GoDaddy Was Scammed; New gTLD Renewal Rates; ICANN Slashes Revenue Budget…

DomainSherpa Discussion with Michael Cyger, Andrew Allemann, Michael Berkens and Page HoweWe’re joined by four Domain Sherpas: Andrew Allemann, Frank Schilling, Michael Berkens and Page Howe.

This is the show where we discuss industry and Internet news, what the news means to you, and questions from the audience.

In this DomainSherpa Discussion:

  • GoDaddy gets scammed by a social engineer and hands over domain
  • Page Howe goes to Washington to promote .LA domains for Los Angeles
  • The first new gTLD renewal rates are starting to come in from Donuts
  • ICANN slashes their revenue projections for this year and next year’s budget
  • Google Domains is ranked above all other registrars — is it anti-competitive?
  • Is GoDaddy’s IPO something domain investors should invest in?
  • Reader question: What’s the highest renewal rate the Sherpas have seen
  • And much more!

Discussion (64:50): Watch | Listen/Download Audio | Sponsors

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21 Responses to “GoDaddy Was Scammed; New gTLD Renewal Rates; ICANN Slashes Revenue Budget…”

  1. Jay says:

    hey Mike has taken all TaylorSwift related domains off their auctions list. what is that all about and what about and which she doenst own. thanks

  2. Bradley says:

    Hi Mike

    Another very informative show.

    Based on the last 2 discussions pertaining to unauthorized domain account access and theft, aside from 2 factor authorization, and a strong password,

    1.) How about if any and all domains were under Domain Privacy — wouldn’t that offer a very strong barrier of protection, since the criminal(s) who is trying to access and steal ones names, does not have a reference point of who you are as the Whois will not bear fruit as to an identity?

    2.) And, which type of email is considered to be the “best” for security (maybe less hackable), hearing stories of gmail; and Hotmail not being so good, but is AOL okay, or is it better to use one of your own domain names i.e.;, and which Hosting company is best for that email?

    Thank you very much


    1. Hi Bradley,

      Thanks for watching the show, and posting your feedback.

      Yes, you are correct. Having your domain name under privacy adds another layer of security. But it also reduces the ability of potential buyers to contact you.

      I have never heard of a study indicating one email service is more secure than another.

      Best regards,

      1. Bradley says:

        Hi Mike

        Good to hear about Privacy as an added layer of security!

        When I had seen Privacy on a Whois in the past, I felt it was a dead end in potential communication with an owner.

        But, I got tired of not even hearing a: “No, not for sale”

        So I starting doing reach outs, through others privacy email, and often, was emailed back from their middle person, a form to fill out i.e. who are you, state your business — and the usual statement — it will be passed along with no guarantee domain owner will responding.

        Surprisingly I have received responses, and negotiations rendered.

        But, Mike, this may not be for all Privacy companies, as I did not always receive responses.

        Thank you very much as always!

        PS having Shane and Andrew on the show has been a very good addition, along with Drew, Page, Berkins, and last but not least Adam! These guys are all heavyweights with experience and knowledge — and you are definately a well informed individual, I call it like it is!

        There’s always great takeaways, which so often shores up my points of view.



  3. albert says:

    Google is also starting to get into the lucrative insurance business as well.

    They are signing up as brokers in different state and working with insurance companies to give price-comparison.

    They basically have already started in California.

    All I know is that if I was an insurance, travel or any agent where it is basically based on information, I would be extremely worried and probably getting out of the business.

    Having said that, if google is not careful, you can bet that Microsoft and Company will be spending millions to do something about it as like what happened to the telephone companies in the 80’s.

  4. albert says:

    The biggest problem with the new GTLD’s is that you are not going to be able to piggy back off of another new GTLD.

    Let’s face it, CellPhone.Club is going to have to spend as much as or no one will think to type it in.

    I know the same goes for .Com’s, but it makes it a lot easier to make people remember a .com then any other GTLD

  5. Dahal says:

    Thanks Domain Sherpa.

    I was watching your video and you guys was discussing about .la ext.One of you pronounced but haven’t reg. from anyone.

    I was lucky and registered 20 min ago. I love your show and will not miss ever,So beneficial for
    investors like me.

  6. Acro says:

    Thank you Mike for pointing out the hard fact regarding domain theft at 9:20 onwards.

  7. Lori Pope says:

    What do you guys think about .Energy? As a domain name collector and in the Oil & Gas business, I just had to have at least one.

    What about .World?

    1. albert says:

      Read my reply earlier.

      If you are going to get a .whatever, then you will need to advertise.

      Don’t assume people are going to know to type it or what ever else.

      People today can assume to type in because there are so many .com’s out there and they actually do have websites. (Although that too is changing).

  8. Lori Pope says:

    Thank you all so much for your informative show. I own several .Guru gTLDs. They are registered with GoDaddy. What do you think the renewal rates should be? GoDaddy had several different renewal rates across my 27 .Guru names

  9. Noor Manji says:

    Great show, very informative.
    Andrew – great podcast and super blog.
    Mike Berkens – Thank you for your email response…can’t imagine how you stay so informed.
    Frank – great to see you on the show, love the dns platform… the broker I am working with on an offer.
    Page – Good to see you back after a short hiatus, can I please have my $25 coupon?
    Mike – Thank you for a great show yet again.

    Noor Manji

  10. Anunt says:

    i have a request: taryn, please stop scooping up all the dot com domains from namejet…stick to your new gTLDs…give the average joe a chance!!!

    great show…thanks sherpas!!!

  11. Trev says:

    Loved the show.

    Great to see all the regular Sherpas, as well as the incomparable Frank Schilling!

  12. BulkWHOis says:

    Thanks for the content
    and watching a video is so comfortable than reading…..

  13. ada says:

    I would like to thanks 3 Sherpas (Michael, Andrew, Page) for their opinions.

    If you ask Frank Schilling about his renewal prediction please be more specific, whether you mean registrations by other people or him – everyone knows that he registered a huge number of names with his on newTLDs e.g. .link

  14. Jay says:

    Great Show Mike and Sherpas. thanks for the time.

    1. Thanks, Jay. I appreciate you watching and posting a comment.

  15. Shaun says:

    A rare Wednesday release! Thanks for the upload

    1. You noticed. :)

      Due to scheduling, we taped and aired a day early this week.

      Thanks for watching and posting a comment, Shaun.

      1. Albert says:

        I was kind of surprised my self.

        A good one guys.

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