Domain Name Escrow Archive

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Go Close A Domain Name Sale This Month, We’ll Pay Your Escrow

Go Close A Domain Name Sale This Month, We’ll Pay Your Escrow

Do you want an excuse to close a domain name sale this month?

Here’s your motivation: a free escrow for your next domain name sale.

But hurry! has just launched Payoneer Escrow integration and for the month of April 2017, you can get a free escrow transaction.

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Domain Name Escrow with

Domain Name Escrow with

This tutorial takes you step-by-step through the domain name escrow service. You will walk away with an understanding of how the service works and every aspect of the transaction it monitors.

Also covered are the five areas of an escrow that you need to understand to avoid making a costly mistake

Rent-to-Own a Domain Name for Your Business – With Adam Paddock

Rent-to-Own a Domain Name for Your Business – With Adam Paddock

Buy any domain name you want – even that domain name that’s worth $20,000 or $250,000 – for as little as 3 percent down and $69 per month.

That’s the seller-financing service that Adam Paddock of is offering, opening up the opportunity for entrepreneurs to build their business on the best domain name possible.

Eliminate Risk with a Domain Name Escrow Service – With Brandon Abbey

Eliminate Risk with a Domain Name Escrow Service – With Brandon Abbey

Whether you are buying a domain name that is $20,000 or $200, using an escrow service to eliminate the risk of fraud and guarantee that you receive the domain name can be money well spent. An escrow account also can be used to spread payments over time – such as with the recent $4.2 million purchase of, currently being transacted through 69 payments of about $61,000 each at

These topics and more are discussed with Brandon Abbey, president of Learn what domain names Abbey owns, and what car he purchased through an escrow account at

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