Almost every domain name registrar has an exclusive auction partner for selling expired domain names. Grab the domain name you want by putting in a bid or backorder at the correct auction house.
Read the full article entitled, How to Grab an Expiring Domain Name.
[1] On April 11, 2016, SnapNames (owned by and NameJet (partnership between and Rightside) combined resources on pending delete/dropping domains to better compete with other drop catching services. Going forward, backorders placed on either platform for pending delete names will go into a common backorder pool and will be fulfilled either by NameJet or SnapNames depending on which platform the backorder was placed. Pending delete names that have multiple backorders will be placed in a common private auction accessible to bidders from both platforms to participate in the live auction. Minimum bid increments and proxy bidding rules for NameJet will be modified to match those of SnapNames. Registrar expiry, and direct lister inventory will not be affected by this integration.
[2] Tucows Sending Expiry Inventory to NameJet, May 4, 2017.
[3] Another major registrar is sending expired domains to GoDaddy, November 22, 2016.
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