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ICA: The Domain Name Trade Association That Represents Your Financial Interests – With Philip Corwin

ICA: The Domain Name Trade Association That Represents Your Financial Interests – With Philip Corwin

Large corporations have deep pockets and large intellectual property staffs with which to protect their interests, including trademarks. The result of such financial power can often be lobbyist-influenced legislation that does not favor domain name investing.
What you probably didn’t realize is that the Internet Commerce Association is a domain name trade association that since 2006 has been representing the financial interests of domain name entrepreneurs.

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Business Lessons for Building a $10 Million+ Portfolio – With Ammar Kubba

Business Lessons for Building a $10 Million+ Portfolio – With Ammar Kubba

Ammar Kubba was not the original founder of Thought Convergence, but he can now be found at the helm of the service provider whose revenue is “in the 8 figures.” Thought Convergence helps domain investors monetize their assets, individuals buy and sell domains, and businesses research domain names on the Internet.

In this interview, Kubba describes the twists and turns of his domain career, and how business acumen, strategic risk taking and a passion for learning have helped him navigate decisions and build successful companies.

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