Domain Name Theft Archive

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How a Hacker Stole – With Mailynne and Christian Calvin

How a Hacker Stole – With Mailynne and Christian Calvin

Whenever I hear of domain names being stolen, I reach out to the investor to express my support and to determine if they figured out how it was stolen. Because with that knowledge, you can prevent a theft the next time.

But each time I reach out, I’m disappointed to learn that they have no idea how it was stolen…until today.

We’re going to learn exactly how the domain name was stolen – because the hacker told the owners how he did it – and what you can do to protect your domain names.

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Understand and Prevent Domain Name Theft – With Dr. Bruce Tonkin

Understand and Prevent Domain Name Theft – With Dr. Bruce Tonkin

The hacker group Syrian Electronic Army was able to hijack the websites of the New York Times, HuffingtonPost and Twitter, redirecting traffic, causing lost revenue and confusing hundreds of thousands of people.

If large, established and high-tech companies like these aren’t safe, are our small business, ecommerce and publishing websites safe? Is our email safe?

Chief Technology Officer Bruce Tonkin from the sixth largest registrar in the world, Melbourne IT, answers these questions and tells us how we can secure our domain names from a similar fate.

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