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5 Huge Trends in GeoDomains Now

5 Huge Trends in GeoDomains Now

What are the first few things you do after you acquire the best domain name for any geographic city or area? That’s what I wanted to know when I decided to register for and attend the Expo in Chicago, Illinios, which took place over the last two days.

Fred Mercaldo, president of and publisher of over 60 geodomains including, did not disappoint with a comprehensive program including presentations from Ron Jackson, editor of DN Journal, Don Jones from, and the Castello Brothers (Michael and David) of CCIN.

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Building a Niche Lead Generation Empire – with Braden Pollock

Building a Niche Lead Generation Empire – with Braden Pollock

When it comes to marketing, the two biggest problems that small business owners face are effective ad buying and maintaining a consistent effort. While it is easy to try a one-off marketing campaign, it can often lead to disappointment.

Enter Legal Brand Marketing: a national brand that generates local leads for DUI lawyers. In this interview, founder and CEO Braden Pollock describes how providing targeted leads, geographic area exclusivity, and coaching on turning hot leads into paying customers has allowed Legal Brand Marketing to build a niche lead generation empire in just eight years.

From Bankrupt Builder To Owning Every Zip Code – With Jake Ackerman

From Bankrupt Builder To Owning Every Zip Code – With Jake Ackerman

Jake Ackerman had a real estate business that died when the real estate bubble burst in 2008. With 20,000 zip codes sold to date at, Jake’s back on a comeback with a run rate of $500,000 and a goal to hit $1 million in 2011.

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