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DomainSherpa Review – January 5, 2023: Happy New Year: Jachten.com, SexualAssaultAttorney.com, Quilt.com

DomainSherpa Review – January 5, 2023: Happy New Year: Jachten.com, SexualAssaultAttorney.com, Quilt.com

What do successful domain name investors think when they value domain names?

In this show:
• The Sherpas play The Domain Game (starting at the 58:30 mark), where they guess what certain domains were bought and sold for and discuss the reasons behind their evaluations. Today’s domains are Jachten.com, SexualAssaultAttorney.com, & Quilt.com;
• They review a list of domains about to come up for auction on NameJet.com, including MuscleDrink.com, PetClothing.com, GameParty.com, & WifiBooster.com;
• They talk about the recent changes to the GoDaddy commission structure, affecting sales on GoDaddy, UniRegistry, & Dan.com, among others;
• Also, the Sherpas discuss the upcoming ICA meeting in Las Vegas and NamesCon23 in Austin, and some general thoughts on luck and success;
• Plus, all DomainSherpa podcasts are now up on our YouTube channel at DS.tv and much more!

JT is joined by Drew, Braden, & Adam so be sure to tune in and Happy New Year!!!

More Reviews

DomainSherpa Review – December 22, 2022: The DomainSherpa 2022 Holiday Spectacular!

DomainSherpa Review – December 22, 2022: The DomainSherpa 2022 Holiday Spectacular!

What happens when successful domain name investors get together to celebrate the holidays? They kick off the DomainSherpa 2022 Holiday Spectacular!

In this special show:
• The Sherpas play a Secret Santa game, where everyone hand-registered a domain for someone else on the show and the rest of the panel guesses which Sherpa the domain name is for;
• The Sherpas play a quick version of The Domain Game (starting at the 47:36 mark), where they guess what certain domains were bought and sold for and discuss the reasons behind their evaluations. Today’s domains are Reflect.net & Deep.co;
• They review a list of domains about to come up for auction on NameJet.com, including HyperFocus.com, CountryCabin.com, RockingHorses.com, & ESQ.net;
• Plus, all DomainSherpa podcasts are now up on our YouTube channel at DS.tv and much more!

JT is joined by a huge cast of characters so be sure to tune in! Happy Holidays!!

DomainSherpa Review – December 8, 2022: Adam Strong Finally Shows Up: CyberPrevent.com, Brush.ai, Useless.info

DomainSherpa Review – December 8, 2022: Adam Strong Finally Shows Up: CyberPrevent.com, Brush.ai, Useless.info

What do successful domain name investors think when they value domain names?

In this show:
• The Sherpas play The Domain Game (starting at the 42:38 mark), where they guess what certain domains were bought and sold for and discuss the reasons behind their evaluations. Today’s domains are CyberPrevent.com, Brush.ai, & Useless.info;
• They review a list of domains about to come up for auction on NameJet.com, including Poser.com, WinLabs.com, PrivacyPro.com, & Feelings.org;
• They talk a bit about domain conference swag;
• Also, the Sherpas discuss the recent chatter in the domain space about.xyz premium domain sales;
• Plus, all DomainSherpa podcasts are now up on our YouTube channel at DS.tv and much more!

JT is joined by Shane, Ammar, & Adam Strong so be sure to tune in!

DomainSherpa Review – October 31, 2022: Happy Sherpaween!: Parasail.io, Climax.net, Squeegees.com

DomainSherpa Review – October 31, 2022: Happy Sherpaween!: Parasail.io, Climax.net, Squeegees.com

What do successful domain name investors think when they value domain names?

In this show:
• The Sherpas celebrate “Sherpaween” and dress up in costumes;
• They play The Domain Game, where they guess what certain domains were bought and sold for and discuss the reasons behind their evaluations. Today’s domains are Parasail.io, Climax.net, & Squeegees.com;
• They review a list of domains about to come up for auction on NameJet.com, including LooksGood.com, TheUsed.com, & HouseOfFashion.com;
• Also, they go behind the mask to talk about some tools and tactics that the Sherpas use when evaluating domain names, and much more!

JT is joined by Braden, Ammar, & Jen Sale so be sure to tune in!

DomainSherpa Review – September 15, 2022: What’s Your Favorite Scary Movie?: Raw.org, Overthinker.com, Rockhounds.com, GreatLeaf.com

DomainSherpa Review – September 15, 2022: What’s Your Favorite Scary Movie?: Raw.org, Overthinker.com, Rockhounds.com, GreatLeaf.com

What do successful domain name investors think when they value domain names?

In this show:
• The Sherpas play The Domain Game, where they guess what certain domains were bought and sold for and discuss the reasons behind their evaluations. Today’s domains are Raw.org, Overthinker.com, Rockhounds.com, GreatLeaf.com, and more;
• They review a list of domains about to come up for auction on NameJet.com, including OceanClub.com, IPManagement.com, NewEmpire.com, and LaLa.net;
• Also, they recap some of their favorite scary movies of all-time from the 52:38 mark thru 57:51;
• Plus all DomainSherpa podcasts are now up on our YouTube channel at DS.tv, and much more!

JT is joined by Shane, Braden, & Jen so be sure to tune in!

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