Latest Interview
This week includes a double dose of DomainSherpa!
In this excerpt of DNAcademy office hours, Michael Cyger walks students through two questions:
1. Does domain name parking still work today?
2. What types of domain names produce revenue with domain name parking?
Michael Cyger September 8, 2016
Domain name parking is necessary for anyone who owns hundreds or thousands of domain names. There is no other scalable way to try to generate revenue from that many domains – developing websites for a large domain portfolio is simply not practical.
But which domain name parking platform is best for your domain names? Today’s guest might just have the answer you’ve been looking for.
Michael Cyger December 31, 2012
Paolo DiVincenzo, general manager of DomainPower, increased revenue on 9,800 parked domain names by more than 70 percent. To achieve this revenue lift, he deployed a methodology and four-step process: 1) establish metric/baseline, 2) group, 3) test and 4) optimize.
In this interview, DiVincenzo describes the four steps in detail, as well as how to implement them in your own portfolio.
Michael Cyger March 12, 2012
What are the best domain names to buy for parking, how can you maximize your return on investment when buying such names, and what is an appropriate return on investment for parking? These are but three of the questions answered in this week’s show with Michael Gilmour.
An entrepreneur and investor, Gilmour started his domain name business by placing a big bet: his last $100 on a single domain name that he immediately parked. Learn how Gilmour parlayed his earnings from that single domain into a portfolio that at its peak generated thousands of dollars a day in parking revenue.
Michael Cyger January 23, 2012
Are you interested in knowing all the inner workings and insider tips for navigating auctions at Go Daddy?
Paul Nicks, the director of Go Daddy Aftermarket, answers questions about Go Daddy Auctions, including how the company sells more than 36,000 domain names per month and how domain name investors can take advantage of its massive customer roster.
Michael Cyger December 5, 2011
Frank Schilling is shaking up the domain parking industry by providing a reported 50-90% more revenue to domain name portfolio owners.
With very little information published on his new company’s website,, I sat down with Frank to get the whole story and clear up some rumors and misconceptions about his new service.
Michael Cyger May 31, 2011
Domain parking is the registration of an Internet domain name without developing a website — in other words, without placing any original content or articles on the domain name. There are a host of companies that provide domain name parking to help owners monetize their domain names. Below is a list of domain name parking […]
DomainSherpa January 1, 2011