Two Strategies for Buying Aftermarket Domains – with Josh Eisenhower & Drew Rosener

With tens of thousands of expired, dropping, plus active domains for sale on a daily basis, how do you choose which domains to bid on? How do you choose how much to bid? And what’s the reason behind your strategy?

Today’s Sherpas, Josh Eisenhower & Andrew Rosener, have very different buying strategies. We explore the reasons their strategies work for them and walk through some of their research and valuation methods.

All buyers, especially those seeking a specific strategy, will benefit from watching this show.

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This Show’s Sherpas

Josh Eisenhower
Josh Eisenhower
Josh Eisenhower is a paramedic/firefighter at County Government in Maryland, an individual investor in domain names, and is a regular contributor to

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Andrew Rosener
Andrew Rosener
Andrew Rosener is the CEO of the industry-leading domain name broker Media Options.

Andrew is widely considered a thought leader and expert on domain name value & methodology as well as domain name sales & acquisitions. With 20 years experience with domain names, Andrew has leveraged his knowledge and expertise to make MediaOptions the go-to domain name firm for startup & company domain acquisitions as well as high value domain name sales.

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16 Responses to “Two Strategies for Buying Aftermarket Domains – with Josh Eisenhower & Drew Rosener”

  1. Dave says:

    Great article! We really do never stop learning from your experts.

    Can you do HD versions of the videos? It’s not possible to read the low-res videos…

  2. Demond Ondre says:

    Great topic and love to see two different approaches for the newer investors such as myself.

    I think I would have like to see more “structure” during this interview as it felt a bit unprepared. So while there definitely was great information; I left feeling so much could have been discussed regarding the two approaches.

    I look forward to more videos im the future!

    1. ikehook says:

      We could fill hours and hours talking about these different strategies. It was more of a conversation format, plus I’m pretty sure we both have ADD, I do anyway.

  3. Adam says:

    Great show. Hopefully you will have Josh on more often.

  4. Saul says:

    Nice under the bonnet look at how you guys go about your business, picked up some nice little ideas along the way you never stop learning.

    Thanks everyone

  5. Peter says:

    Drew Rosener iS not an DOMAINexpert!. he didnt understand the high value of my domains AND .he was rude to me and said it had zero value.

    And thats very far from the truth!

    Peter Nilsson

    1. ikehook says:

      Your landing page looks like it was written by a clown.

      You should just sell them instead of talking shit, but you won’t.

      Think about who your potential buyers are, no business or startup will ever use those domains.

      Your best bet is to auction them off, hoping some sucker comes along that’s more gullible than you.

    2. ikehook says:

      I just put this together, lol. You Are the A-hole I wrote about on DSAD a few weeks ago, the guy that posts shitty domains for sale on someone’s facebook wall. In fact you posted the very domain in question on my wall before I blocked you.

      Listen buddy, if you’re domain was so great you wouldn’t be trying to peddle it by spamming Facebook. Even if by some wild chance you sell the domain to another “investor”, it’s by no means an indication of it’s retail value.

      If Drew was “rude” I can only assume that it was justice for your ridiculous antics. Sell the domain first, then come back and tell us how much value it has, better yet find another hobby.

  6. Carl says:

    Excellent! I would enjoy hearing from Josh & Drew again (Round Two)! Cheers, Carl

  7. Can’t find this audio from the podcast list, just for me?
    Thanks in advance

  8. Jackie says:

    Great Show Guys! I try to incorporate elements of both in my buying strategy.

    What is the link to the previous show where Josh goes into details on using

    Thanks –

    1. ikehook says:

      It was actually a DN Academy webinar

      1. Jackie says:

        Is it publicly accessible?

  9. Mike says:

    Thank you, Drew, Josh, and Tess! Very informative show!

  10. tldboss says:

    Thanks Tess, Drew and Josh for sharing. is a great resource. I filter the results by length or filter by keywords + length, otherwise would be a huge mess.

  11. Tomas says:

    Very interesting to hear how Josh uses ExpiredDomains. Thanks!

    If you’re willing to share Josh, what’s the sell-through rate for your reg. fee domains?

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