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Domain Names for the Average Joe – With Page Howe

Domain Names for the Average Joe – With Page Howe

Page Howe did not start domaining in the mid-1990s like so many other mega-domainers who have sold domain names for millions. Instead, he started just when the market was crashing in 2001 by buying the assets of a dot-com burnout through eBay for $105,000. He later sold those assets for $1.8 million.

As a regular “Joe Domainer” – in fact, he named his domain name marketplace – Howe uses a very structured approach to successfully buy and sell domain names in the under $5,000 range. The entire interview is packed full of great tips, so be sure to grab a pen and pad of paper before watching this show.

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Seize the Opportunity – With Troy Rushton

Seize the Opportunity – With Troy Rushton

During his career as an entrepreneur, Troy Rushton has started and exited three companies. Today, he is working on his fourth and biggest idea: creating a domain name exchange platform, similar to stock exchange platforms like NASDAQ and NYSE.

Learn how Rushton built and sold his last three companies for millions, where he finds inspiration, and how he guides new ideas through their natural evolution to maximum profitability.

How to Grab an Expiring Domain Name

How to Grab an Expiring Domain Name

Any domain name that reaches expired status and is not renewed by the owner will likely be auctioned by an exclusive auction service.

If you really want a domain name, find out which auction service the domain name will be auctioned at and get your bid ready.

What a Teenager Can Teach You About Domaining – with Brian Diener

What a Teenager Can Teach You About Domaining – with Brian Diener

What can a teenager teach you about domaining? In this case, a heck of a lot — don’t equate a low age with with a lack of experience.

Instead of buying and flipping domains, or buying and doing nothing with domain names, you can build significant value into your domain name portfolio by developing the domain names into mini-sites. Brian Diener has not only done it, but he’s done it successfully for himself and his clients.

In his relatively short domaining career, Brian has accomplished a number of great feats. He has developed a successful mini-site model for his business. He has had a $1,000 day through affiliate marketing. And he not only continued to study in school while domaining but was accepted into Emory University this coming fall.

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