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EXPERT Q&A: The First Big Domain Sale

EXPERT Q&A: The First Big Domain Sale

Selling a domain name can be rife with frustration and false starts. The effort a seller puts in to contacting potential end users often leads nowhere. Other times, an unsolicited purchase offers will come in, only to have the buyer lose interest when the domain name owner counters with a specific number. In one case, a large domain investor recently lost a $200,000+ sale by not coming down $10,000.

So what can you do to close more sales? Three experts chime in to help out.

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Domain Name Purchase-Sale Agreement

Domain Name Purchase-Sale Agreement

Domain names are bought and sold every day, often with no legal problems. Just because you have not had a legal snafu, however, does not mean your purchase or sale rights are sufficiently safeguarded.

Currently there is no open-source legal agreement to reference in domain name purchases. Until today, that is. My objective in providing this template is to make the domain name sales process easier for both sides.

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