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ICA Webinar: GDPR Compliant Whois Access Model

ICA Webinar: GDPR Compliant Whois Access Model

The Internet Commerce Association (ICA), a trade organization advocating for the rights and interests of domain name owners and related service providers, shares an eduational webinar, featuring Michael Palage and Frank Cona’s proposal for a WhoIs access that is GDPR compliant.

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ICA Webinar: Registry Agreements, UDRP reform, Price Increases & more!

ICA Webinar: Registry Agreements, UDRP reform, Price Increases & more!

The Internet Commerce Association (ICA), a trade organization advocating for the rights and interests of domain name owners and related service providers, shares its first pubic members webinar, discussing Registry Agreements, UDRP reform, Price Increases & more!

Anyone invested in domain names whatsoever should be aware of the ICA’s work. For domain investors, it’s vital to stay informed on current Registry Agreements, progress in UDRP reform, and what Price Increases truly mean to the internet.

Institutional Investment Opportunities in Domain Names – With Frank Michlick

Institutional Investment Opportunities in Domain Names – With Frank Michlick

The new top level domains that will launch beginning in 2013 create a unique investment opportunity. Indeed, private equity and venture capital firms are evaluating investment in new top level domains and domain name registrars.

Today’s interview is with one of the consultants helping investors outside the domain name industry understand this opportunity. Watch this interview to learn from a different perspective.

How to Resolve Multiple Applications for the Same gTLD – with Monte Cahn

How to Resolve Multiple Applications for the Same gTLD – with Monte Cahn

Uncertainty associated with the process of applying for new gTLDs is frustrating, even more so when multiple applicants are vying for the same gTLD, and unfortunately that ambiguity continues to be commonplace.

But Monte Cahn and partner Michael Berkens have devised ways to reduce the uncertainty in the new gTLD application process for the 145 applicants who have 755 competing applications.

In addition, watch this interview to learn about the process and how you – as a domain name investor or online entrepreneur – can be ready to take advantage of the new gTLDs before they become available to the public.

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