Welcome Wayne Nelson, DomainSherpa’s First Producer

I welcome DomainSherpa’s producer, Wayne Nelson.

About Wayne NelsonWayne is an avid domain name investor, has developed a website that ranks #2 in Google within an index of “about 18,600,000 results” that has 33,100 exact match US-based search volume and $1.55 average CPC, trades options, and is a successful businessman. I encourage you to read more about Wayne’s story.

Wayne will be focused on finding the best strategies, tactics, stories and inspiration to feature on DomainSherpa.

If you have a story to tell or someone to suggest, please contact Wayne.

Wayne, welcome to the team!


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10 Responses to “Welcome Wayne Nelson, DomainSherpa’s First Producer”

  1. diCEPT ApS Ltd. says:

    Congratulation Wayne and Michael. Looking forward to many more interviews from you guys. :)

    Best regards,

    M. Unal
    CEO of diCEPT ApS Ltd.
    Digital Concept Development

  2. domainer100 says:

    Congrats Wayne …

  3. Adrian Keys says:

    Congrats Wayne…looking forward to more great stories!

  4. James Wester says:

    Great job Michael- congratulations to you both.

  5. Wayne says:

    Perry and John(s),

    Thank you very much for the welcome and the well-wishes. I’m looking forward to my role at DomainSherpa and my association with the DomainSherpa community.

    I’ve followed DomainSherpa for about a year and feel like I know many of you already. Now, I have the opportunity to get to know you – and the domaining industry – even better!

    My enthusiasm for DomainSherpa’s mission will be fueling my passion for providing the quality interviews and valuable information you have all come to expect from DomainSherpa.

    Thank you again!
    And I hope to meet many of you at TRAFFIC in October.

  6. TJ Shaw says:

    Loving that Domain Sherpa is growing and going to be producing more great videos. I have improved my income as a result. Keep up the hard work!

    1. Wayne says:

      Thanks, TJ and Congratulations!

      It’s gratifying to know DomainSherpa is inspiring people to make positive changes in their lives. I know it has made a positive change in mine.

  7. John Harrison says:

    Hello Wayne

    Im really looking forward to seeing what you have in store for us DomainSherpa fans :)

  8. John says:

    Welcome Wayne! You have big shoes to fill to keep the great interviews coming, but it sounds like you have the background to do so.

  9. Perry says:

    Congrats Wayne and Michael! You’re both very talented at what you do and I’m excited to see how your working together will grow DomainSherpa to new heights!

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