In the domain world, Sedo is considered one of the top domain name marketplaces. It leads DN Journal’s domain sales list almost every week and runs the domain industry’s leading domain auctions, promoting the top domain extensions and the world’s greatest premium domain names.
In order to sell a domain name on Sedo, you must have an active account. Are you ready to take the next step? Soon enough you will list your first domain name on Sedo. The images below will guide you through the steps to open a new Sedo account and to list a domain name.
Step 1: Create a New Account on Sedo
Visit to open a new account. From Sedo’s homepage, click on “Create new account,” located on the top right under the login button.
There are three sections to complete to create a new account. First, fill in the boxes with your personal information.
Next, click to confirm you have read and agree to Sedo’s user agreement and privacy policy. At this poiny you also may opt out of Sedo’s monthly Domain Newsletter and other special emails. These emails are optional, but they are recommended to keep up-to-date on Sedo auction, news and changes.
Finally, enter the code in the text box and click “Submit.”
Step 2: Activate Account
After you have submitted your account registration information, you will receive notification that an account activation email has been sent to the address you used when signing up.
In that email will be a link to confirm your account. Once you click on the link, you will be directed back to Sedo and receive a notice that your account has been confirmed. From there, click on “Continue to Sedo’s service section” on the bottom of the page.
Step 3: Get Certified to Buy and Sell on Sedo
Certification is required for bidding on domains through Sedo and for receiving parking payments from Sedo.
In the Member Certification section of your Sedo account, you can choose the certification level that best fits your domaining needs. For a domain newbie or a new Sedo member who plans to spend less than $10,000 in domain auctions, the Standard level is the best option. Once you have made your selection, click on the appropriate green “Proceed” button.
Next you will need to choose a method for certifying your account. Of the various methods, using a credit card is the fastest and easiest to complete. (Click here for a description of other certification methods.) When you use a credit card to certify your account, Sedo will temporarily authorize 5 Euros – approximately $7 – on your card (the authorization will be immediately reversed). You will be notified by email once your account is certified.
Step 4: Add Domains to Your Account
After logging in to your Sedo account, click on the “My Sedo” link. Scroll across and click on “Add Domains.”
Then, enter your domain names in the rectangle box in the middle of the screen. Before proceeding, click on the box to confirm that you have reviewed the User Agreement and that you are the owner of the listed domain(s).
Step 5: Assign Domain Categories
For each domain you add to your account, you can select a master category (required) and two additional categories. If you want to edit the categories later, you can do that through the Domain Management section of your Sedo account.
Choose the categories that best describe the domain name. Click on “Apply” when you are done with choosing the appropriate categories.
Step 6: Set Price
Next, fill in the asking price for each domain name. Alternatively, leave the box blank to request that buyers make an offer. You are also able to specify a minimum offer, which can be used even if a price is not listed. Make sure you select the right currency. When you are done, click on the “next” button.
At this point, you can elect to park your domains on Sedo, or click on the “Domain Management” link on the top left of the screen.
When you first come to the Domain Management section after adding domains, the domain name(s) will be “pending ownership.” If you do not use privacy, the domain will be approved right away. Refresh the page to update your pending domain name statuses.
Step 7: Write a Custom Description of the Domain
To enhance your sales potential, write an offer description of the domain name. You can choose to apply the description to your entire portfolio of domains; be sure you check the appropriate box if you wish to do so. When you are done, click on “Save Changes.”
Step 8: Verify the Domain Name Sales Listing
You are now ready to sell your domains. To verify a listing, enter the domain name in the search box and click “Go.”
When you find your domain name in the search results ( in this example), click on “Continue.”
You can see that is listed at Fixed Price for $2,000. A buyer would click on the “Buy Now” button to purchase the domain for that price.
If you had listed the domain as Make Offer, then the green button would read “Make Offer,” as the example below shows.
The buyer can pay the fixed price of $2,000, which will move the transaction along without any counteroffer delays. If the domain is listed as Make Offer, the listing price gives the buyer an idea of the seller’s expected price range. In that scenario, it will likely require time to close the transaction and might end up with no sale.
Final Thoughts on Sedo
Selling domain names on Sedo can give you access to many buyers. Using Sedo in conjunction with selling a domain name on Craig’s List can increase exposure to a domain name for sale. Additionally, once your domain is listed for sale on Sedo, you can submit it for review and potential inclusion in one of Sedo’s many auctions, bringing further exposure.
The Make Offer listing option on Sedo will increase attention to the domain name, but a buyer may submit a low $100 offer to feel out the price range. It is recommended to set a fixed price on any domain name under $500 to pay only the 10 percent commission. Sedo will charge a minimum of $50 commission fee on any domain name that receives an offer of less than $500. If a buyer makes a $100 offer and you accept, Sedo will take $50 for its commission. You will receive $50 for the $100 sale. A fixed price of $100 will net you $90 (after the 10 percent commission on $100).
Now that you have the steps to sell a domain name on Sedo, go ahead and register an account to get started. You never know – maybe you will make a future DN Journal domain sales list.
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