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The holy grail of owning a premium domain name is being able to sell an endless of supply of either email addresses or third-level domain names – in essence, acting like a domain name registry but without the regulatory burden.
But as Left of the Dot co-founder and CMO John Lyotier explains in this video, the task is a difficult one. His company has navigated this territory before, and he offers both insights and a better model for producing revenue.
Michael Cyger June 9, 2014
Many of us are addicted to buying domain names. Often times we hold onto them with no likelihood of development, no plans to actively market, and only a slight chance of receiving an unsolicited offer. The problem then is that our domain name portfolios (with their associated renewal fees) become too large for our budget to allow. So we turned to the experts (the folks who have wrestled with this situation multiple times) to ask what they would do.
Michael Cyger March 7, 2011