Industry Sentiment; How to Stop Domain Theft; .Sucks Sucks; UDRP Issues…

DomainSherpa Discussion with Michael Cyger, Andrew Allemann, Michael Berkens and Page HoweWe’re joined by three Domain Sherpas: Andrew Allemann, Michael Berkens and Page Howe.

This is the show where we discuss industry and Internet news, what the news means to you, and questions from the audience.

In this DomainSherpa Discussion:

  • The domain industry sentiment summarized in’s annual survey
  • Domain name theft is on the rise – here’s what you can do to stop it today
  • .Sucks releases premium pricing of up to $2,499 for trademark holders – is it extortion?
  • Dissenting panelist in UDRP case is completely off-base – what to do about it?
  • Reader question: How to find renewal pricing on premium gTLDs?
  • And much more!

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34 Responses to “Industry Sentiment; How to Stop Domain Theft; .Sucks Sucks; UDRP Issues…”

  1. Craig says:

    Two quick question I hope you can help me with.

    1. Do you buy popular two word .net domains that have 5,000+ searches per month?

    2. Do you recommend buying two word .com domains and adding extended words such as “all”, “Direct”, “Express” to capture a domain that you can’t normally get. Example: is not available, but lets say, or are available. Do you recommend and have you had any success with domains like these? Can you still get good google rankings with a extended domain name like this?

  2. PalmBeach says:

    I think, for companies, .Sucks is a good place to address / manage online complaints. As a consumer I can purchase for $10, CompanySucks.Club, for $15 or CompanySucks.Gripe for $40 and exercise my first amendment right all day long for next to nothing except …. Time and effort.

  3. Thank you for a great show once more.

    Re: Stolen names – luckily there’s also quite a few stolen names that don’t make it to the news, but are still recovered behind the scenes.

    Re: UDRP providers: @Michael mentioned the contract between ICANN and the UDRP arbitration providers. Problem is, there is no such contract (!).

  4. Cam says:

    Please stop saying Godaddy offers 2 step authentication. This is only partly true. If you are Canadian they dont give you this. I have over 40 domain names with them and no one at godaddy tells me why they dont offer this for Canadians.

    1. You’re right, GoDaddy’s 2FA only works for customers in the US, so I’d not use them if I was not in the US. Let your wallet do the talking and move your domains.

      Here are some alternatives:

      I recommend Great 2FA and beautiful design.

      1. cam says:

        Thanks for the reply Michael,

        I have been with them for over ten years and I have been happy with them, but this really should be a deal breaker. Thanks for the recommendations for other registrars

  5. Eric Jenkins says:


    Great interview, as always loaded with a great deal of useful information!

    Thanks…..Eric Jenkins


  6. Here’s a full list of registrars that offer two-factor authentication:

  7. Albert says:

    I actually won a U.D.R.P. for the domain name and I honestly I was going to lose.

    But I did the research and just submitted my best answer.

    At the end, it turns out that the guy knew a family member and gave me a fair price (Less then $10K and more then $5K)

    Thanks for another great one guys and Andrew, I am starting to listen to your podcasts now.

    1. Shaun says:

      Hello, just curious, why did you even attempt a UDRP on BridalRings?

      1. Albert says:

        Not understanding the question.

        1. Albert says:

          Sorry Shaun.

          I meant the other party tried to take the name from me and they lost.

  8. John says:

    Hi folks,

    Many thanks for yr presentation. Congrats!

  9. Shaun says:

    GoDaddy does not have 2-FA for accounts outside US while Namecheap and others have this service for users outside US.

    While GoDaddy has international presence, still do not understand why they are not rolling this out to other countries… Really a turn off from GoDaddy

  10. Noor Manji says:

    Super show guys, thank you all. I did get one domain approved for the verisign contest, let’s see how it goes. Andrew, congrats on 10 years, look forward to the next 20.

  11. TLDWatch says:

    RE: .SUCKS;

    Oddly, there are just under 32K SLDs in .COM that end in sucks (ex., <9K in .NET, and 250 across the delegated gTLDs post 2012.

    Note that these are from zones that have a name server assigned to them. There could be several more that are dark.

  12. Angel says:

    I just added the 2-step authorization to my GoDaddy account.

    Thanks for the tip

  13. Gary says: offers 2fa. Great show as usual!

  14. John says: also allows users to set up 2fa using Authenticator. Enjoyed the discussion as always.

    1. Awesome. Thanks, John.

  15. Kellie says:

    Can’t agree with you guys more about two factor auth.

    We launched with it at Dotology and we’ve tried to make it as easy as possible to use and we put the instructions to set it up right in the security settings. Google Authenticator has made it much easier than it used to be.

    Directnic offers the same service and set up, as well.

    1. Great to hear, Kellie.

      I’m going to be creating a resource page of registrars offering two factor authentication, and encouraging everyone to switch to them for protection.

      Thanks for watching and providing this information.

  16. ecomoving london says:

    all those new extensions have no use except for App a great extensión suck will be a success they are going to make money with that extension

    1. I like the .APP extension too. It will do well, given our app-driven mobile lifestyle.

  17. hire.Domains says:

    As always many thanks to all the Sherpas, Sponsor Lawyer had reference to cyberSquatting?

    1. I’m sorry, I didn’t understand your question. Did you have a question about our sponsor, David Weslow, that I can answer for you or refer to David?

      1. Hire.Domains says:

        I was just stating as I watched the sponsor ad I noticed a quick reference on the example page to cybersquatting and found it interesting considering the varied use of the term these days, cheers

  18. Roy Turner says:

    Great show. Thanks, gentlemen!

    1. Thanks for watching and posting a comment, Roy!

  19. Yuan says:

    Great pracitcal advice for stopping domain name theft. I appreciate the entire panel spending the time to educate us. I’m going to switch to Uniregistry.

    Mr. Cyger, can you post the links to the websites that show pricing?

    1. Thanks for the reminder, Yuan!

      The two services that I’ve found that allow you to find the least expensive registrar for both “classic” and new gTLDs are:

      For example, if I want to register a .Guide domain name, both DomComp and TLD-List say 1&1 is $19.99 for a new registration and renewal.

      If you click on the TLD at TLD-List you can quickly see the renewal cost…so what will it cost me the year after I register it or transfer it in. That’s important.

      But then on DomComp, you can more quickly look at who offers the least expensive renewal cost.

      So I use both. :)

  20. ikehook says:

    Just register your domains with NetSol to avoid theft. What thief wants to deal with that much hassle just to steal a name?

  21. Neil says:

    Hi all
    On the topic of domain theft and UDRP, I wanted to know if anyone has heard of ‘Vspace’ or a lawyer called ‘Martin Kernan’ purporting to represent a Canadian company in domain purchases, who operates out of Basel, Switzerland?

    I got an email from him without any company links/branding etc.



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