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Do you want to transfer your domain name to a different registrar, but aren’t quite sure where to start? Maybe you are initiating a domain transfer process to sell your unused domain. Maybe you need additional services that your current registrar does not provide. Maybe you are simply looking for a price break.
Regardless of your reasons, transferring your domain name to a new registrar is relatively easy and straightforward. We show you how.
Aishwar Sharma September 11, 2011
If you transfer a domain name from one registrar to another registrar (e.g., Go Daddy to Moniker), there is a 60 day domain name transfer lock which prevents a subsequent transfer for another 60 days. However, if you transfer a domain name from one account to another account at the same registrar — often called a “domain push” or simply “push,” the 60 day domain name transfer lock rule does not apply. For this reason, you can purchase a domain name from another party, have them push it to your account at the same registrar, and have immediate access to the domain name without worry about the 60 day domain name transfer lock rule.
DomainSherpa January 24, 2011