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Help! My Domain Name Was Stolen (And 3 Ways to Recover It) – With David Weslow

Help! My Domain Name Was Stolen (And 3 Ways to Recover It) – With David Weslow

Millions of credit cards numbers are stolen every month, and bots continually scour the internet looking for websites to hack. The domain name industry is not immune to thieves and hackers.

A month doesn’t go by without a domain name being identified as stolen and the registrant frantically trying to stop it from changing registrars and leaving the country.

In this interview, David Weslow describes the three steps you can take to recover your domain name before it’s too late.

He also discusses the six steps you need to take to prevent a domain name theft from occurring in the first place.

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Lower Your Risk of UDRP Action in Generic Domain Name Investments

Lower Your Risk of UDRP Action in Generic Domain Name Investments

The greatest risk to owning a high-value generic domain name is having it taken away from you during a UDRP action.

If you’re spending $10,000, $50,000 or $100,000 or more on a premium generic domain name and you want to lower your risk of UDRP, URS or lawsuit, then pay attention to these four attorneys and the tactics they suggest.

Learn from:
• David Weslow of Wiley Rein
• Stevan Lieberman of Greenberg & Lieberman
• Zak Muscovitch of The Muscovitch Law Firm
• Jason Schaeffer of ESQwire.com

Do Not Register Trademark-infringing Domain Names – With David Weslow

Do Not Register Trademark-infringing Domain Names – With David Weslow

How risky could registering a $10 domain name be?

Every day new domain name investors and speculators overlook the financial risk associated with registering a domain name that infringes on an existing trademark – a mistake that could cost them more than $100,000. And it’s happening at an increasing rate with the new top-level domains available for registration.

If you’re a domain name broker or an experienced investor that regularly receives emails from new investors asking for help or valuation – and the portfolio is full of trademark-infringing domain names – this is the video to refer them to.

If you’re a new domain name investor or speculator, learn how to avoid the mistake that has the potential to financially bankrupt you.

Everything You’ve Ever Wanted to Know About UDRP – With David Weslow

Everything You’ve Ever Wanted to Know About UDRP – With David Weslow

Domain name disputes are happening more frequently every day. Why? And how can a UDRP impact you as an entrepreneur or domain name investor?

Intellectual property attorney David Weslow discusses the ins and outs of the UDRP process, including what is required when filing an action, how to defend against a claim, the approximate costs of filing a UDRP or law suit, and how you can prepare for the 1,400 new gTLDs to be launched in the upcoming years.

What Every Domain Investor Needs to Know to Avoid a Legal Snafu – with David Weslow

What Every Domain Investor Needs to Know to Avoid a Legal Snafu – with David Weslow

Today’s guest first became knowledgable about domain names as a webmaster at the dawn of the World Wide Web and later while working at an Internet high-flier. Now, he is an attorney specializing in intellectual property and domain names.

In an interview that will be sure to interest entrepreneurs, start-ups, and domain name investors, David E. Weslow discusses: buy/sell domain name agreements, trademarks, auto-blogging software that is popular with WordPress-powered websites, UDRP issues, lawsuits, and much more.

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