Exact Match Domain Archive

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How an Exact-Match Domain Turned $60 Million into $100+ Million in 5 Months – With Shaun McGowan

How an Exact-Match Domain Turned $60 Million into $100+ Million in 5 Months – With Shaun McGowan

Past DomainSherpa interviews have highlighted the power of exact-match domain names (EMDs) to instantly create business credibility, increase organic rankings in search engine results, and generate type-in traffic by potential customers.

Today’s interview offers proof that EMDs can also assist in increasing the click-through rate of advertising on search engines like Google’s AdWords platform, decrease the amount per click spent on advertising by 35 percent, and increase the conversion rate of clicks to actual customers by 30 percent.

Those are big benefits in themselves, but the final proof is that – while holding all other factors constant – a change in business and domain name from brandable Beep.com.au to exact-match CarLoans.com.au produced a 66 percent increase in sales turnover, driving their business from a $60 million company to $100 million in only five months.

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The Gamer Who’s Going to Make Math Fun – With Bill Karamouzis

The Gamer Who’s Going to Make Math Fun – With Bill Karamouzis

Many entrepreneurs today grew up playing role-playing games. Gaming can teach you many things, including problem solving, how to look for clues, group dynamics – and game theory.

Equipped with such skills from his days gaming as a youth, Bill Karamouzis started, grew and sold three successful gaming companies. Today, he’s starting his fourth – TeachMe.com – and with two young daughters at home, he is shifting his focus from time-killing games to games aimed at making math skills fun and rewarding with MathGames.com.

The Secret of EMD: Exact Match Domains Revealed

The Secret of EMD: Exact Match Domains Revealed

Some people consider an exact-match domain (EMD) a thing of the past. Others think EMDs are still going strong.

As for me, I always look at the data to the find the answers.

In this comprehensive guide on EMDs, I show you that data and reveal everything you need to know about exact-match domain names.

UsedCardboardBoxes.com: From Storefront Failure to Dot Com Success – With Marty Metro

UsedCardboardBoxes.com: From Storefront Failure to Dot Com Success – With Marty Metro

Big companies like Amazon, Citigroup and Dell know the value of an exact match domain (EMD) – they own Diapers.com, Mortgage.com and CloudComputing.com, respectively. But smaller companies and upstarts can also benefit tremendously from EMDs.

That was the case with Marty Metro and UsedCardboardBoxes.com.

In this interview, Metro describes the two failed business models he went through before his current success, and how UsedCardboardBoxes.com grew and is now generating revenue that’s trending toward eight figures per year.

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