’s kind of sort of kinda sorta what it means. Okay. So it’s not really a great go there. Don’t go to just has a big picture of a Mar. It’s like a full screen size picture of a Mark. You’ll never, you will never be able to get out of your head out of your mind. [inaudible] once you see it, you can never unsee it. It background flies your God. Oh, there you go. I love it.

Okay. Whenever I need, wherever I’m missing a, I’m going to take what you just said about Kevin, him adding the S to his domains. What about this, so you’re saying pen, pen Sandow is like Amara is afterthought. I literally think people listening to this show are going to connect those two thoughts. Do you think that’s a good second tier investment for now to have a Spanish version of a good idea of the domain? I think the Spanish names don’t really command the same prices typically. Especially the ones that are kind of like second or third tier names. I mean, I personally wouldn’t invest in many Spanish names unless they’re really strong Spanish words. That’s my editor. This is kind of a second or third tier Spanish words. So, and it also is, you know, um, it just doesn’t seem to have a, it’s not a, it’s not one that people speak English, no, for that matter.

Um, and then there’s also, as drew was saying, it’s the wrong tense, right. Or of the idea. So I probably wouldn’t really go for it. Okay. Maybe tomorrow we’ll buy it for his Misha rollout into the, uh, to the Latin American market. Right. We’ll see. We’ll see. Jerry, what do you think Aqua Terra is worth? What’s a good price to pay for that? Uh, cheap. Maybe like under a grand, like I’d want to own that name for under a grand and I’d probably sell it in the 15 to 25 range. I made a joke that if I absolutely, 15,000 to 25,000. Okay. And how long do you think it would take to sell years. Okay. Probably a decade. Yeah. All right. Alan. You know, again, that’s depends if you go out and proactively sell it or if you just tuck it away and wait. Sure. Oh, right. Alan, what stands out to you on this list? I like money zone, but I have to look at the trademark more and see, I mean they’re pretty trademark term. Um, yeah, I do like it though. I mean [inaudible] zone is one of the most popular.

Obviously there’s even Is there, I was just going to ask, does that, is there a, is there a Dodd zone? There isn’t pretty. Is Nick does zone [inaudible] okay. It is, it’s a donuts extension. Oh, look at that. I’ve never even heard of dogs zone. Kind of like Dodd zone. Um, yeah, I like, I like, I think money zone is probably one of my favorite. I don’t like, I really don’t. Mmm. Marketing summit I like, but your buyer is going to be limited to [inaudible] a marketing summit. So, um, I’d have to dig into that more. I mean, there are two good words. I mean [inaudible] [inaudible] have no, don’t like it at all. If it was plural would be good, but not singular. Okay. Oh man. Shrew is dotted, be the worst domain on the planet. I actually looked up who owns this and uh, and I, and he’s a very nice guy.

We all know him very well. And I’m sorry, but you purchased the bad domain? Uh, Roy. Ah, sorry Roy. But yeah, the definition of a Shrew, I mean there’s the animal and then, then the connotation outside of the animal is to refer to a woman who is argumentative knacking and ill tempered. Oh, did you guys not know that? Like I thought you were just being nice. Um, that’s, I mean Shakespeare, the taming of the Shrew and he’s talking about like a horrible life. Ah, no. Okay. The only chance for Shrew is it, you can find another language that sell it in France or Arabic or some other language, some other place. Otherwise good luck. But it could be like an ex girlfriend. Oh no, I think they’re illegal now. Yeah, they’re illegal. What about India or cheap stuff? I don’t know if Alan, you want to keep talking or, so the chief stuff actually like talk with that one.

I think that that’s probably a domain that, yeah, I call it a domainers. To me it’s, it’s one of those things, it’s not, it’s not really a good brand. Um, it’s really popular. It’s got great search results and all that stuff, but it’s one of those which if you go to rank [inaudible] probably just going to be get outranked by brands anyhow. I think that that was a name that probably would have been good in the, in the early two thousands of the late nineties when it was before all the big brands got on the internet that you would find that website to buy a cheap pair of sneakers or something like that. Now it’s just not, it’s just not going to be there. I don’t see it in general. I’m just not a big fan of things. Where are brands which are cheap or free because it makes it like by definition difficult to monetize.

Yeah. You’re talking to a very price sensitive customer. Mmm. And w we all, we all are couple and that are like that low, we have low fair or low price. Oh, low budget, low I remember I bought that off quickly. Cone up to five grand. Okay. And uh, or maybe it was Toby. Well one of the, I bought out for five grand and I remember thinking wow, low budget dotcom for five grand. That’s a steal. But then you know, it was like again goes down. I don’t think we’ve ever had a single lead for that domain ever.

Your um, pretend investor here on the, and they had to buy one of these domains, what do you mean? Would you recommend and at what? Maximum price? Ooh, I would hope, I would hope that investor wouldn’t take our recommendation without actually going through the trademarks. Looking at the Google search results. I think if he just takes the recommendation of even 10 people without looking at that other stuff, he’s not the right guy for our project. It’s just an off the cuff question too, but let me address it. So marketing I would say is like the most safe bet in here, right? Like if you’ve got that really cheap, like a couple hundred bucks, a thousand bucks [inaudible] for sure there must be. There literally probably is a thousand marketing summit just in the United States alone. And one of them, if you contact all of them, probably one of them will pay you five grand, 10 grand, you know, maybe you lightened strikes and you get 25, but I doubt it, you’d probably get more like five to 10 breaths.

And um, so I think, you know, that’s probably like the sure bet vanilla name in here, you know, you’re not, you buy that name for a good price, you’re not going to lose money. Uh, and you’re probably not going to make a ton of money. [inaudible] it’s a pretty straight forward investment, I would say. I agree with that. Cause the, for the company, the buyer doesn’t have to rebrand, right? I mean this could be a marketing tool for them or whatever, whereas every other one, for the most part, it is something that, you know, Tara. Okay. And what price? Oh, well, for an investor I’d probably say sub $1,000, but like a before similar like 15 or 20. If you were going to sell it some day. And I can see that there is a wilderness area. Arguably it’s a color. Mmm. And um, there’s a place in South Africa called it Aqua Terra Cape town. Um, drew, did you visit Aqua Terra when you were in Africa? I did not. I did not. I missed out. Um, there seems to be some hotels, restaurants. Wow. Megawatt mega Omega has a watch called the augurous. You master Aqua Terra. So I’d probably go with that one. Being as generic as it can be. And uh, it does clearly have value to different industries, organizations or people. So I think that that would probably be my winner. Alright. Alan, what’s your winner?

Don’t forget. I think we lost kunai a little bit in the shuffle here. I liked kunai too. That would probably be my number two at same price. Yeah. Oh wow. All I know what a kunai is. Oh

my God, I love this name now. Yeah. Just Google it for the first time. Oh, I’m making this my number one choice cause you guys didn’t take it yet. So can I, can I rock?

Oh, the more you read about, it’s not as exactly what those pictures are. Those are not exactly, no, no. It’s kind of, it’s like a, it’s almost like this similar to like a trial for, um, like cement, but you’re good at like ninjas can use anything as a weapon and there’s one video game apparently named that and that would be an amazing video. Uh, gay name or a lot of, I think different applications, whether it’s in tech or, I mean, it sounds cool. Okay.

I just wanted to be a Ninja. That’s it. I mean, Jack taught me, you were reading the Ninja weren’t you? I was all in [inaudible]

read all, all Ninja and I was reading and reading it

because the first sentence on, uh, uh, the Ninja encyclopedia for is basically for ninjas. There is no determinant distinction between a tool and a weapon.

Well, yeah, I’d read that. I read that part, but I was reading it on all Ninja, something. All Ninja gear. Largest selection of Ninja weapons.

Wow. Poona is the most famous repping of ninjas. Second only to the Sheree, Ken, whatever that is. Well guys, I will see, I will see you in the auction for this. To me,

masonary trowel is the most, uh, most, um, commonly used a Japanese tool. All right. You still each stand by your top pick?

I do show. I sure he can is basically what we would, I have referred to as a Chinese star.

Jerry. Ken’s I hear about at home with my teenage boys. [inaudible] yeah. But, uh, and like I already knew what it was, what it does when people think it’s an Island off the coast of Hawaii. I’ve never heard of. I will market test my two teenagers this afternoon. Mmm. All right, let’s, let’s wrap it up. Mmm. What do you guys want to promote? What’s going on in business or personally? What’s, what’s new? Um, Alan, you are the one who has not been on this show for ever. So you get to go first domain stories.

Oh, fantastic. No, no, I, you know, I think part of this year we’re trying to do a few different things and, um, you know, one of the things I love about our industry is we have so many different stories to tell. I talked to Jeff all the time, talked to Andrew every now and then. And you know, even at conferences we can sit down for hours and just talk with different stories. And that’s one thing we’re trying to, uh, try to bring with it, with the podcast more. Um, there’s still a of stuff we got to work out and there’s,

hold on, you can’t interrupt. You can’t introduce your pot. I have a podcast. It’s called back. I know, right?

All right, well there’s, there’s a podcast called domain stories, right? Too many So we’re going to try to introduce some, some better stories myself, Mark, Daniel, a few other people in the industry. Um, I, there’s, there’s a bigger plan for this cause I, I, I think part of, part of the big thing this industry is, you know, we, I think we constantly a lot of this talk within our circle kind of thing. So you’re talking to the same audience of three, 400 people. Um, and, and it’s proven, I mean like [inaudible] names, yet you take the best domain name, you put on, um, unnamed yet, and you’re probably gonna max out at around 250 bitters, right? So that tells you the size of kind of the industry. Um, so part of what we’re trying to do this year is actually bring in some stories that Mmm.

It’s just, they’re, they’re a bigger audience. So they’re for brands, they’re for founders and stuff like that. So, um, when Ron Jackson kind of announced the blog or the podcast, he kinda jumped the gun. So, so we threw a lot of stuff together, but it was, uh, yeah, it’s fun. I mean, I want to do more. I think education is a huge part and I think, uh, hopefully go daddy plays a big role in that too over the you and is able to date the water audience. I mean, um, I know you guys have talked about that acquisition, but I think it’s a, I think it’s a really good opportunity for the industry as a whole. Cause we are one big dysfunctional family. We certainly are. Okay.

That’s cool. Well, congrats on launching it and I’m very excited to see what more is to come. Jeff Gabrielle what’s going on?

Yeah, I mean we uh, just finished our really a January as our first two months in business. Um, this month has been good as well. And what we’re really doing is taking the knowledge at, I’ve earned over the years with, um, technology, CRM and managing people’s portfolios and really starting to, um, get everything rolling. And one of the things that we’re focusing on doing, and that’s where I made a waltz come in, is that we have a lot of connections, um, in New York and LA with a lot of these branding companies and BCS and we’re really starting to work with them. And then what we want to do is bring in more larger portfolios, are sellers, help them with their sales on more of a, not on a, a single one by one name basis, but more of on a portfolio basis and kind of create an ecosystem between, you know, these VCs and marketing companies and, and work with them to find the right brands and, and continue working with, you know, the similar people too, to make sales and work together to do that.

So we’re working with some relatively high profile sellers to do that and, uh, we’re working on some larger names and other opportunities to get out there in the market and, and make some sales. So, um, it’s been a wonderful experience. Um, I mean, I’ve been working on this for a number of months, but, um, you know, we just added two more sales people and you know, once we get going a little further, we plan on adding a few more and I’m continuing to spread a gallon saying a big part is education and educating and providing the resources for people to find that information in an easy way that they can read and actually bring to a business meeting or a board room and say, look at this information. I found this on a reputable site, the domain industry to hopefully help. Obviously our company make more sales and connect more buyers and sellers, but at the same time it can help educate others in the space to help everyone in the industry do better. And that’s, um, that’s the goal. That’s fantastic. Congrats. Good job. I guess we’ll be watching out for that too. Andrew, what is going on? What’s in the pipes? Oh, well, uh, let’s see.

Okay. Quite a few. We’ve got quite a bit in the, in the pipeline.


Uh, let’s see. Where did we start? Um, so, uh, well we’ve got an amazing, amazing deal at the moment. Uh, one of our clients, uh, who we sold a couple of names while we filled them a lot of names, but we sold them two names recently and, and uh, uh, I can’t go into detail, but, um, that company is uh, undergoing a change, let’s put it that way. And uh, these two domain names will not be a part of that. And, uh, that is to some lucky investor or companies benefit. We’ve got which we previously sold for a lot of money, uh, and which we previously acquired for this customer for a lot of money, uh, which had never ever, ever been sold than on the market original owner. Uh, that was a funny one. I took a long time to acquire, uh, for this client because, uh, it, it was a, this O G Silicon Valley programmer guy, uh, and he even worked for Apple or Microsoft or Google, one of the big, and, um, his last name was, uh, yeah, uh, filer, filer and relief spelled backwards. We need Mike, man. Mike man could read that shit backwards. Like you just said, you know, tell you exactly what it is. Backwards.

That’s good guys.

It’s got a weird town anyways. Mmm. Yeah. His name, his last name was relief backwards, so, so, you know, he hung onto it. It was his email address. Anyways,,, uh, for sale. Uh, I mean the asking price is a $499,000 each, but basically all offers will be considered and these must be sold in the next two weeks. So, uh, I know we have a couple of, uh, Chris just took these out to market, uh, starting last night. Uh, I know we’ve got a couple of them offers that have come in for the package. Um, but, uh, I mean both of those names have a lot of end users. So I think that this is, uh, one of the best package name deals I’ve ever had. Mmm. So anyways, if and, uh, you know, a buyer come knocking sooner rather than later, these names are going to sell, uh, beyond that. Uh, what else? That’s it. Okay. Andrew, what is your, what? What is your sign saved behind you? [inaudible]

says, uh, hold on. [inaudible] name names as a service. As a service. You have the trademark, don’t you? Yup. Yup. Domain names as a service. That trademark do, they rejected my ass and then I had to push back and I’d say, well look, you all these other stupid things and said, well that’s generic. Aren’t domain names already a services and no domain injury. The property or contract. Right. But they’re not a service. [inaudible] so anyways, um, well, software as a service, is that trademarked? It is. I think Salesforce isn’t it? No, I think it isn’t Salesforce actually. I think it’s, um, a lot of companies that we have the opportunity to sell SAS. Back in the day we didn’t, we didn’t, I don’t remember what happened if they didn’t hire us or [inaudible]. I don’t think he ever acquired that. I remember that actually though. That was floating around. Yeah. They were out to sell it. No. Kronos bodily. Who? S? A. A S. yeah. I, we actually just inquired on that for a name for a car. I applying it like literally a week or two ago. Uh, they said absolutely, unequivocally now for sale. I’m looking at the female right now. Mmm. Back in the day. Sorry, nobody’s crying.

Whoa. Back in 2010.

Oh yeah, we got contacted to sell this [inaudible]. Yeah. And if they gave us a price. Oh yeah, I see it here. 2014 actually, boy smell. Oh man. Oh, what a steal. 2011 it was offered to me for 350,000. 2011. That was a while ago. 2011 2011. Yeah. 2014 I’ve got, they would not look at offers of seven fingers.

All right guys. I think it’s time to wrap it up. It was each of you. This was a fun show. Thanks for going with the flow. Changing things up. Um, I look forward to the next time we see drew Rose in a blazer that we see Alan done at all. And Jeff, you like, I don’t know, are you going to be on next week too? So there’s been a lot of Japanese. You gonna let me, I think he’s done with me. If the check comes in the mail and the last time I checked you and when it was new money, Jeff, can you put a [inaudible] money and you owe me 500 bucks? I know you love and friendship. Oh, okay. Right. You know what I actually do, but I do owe you $500 however, it’s your own damn fault because you don’t send me a frickin the information I need to send it to you. Well, Hey, it might be worth it for me to harass you forever over it. You would be possibly you. Maybe you Tess, you wouldn’t. Test might be the only few people can actually say, I owed them money in the world. Is there anybody else in the world I owe money to? I like having that distinction. All right guys, we’ll see you all next time. All right, have a good day. I see you all.


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7 Responses to “DomainSherpa Review – Feb 24:,, 4 letter .COM”

  1. tldboss says:

    Hey Sherpas, thank you for sharing, enjoyed the show, I like aquaterra

  2. samya says:

    Thank youu domainsherpa team for your efforts. I’ve learnt alot from you guys.

    Oh and for anyone who reads my comment i have two interesting domains on sale :

  3. Joelle says:

    “Blind & Broke” !! Lol, Drew… I might just be your perfect candidate !! :)
    Brand-new registered domains. Got into this approximately 6 weeks ago.
    Educating myself over here with the Sherpas…
    Creative AND logical !
    What say you…?

  4. Carl says: > Cyber Security

  5. Brian says:

    So i searched for the first blog post Drew ever posted and here it is:

    The 10 Tenets of Charlie Tuna:

    I’m not Mother Theresa, I’m here for a profit
    You can’t run a whore house without any whores
    Get your ducks in a row before you pull the trigger
    As Reagan said to Bush during a debate, “I paid for this microphone”
    Don’t crowd the mourners (a reference to not over stepping your boundaries)
    Don’t offend my sense of logic
    Go play Mickey the Dunce (i.e. – play stupid and see what you can learn)
    Don’t be backwards about going forwards
    When you woke up today, what did you tell yourself?
    Tire Kickers are like leeches, they suck your time

  6. steven says:

    wish there was some way for viewers to interact with these podcasts…
    call in comments or questions,, or send text messages .. etc…

    anyway.. you guys rock! great show!

    are we having fun yet?


    1. Steve! Great idea. But coordinating a filming is hard enough – live filming would be a disaster.

      But I do have some ideas in the pipeline that are in that “vein”.

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