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DomainSherpa – Down The Rabbit Hole – June 27, 2024: Escrow Row Row Your Boat

DomainSherpa – Down The Rabbit Hole – June 27, 2024: Escrow Row Row Your Boat

As we say on DomainSherpa – all roads lead to domains. And our work with domains has us venturing “down the rabbit hole” into different topics all the time. So this is a tech-adjacent, digital asset, pop-culture, tangent-positive monthly podcast – with some domains stuff thrown into the mix for good measure.

In this episode, JT is joined by Drew and special guests Shaun McMeekan and Sofia Canala of Together, they delve into their experiences at NamesCon and provide insights into the current state of the domain industry. The discussion also highlights some recent developments at Escrow and what they expect as they look ahead to the second half of the year.

So tune in and jump down the rabbit hole!

More Interviews

DomainSherpa – Down The Rabbit Hole – April 25, 2024: Up and Atom

DomainSherpa – Down The Rabbit Hole – April 25, 2024: Up and Atom

As we say on DomainSherpa – all roads lead to domains. And our work with domains has us venturing “down the rabbit hole” into different topics all the time. So this is a tech-adjacent, digital asset, pop-culture, tangent-positive monthly podcast – with some domains stuff thrown into the mix for good measure.

In this episode, JT is joined by Drew to discuss the Escrow 2024 Q1 Quarterly Report and cover a few related topics including some recent trends with .ai domains.

The Sherpas also explore the rebranding of Squadhelp to, and also talk about the strategic domain upgrade for Pepe Coin from to

So, tune in and jump down the rabbit hole with the Rabbit Hole Gang!

DomainSherpa – Sherpa Shorts – November 16, 2023: Discussing the Q3 2023 Report

DomainSherpa – Sherpa Shorts – November 16, 2023: Discussing the Q3 2023 Report

As we say on DomainSherpa – all roads lead to domains! And today we have the newest segment of the DomainSherpa network for you, Sherpa Shorts, typically co-hosted by JT, Chris & Matthew Zuiker – where they will pick one or more domain name related topics or questions to dig into.

In this episode, JT is joined by Drew to discuss the Q3 2023 report, .ai domain names, hyphen domain names, the upcoming ICA meetup in Las Vegas, and much more.

So tune in and check out the latest Sherpa Shorts!

Domain Name Escrow with

Domain Name Escrow with

This tutorial takes you step-by-step through the domain name escrow service. You will walk away with an understanding of how the service works and every aspect of the transaction it monitors.

Also covered are the five areas of an escrow that you need to understand to avoid making a costly mistake

The Hardest Working Man in the Domain Name Industry – With Shane Cultra

The Hardest Working Man in the Domain Name Industry – With Shane Cultra

You are probably like today’s guest: You learned about the Internet and domain names in 1995 or 1996, but domain names were expensive and “the good ones” were taken. Although Shane Cultra dabbled in domaining, he mainly considers his fruitless investment during that time to be part of his learning curve.

By 2007, Cultra had figured out what makes domain names “liquid” such that they can be sold more readily in domain name aftermarkets and auction sites. By doing so, Cultra earned six figures in 2012 from domain name investing – in addition to his full-time job running Country Arbors Nursery in Urbana, Illinois.

In this show, Cultra shares his methodology for determining and valuing “liquid domains,” as well as his sweet spots for buying and selling, and how he finds and sells through his favorite marketplace platforms.

ICA: The Domain Name Trade Association That Represents Your Financial Interests – With Philip Corwin

ICA: The Domain Name Trade Association That Represents Your Financial Interests – With Philip Corwin

Large corporations have deep pockets and large intellectual property staffs with which to protect their interests, including trademarks. The result of such financial power can often be lobbyist-influenced legislation that does not favor domain name investing.
What you probably didn’t realize is that the Internet Commerce Association is a domain name trade association that since 2006 has been representing the financial interests of domain name entrepreneurs.

Eliminate Risk with a Domain Name Escrow Service – With Brandon Abbey

Eliminate Risk with a Domain Name Escrow Service – With Brandon Abbey

Whether you are buying a domain name that is $20,000 or $200, using an escrow service to eliminate the risk of fraud and guarantee that you receive the domain name can be money well spent. An escrow account also can be used to spread payments over time – such as with the recent $4.2 million purchase of, currently being transacted through 69 payments of about $61,000 each at

These topics and more are discussed with Brandon Abbey, president of Learn what domain names Abbey owns, and what car he purchased through an escrow account at

Due Diligence for Domain Names – With Steve Jones

Due Diligence for Domain Names – With Steve Jones

When you purchase a television or a car, you perform due diligence by comparing prices, looking at third-party ratings and searching for recalls. Buying a domain name should be approached in the same way, conducting appropriate research to ensure a sound acquisition.

In this show, Steve Jones walks us through the 11 steps of his process for domain name due diligence, which will keep you from buying a domain name that infringes on someone else’s trademarks, that is stolen, or that was previously used for an unscrupulous purpose and might be on blacklists.

What a Teenager Can Teach You About Domaining – with Brian Diener

What a Teenager Can Teach You About Domaining – with Brian Diener

What can a teenager teach you about domaining? In this case, a heck of a lot — don’t equate a low age with with a lack of experience.

Instead of buying and flipping domains, or buying and doing nothing with domain names, you can build significant value into your domain name portfolio by developing the domain names into mini-sites. Brian Diener has not only done it, but he’s done it successfully for himself and his clients.

In his relatively short domaining career, Brian has accomplished a number of great feats. He has developed a successful mini-site model for his business. He has had a $1,000 day through affiliate marketing. And he not only continued to study in school while domaining but was accepted into Emory University this coming fall.

Buy a Domain Name Over Time in Installments with

Buy a Domain Name Over Time in Installments with is now offering a Domain Holding Service, where the buyer and seller agree to hold the domain(s) in escrow while the buyer makes scheduled payments. This service is designed for higher dollar domain name transactions totaling $75,000.00 and over. It appears that the buyer may not be able to make use of the domain name during this process, however, it does lock-up the domain name from being sold to someone else.

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