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Making Millions Through Domain Portfolios and an Affiliate Network – With Evan Horowitz

Making Millions Through Domain Portfolios and an Affiliate Network – With Evan Horowitz

Evan Horowitz learned about the Internet and honed his sales expertise early in his career. Doing so helped him develop one of the leading domain name brokerages and create an affiliate network worth millions in annual sales. Along the way, Horowitz invented the system and method for Affiliate Pooling, a patent that last year alone brought in $1 million in licensing fees.

In this show, Horowitz shares how he built his businesses, how he enforces his patent, and his views for the future of the domain name industry.

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Building the Industry Leading Science Fiction Blog – with Chef Patrick Ruddell

Building the Industry Leading Science Fiction Blog – with Chef Patrick Ruddell

Patrick Ruddell does not do anything halfway. His accomplishments are many, including real estate, domain names and a unique conference over the water.

But sometimes Chef Patrick’s enthusiasm misfires (i.e., Moniker-gate). In this show you will learn about both Chef Patrick’s successes and mistakes, including his latest acquisition,, which he purchased for $175,000 in late 2010. You will also learn what Chef Patrick has in store for DN Cruise 2011, and whether the Chef really can cook. Shakes Up Domain Parking Industry – with Frank Schilling Shakes Up Domain Parking Industry – with Frank Schilling

Frank Schilling is shaking up the domain parking industry by providing a reported 50-90% more revenue to domain name portfolio owners.

With very little information published on his new company’s website,, I sat down with Frank to get the whole story and clear up some rumors and misconceptions about his new service.

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