Buy a Domain Name Over Time in Installments with is now offering a Domain Holding Service, where the buyer and seller agree to hold the domain(s) in escrow while the buyer makes scheduled payments. This service is designed for higher dollar domain name transactions totaling $75,000.00 and over.

It appears that the buyer may not be able to make use of the domain name during the escrow process, however, the process does lock-up the domain name from being sold to someone else.


The fee for this service is our standard escrow fee, 0.89%, plus a domain holding fee of $500.00 for each year or portion of a year we hold the domain.

Here is an outline of the process:

  1. After initial contact, will prompt the buyer or seller to create the transaction on our site.
  2. sends the buyer and seller the Domain Holding Agreement and asks the buyer and seller to review, sign and return. If the parties have a Promissory Note, Asset Agreement or Purchase Agreement, this can be incorporated into the Domain Holding Agreement.
  3. Once receives the signed agreement from both parties, we authorize the buyer to send the first payment and any portion of the escrow fee they agreed to pay.
  4. When we receive the first payment, prompts the seller to transfer the domain(s) to our account.
  5. When the domain(s) are received and locked in our account, both parties are notified and the first payment is released to the seller.
  6. receives the scheduled payments from the buyer and sends them to the seller throughout the term of the transaction.
  7. When all payments are completed, the domain(s) are transferred to an account for the buyer and the last payment is made to the seller.

To set up a Domain Holding Transaction or for questions about the service, contact customer support.

Domain Holding Service Transactions have a term minimum of six months and a maximum of five years. There is also a limit of five domains per transaction.

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5 Responses to “Buy a Domain Name Over Time in Installments with”

  1. DomainSherpa says:

    @Andee Hill: Thanks for the clarification. When I attended DomainFest in February 2011 I ran into a woman who sold a six figure domain name and had to go through her attorney to write a contract to do the same thing as what is now offering. It appears that you’re removing the attorney from the equation (readers: verify for yourself), thereby reducing the cost, timeline and complexity of buying a domain name in installments.

  2. DomainSherpa says:

    @Carl: This is not a paid post. As stated in our editorial policies, we do not mix editorial and advertising. It’s not clear from your comment what exactly you think we are lying about. Perhaps it’s the Escrow logo graphic that was associated with this article — not an optimal choice as it may give the perception that this is an ad, which in fact it’s not, but we couldn’t find a better graphic at the time. We have not seen any other service in the domain name industry that allows you to buy a high-value domain name, start using it, and make payments over time. This was purely meant to be a post with editorial content to readers. Thanks for sharing your opinion.

  3. Andee Hill says:

    With the Domain Holding Service, the buyer is able to use the domain while holds control in escrow. Once receives the first payment and control of the domain, the buyer provides DNS instruction.

  4. carl says:

    So this is not a paid post or it’s actually a big ad. You are such a liar with your editorial policies.

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