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Developing Software As a Service for Recurring Monthly Income – With Matt Mazur

Developing Software As a Service for Recurring Monthly Income – With Matt Mazur

Are you tired of building websites made for AdSense, hoping to generate ad revenue? Instead, build a website that solves a real customer problem, and then charge that customer a recurring monthly fee.

In this interview, Matt Mazur shares how he’s doing just that using the software as a service (SaaS) business model, including:
* His traffic, business model, revenue and growth opportunities
* Why building businesses may be fun, but marketing them is how he’s going to make a living
* How he solved the problem of finding a great, brandable domain name using LeanDomainSearch.com
* And much more!

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GroupTrip.CO or GrpTrp.COM: Split Testing a Domain Name

GroupTrip.CO or GrpTrp.COM: Split Testing a Domain Name

Bryan Marble is the founder of GroupTrip, a social web service that helps plan travel logistics with friends. His tech startup doesn’t have a lot of money to spend on branding, a domain name or marketing — they’re still in beta testing. But on the encouragement of a well-known talk-Internet host, he evaluated the use of a new top level domain for his website: .CO. This is the story of how split testing (also known as A/B testing) and data helped Mr. Marble decide whether to select the best .COM domain name he could afford or a better name but with a .CO extension.

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