WordPress Bad Faith?; Nat Cohen Takes Frivolous UDRP to Court & Wins; Sherpas’ Oldest Domains; How to Value 400+ Domains

DomainSherpa Discussion with Michael Cyger, Andrew Allemann, Michael Berkens and Page HoweWe’re joined by three Domain Sherpas: Andrew Allemann, Michael Berkens and Page Howe.

This is the show where we discuss industry and Internet news, what the news means to you, and questions from the audience.

In this DomainSherpa Discussion:

  • WordPress buys Thesis.com in bad faith but wins UDRP on technicality, or was it?
  • Domain Name investor rights are buoyed by a recent UDRP ruling — find out why.
  • Fake website Bloomberg.market taken down by Rightside registry — bad precedent?
  • Nat Cohen’s Telepathy teaches a reverse domain name hijacker a lesson in court and walks away with a settlement.
  • Reader question: What are the Sherpas oldest domain names?
  • Reader question: How should a newbie appraise and price 400 domain names for listing on buy-it-now marketplaces?
  • Reader question: Which is better two word .co or .xyz or two word with a hyphen in .com?
  • And much more!

Discussion (61:02): Watch | Listen/Download Audio | Sponsors

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7 Responses to “WordPress Bad Faith?; Nat Cohen Takes Frivolous UDRP to Court & Wins; Sherpas’ Oldest Domains; How to Value 400+ Domains”

  1. DT says:

    Why didn’t Domino’s register .pizza when they had the chance? Before general release. A team of lawyers on retainer and still no action. Another brand-blunder!

    What if this nTLD was purchased by an individual or company in a country where Domino’s corp. USA was irrelevant. How would they pursue this? What would be the outcome?

    Considering Domino’s IS pizza in the USA (and many other countries) – there really seems to be no excuse for their oversight apart from negligence (asleep on the job). Or is this a strategy to spook would investors?

    If I am buying a nTLD in the USA, how do I know if I am treading on the toes of some other trademark owner in another country where data isn’t easily available? How much due diligence is enough?

    Thanks for the show.

  2. Jack Gordon says:

    Reposted from DNForum.com:

    I was there at the very moment the thesis.com controversy was born.

    At Namescon 2014, Matt Mullenweg from WordPress was a last-minute addition to the lineup. After his talk, he stuck around for some photos and well wishers. I was standing there when the owner of thesis.com told him he owned it, and asked for advice on selling it. Matt got a wide grin on his face and said “Hell, I’ll buy it”. He gave him his card and asked him to contact him after the conference. That was the last I heard about it until this week.

    Interesting to see what happened to it after the fact.

  3. albert says:

    It was a great meeting Page


  4. Eric Jenkins says:

    Thanks again Sherpas for sharing. As always it was a great show!!

    Eric Jenkins

  5. Ikehook says:

    I thought I’d give my thoughts on hyphen, co Xyz, to see if the Sherpas have any input.

    So I think when you’re looking at this the first thing you can do is almost completely forget about hyphens, there are a few terms that might work well together with a hyphen, but why even bother. It’s one more thing for someone to remember and is not intuitive to most people.

    I think one word co’s and xyz domains could work, but at that point why not find a com variation or even make a brandable? You can spin 5, 6 or 7 letters all day long and come up with tons of names that would work. They’d be short, memorable and coms.

    I also think that .ly makes an awesome brand. Sure, it’s fallen out of favor with investors due to middle east unrest, but that’s nothing new. I don’t for see Islamic extremists hijacking the registry. The ly ending fits nicely and is memorable. There are tons of great keywords available. The general public has no clue that .ly is the Libyian cc TLD or even what a ccTLD is for that matter.

    I’ve build out 2 ly domains and they rank well and look good with single keyword .ly

    Anyway, just my thoughts. Thank you all for taking the time to teach us to be better name investors.


  6. Ruben Couto says:

    Great tips for the pricing of domain names!

  7. Noor Manji says:

    super show again…….thank you all.

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