Berkens’ .Rocks $8k Sale; Rude to Ask Income?; New G Data Points or Trend?; Overcharges

DomainSherpa Discussion with Michael Cyger, Andrew Allemann, Michael Berkens and Page HoweThis is the show where we discuss industry and Internet news, what the news means to you, and questions from the audience.

In this DomainSherpa Discussion:

  • Berkens sold Moon.Rocks for $8k — a real investor-to-end user sale! We hear the details.
  • Autism.Rocks sells with an initial offer of $100k – something seems fishy.
  • charges the seller of Autism.Rocks 15% when it should have been 3%.
  • Is the recent spate of new gTLD sales a trend or outliers? The Sherpas sound off.
  • Why is ICANN trying to remove privacy protection on whois records for ecommerce companies?
  • Reader question: Is it rude to ask a domain name investor how much they earn?
  • Reader question: How to start a domain name leasing business?
  • Reader question: Are selling brandables bad faith when you know there’s a company that can benefit from it?
  • And much more!

We’re joined by three Domain Sherpas: Andrew Allemann, Michael Berkens and Page Howe.

Discussion (64:07): Watch | Listen/Download Audio | Sponsors

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13 Responses to “Berkens’ .Rocks $8k Sale; Rude to Ask Income?; New G Data Points or Trend?; Overcharges”

  1. Wow…Enjoyed your show..always love to listen when I have time off…Thank for the video’s…keep em comin!!!

  2. Great show and thanks again for doing this for us

  3. GI says:

    Another great review by the Sherpas! Thank you guys for your time, and thank you too Michael.
    Quite stunning what sold for!

    Best regards,
    Gaby Ishak

  4. Omar Negron says:

    Nice interview Mike.

    First off congrats to Mike Berkens on the sale

    Also, the sale surprises me very much. Especially having someone come in with such a HIGH starting offer…I guess anything can happen though right?

    Page mentions “the power of one”. Great concept. He mentions car shopping and how you can just go to another dealer to get the very same car elsewhere. With domains though, this is not the case. As a domain owner, if you have the very best version of a domain name, that’s it! YOU have it. Sure, there are other alternatives a buyer can look to acquire but more than likely if you have that category killer #1 option type name, it cannot be found elsewhere. It is only available through you.

    Thanks for the interview Mike.


  5. Bradley says:

    Hi Mike

    Just back from vacation celebrating my anniversary with my Hottie.

    Catching up on the past few shows I missed.

    Always enjoy your shows, and to Page; Michael and Andrew, thanks to you gents as well, very informative!


    Bradley Diaz from NYC

  6. Great show guys. Can you ask again which Sherpas are going to THE Domain Conference in September? The answers got cut off.


  7. Noor Manji says:

    Great show, I personally think that Sedo will donate the money, cheapest way to increase their goodwill. Other than that, great show guys. Have a great weekend.

    Thank you, Mike, Page, Andrew and Mike Cyger.

  8. Karim Nasser says:

    I have many friends in the ISP/telecom industry, as well as a few website developers, so I asked a couple of them if they’d heard about other extensions beside the TLDs, one of them says he sees a lot of spam coming from .link .us, .eu, and .ru. and a few other ccTLDs. So I asked him if he’d visited websites with extensions .club, .xyz, .xxx and a few others, he said he’s never heard of those but he’ll “check it out”.

    I asked a non-techy friend who often shops online, he’s never heard of anything besides .com, .net, .org, and .edu, hasn’t even heard of .mil

    My take on the gTLDs is that they are speculative at this point, and being bought and sold mostly between domain investors, of course there are a few websites with some powerful names, but that’s about it, I don’t see a massive surge towards a .club, .flowers, and others. The issue with gTLDs is that they are not only a niche gTLD, but in some case they are a particular product within that niche, this is major restriction in my opinion.

    As yourself without the need for justification or convincing or or or or

  9. kumpf says: forwards to .com is king after all.

  10. Chuck Wallant says:

    Great show! Thanks to all for your insights and Michael for organizing.

  11. David says:

    Thanks all for a great video :)

    gTLDs are leaving quite a positive impact on the market. The internet is evolving.

    The biggest change will probably come when gTLDs become more of a “standard” not to domainers and investors but to the general public. People who want a wine club type in instead of

  12. Ian Andrew says:

    Great Domain Sherpa discussion as always thanks.
    Just wanted to add that we sold (via Afternic / GoDaddy) which we have had since 2002.
    This just recently sold for $13,000
    Probably the same buyer as Moon.Rocks?
    Interesting to see which he will use for his main website

  13. Jay says:

    great show. thanks Mike / Sherpas

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