DNTaxGuide: Domain Name Tax Guide for Investors

DNTaxGuide: Domain Name Tax GuideApril 15 is tax day in the United States and we’re here to help.

DomainSherpa has just published DNTaxGuide, a domain name tax guide that is written by a Certified Public Accountant and reviewed by a a former IRS Agent.

It covers all the essentials you need to know about as an investor, including income streams, legal entities to protect your personal assets, how to classify income, how to treat charitable donations and much more.

As a loyal reader of DomainSherpa, you can buy it now for $10-off using code: DomainSherpa.

Even if you’re done with your taxes for 2013, now’s the perfect time to start reviewing tax planning for next year. The tax strategies you use and records you keep affect how you report taxes to the government. Be prepared.

Learn More: https://www.dntaxguide.com

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13 Responses to “DNTaxGuide: Domain Name Tax Guide for Investors”

  1. Looks like the site has an error.

    1. Thanks for letting me know, Geoff . I was messing around with the code and put an error in there. That’s why I should leave coding to the professionals! :)

      Thanks again for letting me know.

  2. Brian Caldwell says:

    Michael, could you give more details on the Excel Templates? Thanks.

    1. Four templates in Excel, but could be converted to PDF and printed for manual entry, and focused in the following areas:
      1. Business Income and Expense Tracking
      2. Domain Cost Tracking Schedule
      3. Employee Expense Report with Summation
      4. Mileage Reimbursement Sheet

      They’re useful for having a central location for tracking expenses. If you’re using Quickbooks or similar, you won’t need the expenses. But if you’re manually holding receipts and then using them to input into TurboTax or handing over to an accountant, then they’re useful.

      Let me know ify ou have any other questions.

  3. Jim says:

    The book looks great… I’ll need to get it for next year.

    What I want to compliment, though, is the web site code! I just checked to see how the nice crisp contemporary look was done, and man alive that’s the most cleanly commented code I’ve seen in a long time!

  4. Mike says:

    Thanks for putting this together Michael. I’m sure most of your readers have read the famous John Chow posts regarding this subject. You can really save a lot! How relevant is this info to Canadian Domainers, like me?

    1. Hi Mike,

      The guide was written specifically for US citizens based on US Federal tax laws. It cites references from US tax code, which has no benefit to Canadian tax payers.

      However, the areas that you would benefit from are — in general — how to treat your income streams, ordinary income versus capital gains, the discussion about entity selection to protect your personal assets, general treatment of charitable donations, etc. I think it’s a good, reasoned approach to general tax planning.

      If you end up purchasing it, give it a read-through in the first 7 days. If you think you will not benefit from it, then simply use the Request a Refund option at https://www.dntaxguide.com/request-for-refund/ and I’ll refund your money. No worries.


  5. John Berryhill says:

    “written by a Certified Public Accountant and reviewed by a former IRS Agent”

    Are they in the Witness Protection Program now and can’t be identified?

    1. Ha! They may want it soon. :)

    2. Logan Flatt says:

      dntaxguide.com shows the author to be Shawn Stack.

  6. Mike says:

    What kind of ebook format is this?

    1. It’s a PDF, Mike.

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